
Younganon the first day with prologue

Apr 22nd, 2012
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  1. >You are Anonymous, a thirty year old human male.
  2. >And you are about to die.
  3. >But to make some sense of the situation, we have to back up.
  4. >Treat this as…your life flashing before your eyes.
  5. >Once upon a time in the magical land of Equestria…
  6. >Hmmm, too far back…or maybe…summary time. Just the important parts, covering the last five years.
  7. >Equestria, the land of the ponies, version 4 as produced by Hasbro and directed by Lauren Faust is the location that you inexplicably landed in five years ago.
  8. >A cartoon land filled with its creatures; imagine your surprise when a world you thought existed only in the hearts and minds of its fans, was real!
  9. >Due to some…thing…you never quite figured out, you had landed in its equivalent past.
  10. >The main characters, or mane 6 as you called them, were still fillies, around the age of five at the time of your arrival.
  11. >If you were to assume they were all around age 20 in the show, and half that age when they received their cutie marks. It was hard to track the exact ages, what with Fluttershy being a year older than Pinkie Pie and so on.
  12. >You arrived in Canterlot Castle with a thundering crash, the bizarre dimensional rift closing as quickly as it had opened behind you.
  13. “OOF!”
  14. >You took a quick look at your surroundings, passively noting that it kind of looked like the throne room…until you laid eyes on Celestia.
  15. >Your eyes went wide with shock, but being a fan of the show, and fantasizing about such a chance, you regained your composure quickly enough.
  16. >Bowing, and placing one fist over your heart, you said:
  17. “Sorry for the intrusion, Princess Celestia.”
  18. >She responded with:
  19. >“Hello…and who might you be?”
  20. >You explained that you, Anonymous, were minding your own business when a bright light struck you, and you fell in quite unceremoniously, landing here.
  21. >Intrigued, she inquired more about you personally, since you seemed to know who she was.
  22. >You explained rather fairly of Earth, and having heard of Equestria as only a myth, ruled by the royal alicorn sisters. You went on to explain more about yourself, your nondescript job, hobbies and family.
  23. >This conversation went on for hours, and before you knew it, it was night.
  24. >As you saw Celestia put down the sun and raise the moon herself, you knew something was wrong. This was when you asked the big money questions.
  25. “Hold on, I thought Luna did that?”
  26. >Your words made the princess avert her gaze, downcast. She explained how nearly 985 years ago, she had to banish her sister when Luna suddenly turned against all of p0nykind in a fit of rage and depression.
  27. “Ohhh…”
  28. >That was the clicker that let you know something was off timewise.
  29. >The princess assumed that perhaps at one time, during the reign of Discord, your worlds had been intertwined, which is where your knowledge of Equestria came from, as well as the residual dimensional rift.
  30. >You contemplated playing your hand, and revealing the future, but you decided you had probably screwed around with events enough, and let the princess think she was right.
  31. >She then offered to take you home. What a nice girl, eh?
  32. >You kind of shifted your gaze, you liked being here, and it had only been a little while. You hadn’t found many people on Earth to relate to besides the bronies, and that relation was stretching it. In the end, you made the grown-up choice and accepted.
  33. >This was when weird thing number two occurred.
  34. >Princess Celestia activated her horn, and charged it up to the point that there were at least five auras of color leaking from it. She aimed it at you, and gave you a cheerful farewell.
  35. >“So long Anonymous, perhaps we shall meet again someday.”
  36. >You braced for impact…and snuck a peek before you left.
  37. >Her light struck you in the chest, but it felt like being tossed a koosh ball.
  38. >The light enveloped you, lifting you into the air…and then dropped you right back down, dying out.
  39. “What?”
  40. >”What?”
  41. >You and the princess both muttered aloud, then shared a look of incredulity.
  42. >After a few tests, it was deemed that your world was not reciprocating the half of the spell, and it was not an error on this end.
  43. >You weren’t even in the slightest magic resistant.
  44. >You joked about magic resistance to the princess, who then examined you again, and gave you a small insight on how magic worked.
  45. >”It is similar to a battle of wills when it comes to these kinds of spells, or being lifted by telekinesis. If your will is stronger than our will and combined magic, then you can nullify the spell.”
  46. >As a test, she teleported you around the room.
  47. >No matter how hard you wanted to stay in one place, you never succeeded.
  48. >She usually used one aura of magic to transport you, and one time you noticed that she had to harden her gaze and leak yet another aura to move you around.
  49. >You counted this as both progress and a victory.
  50. >It was about this time when you remembered what she said about magic and reciprocation.
  51. >She explained, very patiently, you might add, that it was up to the natural magic on your planet to finish the call and pick you up.
  52. >And you had to explain to the princess that magic didn’t exist anymore through disbelief and a combined human count above 7 billion.
  53. >Shocked, Princess Celestia resigns to telling you that there is no way back to your own planet.
  54. >You take this a lot better than she thought, and offers you a place to stay in exchange for your friendship.
  55. >It’s a sweet deal, of course, and you accept it without a second thought.
  56. Your life from there on progressed even faster, going from meetings and talking to the presses, consoling the princess and listening to her complaints.
  57. >And she had a lot of complaints.
  58. >Most of them stemmed from being treated as the princess no matter what her company, she always tried to lighten the mood with a subtle joke, but no one ever did relax from them.
  59. >This continued for nigh unto a year, when she asked you if there was somewhere you wanted to go, and something to do. It would be selfish of her to monopolize your time simply because she was lonely.
  60. >You accepted her warm offer and brought up P0nyville, a nice and peaceful place with plenty of kind p0nies.
  61. >Having already long divulged any and all knowledge of human anatomy to the doctors of Equestria, and earned a fair share of bits over the year, she allowed you to go there without royal escort.
  62. >Being the only human made you very interesting, yes, but after a year, the shock value was nearing nil, and the only thing you had going for fame now was your closeness to the princess.
  63. >And in a rural town without many ties to the big city, you felt like you could be treated as an individual instead of an asset to the princess.
  64. >Your hopes were well-founded, and you were greeted by more than half of P0nyville all at once as you stepped off the chariot.
  65. >You’d have to remember to “suggest” a railroad soon. Or maybe that was already underway? Time paradoxes are confusing.
  66. >After feeling like the big hat on campus, you personally introduced yourself to each p0ny. The Cakes were there, in Sugarcube Corner; Granny Smith, Big Mac and Applejack still ran Sweet Apple Acres (where WERE their parents, anyway?), Mayor mare was still mayor, and a lot of other things remained the same. The Library tree was just a library, and was very disorganized, so you were offered room and board there so long as you tidied up the place.
  67. >Ha, goodness gracious, that meeting with the Apples was a real treat. You had to stop yourself from screwing everything up mere seconds in!
  68. >“Well hello, there Anonymous!”
  69. “Hello Granny Smith.”
  70. >Awkward silence. It occurs to you that she never gave her name.
  71. “I..uh…heard about your discovery of the Zap Apples while I was in Canterlot.”
  72. >Please buy it, please buy it.
  73. >”Well shoot, thank ya kindly Anony. You don’t mind bein called Anony, do ya? Course not. These here are mah granchild’n Big Macintosh and Applejack.”
  75. >Big Mac was about half his show size, and AJ was half that herself, still without a hat or cutie mark.
  76. “Pleased to meet the both of you.”
  77. >You get down on your knees to get eye-level with Big Mac, and hold out your hands. Big mac puts one hoof in your left, and a very little Applejack puts a hoof in your right. You flash them a large smile, and then…
  78. >Shake vigorously, do not stir!
  79. >You give them a hoofshaking the likes of which will only be seen by the time episode one rolls around.
  80. >You retract your hands and the two of them keep shaking up and down rapidly until Granny Smith puts a hoof down on them.
  81. >”Well yer always welcome to visit down on the farm, ain’t thet right Big Mac?”
  82. >”Uhhh….yup?”
  83. >”That settles the matter, come on down some time! Now excuse me, the littleun needs her nap.”
  84. >”Grannyyyy! Ah do not! Its yer nap tahm. Ahm wahd awake as can be!”
  85. >Dawww, that’s an adorably thick accent! Its thicker that Applebloom’s and you can’t help but smile at the filly’s attempt at grown up logic.
  86. >”Yaaawwwwn. Y’know what? A nap sounds reeeal nice-like about now. Let’s all go back. So long, Anony!”
  87. >With a groan, AJ sullenly trots back with granny Smith and Big Mac, who are stifling giggles.
  88. >You turn your attention back towards Mayor Mare, and inquire more about the library tree. She explains that there are thousands of books in it, and after an earthquake, the whole place was a mess.
  89. >No wonder all the p0nies in town welcomed Twilight. They didn’t have anyp0ny with the patience (or perhaps the OCD) to clean the place up.
  90. >You accepted on the terms that it would only be for a little while, and then went on to find employment.
  91. “So…there any work I can do?”
  92. >”Oh, nonsense; a friend of the princess’ can stay as long as he likes! You don’t have to work.”
  93. >Mayor Mare was obstinate in being a gracious host to a celebrity.
  94. >A shame that was what you wanted to avoid. Now you know a little about how Celestia felt.
  95. “But I WANT to. It’s maddening, I tell you. ‘No, don’t bother yourself ‘ and ‘please allow me’ gets on your nerves after a while. Just let me do something to earn coin…besides the library.”
  96. >“Well if you’re that desperate, why don’t you put your claws to work writing, drawing, or even sculpting? Most p0nies can’t do these easily unless it’s their special talent.”
  97. >Finally, a serious answer.
  98. “I’ll get right on that.”
  99. >It seemed that your fingers were a useful skill to all non-unicorns, and so writing and drawing became your bread and butter in P0nyville.
  100. >As the years passed, you would visit Canterlot and the Princess for a few days each week to talk and catch up. She mentioned how she planned the Summer Sun Celebration for Ponyville for the thousandth year anniversary of Nightmare Moon’s defeat. You slyly comment on how nothing could possibly go wrong with that plan.
  101. >You found yourself getting closer and closer with the Apples as time went on. You were kindly regarded as an uncle, and you made time to spend them as often as you could.
  102. >Applejack would listen to all sorts of tales that you told, as she was still trying to get her cutie mark.
  103. >Sorry, little filly, no spoilers for you.
  104. >Big Macintosh always appreciated the extra help you gave when you spent time with him, as well as the attention.
  105. >It turned out that their father, P0ny Appleseed, and his wife Bushel had taken to traveling Equestria, starting orchards wherever they went. This explained their absence in the show, but would it kill them to visit their family once in a while?
  106. >Even Granny Smith enjoyed your company.
  107. >“Weeeel, if it ain’t ol Anony. How ya doin today ther, champ?”
  108. “Ahm just fine, Granny. A little slow after four years, ah think ah’m getting on in years.”
  109. >You mock having a bad back and using a cane. Granny Smith laughs for a bit.
  110. >You hung around them so much; you had to fix the country twang you picked up every time you visited Celestia. She thought, however, that it was hilarious how easily your speech pattern was affected.
  111. >”Well, sonny, I’m jus’ glad yer around ta help me with the yunguns.”
  112. “Ha, you were just fine without me, Granny.”
  113. >“No, ahm serious ther fella. Big Mac and Applejack look up to ya like you was their own kin! Ahm not spry enough to give em what they needs anymore.”
  114. “Aww, Granny, don’t say that; you’ve got plenty of life in you yet!”
  115. >”Yer makin me blush, Anonny!”
  116. >It was at this heartwarming scene when you felt an intense pain in your sides.
  117. >No, they weren’t moving on their own.
  118. >It was real pain.
  120. >The pain itself caused you to black out after a few minutes.
  121. >Big Mac rushed you to the doctor’s clinic, and the Doc gave you a look over.
  122. >”We’ve found a kind of tumor overtaking nearby cells, it seems to have overtaken your left Kidney, and it isn’t stopping there.”
  123. >The princess was notified immediately, and the Apples came to visit.
  124. >You already knew what was going to happen. This was cancer.
  125. >It wasn’t fair, it had only been 4 years and some change since you made it to Equestria, and it was all going down the drain faster than a Sonic Rainboom.
  126. >Which still hadn’t happened yet either.
  127. >”Are ya gonna be okay, Unca’ Anony? You’ll be there fer mah birthday, raght?”
  128. >Applejack looked at you with fear in her eyes, as did Big Mac.
  129. >Granny Smith couldn’t even keep eye contact with you. Three guesses where her husband went, and the first two don’t count.
  130. “Aw, come on you two, I’m not that bad am I? I’ll be out of this hospital lickety split.”
  131. >But you weren’t.
  132. >Four more agonizing months in the hospital went on, and the doctors finally released you on the grounds that you were to make your peace.
  133. >Only your daily visits from the Apples and Celestia helped that time pass up to that point, and you were going to show your gratitude the only way a dying man could.
  134. >Applejack left for Manehattan during all the stress just under a week ago. She couldn’t stand to see her uncle die right in front of her.
  135. >Just a little bit longer, and you could be there when it happened. Just a little longer…
  136. >You first visited Sweet Apple Acres, to talk it out with Granny.
  137. “Hey there Granny.”
  138. >”Anony.”
  139. >Turns out words weren’t wither of your strong points.
  140. >You gave her your bank slip, ID and fingerprint, as well as a Stetson and a congratulations card for AJ and told her:
  141. “I might be back, but if not, you deserve this. Take care of them for me please, Granny.”
  142. >”Sure thing, Anony. You better be back for them.”
  143. “I’ll try.”
  144. >She was one tough old lady.
  145. >Your next stop was Canterlot. Your last stop really.
  146. >You boarded the chariot, and went off to the castle. That’s when it happened: the Sonic Rainboom.
  147. >It nearly knocked you right off track.
  148. >You reached the Canterlot throne room a few hours later, and saw not only Princess Celestia, but a small violet filly right beside her.
  149. >”Anonymous…”
  150. “I’m sorry to cut this short…I see you have an apprentice at last. Twilight Sparkle I presume?”
  151. >”Yes, but how did you-”
  152. “I haven’t been entirely truthful with you Celestia. What I’m about to say to you is in the strictest confidence, and isn’t for young ears.”
  153. >Celestia ushers Twilight into the hall with her parents and returns to you in the throne room, alone. It would end how it began.
  154. “It all started when-”
  155. >Now it’s your turn to be cut off.
  156. >”How long, Anonymous. How long do you have left?”
  157. >You look at her, bewildered, and find a stream of tears moving down her face.
  158. “For about 4 months now I’ve known I was going to die. I have maybe a couple days left, but before that I must tell you everything.”
  159. >This was it, the dramatic reveal.
  160. >Everything you knew about the show that you could say without disrupting the timeline you revealed to your friend. You knew about the time inconsistency and had worked your hardest not to disrupt it so easily. It had been some time, so the details were a little hazy, but you remembered enough to run through the first couple of seasons.
  161. >She took it all in stride, laughing when you made jokes, and keeping a straight face through the more serious parts.
  162. >Then she told you something she had hid as well.
  163. >”Anonymous, we have known each other for five years now, and in all that time I came to like you as more than just a friend, but I fear the time for us has come and gone.” She emphasizes ‘us’. “I have devised a way to remove the cancer and ensure it will never again bother you.”
  164. “That’s…”
  165. >You weren’t sure how to respond to that. On one hand, she had been your greatest friend in all your life, but on the other, you were totally different species. The thought had crossed your mind once or twice, but you ultimately decided against a romantic relationship with a p0ny. Perhaps she, too, knew that and it was why she kept her silence till now.
  166. >”I know it is a lot to take in, Anon. But I knew I had to tell you while you were still you.”
  167. >This raised a suspicious red flag.
  168. ”Say what about me being me?”
  169. “This method…I will be able to extract and analyze the cancer while rewinding your body’s natural state to a time before it took root. However, your memories, too, are lost.”
  170. >Ouchies. If what you suspected was true, it could very well undo you entire time spent in Equestria, and maybe even more.
  171. >”Goodbye, Anonymous, I will miss you.”
  172. >You walk up to the white mare and give her a large hug, tears streaming down both of your faces now. You kiss her on the cheek as you draw apart.
  173. “I’m sorry, Celestia. Goodbye.”
  174. >And with that, you died.
  175. >Or, if we’re talking semantics, ‘you’ died.
  176. >The cancer was something that had infested your body long ago, and had festered slowly for 20 years having grown out of an infection when you were at the hospital as a kid.
  177. >The spell turned back the clock to the eve of your eleventh birthday, when you had split your mouth jumping from a post, and met with a bench face first. Luckily for you, this wound did not reopen, as it was the origin point the spell was looking for. The spell dropped you on the floor, unconscious.
  178. >Celestia looks at you in horror.
  179. >”Oh my…”
  180. >She can’t find the words to amount to her shock. The disease had been in you for all that time? It seemed impossible, but sure as she was the raiser of the sun, you were lying there as a mere child.
  181. >She’s trying to rationalize what to do with you, and worrying about how much she’ll have to re-teach you when you stir. She becomes relieved when the memories of your conversations with her fill in all about you as a child fill in the blanks. She knows just what to do.
  182. >”Hello, little one.”
  183. >You raise your head. You are greeted by a white pegasus with a horn. Oh and also jewelry, can’t forget that.
  184. >Your eyes snap open and your mouth is held agape. What is going on here?
  185. >”My name is Princess Celestia, and I am the ruler of Equestria, what is your name?”
  186. >Shakily you answer:
  187. “I’m uh… my name is Anonymous. Am I dreaming?”
  188. >”I’m afraid not, little one. Your… father… just passed away I’m afraid.”
  189. >This news hit you like a rock. Your father: Anonymous O. C., dead? No way, he was just…still on military leave, like mom always said.
  190. “You’re LYING!” You shout unexpectedly, a far cry from your previously shy behavior. “My dad is alive, and he’ll be back! He LOVES ME!”
  191. >”I am truly sorry, little one; he was my friend as well. I knew him for five years. And he passed recently.” She can’t just say that you were turned back into a child as the result of a spell, and you had known each other for years when she confessed her attraction to you.
  192. “Where is he?”
  193. >”He is in your heart, and never let him out of there, alright? I’m afraid I have more bad news, if you are a big enough boy to take it all in.”
  194. >You wiped your tears away and readied yourself for whatever the tall p0ny had to say. You were a big boy, and you could take it like a man!
  195. >”You are not on Earth any longer, and you cannot return because of Earth’s lack of magic. My spells cannot pierce the veil of your hollow world.”
  196. >What? Never go home? But-HOLD UP RIGHT THERE, SHE SAID MAGIC!
  197. “Magic?”
  198. >You looked at her expectantly. You had never been the athletic type, though you liked running fast. And stories of far off worlds filled with dragons and magic were your favorite thing in the world. Your pastime was video games pertaining to exactly such places.
  199. >Hey, gotta breed your inner nerd early.
  200. >Giggling, she knew she had just reeled you in, hook line and sinker.
  201. >”Yes, magic. I am going to need to teach you all about our world, and find you a new home. Will you miss your mother greatly?”
  202. “No.”
  203. >You spit it out with disgust.
  204. >Earlier you had told Celestia all about this phase in your life when your sister was born. You were the big brother, and it was a responsibility you could handle. What you couldn’t handle was how she had gotten all of your mother’s attention during the years when your father was on leave. You became a rebellious sucker-which is kind of why you got hurt in the first place.
  205. “Mom likes my sister Femanon more than me. I don’t care.”
  206. >”I am sorry to hear that. Please follow me, I must bring you to your foster family myself, and teach you of the rules in this world.”
  207. >You are fascinated to find that, as ‘Princess Celestia’ explains, you are on a whole different world, filled with monsters, myth and magic.
  208. >This placates you quite effectively, as well as keeps rapt attention for the remainder of her speech as the two of you ride a chariot being drawn by pegasi in armor.
  209. >This. Is. SO. AWESOME!
  210. >”Most creatures from your land have something similar to them here in Equestria, like cows and chickens, but many of our sentient races are creatures that humans eat. You must take care not to try to eat them, I have faith that you can control yourself from…hamburgers and …bacon I think they’re called.”
  211. >Her face turns a little green at this concept. Past-adult you had remembered to warn her all about human eating habits, but since you had bad experiences with meat as a kid, Celestia’s instructions sat with you without effort.
  212. >”There are four kinds of p0nies, earth ponies who have great strength and a link to nature, pegasi that control our weather and fly with speed and agility, unicorns who can cast spells and have an appetite for information, and lastly alicorns, which have the traits of the prior three. I myself am an alicorn, and so is…my sister…”
  213. >You don’t pick up on the sudden change in attitude. You are flying over whole bunches of stuff! Flying is super sweet!
  214. >And you were probably ‘super’ lucky you didn’t learn swear words until you were older.
  215. >”You will need to live with another good friend of your father’s, an earth pony named Granny Smith.”
  216. “Her name is Granny? Or is she a grandmother?”
  217. >”Both, little one. You will live with her grandchildren too, Big Macintosh and Applejack, I believe. They live at Sweet Apple Acres, which runs the apple orchards for all of P0nyville.”
  218. “Couldn’t the dude who named the town come up with something better than P0nyville? That’s like calling it Townsville or Humanburg.”
  219. >Celestia raises an eyebrow at you.
  220. “And there’s no such place as humanburg.”
  221. >She giggles a bit and smiles, then resumes her conversation.
  222. >”As I said before, you cannot go home, so I hope you will fit in well enough. You are the only human in Equestria now, after your father, so you won’t be alienated…just probably picked on by bullies. I am sure you can take the higher ground and put up with the jeers of school.”
  223. >Hold the phone.
  224. >Stop the presses.
  225. >Did she just say SCHOOL!?
  226. >No way! You’re totally in a new world filled with magic and stuff, you’re gonna go adventuring, not to school. Besides, you already did enough school. While bullies never picked on you specifically, you already knew all bullies were stupid dumb buttheads.
  227. “Do I really have tooooo?”
  228. >Whining would surely win you the day now. It had never worked before, but it was already your lucky day.
  229. >”Yes, you need all the education on Equestria you can get since you are going to stay here.”
  230. >Hmm, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if their classes were on this world of magic. But still…
  231. >Activate backup plan!
  232. “But tomorrow’s my birthday!”
  233. >Heh, no adult can resist a child’s birthday. And you weren’t lying either! All as planned…
  234. >”Unfortunately for you, your plan won’t work. Anonymous already told me of your birthday. It passed not too long ago. Perhaps you were unable to be awake for it. Traveling through dimensions might have that effect.”
  235. >WHAT.
  236. “But that’s impossible! I know I was gonna be eleven tomorrow! It’s already like, February 13th!”
  237. >“The date is currently March 18th, little one.”
  238. >You groan.
  239. “Great. Happy birthday to me, I guess. And could you stop calling me little one? My name’s Anonymous, like my father.”
  240. >”Sure, little Anonymous.”
  241. “Close enough, I guess.”
  242. >You didn’t like being called little. You were already short for your age. You just hadn’t gone through puberty yet, that’s all.
  243. >The chariot slowed its descent and the two of you got off next to a whole bunch of trees with big apples on them. In the distance, you could make out three p0nies. A green one, a red one and an orange one.
  244. >Feeling bored, and seeing as the princess wasn’t making any move to go forward, you tried to tell the difference in gender before you heard their voices. The guards near you were short and guys, and the princess was tall and female. Obviously, all short ponies are male.
  245. >”Anony! Unca’ Anony!” ,the orange one cried, “Ya came back! Ah gots ta show ya somethin’!”
  246. >That was a girl’s voice. Did she say Anony? Bleech, you hated that nickname. You’d rather be called Mouse or even Moose than Anony. Maybe she knew who your father was? But he couldn’t be her uncle, cuz dad was a human. And he loved you and mom and femanon, so he wouldn’t start another family without you, would he?
  247. >The princess sees the confusion on your face, and takes it as nervousness.
  248. >”Be not afraid, Anonymous. That is the Apple family, they were good friends with your father.
  249. >Phew. But still…
  250. “How come a short one is a girl? I though all girls were tall like you.”
  251. >Celestia smiles and raises an eyebrow again before setting you straight.
  252. >Alicorns were tall, and some ponies could be near her size, but she was the tallest pony there was.
  253. >“…So you see, males or stallions have stouter bodies and their muzzles extend from their foreheads, females or mares have a slope in their muzzle, like mine.”
  254. >The guards and Celestia faced to the side so you could see the difference.
  255. “Ah.”
  256. >You didn’t really get it. But if you would be here a while, it’d be just something you would pick up eventually. Hopefully.
  257. >Now the three p0nies who had been walking over to you had all stopped and were staring at you.
  258. >One was green and wrinkly, with grey hair pulled back in a bun on both her head and tail. A picture of a pie on her behind. Another was larger than the others, and red with orange tousled hair. His tattoo was og a cross sectioned green apple. The last pony was short and orange with blonde hair done up at the ends, and she had a pyramid of red apples on her in the same place as the last two had pictures.
  259. >Maybe the pictures were like last names? Apple, apples, apple pie. Maybe.
  260. >They had, while you were talking with the princess, already approached and bowed, then stepped back and waited.
  261. >”Ahem. Well, pardon me, I must introduce you.” Celestia begins, pointing towards the green one. “Granny Smith, this is Anonymous, he shares the same name as his father.”
  262. >”A pleasure to meet ya, sonny.” Granny Smith extends a hoof and you grip it and shake twice. “Ah’m a friend of yer father’s, he’s a great feller…speakin’ of, where is he?”
  263. >Celestia stares at the ground for a few seconds, then back to you, finally returning her gaze to Granny Smith.
  264. >”He…passed away.”
  265. >Granny clenches her face as a tear forces its way out, but the other two others, red and orange (Applejacks and Big Macdonalds?) didn’t have nearly as much control. Big Mac bit his lips and you could hear a choking sob from him, while Applejack collapsed to the ground in tears and cries of anguish.
  266. >”NO! IT TAIN’T FAIR! It jus’ tain’t fair! … Anony, ya promised… lickety split…cutie mark…”
  267. >That was all the cohesive words out of her; the rest was all blubbering and sniffling. Big Mac nuzzled her neck as she cried.
  268. >This was turning out to be more of a bummer than anything else. All this crying and sadness and stuff.
  269. >”Please take care of Anon’s son.I know you can do it Miss Smith. I believe in you.”
  270. >”Ah will, princess. Of course ah will. Now come along, junior.” She motions to you. “And Big Mac, you take Applejack back on up to her room now, yhear?”
  271. >Big Mac nods and hoists the crying Applejack onto his back, then hurries back to the farm.
  272. >You follow slowly while Granny Smith brings up the rear. Celestia opens her mouth to say something, but thinks better of it and returns to the chariot.
  273. >You got a feeling in the pit of your stomach that you weren’t going to enjoy this at all.
  274. >Like when you were dropped off at school the first time, and your mom left.
  275. >Yeah, actually, that’s kind of how you feel right now.
  276. >Celestia did not want to leave you there, unbeknownst to you. She would have raised you herself, but after her talk with past-older you, she decided it was best to keep you from Twilight, so that she would be able to make the friends here in P0nyville. Applejack wouldn’t be as affected by your presence, having already met past-older you, so it was the only choice she truly had.
  277. >The walk to the barn, which wasn’t really that far away, was pretty short, despite the slow pace.
  278. >Granny ushered you inside, and you sat down on a couch.
  279. >The barn, or more correctly, the housing portion, was two floors, the first floor containing the kitchen and living room/dining room.
  280. >Your eyes just wander around for a bit, taking in the country décor. Pictures of p0nies, most of them earth p0nies, decorated the walls like a large and colorful family portrait.
  281. >Family…
  282. >You didn’t want to admit it earlier, but you just lost your family. Your mom and sister have no idea what happened to you, your dad died in an alien world. You never even got to really meet your father.
  283. “Miss Smith?
  284. >”Call me Granny, junior.”
  285. “Granny…what was my father like?”
  286. >Silence again.
  287. >”Yer father… Anony was…a great stallion. Well, as he said it: man. He was the first ever human to come to Equestria. He was kind an gentle, strong an wise, he was the princess’ best friend an a celebrity. He came here to P0nyville to just live an have fun an make new friends. He helped a lot around here, Applejack was real sweet on im, bless his heart. Their father travels a lot, so he helped raise her an Big Mac. Before he left today, he gave me all his money an a gift fer Applejack.”
  288. >She motions behind you.
  289. “He died today?”
  290. >”He was alive as you or I am raght now.”
  291. >You look to where Granny motions at the word gift. A small Indiana Jones hat was sitting on the table with a note that said ‘congratulations’.
  292. >”Ah think it would be best if you would be the one to give it to er.”
  293. “Why me?”
  294. >”Just trust me, junior.”
  295. >You oblige anyway.
  296. “Applejack is the…orange one, right?”
  297. >”Yes, now git, junior. The longer ya wait, the harder it’ll be!”
  298. >Grabbing the hat, you go up the staircase, taking it two steps at a time.
  299. >You reach the top floor and see a hallway. There are 6 doors, each with a sign on them.
  300. >One says AJ, another says BM, one says GS, there’s a picture of a toilet on one, a blank door, and the last one is labeled B&PA.
  301. >Logic says go to AJ.
  302. >You knock on the door.
  303. >”Go ‘way.”
  304. “I have something that’s for you. From my dad.”
  305. >After a few seconds, you hear a nose being blown.
  306. >”C-come in.”
  307. >Opening the door, you see Applejack. Her hair is undone and tangled, and her ears are flat against her head. She is sitting on her bed and staring out of the window, facing away from you.
  308. >“What is it? What do you want?”
  309. “Uh…” Words were never your string point. Ever. “Granny Smith said that my dad got you this hat with a note on it.”
  310. >At the word note, her ears perked up and she swiveled around, revealing her face. It was clear she had been crying, not that you didn’t already know that, but her face was redder than usual and her eyes were puffy.
  311. >You walk up to her and give her the hat and note. Immediately, she puts the hat on her head, it fits perfectly.
  312. >She then takes the note off from the top and reads it aloud.
  313. >”Congratulations…” she turns the note over to reveal more writing, “…dearest Applejack, on getting yer cutie mark. Ah know ah won’t be around to see it, but ah hope this gift makes up fer mah absence.”
  314. >She starts choking on her sobs, trying to stay in emotional control and keep her composure in front of you. It is a losing battle. She drops the note and pulls the ends of the Stetson hat over her face and a muffled thank you escapes amidst her cry.
  315. >You’re starting to get some serious feels from all this. You leave the room and return to Granny Smith.
  316. >Before you can say a word, Granny speaks up.
  317. “Ya probably can’t even imagine how much she misses him. Ya done yer father a great service, delivrin the present. T’marra we’ll have her cuteseniera and get ya introduced to everyp0ny in town.”
  318. >You don’t even notice Granny come close until she puts you in a hug.
  319. >”It’s alright now, junior. We all miss im. He helped around the farm often, an was lahk a father to AJ an Big Mac. He was a great friend, to the princess and to everyp0ny here in P0nyville, even me.”
  320. >Maybe…it was ok to cry now?
  321. >No…be strong!
  322. >Granny releases the hug.
  323. >”Let’s get ya settled in junior; ah betcha need some clothes, too, just lahk yer father. Let’s go see th’ place yer father always shopped, and we’ll get started on dinner when we get back.” She hollers up the stairs. “HOLD DOWN THA FORT BIG MAC, WE’LL BE RAGHT BACK FER DINNER!”
  324. >Wow she could be loud when she wanted to. She was a lot like your grandma, too. You only visited her in summer, but aside from the green color, country accent, and of course being a p0ny, the resemblance was uncanny.
  325. >You walk in silence all the way to town and enter some kind of clothing store. Granny Smith talks quietly with the proprietor and after a few minutes of measurements she assures you that you’ll get the clothes in a minute. This is probably the only time you’ll get to dictate your color—better make it count.
  326. “Can it be navy blue?”
  327. >Oh, right. First words you’ve spoken…they’re staring at you.
  328. “Uhhh, I mean…please?”
  329. >That seemed to do the trick. You forgot to say please. Ha. Haha.
  330. >You sit, bored as all get out. You have to wait A HALF AN HOUR. SITTING.
  331. >WHY. Well back to the real business. This is a magic world, so all you gotta do is learn magic or get yourself some artifacts. Hmm…what would a world of p0nies even HAVE for artifacts?
  332. >You distract yourself with this line of thought until the clothes are done.
  333. >You carry your clothes back to the Apple farm.
  334. >Granny, true to her word, gets right to cooking, Big Macintosh helping her out.
  335. >Are you supposed to help too?
  336. >”Junior, could ya help in here?”
  337. >Apparently, yes.
  338. >After dinner, some kind of mashed potato, peas and carrots thing, you were brought to the room with no name on it. It was some kind of guest room or something. Huh.
  339. >A knock on the door interrupts you putting your clothes in the drawers. Yes, they were navy blue. Score.
  340. >On the other side of the door was none other than Big Mac.
  341. >”Mahnd if ah come in?”
  342. “Not really.”
  343. >What are you supposed to say? The dude lives here anyway.
  344. >He comes in and shuts the door behind him.
  345. >”Ah don’t want no bad blood between us. Considerin’ how you’re livin’ with us now, ah’d think of us as brothers. Whaddya say?”
  346. “Sure. Brothers, I guess. I’m Anonymous.”
  347. >“Big Macintosh.”
  348. >He holds out his hoof, but as you reach forward to shake it, he shakes his head.
  349. >”Ya gotta punch it.”
  350. >Knock fists with a pony? Sounds dubious, but you ball up your hand and slam it into the offered red hoof.
  351. >”Now, THAT’S a brohoof. Well ah’ll leave ya to get some sleep. Work starts early, and we wake up at 5:30. Ah don’t think you’ll work tmorrow, but you’d better get used to wakin up that early. Gnight.”
  352. >…aaaand he’s gone.
  353. >You close your door quickly and rush to the bedside and stuff your face in a pillow.
  355. >Phew. That p0ny’d win any match of bloody knuckles…or would he lose since he’s red already? Case in point: don’t punch that hard again.
  356. >…
  357. >In the middle of the night, you could swear you hear the door creak open. You’re too tired to wake up all the way and open your eyes, so you ignore it.
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