
Spider-Girl Shimmer

Aug 15th, 2016
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  1. >be Sunset Shimmer, a.k.a Spider-Girl
  2. >after defeating evil Twidemon thing something strange happened
  3. >a spider tattoo magically appeared on your right forearm and gave you spider-like abilities
  4. >now you can climb on walls, spin webs and grow a glowing yellow exoskeleton
  5. >it seems that your physical abilities also increased drastically
  6. >you accidentally ripped off the bathroom door from its hinges right after the demon incident
  7. >luckily the damage was attiributed to the incident
  8. >you take your lunch tray and sit with the six girls you always do
  9. "Hey girls"
  10. >"Hey Sunset"
  11. >"Heyyyo!"
  12. >"Hello darling"
  13. >"Hiya sugarcube"
  14. >"Yo!"
  15. >"H-hi"
  16. >other students, while not out right rude to you, try to avoid you
  17. >you did turn into a demon and attacked them
  18. >then turned into an angel and saved them so they don't know what to make of you
  19. >after getting the weird spider powers, you are also confused about yourself
  20. >you used to like reading those power pony comics, not the enchanted ones, and this was exactly like one of those
  21. >so you made a costume for yourself and started your superhero carrier
  22. >you thought about using the exoskeleton as a costume but it may have reminded some people of you as an angel
  23. >it's been a month since and you already get the front page in newspapers really often
  24. >as a menace and vigilante
  25. >many people are afraid of you
  26. >police is after you
  27. >and there are some super villains that you occasionally fight
  28. >tough life, but you like helping people and it's only when you wear that costume
  29. >you did a good job keeping your identity secret so far
  30. >as a reward you get to have a normal highschool life
  31. >well... normal-ish
  32. >"Mind if I sit here?"
  33. >the question breaks you out of you thoughts
  34. >you turn to answer
  35. >its a girl you haven't seen before
  36. >she has green hair and eyes, she is wearing a white shirt with a four leaf clover on her heart
  37. >she has a nice figure too, dem boobs
  38. >wtf brain
  39. >she's still waiting for your answer
  40. "Umm yes, I-I mean no, go ahead"
  42. >be Femanon Yvette Mous
  43. "Mind if I sit here?" You ask the girl with bacon hair.
  44. >she turns to look at you
  45. >and look she does, especially at your tits
  46. >maybe you saw it wrong
  47. >she looks down blushing
  48. >yep, she definitely looked at your tits
  49. >you were right Grannymous, all that broccoli worked
  50. >"Umm yes, I-I mean no, go ahead"
  51. >maybe you should mess with her a little
  52. >or not since this is literally your first day in this school
  53. >oh who are you kidding
  54. >you sit next to her
  55. "Like what you see?" You mumble, barely audible but she heard you
  56. >her head snaps at your direction her face is gaining more color
  57. >she was about to say something but a pink cotton candy interrupts her by pushing her head down
  58. >"Are you new? You must be new 'cuz I don't know you. And I know everybody and I mean everybody in this school."
  59. >wtf the cotton candy talked
  60. >oh wait it's another girl
  61. >seems like shenanigens with bacon hair gonna be postponed
  62. "Oh yeah I'm new. My family moved here just a week ago. We've been unpacking and settling in for the past few days."
  63. >"Ooooh," she gets uncomfortably close to your face, "so what's your name? Mine's Pinkie Pie. You can call me pinkie. All my friends do!"
  64. >you lay back a little, away from her face
  65. "Oookay? Name's Femanon. You can call me Fem, I guess"
  66. >"Nice to meet you!" She starts shaking your hand like an old washing machine
  67. >thankfully bacon hair pushes her away and sits back up, saving you hand from Pinkie's death grip
  68. >she glares at Pinkie before turning to you, her blushing died down
  69. >"I'm Sunset Shimmer. Never call me Shimmy." You shake hands, normally this time.
  70. "Nice to meet you... Shimmy" you say with a smirk
  71. >that elicits a laugh from a rainbow haired kid
  72. >"I like you Fem, name's Rainbow Dash"
  73. >she's reaching for a handshake too but brain is busy
  74. >>"She don't look like no highschooler"
  75. >it's true, she looks really small and you can't see any tits
  76. >you turn to baco- Shimmy
  77. "What's this kid doing here?"
  78. >Rainbow's looking at you mouth agape
  79. >Sunset turns to her and lets out a "Hah!"
  81. >Rainbow turns back to her meal, pouting
  82. >"There there sugarcube. You're just a late bloomer's all" says cowgirl, rubbing her back
  83. >she turns to you, "And you should think more before talking"
  84. "Sorry" you say sheepishly
  85. >"Mah name's Applejack. Y'all can call me AJ"
  86. >you give her an acknowledging nod
  87. >"welcome to CHS dear, I am Rarity" pale girl with purple hair says. "I do hope we'll all be good friends"
  88. "Yeah, likewise"
  89. >pink haired yellow girl mumbles something and looks down
  90. "You said something?" you ask. She hides behind her hair
  91. >Rainbow jumps in instead "Yeah that's Fluttershy. She tries to live up to her name so give her some time to warm up to you"
  92. You turn to Fluttershy, "Don't worry sister, I don't bite. Not unless you don't want me to" you wink
  93. >she buries her head in her arms, making you chuckle
  94. >"Ahem, my name is Twilight Sparkle. I came to this school just two weeks before you but I'd be happy to help you if you need to catch up or need notes" girl with glasses says
  95. "That's very helpful of you, thanks" she must be the nerd of the group
  96. >rest of the lunch goes by with small chat and before you know it's time for classes
  97. >"So what classes do you have?" Asks Twilight as you walk out of the cafeteria
  98. "I've got science now, and literature after that"
  99. >"Oh oh oh!" Pinkie chimes in "Sunny has science too, and she was looking for a lab partner for the longest time, right Sunsun?"
  100. >Shimmy lets out a nervous chuckle. "Heheh, yeah Pinkie"
  101. >oh this gun be gud
  102. >you throw your arm around Sunset's shoulders
  103. "Don't worry Shimmy, I'll be your /partner/"
  105. >Be Sunset
  106. >Fem is either hitting on you or messing with you
  107. >you look around, no one seems to notice
  108. >how did girls didn't catch her sultry voice when she said she'll be your partner
  109. >and with her arm around you, you're trying really hard not to blush
  110. >"You are really warm you know that?" She whispers in your ear before heading towards her locker
  111. >your heart picked up the pace
  112. >it's gonna be a long day
  114. >be Sunset Shimmer
  115. >you are waiting for Fem in front of the school
  116. >because she has some problems with catching up on classes and you agreed to help her
  117. >there is a tap on your shoulder
  118. >you turn around and see Fem looking at you smiling
  119. >"So, where're we going?" She asks.
  120. "Where do you wanna go?" She raises one of her brows.
  121. >"I'm new in town hun," oh yeah, that was a stupid question. "But," she continues, "if you want," she is getting closer, "we could go," closer, "to your place and have some--"
  122. > Too Close!
  123. "SUGARCUBE CORNER!" You scream. Everyone is looking at you now. "W-we can go to Sugarcube Corner." You say sheepishly. "Pinkie might be there too so you can ask her for help if I can't satisfy you."
  124. >She is smirking. Oh Celestia what did you just say!
  125. "I-I... uuuh..." Great, now you can't speak.
  126. >She puts her hand on your shoulder. "Relax Shimmy, you look like a tomato. Take a deep breath."
  127. >You do what she says, "Now lets go, Shim-Sham. Lead the way!"
  128. >She is so weird.
  130. >be Femanon
  131. >be in the Sugarcube Corner
  132. >You kinda over did it with the teasing today
  133. >Still who would've guessed Shimmy was going to scream
  134. >Nonetheless, you decided that it's a good idea to stop with it for today
  135. >It was funny how she got flustered though
  136. >Heh
  137. >"Fem? Are you listening?" Oh, right, studying...
  138. "Yeah Shimmy, of course I'm listening." That was not believable at all
  139. >"Really? What was the last thing I said?" Oh, shit
  140. "You asked if I was listening?" You say sheepishly. She sighed, that's not good
  141. >"If you don't listen how am I supposed to help you?"
  142. >you were about to speak but someone just kicked the café's door in and... yep, gunshots
  143. >"Everybody on the ground, NOW!"
  144. >It was just this one guy. He looked like a junky that needs his meth
  145. >That means pretty dangerous so you grab Sunset and pull her down to the ground with you
  147. >be Sunset Shimmer
  148. >be laying on the ground next to Fem
  149. >"Now just don't move, I just need the money"
  150. >Of all the days it had to be this one
  151. >Who robs a café anyway?
  152. >Nevertheless you need to stop this guy
  153. >You start to get up but Fem grasps your wrist
  154. >"What are you doing?" She whispers.
  155. "I'll stop him." You say plainly.
  156. >"Are you crazy? He's got a gun! What is your plan?"
  157. >You open you mouth to answer but... What are you gonna say?
  158. >"See? Exactly!" She says. "Just stay down and hope he isn't as crazy as you are. The café will survive!"
  159. >"You! Cotton candy, open the put the money in the bag!" You turn to the robber and back to Fem.
  160. >"I have to do something, please let me go."
  161. >She gives you a nervous look before speaking "Okay, fine, jeez. Just keep my secret okay?" She look around for a second. "Don't tell anyone." And she just vanished.
  162. >wut?
  163. >you look towards the robber just as he gets sweeped off of his feet by an invisible force.
  164. >He starts swinging his gun around while still laying on the ground. "What the fuck? Who did this?" He yells just as his gun is sent flying out of his hands
  165. >He takes a fetal position, covering his head. "I surrender, I surrender! Please don't hurt me."
  166. >He gets smacked in the head and falls unconcious. You still haven't seen anyone doing anything to him
  167. >A moment later Fem appears just where she was before disappearing
  168. >"There, are you happy?" You just stare at her with wide eyes
  169. "Did you just do that?"
  170. >"We're going to talk about that when we get out of here and I mean it, don't tell anyone." You just nod.
  171. >This is gonna be... interesting?
  173. >be Femanon
  174. >Now you've done
  175. >First day at your new school and you are already exposed yourself to a girl you barely know
  176. >You can only hope she doesn't blackmail you
  178. >be Sunset Shimmer
  179. >After you and Fem gave your statements to the police she dragged you to her place
  180. >You are in her room now, she is checking windows and closing the curtains while you look around
  181. >She's got a pretty decent PC gig and from all the posters she looks really into vidya
  182. >"Okay, listen." She catches your attention. "I know you have your questions"
  183. >You've never seen her this nervous
  184. >Heh, revenge...
  185. >"I'll answer them but please don't tell anyone about this. I'd do anything"
  186. >Anything huh? That sounds desperate.
  187. >"Yes, um... anything."
  188. >Oh shit you said that out loud?
  189. >Oh well, whats done is done so maybe you should have some fun
  190. >You smirk
  193. >be Femanon
  194. >You are fucked
  195. >She is smirking
  196. >She is gonna blackmail you
  197. >Why did you say that you'd do anything stupid stupid girl
  198. >Maybe you could just kill her
  199. >Brain NO! Bad brain.
  200. >"So you can go invisible huh?" Here we go
  201. "Y-yes." You are biting your lower lip now. There is no way she doesn't see how nervous you are
  202. >"And that’s it?" You swallow
  203. "Yes?" Nooo, why did you ask a question!
  204. >"You are lying to me Fem."
  205. "I uh... It's like um..." you sigh. It's over, you might aswell be honest at this point.
  206. >The nervousness fades away with your acceptance, just a little worry remains as you wonder what she might want from you after this
  207. >You take a seat on your bed and motion her to the your gaming chair
  208. "It's more than invisibility, it's intangibility."
  209. >She looks eager now. "So you are like untouchable?"
  210. "Basically I can move through solid objects and have them go through me," you start to explain, "I can make objects move through other objects aswell if they are in a certain proximity. Same goes with any type of energy and force."
  211. >"What do you mean force?" Sunset asks.
  212. "Gravitation, magnetism, pressure, vacuum... stuff like that."
  214. >be Sunset Shimmer
  215. >Fem is strong, like really considerably
  216. >She is basically invulnerable it seems
  217. >She could be really dangerous, you should know what her purpose is
  218. "So are you gonna be like a superhero now?"
  219. >She snorts, "I am already a superhero, I even have my costume on."
  220. >wut?
  221. >She must have seen your confusion because she gets up from her bed and suddenly a futuristic white robe with green outlines appear over her clothes
  222. >She also has a motorcycle helmet, painted green and white just like her robe
  223. >She has a sword on her back too
  224. >"Wow," is the only thing you can say right now. Her costume is so much cooler than yours
  225. >Well, considering yours is a black skinsuit with a giant spider on it and some reflectant flight goggles, it doesn't take too much to be cooler than yours
  226. "Isn't it hot in that all day? Also what's the sword for? It looks a bit extreme."
  227. >"They are intangible hun. As far as physics concerned there is nothing there." She answers. "And sword is for cutting, not your everyday cutting, this is advanced cutting."
  228. >You smell some pasta as she draws her sword. "Now watch this." She swings the sword at the wall and it slices through. You didn't even hear the sword hitting the wall.
  229. >The cut is thinner than paper but you can see it.
  230. >She strikes the wall two more times and pulls out a triangular piece of the wall before sheating her sword.
  231. >She hands it to you. The surface on the cuts is so smooth it feels like it's polished
  232. >She takes the piece and places it back into the wall
  233. >She moves her hand over the cuts and they disappear without a trace
  234. >She sits back on her bed and the costume vanishes once again
  235. "Do you even need a sword?" You ask.
  236. >"My power is directly connected to my mental state and concentration. It's easier to visualize a sword cutting through something than imagining my hands doing it."
  237. >You nod, that makes sense
  238. >But there is still one thing that worries you for some reason
  239. "How does anyone ever beat you?"
  241. >"Do you believe in magic Shimmy?"
  242. >She actually asked that, of course you believe in magic but there is no magic in this world
  243. >Right?
  244. "Not really." You say
  245. >"Well you better start believing, there was this shapeshifting sorceress that whooped my ass a couple of times." She continues.
  246. >"There is also psychics and telekinetics." She looks at you seriously.
  247. >"Being a superhero is hard you know."
  248. >Don't laugh Sunset, just don't...
  249. >You laughed
  250. >Oh no, now she looks angry
  251. >You are about to say something when she talks
  252. >"I'll give you a good laugh, /Shimmy/"
  253. >You fucked up
  255. >be Femanon
  256. >You don't like that she is laughing at you
  257. >You do this to protect people
  258. >You put your life on the line
  259. >You lost...
  260. >You feel anger boiling up inside you
  261. "I'll give you a good laugh, /Shimmy/"
  262. >A right swing connects with her face
  263. >"Calm down Fem, I didn't mean to laugh." She doesn't even seem like she felt it
  264. >You swing another, harder this time. She tries to block but you pass right through her and land a hit on her chin
  265. >This time she stumbled a bit but she still seems fine
  266. >"Fem listen, I'm sorry I laughed." Her words just makes you angrier.
  267. "I told you the most secret part of my life, you could destroy me with what you know, but I thought even if you blackmail me I'd live with that, but this..." When did you get your sword?
  268. >"CELESTIA DAMN IT FEMANON," you swing your sword and she jump up to the ceiling
  269. >You wait for her to fall down but she doesn't
  270. >Wait...
  271. >"I'M A SUPERHERO TOO!"
  272. >Oh...
  273. >You fucked up
  275. >be Femanon
  276. >you've just tried to cut your new friend with a fucking sword
  277. >you also punched her a couple of times
  278. >just because of a misunderstanding
  279. >you definitely have anger issues
  280. "I'm sorry, Sunset." you start, looking down. "What I've done was inexcusable. I'd understand if you don't wanna do anything with me anymore."
  281. >Sunset drops down from the ceiling and stands there, looking at you for a minute
  282. >"Give me the sword," she says, surprising you. "please?"
  283. >you do what she asks for, she takes it and starts examining it
  284. >"Did you kill anyone with this?" She asks.
  285. >You are once again surprised, but she has the right and reason to ask you that question
  286. "No." You shook your head
  287. >"Did you maimed anyone? Cut anyone?"
  288. "Nothing permanent." You say, worried
  289. >She nods. "I am sorry too, for laughing at you." She hands you your sword and you grab the hilt, but she doesn't let go.
  290. >"Can you promise me, that this sword will never take a life?" She looks really serious.
  291. You nod. "I promise."
  292. >She lets go of the sword and you put it back in its sheath
  293. >"Then I'll keep being your friend." She says with a smile
  294. >And a hug
  295. >whoo-kay
  296. >you hug back awkwardly for a moment before letting go
  297. >you both stand in an awkward silence for a few seconds before she speaks
  298. >"So, what do you call yourself?"
  300. >be Sunset
  301. >it looks like the superhero bussiness is really important and serious to Fem
  302. >you're glad she calmed down though, even if she did try to cut you in two
  303. >That's why you asked her those questions and made her promise
  304. >"I call myself Aether," she says.
  305. "And I am Spider-Girl," you say, shaking her hand. "It's nice to be properly introduced."
  307. >You are now Screwball
  308. >You haven't been getting much clicks on your videos lately
  309. >It's easy to fix, with some more livestreamed crime
  310. >That's what you do
  311. >Commit minor crimes, livestream them, get views
  312. >You now have a baseball bat and a nail gun strapped to your hip
  313. >You look to the camera you are holding
  314. "Hello my dear fans and welcome to Screwball Show!" You do the intro. "Today I'm gonna smash some traffic lights. Shoot some tires with my nail gun and maybe beat up a few cops. Also cross your fingers for Spider-Girl. I've got a little surprise for her."
  315. >You take your bat and run towards the first traffic light you see
  316. >This is gonna be fun!
  318. >Be Sunset Shimmer
  319. >Fem made you some coffee after her apology
  320. >You and her are now watching some TV
  321. >There is some news about a man saving a dog after it was hit by a motorcycle
  322. "I think we should continue studying Fem." You say. "You won't be catching up on the classes anytime soon if we don't."
  323. >"Yeeeaaah..." She winces a little. "I actually lied about not understanding." You raise a brow.
  324. "Why?"
  325. >"I umm..." She plays with her hair. "It was my first day at school and I wanted to make a friend."
  326. >Well that's cute. "Heh."
  327. >"Hey don't laugh, I was really nervous while asking you if I could sit at your table." She grins. "You checking my boobs did kill the tension though."
  328. "I did no such thing." You say.
  329. >"Yeah, yeah, whatever." She dismisses. "The point is we don't need to study. We could play some Mortal Kombat X if you are up for it?"
  330. >You've never tried playing any games before but there is not much to do anyway
  331. "Sure, but you gotta teach me first."
  333. "Or we could go catch some criminals. Whaddaya say?"
  334. >She smirks. "Oh I'm in."
  336. >Be Screwball
  337. >You have been having fun with the cops but it really starts to get boring
  338. >You jump behind a wall and check on your viewers
  339. >They seem to be bored too
  340. "C'mon Spider-Girl"
  341. >You exhale and go back to pulling cops' pants down and handcuffing them together
  342. >Just as you were about to swing your bat to a police car's windshield a web catches it
  343. >You turn to see no other than Spider-Girl
  344. "Awww yeah! Thanks for joining us SG! I've been waiting for you"
  345. >"Wouldn't miss it for the world you maniac," she says, "I also brought a friend hope you don't mind"
  346. >Uh oh...
  347. >You look around to see her +1
  348. >"Down here sexy"
  349. >You look down
  350. >She just came out of the ground!
  351. >You try to run away but she catches you by the ankles, causing you to do the flap
  352. "Oww" You sit up rubbing your nose. Spider-Girl is already walking towards you and the other hero is now standing on proper ground. "No fair SG, I didn't even get to play yet!"
  353. >"Maybe next time Screws, when you get out of prison"
  354. >Just a little closer and... NOW!
  355. >You pull out a small glass container from your purse and throw its contents in to the air
  357. >Be Femanon
  358. >That was really easy
  359. >Shimmy said this girl has no super powers, she is just an expert on parkour
  360. >Disable her feet and she was done for
  361. >At least that's what you thought
  362. >But she just threw like a hundred wolf spiders into the air
  363. >They are coming down, on your face
  364. >You gotta do something
  365. ~Yeah I'm initiating little girl scream
  366. >Fuck you brain!
  367. >You scream
  368. >You hear Shimmy's scream
  369. >Even some policemen screamed
  370. >You get grabbed by your waist and find yourself on top of a building
  371. >"THEY ARE IN MY HAIR!" Shimmer shakes you. "GET THEM OFF, PLEASE!"
  372. >You have a good idea on how to do it and have some fun
  373. >You pull Shimmer to you chest and make her and yourself intangible
  374. >Spiders drop to the ground and scatter away
  375. >Now you've got hugging you with a death grip
  376. "Spids... I can't... breath" You manage to say
  377. >Her grip is released as she blushes
  379. >"Thanks." Shimmer says backing up a little. Then she tilts her head. "How close did I need to be for you to make me intangible again?"
  380. "About three meters would be enough." You grin even though she cant see under your helmet
  381. >"W-why did you hug me then?"
  382. >You take a step towards her
  383. "Because I wanted to." You say with a sultry voice
  384. >She looks at you biting her lower lip, "I-I umm..."
  385. >"Wooow look at that viewers, SG has a new girl-friend!"
  386. >You and Shimmer turn towards the voice. "Hey girls! Please don't stop. It's gonna be great for my little show."
  387. >It's Screwball, "Oh and I must say I was actually sceptical about the spiders but it worked! Best. Episode. Ever!"
  388. >"Let's catch her." Shimmer says before jumping towards her. You run right after her
  389. >Screwball dives straight down the building
  390. >You two realize she had tied Sunny's previous webbing to her ankle
  391. >Screwball unties the knot just as she was about to pulled back up and lands to the ground with a flip
  392. >"Sorry girls, gotta run now! Thanks for the views!" She runs and steals a police car
  393. "She's good." You say matter of factly
  394. >"Well, I'm going after her." Sunset says
  395. >But neither of you noticed Screwball leaving a little canister behind before jumping down
  396. >It's a smoke bomb
  397. >Sunset raises her arm to spin a web but the canister goes of putting both of you in a coughing fit
  398. >By the time the smoke is gone so is Screwball
  399. "She's really good." You say
  400. >Shimmy looks frustrated. "I hate her so much" She states
  401. "Well, we got our asses kicked in a gentle way." You reply. "Wanna get your ass kicked brutally in Mortal Kombat X?"
  402. >She sighs, "Sure, I could use some stress relief."
  404. >Be Sunset Shimmer
  405. >You came back to home pretty late
  406. >That Mortal Kombat X thing was more fun than you thought once you got the hang of it
  407. >Even though Fem kicked your butt
  408. >And you couldn't look at the fatalities
  409. >Which resulted in more teasing from Fem
  410. >It makes you feel helpless and embarrassed
  411. >But it also makes you feel-
  412. ~Ahem
  413. >You should really sleep, leave the shower for tomorrow morning
  414. >Once you are in your bed sleep doesn't evade you
  415. __________________
  417. >You are walking in the halls off Canterlot High
  418. >It seems abandoned and empty
  419. >You open the book and draw a symbol on the wall
  420. >Wall cracks and crumbles to dust
  421. >Celestia is standing behind the rubble
  422. >Her eyes are glowing, she is angry
  423. >Her horn flashes
  424. >You are in Everfree High
  425. >It has no roof but tree leaves and vines cover the walls
  426. >Floor is cracked and you are scared to look at the mirror in your hand
  427. >Because mirror is your hand
  428. >Mirror is you
  429. >You don't like you
  430. >You should look at the mirror
  431. >You look at the mirror
  432. >Mirror shatters, you shatter, world shatters
  433. >You are standing in front of Canterlot High
  434. >It is dark, something is looking at you but you can't see it
  435. >You are suspended in the air
  436. >It is not you, it's the mirror
  437. >It's you
  438. >There are others, little piles of flesh
  439. >You are a pile of flesh, others want to kill you
  440. >Mirror takes a bite from your brain
  441. >You like that, it's good for your headaches
  442. >It's delicious too
  443. >You scream, it's good music
  444. >Running in this place is really hard
  445. >Ground is sticky and vines pull at your feet
  446. >You should run
  447. >You don't have headaches anymore
  448. >You don't need your brain to be eaten anymore but mirror doesn't understand
  449. >Keep climbing, you need to reach the top
  450. >Another bite, mirror is chewing gum, bloody gum, it's not gum
  451. >Mirror will take the last bite and you will be saved
  452. >A hand catches you and pulls you to the top
  453. >She swings her sword and cuts the darkness
  454. >Mirror is gone
  455. >You are safe
  457. >Be Sunset
  458. >You've always had nightmares about the things you've done in the past
  459. >Things you regret and feel guilty of
  460. >But this time you feel like you've had a good sleep
  461. >Maybe you are finally getting to move on
  462. >For now you really should get a move on if you don't wanna be late
  463. >Seems like you kinda over slept in return for a good sleep
  464. >You take a quick shower and decide to grab some bagels on the way for breakfast
  465. >Your little rush pays off as you hear the bell just as you enter your class
  467. >Be Femanon
  468. >It's your second day in your new school and you are already late
  469. >Good thing you can just walk through everything while invisible
  470. >Right now you are passing through some traffic
  471. >You see some other girl is also running
  472. >She has blue-white striped hair with a star shaped hairpin and blue skin
  473. >You think you saw her yesterday at school
  474. "Seems she is late too." You think, "Too bad she has to run it the classic way"
  475. >She rapidly climbs a fence and jumps to the other side with a flip
  476. "No fucking way!" Shit you actually said that
  477. >She looks around for a second then shrugs and keeps running
  478. >You are so gonna follow her
  480. >Be Great and Powerful Trixie aka Screwball
  481. >You are late for school because you were editing videos for your website
  482. >
  483. >Yesterday you had some fun with Spider-Girl and her new friend
  484. >Your viewers really liked the action between them
  485. >You swear they would have kissed there if you hadn't intervened
  486. >And you should have let them because it would probably overload your website with people
  487. >But for some reason Spider-Girl kissing that white-green ninja-jedi bothers you
  488. >Who is she anyway? Are they like... dating?
  489. >You jump over a fence
  490. >"No fucking way!"
  491. >Who was that?
  492. >You look around but don't see anyone
  493. >Shrugging you continue on with your run
  494. >There is a wall on the otherside of the street but its not too high
  495. >You throw your backpack over it and do a wall jump from the building going over the wall yourself
  496. >Unaware of your stalker
  498. >Be Femanon
  499. >You have an idea
  500. >Probably a bad idea
  501. >But it will be so good you can't help yourself
  502. >You drop your hiding and call after the blue girl
  503. "Oh my god! Is that you?"
  504. > She stops and turns around. "Does Trixie know you?"
  505. > That must be her name
  506. >Weird third person speech... Whatever~
  507. "No no but I..." You look around and motion her to come closer, "I know you," you whisper. "You"re Screwball right? I'm a huge fan."
  508. > She recoils. "Trixie doesn't know where you get such ideas, that is most untrue."
  509. "I saw your moves there is only one person who can do that moves so smoothly." You press on. "You are so awesome, please I just want you to sign something for me!"
  510. >You can see her cracking under the pressure of your flattery. "Y-you are wrong, Trixie just likes parkour is all"
  511. "I don't believe you." You say, "Because there is more reason behind my theory."
  512. >"What reason? Tell Trixie now!"
  513. "No one else has such amazingly shaped legs either." You wink, she blushes.
  514. >"F-Fine! Trixie will sign whatever you want but only because she wants you to go away." She says, "Trixie is no criminal"
  515. >You think about what you can give her that she can sign
  516. ~You didn't think this through, did you?
  517. >Shut up brain!
  518. >Trixie must have noticed you squirming, "Trixie doesn't want to be late for school, please hurry."
  519. >You gotta find something quick
  520. ~Don't worry I got this
  521. >You do something super idiotic in your half panicked
  522. "Sign here please!" You pull down your shirt so she can see your bra. You are pointing to the skin just above its coverage
  523. >She goes beet red and so do you
  524. >You kinda wanna die now
  525. >Her hand is shaking as she pulls out a pen
  526. >She look legit scared
  527. >You regret everything
  529. >Be Trixie
  530. >You found yourself a fangirl
  531. >You are terrified
  532. >She is absolutely bonkers
  533. >You take a deep breath and pull out a pen
  534. >"Well, here it goes"
  536. >Be Femanon
  537. >After getting your boob signed by Trixie aka Screwball you were late for your class
  538. >Apperantly she was also late since she just came in
  539. >You are taking history with her, a fact that you also didn't know until this moment
  540. >She looks around for a place to sit after teacher tells her to come in
  541. >"You can sit beside Miss Mous, Miss Lulamoon." She points toward you. "Please do hurry, I don't want my class disrupted any longer."
  542. >"Yes, Mrs. Luna" Is the only thing she says before walking towards you after a slight hesitation.
  543. >She just puts her backpack down and sits, ignoring you
  544. >You are greatful for that honestly, because you don't think you can talk to her without dying
  545. >You have her signiture on your left breast
  546. >The thought is enough to turn you crimson and make you want to bash your head on the desk
  548. >Be Trixie, Great and Powerful
  549. >You are seated next to your crazed fangirl
  550. >She already looks like she's about to explode
  551. >You must admit it is a wonderful feeling, knowing she is so deeply effected by you but you are also really creeped out
  552. >She keeps looking at you with the corner of her eye and she keeps fidgeting in her seat
  553. >You decide to ignore her and reach for your history book
  554. >404
  555. >This. Is not. Happening.
  556. >You dig around in your backpack
  557. >Nope
  558. >Okay Trixie, relax. Maybe Mrs. Luna won't not-
  559. >"Miss Lulamoon, could you please open page one three five of your textbook."
  560. >You are so screwed
  561. "I uh... I can't find my book maam."
  562. >She frowns at that. "In that case Miss Lulamoon, share your friend's book for now," she turns around before continuing "and see me after class please."
  563. "Yes, maam."
  564. >Green haired girl slides her book towards the middle of the desk
  565. >You move a little closer to the book so you can look at it from a better angle
  566. >She must be wary of bothering you since she just looks at the book from afar instead of moving closer
  567. >Now you feel bad
  568. >You are about to tell her to come closer when you realise you didn't even ask her name
  569. >You feel extra bad now
  570. "Hey!" You whisper after taking a deep breath, she looks at you, "What's your name?"
  571. >She looks somewhat panicked. "I-it's Femanon, but you can call me Fem if you want... or not. You don't have to, you know? It's just-"
  572. "Okay, Fem, Trixie got it." You intervene before she babbles any further. "Trixie wonders if you are having any problems reading like that?"
  573. >"I- no it's fine, I'd hate to be a bother. Especially... Especially after this morning." She looks away.
  574. >She feels really emberassed about that it seems, since she is really trying not to face you
  575. "Trixie insists you come closer. This is your book afterall."
  576. >"But... but I-" That's it.
  577. >You grab her arm and pull her towards you
  578. >She lets out a yelp
  579. "Curses." You say as you realize everyone in the classroom is looking at you
  580. >"Both of you stay after the class." Mrs. Luna says before going back to the subject
  582. >Be Sunset Shimmer
  583. >It's lunch time and you are sitting with the girls
  584. >Rainbow is talking about yesterday's Screwball broadcast
  585. >You know, how you and Fem were like a couple
  586. >Yeah it is trending on MyStable and stuff too
  587. #Spider-Green
  588. >"... and Spider-Girl was so embarrased but then Screwball ruined the moment." Rainbow goes on, "I wonder who is that new girl."
  589. >"Hey girls. What are you on about?" Speak of the devil...
  590. >Fem takes her seat next to you
  591. >"Oh, hi Fem," Fluttershy speaks, "Rainbow was just telling us about the latest broadcast of Screwball."
  592. >"Oh yeah? What happened?"
  593. >"SG got a girlfriend!" Rainbow is really excited about this
  594. >"You girls shouldn't give that ruffian any more reason to commit crimes by watching her videos ." Rarity intervenes. "If no one watched those videos she wouldn't go around causing damage."
  595. >"She is harmless, Rares." Rainbow claims. "It's not like she hurts people."
  596. >"Actually just yesterday she caused $27.000 of property damage." Twilight says. "She caused a total of $254.000 confirmed property damage and over half a million suspected damage."
  597. >"I gotta agree with Twi here, Rainbow." Says AJ. "You should stop watching her videos, it only encourages her."
  598. >Rainbow was about to object when Fem jumped in. "Can we go back to this girlfriend thing?" She says throwing her arm around you and pulling you close
  599. >"Oh oh me me me me!" Pinkie chirps. "They were like hugging and SG was blushing and there were hearts everywhere theywere socuteohmygod!"
  600. >"Oh was she now?" Fem breaths into your ear.
  601. >Your heart skips a beat
  602. >How does she always manages to push all your buttons?
  603. >"Did you see the broadcast too Shimmy?" Fem asks slyly.
  604. >Thankfully you are saved by a somewhat unfimiliar voice
  605. >"Trixie hopes Trixie doesn't bother anyone by sitting here."
  607. >You are... sitting in an armchair
  608. >Screwball's last broadcast plays on loop on a laptop in front of you while you push a cable into some plastic explosive
  609. >These "heroes" and this "villain" seem like they were having a lot of fun
  610. >This little chunk of C4 is just a catalyst for three tons of ammonium nitrate
  611. >This little chunk and his 49 brothers
  612. >A grin from ear to ear accompanied by a creepy giggle spreads itself to your lips
  613. >You have been prepearing this surprise for months and it was almost done
  614. >You are anxious to join them in this game of cat and mouse
  615. >As a lion
  616. >Someone should show these amateurs how it's done
  617. >This Screw B. thinks crime is a means for entertainment
  618. >She doesn't understand it's full potential
  619. >But it's okay, you will teach her, you will show her that a real criminal can accomplish much more than being internet famous
  620. >You will show her the fame that fear can bring
  621. >Oh, of course. The heroes...
  622. >Spider-Girl and new green samurai think they are working for justice and order
  623. >You will show them how deviant their justice and how fickle their order are
  624. >It is the rule of this universe after all
  625. >Everything leans towards disorder and chaos
  626. >You will teach them the rules, you will show this city how easily their beloved protectors can be rendered helpless
  627. >And they will see how easy it is to... DIE
  628. >Your laughter echoes through the empty warehouse for a minute before you walk outside and toss the bomb you prepared to the hands of a clown masked man
  629. "That's the last one." Man nods before running off with the bomb
  630. "Hey!" You yell, making him stop and look at you. "Tell the boys to buckle up." You grin. "You're all going for a ride." He nods again and keeps running
  631. >You climb some ladders to board the only truck in your plan
  632. "It all started with a big BANG!" You say to yourself, while checking the gig one last time
  633. >You will show them
  634. >You will show them that this world is nothing but
  635. >A Joke
  637. >You park the truck in the middle of Canterlot Square and set up the mobile stage climb on before grabbing a mic
  638. "Hear ye! Hear ye! Welcome to my show." You announce
  639. >Most people seem uninterested and just carry on with their lives
  640. "I promise you that this show will be a blast, more than "a" blast. Be careful or it might blow you away." You let out a maniacal laughter.
  641. >You turn towards the giant LED TV at the back of the stage and pull out a remote
  642. "But first I need my assistance." A clown masked man appears on the screen.
  643. >"Hey boss, you hear? Is it on?" You grate your teeth.
  644. "Shut up, idiot! Just tell me if you're ready." You snap.
  645. >"Yeah boss, we're all good to go. Just say the word."
  646. "Good, good. Now I wan-" You are cut short as a police officer calls to you
  647. >"Hey, clown! I didn't hear nothing about a show today." He comes to the edge of the stage. "Let's see some papers."
  648. "Oh, yes officer of course." You turn towards him.
  649. >"Boss maybe we should call it off." Your head snaps back towards the giant screen
  650. "IF YOU SAY ONE MORE WORD I WILL CUT YOUR TONGUE WITH A RUSTY SPOON!" This outburst causes the cop to reach for his gun
  651. >"Sir, I need you to step down fr..."
  652. >You don't hear the rest as you run you fingers through your hair and jump on the cop with a switchblade
  653. >At this point people started to run away but you are too busy stabbing the cop over and over again
  654. >After a few more stabs you stop and get up, turning back to the screen
  655. "Hit the goddamn switch!" You say. The man on the screen turns his back and gives the go ahead
  656. >A moment later ground shakes as a thunderous sound rips through the air
  657. >You pickup the dead policeman's radio
  658. "Officer, I'd like to report an explosion."
  660. >be Trixie
  661. >You are about to take a seat across your favorite fangirl
  662. >She already looks thrilled and you sh-
  663. ~BOOM!
  664. >Thunder? There wasn't even any clouds today
  665. >You disregard the sound and just sit down
  666. >"Oh my god!" Some girl with a green hair speaks loudly. She is looking at her phone "It says here that there was an explosion right in front of the Canterlot Mall just moments ago"
  668. >Schools fire alarm goes off as Principle Celestia barges into the cafeteria
  669. >"Everyone! This is not a drill! Please evacuate the building in an orderly fashion!"
  670. >Everybody starts running towards the door
  671. >"ORDERLY!" Principle's voice rips through and suppresses the initial panic
  672. >It takes a couple of minutes before everyone is out of the building
  673. >However, there seems to be no fire or smoke coming from the school
  674. "What is going on?" You ask.
  675. >Some kid with a smart phone, you believe his name was Snails, answers you without looking away from the screen
  676. >"It's not the school. Some nutjob planted bombs all over the city and nobody knows where he put them. That's why they took us outside, incase there is one in the school too!"
  677. >"How do you know?" Sunset cuts in.
  678. >"He is live on everywhere!" He raises his phone and everyone gathers around.
  679. >>"Now that I have your attention, people of Canterlot, I want to make an announcement from here."
  680. >A clown in a purple suit is on the screen.
  681. >>"You see, what I want is simple. I want Spider-Girl and her new partner here. I want a judge and an attorney. Lastly I want Screwball to come here."
  682. >He looks at the camera with a frightening grin
  683. >>"You all have fifteen minutes to be here. If you fail, I will trigger a bomb for every passing minute. If this broadcast ends, also boom. Oh, and if anything /bad/ happens to poor me, my boys are here to cheer me up with a magnificent firework show.
  684. >He laughs with a terrifying sincerity
  685. >>"Please, take your time. I'd love to have some fun before the main event"
  687. >You move away from the crowd gathered around to watch that clown on the phone and hide behind a tree
  688. >He wants you to be in Canterlot Square in fifteen minutes
  689. >You can do it if you run. The question is should you?
  690. >You don't know this guys intentions but if you don't go people will die
  691. >You are a villain but you never wanted anyone to get hurt, you just did this for fun
  692. >Things are serious now and you feel the panic slowly gripping you
  693. >This is too much responsibility
  694. >You feel a little lightheaded
  695. >"I've phased the air molecules between us and the crowd so they won't vibrate. We can talk." You look towards the sound
  696. >It's Fem and Sunset... Shiner? They seem on edge
  697. >"There is nothing to talk about we are going there and putting an end to this." Sunset says
  698. >"We cant touch him. He will blow up everything." Fem objects
  699. >"So we're just gonna play along?"
  700. >"We don't have a choice."
  701. >Are they... One of them must be Spider-Girl and the other one Green Ninja
  702. >You have a good idea which one is which
  703. >"I don't like this Fem. What if Screwball doesn't show up, then what?" Fem looks towards you
  704. >"She will come. Right Trix?"
  705. >You stand motionless for a moment as you look the two girls in the eye
  706. >"She's Screwball? You gotta be kidding me!" Sunset sighs
  707. >You step out behind the tree
  708. "Yes, Trixi- Screwball will do her part." You say as you walk towards them
  709. >"We'll talk about this later," Sunset speaks, "for now we need to find a way to get out of here without being noticed."
  710. >"Hold my hands." Fem reaches
  711. >You shrug and do it as does Sunset
  712. >And all three of you suddenly disappear
  713. >"Okay we are invisible now. Don't let go so we won't lose each other"
  714. >"This is weird." You hear Sunset say
  715. >"Just until we get out of everyone's sight, c'mon" Fem leads you around the school where she breaks the invisibility
  716. >You see that she's already wearing her costume
  717. >"Do you have your costumes with you?" She asks
  719. "It's in my backpack."
  720. >"It's in my backpack."
  721. >Both of you say at the same time
  722. >"In your lockers?" She asks
  723. >You nod along with Sunset
  724. >"Tell me their numbers." Fem says and you both do. "Wait here." She says as she walks through the wall
  725. >Cool
  726. >You are now alone with Spider-Girl
  727. >A weird silence sets in
  728. >You look at her and open your mouth to say something
  729. >"Just don't." She cuts you off so you both wait for Fem to come back with your costumes
  730. >She walks out of the wall, "Both of you hold still." She just moves her hands through you taking all your clothes except your underwear
  731. >You instinctively cover your privates as you let out a small yelp
  732. >"Hold. Still." She repeats
  733. >You hesitate for a moment before nodding and releasing your arms to both sides of your body
  734. >She holds your costume up and pushes it through you
  735. >After a few adjustments you are suited up and ready under a minute
  736. >Fem turns toward Sunset and Sunset takes a defensive position
  737. >"U-uh, not happening." She resists.
  738. >"We don't have time." Fem says.
  739. >She complies after a moment of consideration, furrowing her brows. "No touching."
  740. >"I'll see what I can do."
  741. >Sunset goes through the same process and now you are all ready to go
  742. >"Stay within three meters radius of me." Fem says. "I'll soften the gravitational force that's effecting us so we can run faster."
  743. >You both acknowledge with a nod
  744. >"Also we will take a straight line to Canterlot Square," she continues, "If you see a wall go through it. /Don't/ slow down, you don't want to be away from my power's reach. Understood?"
  745. "Yes."
  746. >"Yeah."
  747. >"So, where is the Canterlot Square?" Fem asks.
  748. >"It should be about over there, if we will go straight through everything." Sunset points to north east
  749. >"Alright then, you ready?" Fem asks
  750. >Again you both nod
  751. >"Then let's go."
  753. >You are Spider-Girl
  754. >You, Aether and Screwball finally have that clown in your sights
  755. >He is standing on a portable stage behind a truck
  756. >There are several police cars, a SWAT van and a police helicopter surrounding the truck
  757. >You also see some reporters with their cameramen, some of them turn towards you
  758. >It looks like this is live on every media outlet in the country
  759. >No pressure
  760. >Looks like the clown also spotted you, because he pulls out a microphone
  761. >"Ah, my VIP guests." He bows, grinning the whole time. "Welcome, welcome, please come up to the stage. My tricks require some 'voluteers'."
  762. >He giggles between his teeth.
  763. >You are all just in front of the stage when Fem stops and motions you to stop
  764. >"What do you want?" Fem asks
  765. >He pulls out a revolver and holds it against a woman's temple
  766. >You didn't realize she was there before, there is also a man on the stage both are just standing
  767. >"These fine people of law have come here by their own volution." He gives you all a funny look. "You remember I wanted a judge and an attorney present, right?"
  768. >None of you say anything. He seems upset by this.
  769. >"So that's how it is, huh? I told you to get on the stage, you didn't." He cocks the gun and starts waving it around.
  770. >"I thought you didnt hear me so I let it slide, you know? Because I'm a nice guy." He laughs but his laugh is cut abruptly.
  771. >"But, then I ask you a question. Because this is important to me. Do you understand? I worked so hard for this." He is still smiling but his tone of voice doesn't have a fraction of a hint of that smile.
  772. >Fem cuts in.
  773. >"Let them go clown." He suddenly shoots the woman in her leg. She screams in pain before falling down.
  774. >You all start moving in to stop him but he kneels down and puts the gun in woman's mouth and raises a finger towards you. "A-Ah!"
  775. >Threat is clear, you all freeze
  776. >"On to the stage." He says. This time you follow through.
  778. >When you are all on the stage, he stands up, leaving the poor woman to lay down
  779. >You realize he is probably outside of Fem's range
  780. >"Now, I would like to remind you that my friends there, " he points to the screen that three masked clowns are watching the scene, "will blow this city to pieces if anything happens to me."
  781. >"However, " he continues, "I'd like you give you all a chance. I would hate to have an unfair advantage." Again he laughs loudly.
  782. >"You, dear heroes, and not anyone else," he points to the policemen aiming at him, "have a chance to strike me down, right now, without anyone else getting hurt."
  783. >You start to make your move but he cuts you off as he points the gun to the woman once again.
  784. >"Let me finish," he goes on. "The catch is, you have to kill me."
  785. >What?
  786. >He drops the gun on the ground and opens his arms.
  787. >"Come on heroes, this is your chance. Kill me and save the day."
  788. >You could end this.
  789. >"I don't have all day."
  790. "What will we do?" You ask to your team.
  791. >"W-we kill him." Aether says as she draws her sword.
  792. >"Oh, I like that." Clown comments. "You've got spirit. Do it. Cut me down."
  793. >Fem's grip on the sword thightens
  794. >You should do something, but what?
  795. >You can't let her do it, she is your friend
  796. >You must help her, but... how?
  797. >You should be the one that kills him
  798. >Thought crosses your mind
  799. >You've already done horrible things
  800. >It would be just one more deed to add to the list
  801. >You could live with that, but can she?
  802. >Let's not forget that she is here because of you
  803. >You dragged her into this in the Sugarcube Corner
  804. >She was so happy and playful back there
  805. >Now she is preparing herself for the murder she decided to commit
  806. >She straightens her back and takes a deep breath before taking a couple determined steps towards her target
  807. >Clown's creepy smile widens to a terrifying degree
  808. "NO!" You shout as you grab your friend by the arm. "Let me do it."
  810. >Be Femanon a.k.a Aether
  811. >There is a lunatic clown that rigged all around the city with bombs
  812. >He gave you one chance, if one of you kill him this will all be over
  813. >"What will we do?" Sunset asks
  814. >It should be you, you are the one with the sword
  815. "W-we kill him." You stutter as you pull your sword out
  816. >"Oh, I like that. You've got spirit. Do it. Cut me down."
  817. >You smile bitterly under your helmet
  818. >He's not wrong, you do have spirit
  819. >Afterall, it wouldn't be the first time you killed
  820. >You tighten your hold on the blade as you remember
  821. >It shouldn't be hard to do it again
  822. >You sigh and stand straight
  823. >Clown's lips crawl up to shape a grin that should not be possible as you start walking towards him
  824. >"NO!" Sunset grabs your arm. "Let me do it."
  826. >Be Trixie a.k.a Screwball
  827. >Two heroes that tried to stop you just yesterday are now arguing about which one of them should murder a person
  828. >This is wrong, they are good people
  829. >They try to help the weak with their powers
  830. >Unlike you
  831. >You used your abilities to harm people, not even just as Screwball, but as Trixie aswell
  832. >You look at the clown
  833. >He is looking at your friends with a mad glimmer in his eyes
  834. >He is happy, he enjoys this
  835. >Like you enjoy wrecking havoc in the city
  836. >Fem and Sunset...
  837. >They are different
  838. >They don't break things, they fix them
  839. >They save people not kill them
  840. >But you...
  841. >You look at the clown who is looking directly at you
  842. >He nods
  843. >He knew, this whole time he knew it would come to this
  844. >A smile creeps onto your face as you snatch the sword out of Aether's hands
  845. >"Trixcrewball! You can't!" You hear Aether calling for you, slipping up a little
  846. >You don't look back as you slowly walk towards the mad clown
  847. "Of course I can, I am the villain here."
  849. "I told you I'd do my part. As a villain, this is my part."
  850. >"Why did you come here?" Sunset's voice stops you and you turn half way around
  851. "Because you brought me here." You answer plainly
  852. >"You could have escaped, you've done it before." She argues. "You can leave right now and no one here can stop you. So why did you come here?"
  853. >There is not much to think about, you know why you came
  854. "Because I don't want people to die." You say quietly
  855. >She smiles. "That doesn't sound villainous to me. So come on give me the sword, let 'me' end this."
  856. "No," you shake your head, "you're still a hero and heroes don't kill. This is my--"
  857. >"Then I am not a hero!" Fem cuts you off. "I killed people before, I can do it again."
  858. >You and Sunset look at her dumbstruck
  859. >"Now we're getting somewhere." Clown says heinously
  861. >"Give me my sword." You hear Fem say
  862. >"I-I... No! I won't let y--" Trixie couldn't say much before Fem cuts her off again
  863. >"GIVE IT!" Although she shouted with rage, you heard the sadness in her voice
  864. >Guilt and pain...
  865. >Things that you are all too fimiliar with
  866. >You felt the same things when Twilight stopped you
  867. >You still do, just like Fem does
  868. >Whatever she did, who ever she killed, she wants to forget
  869. >"I cannot let you carry this burden too." She says to Trixie, her voice trembling. "So please, give me my sword." She reaches towards Trixie
  870. >You see hesitation in Trixies movements, but eventually she delivers the sword into Fem's open hand
  871. >In that moment your eyes catch on to him
  872. >Every moment you and your friends suffer he becomes more and more joyful
  873. >A realization hits you
  874. >The moment any of you kill him will be the moment you all suffer the most
  875. >The moment that he will enjoy the most
  876. >He truly is a mad man
  877. >He did all this for... fun
  878. >He is having fun watching you struggle
  879. >He had fun shooting that poor lady
  880. >But he will have the ultimate joy when he dies
  881. >He 'wants' to die
  882. >Once again you grab Fem by the arm
  883. "We shouldn't kill him."
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