
Senran Kagura 2 Onsen Scenes Translation

Aug 24th, 2014
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  1. Before you begin reading:
  3. I'm not an expert translator so don't be upset if I worded things differently than what others might but this is what is being said.
  4. Also, I'm sure you know Katsuragi's もみもみもみ by now. I decided to translate that as "rub rub rub". I dunno what they use in the official translation of Burst.
  5. For the first 3 fights, I only translated the pre-fight dialogue because I started translating it from the Hibari vs Haruka fight. I'll do the others later.
  7. Hope you guys enjoy.
  9. Ikaruga vs Yomi
  11. Ikaruga: In the end, we weren't able to find Kagura but we'll continue our mission tomorrow. For now, we'll rest at the onsen and heal our tired bones.
  12. Yomi: Ooh! Ojousama!
  13. Ikaruga: Y-Yomi!
  14. Yomi: To see you relaxing here at the onsen, I guess that means you weren't able to find Kagura or Naraku.
  15. Ikaruga: Yes, that's right.
  16. Yomi: I see. To tell the truth, I'm sort of relie-ahh!
  17. Ikaruga: Be Careful!!
  18. ~Ikaruga Catches Yomi~
  19. Ikaruga: The floor is pretty slippery so please walk with caution. Okay?
  20. Yomi: O-Ojousama...! I'm very grateful that you saved me but...your hand is...
  21. Ikaruga: Huh? Rub..Rub...Rub...A-Ah! I'm sorry! No No, I didn't mean to do something like...rub...rub rub rub...
  22. Yomi: U-Uhnn! I-I understand so please let me go!
  23. Ikaruga: B-But...the floor is so let me just...rub rub rub
  24. Yomi: No, No!! Ahh~ Please~!
  25. Ikaruga: Okay! Okay, I've let go. E-Everything will be fine now.
  26. Yomi: For you to suddenly gain such complete control over me...I-I won't allow something like that to go unchecked!
  27. ~The Battle Starts~
  28. (Note: I'll translate the stuff said during battle later but a funny part here is that they spend most of the fight complimenting each other's bodies before realizing its a real fight.)
  31. Katsuragi vs Hikage
  33. Katsuragi: Woo! That was one great bath!
  34. Hikage: What are ya doin here?
  35. Katsuragi: Whoa!! You scared me! You've gotta make your presence more known! I thought my heart was gonna stop...!
  36. Hikage: Your presence is just too damn strong. Anyway, I just got here.
  37. Katsuragi: Haa, so thats it, eh? This is one hell of a onsen, don't you think? Its so much fun and so relaxing!
  38. Hikage: That so? So no fightin'?
  39. Katsuragi: Hah, so you get it! When you're at the hotsprings, its totally neutral because we're completely naked! Virtuous Ninjas or Dark Ninjas - it doesn't matter. There are no sides in here!
  40. Hikage: Yep, definitely.
  41. Katsuragi: Hey! That's strawberry milk! Ain't that great? I'm also quite a fan of the stuff. But didn't you just come out of the baths?
  42. Hikage: I bought and drank some before I got here.
  43. Katsuragi: Really? Why didn't I think of that...Anyway, awesome! I'm gonna go buy some right now!
  44. Hikage: Actually, this is the last one. There ain't no more.
  45. Katsuragi: Wh...What did you just say?
  46. ~Battle Immediately Starts~
  47. (Note: One funny part here is when you win the fight [as Katsuragi] Hikage says she never agreed to the bet and then drinks the milk anyway. Katsuragi loses it.)
  50. Yagyuu vs Mirai
  52. Yagyuu: Onsens are perfect for healing battle scares. In other words, here you can fully relieve yourself. Complete relaxation.
  53. Mirai: ~Stare~
  54. Yagyuu: Where are you looking? Is there something on my chest?
  55. Mirai: ~Stare~
  56. Yagyuu: Hey, Don't ignore me.
  57. Mirai: You've grown, haven't you...
  58. Yagyuu: Ah, thats it. Many things have happened since our arrival in Kyoto, so I'm glad to hear you say that. Most of it is thanks to you, my newfound rival. But, even though you've praised me, I've got to grow even more.
  59. Mirai: Whaaat?!
  60. Yagyuu: I want to grow more and more . You must do your best as well.
  61. Mirai: I-I've had it up to here with your damn sarcasm! You're saying that I'll never grow to your level, aren't you?! I'll beat you down!
  62. Yagyuu: I don't really understand what you mean. But I guess it can't be helped - you want to fight, don't you? Then come, I'll be your opponent.
  63. ~The Battle Starts~
  64. (Note: Yes, Yagyuu stays oblivious to what Mirai really means the whole time)
  66. Hibari vs Haruka
  68. Haruka: Hibari, what do you think of this? In the hotsprings, we aren't allowed to speak of any serious things. It'll be our little rule between us girl ninjas.
  69. Hibari: I like that a lot! We've waited so long for this, hotsprings should be fun!
  70. Haruka: Now then, why don't we begin washing ourselves, huh?
  71. Hibari: Okay!
  72. Haruka: Lets begin then. We'll start with me washing you.
  73. ~Yagyuu dashes into the scene out of nowhere~
  74. Yagyuu: Stop right there!!!
  75. Yagyuu: This kind of woman...don't you dare touch any part of Hibari!
  76. Hibari: Yagyuu??
  77. Haruka: W-What?
  78. ~Yagyuu begins hitting Haruka like a little baby. You can hear the sounds~
  79. Yagyuu: Get away from Hibari! You're 100 years too early to be touching her naked body!
  80. Haruka: H-hey, whats your problem? Stop hitting me, get away!
  81. Yagyuu: W-What! What is soap doing in the water?!
  82. ~Yagyuu slips on the soap~
  83. ~The screen goes completely black~
  84. Hibari: Yagyuu!!
  85. Yagyuu: A...All I have are regrets...farewell, Hibari...
  86. ~The screen comes back~
  87. Hibari: Yagyuu!! Please don't die! Haruka, what did you do to Yagyuu!?
  88. Haruka: "What did I do?" I mean, she was hitting me like crazy and slipped on the soap. Plus, I don't even think she's dead. I think she just hit her head...
  89. Hibari: Haruka, you're horrible! You're too horrible! I'll have to get revenge for Yagyuu and beat you up!
  90. Haruka: W-Whaaaaat??!
  91. ~The Battle Begins~
  92. (Note: That whole convo was especially hilarious because Yagyuu's voice was super frantic and high-pitched the whole time. I've never heard her like that before)
  93. ~During Battle~
  94. Hibari: Prepare yourself! This is for Yagyuu!
  95. Haruka: Like I said, just please calm down!
  96. Hibari: I can't calm down! I...I...I will never forgive you!! Uuu~ Uuu~
  97. Hibari: Memories of Yagyuu are flooding me!
  98. Haruka: Uh, Hibari? Just a second...
  99. Hibari: Dear Yagyuu who gave Mr. Rabbit cookies...
  100. Hibari: Dear Yagyuu who used to read me bedtime stories...
  101. Hibari: Dear Yagyuu who would take countless photos of me while she had those nosebleeds...!
  102. Haruka: Isn't that last one a little strange...?
  103. Hibari: Dear Yagyuu who would always choke while eating dried squids!!
  104. Hibari: Dear Yagyuu who would dance for me when I got sad!
  105. Hibari: I will never ever get to see that Yagyuu again!
  106. Haruka: Like I said, Yagyuu actually didn't die...
  107. Hibari: I will never ever forgive you, Haruka!
  108. Haruka: No matter what I say, it's pointless...
  109. ~After the Battle~
  110. Yagyuu: Uu~
  111. Hibari: Yagyuu!! Huh? Didn't you die?
  112. Yagyuu: N-No, I just lost consciousness for a little while. I didn't die...
  113. Haruka: Geez...I tried to tell you all along.
  114. Hibari: I-I see. I'm so sorry, Haruka. Once again, I've messed up...
  115. Haruka: It's fine. It was just a simple misunderstanding.
  116. Hibari: Then...what should we do now? Oh, I know! We can all wash each other together!
  117. Haruka: Everybody washing each other...Hm, what do you think, Yagyuu?
  118. Yagyuu: If I get to wash Hibari, I have no problems.
  119. Hibari: Okay! Both of you can sit right here! No more fighting okay? I get to wash you both!
  120. ~The two sit down and you see Hibari switching her voices between the two girls~
  121. Hibari: Wash Wash... Scrub Scrub!
  122. Haruka: Heh, like always, Hibari's spontaneous nature is unrivaled.
  123. Yagyuu: Yes. But that's quite alright.
  124. Hibari: Washy Washy...Scrubby Scrubby!
  125. ~Scene Ends~
  127. Asuka vs Homura
  129. Asuka: Aah~ As expected, Hotsprings feel so good~
  130. Homura: H-hey, if is isn't Asuka! Why are you here?
  131. Homura: It's come to this, huh? I thought I would come here and rest my tired bones after all those fights, but I here I find my rival just waiting to ambush me!
  132. Asuka: Y-You've got it all wrong! i'm not here to ambush you!
  133. Homura: I'm prepared Asuka, I'm VERY prepared! Even though I'm completely naked, I still won't lose to you!
  134. Homura: Fufufu. I knew that naked battle training we did on top of the bullet train would come in handy. (A reference to an earlier funny ass scene)
  135. Asuka: Like I said, you've got it all wrong, Homura! I came here to enjoy the hotsprings and only that!
  136. Homura: What? So you don't want to fight?
  137. Asuka: Hotsprings are for relaxation! If you want, we can fight later.
  138. Homura: Hmm...I don't know if I can trust those words. It would make it easy to just finish you off here and be done with it...
  139. Asuka: Look, how long do you plan to stand there. Don't you think you'll catch a cold unless you get in?
  140. Homura: Yes, you're right. Okay then, I guess I'll get in.
  141. Asuka: Aa~ This warmth feels so good doesn't it, Homura?
  142. Homura: Yeah. All the stress in my body is leaving me...
  143. ~You hear Bouncing/Rubbing noises~
  144. Homura: A-Asuka! What are you doing?!
  145. Asuka: Huh? What are you talking about?
  146. Homura: J-Just now! You touched my breasts! We formed a truce so don't touch me!
  147. Asuka: What? I didn't do that at all! I'm not Katsuragi!
  148. Homura: Don't lie to me! So you're jealous, is that it? Jealous of my growth and size!
  149. ~You hear bouncing/rubbing sounds again~
  150. Asuka: Ah!! Homura, what are you doing?! Don't touch me there!
  151. Homura: Huh? What re you talkin' about?
  152. ~Bounce Bounce, Rub Rub~
  153. Asuka: A-Ah! Homura! Y-You're so rough and persistent, please stop! (yes, she said this)
  154. ~Squeeze Squeeze, Bounce Bounce!
  155. Homura: T-Touching me there...Ah! I-It's no use...Asuka, please s-stop...
  156. ~Rub Rub, Squeeze, Rub Rub~
  157. Asuka: Geez! Homura, I've had enough! Knock it off! If you keep touching me there, I won't forgive you!
  158. ~Rub Rub, Squeeze~
  159. Homura: That's my line!
  160. ~Rub Rub Rub Rub~
  161. Asuka: Ahhhh~! T-That's it! You've made me angry, Homura!
  162. ~Squeeze Squeeze Squeeze~
  163. Homura: H-hahhnnn~ S-So it's come to this, has it-ahhhnnn~! Y-You really don't wanna stop huh?! L-let's do this!
  164. ~Battle Starts~
  165. Asuka: For you to be doing this like that in a please like this...
  166. Asuka: Homura, I thought you were different! I was wrong about you!
  167. Homura: H-Hey, I didn't do a damn thing! Don't say weird things like that!
  168. Homura: As for you, is this the kind of weird jutsu they teach you over there at Hanzou Academy?!
  169. Homura: That's it isn't it? A Jutsu that works especially well on Kunoichi!
  170. Asuka: W-What?? Don't say things like that!
  171. Homura: Shameless...Dirty...You're filthy, Asuka!
  172. Homura: With your own two hands, you've chosen the path of darkness!
  173. Asuka: Geez, I have no idea what you're talking about! I didn't touch you at all!
  174. Homura: I'm done talking! I've had enough, it's pointless!
  175. Asuka: That's my line!
  176. ~After the battle~
  177. Asuka: Haa...Haa...I said I didn't touch you!
  178. Homura: A-Aa...Yeah, I'm starting to think you actually didn't.
  179. Homura: But if thats the case, who the hell was it that touched us both?
  180. Asuka: Y-Yeah...there's nobody else here but us. D-Don't tell me, maybe a ghost?
  181. Homura: H-Hey, stop that! S-Such a cowardly tactic, trying to s-scare me! Shush, Shush! no more talk of g-ghosts!!
  182. ???: Uuuuu~ Ooooo~
  183. Asuka: W-Wait a second...I can hear a voice!
  184. Homura: Agghhhhh! Ahhhhghhhhh! Waaaaaaahhhghhhhhhh! I can't hear anything! I can't hear anything!!! Go away! Go away ghosts!!!
  185. ???: Gugugu... uuuugugugu...
  186. Asuka: S-Something is in the water, Homura!! Homuraa, its coming out!
  187. ~Homura turns to Asuka with her arms stretched out with tears in her eyes~
  188. Homura: Heeiiiiiiiiiii!!!!! Waaaaaahghhhh!!! A-Asukaaaaa! Asukaaaaaa!!!!
  189. ???: Bohoho! Huhuhuhu!
  190. Asuka & Homura: Waaaaaaaaagggggghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
  191. ~Kagura pops out of the water~
  192. Kagura: *Cough Cough* J-Just as I thought...*huff huff* I can't hold my breath anymore...
  193. Asuka: H-Huh? Kagura??
  194. Kagura: Naraku said she'd be hiding in the hotsprings area. So i thought I'd check underwater.
  195. Asuka: S-So, it was you that was touching our bodies earlier?
  196. Kagura: I was having trouble holding my breath, so my arms just kind of moved whenever they pleased...I'm sorry.
  197. Asuka: Haha, well what do you know? It wasn't a ghost. Phew...I'm so relieved. Aren't you Homura?
  198. Homura: I-I wasn't totally fine the whole time. I'm not afraid of a ghost. I-I'm a damn Shinobi!
  199. Asuka: Even though you were screaming in my ear the whole time...
  200. Homura: That was my battle cry, not a scream!
  201. Kagura: But I was really surprised. You both are stronger than I expected.
  202. Kagura: You both were able to understand each other through fignting, rather than words. Your affinity for each other is quite high.
  203. Kagura: But why is that so? What is the reason behind that. Please, could you both teach me? I want to learn.
  204. Asuka: R-Reason behind it? It's pretty hard to explain...
  205. Homura: I agree. When you fight you use your whole body, not just your brain. it's not something you can't just think about.
  206. Kagura: Is that so...? But I want to know. Me, I have something that must be done, but there are many things in this world I don't understand.
  207. ~Naraku dashes into the scene~
  208. Naraku: Kagura! Asuka has been charged with a mission to destroy you! Please get away from her!
  209. Asuka: Naraku, please relax. We're in the hotsprings - a please of relaxation. This has nothing to do with our mission.
  210. Naraku: Making a statement like that...what the hell? Why do you come to such a conclusion just because we're at the hotsprings?
  211. Naraku: Well...whatever. As long as you all continue your demon hunting, I can have faith that Kagura's mission will be fufilled. Kagura, let's go.
  212. Kagura: Y-Yes.
  213. Asuka: Wait, Kagura!
  214. Kagura: Hm?
  215. Asuka: It's because we're friends. Homura and I are the best of friends. That's why we can understand each other through fighting.
  216. Kagura: Friends...? For some reason...hearing that word feels so nostalgic.
  217. Naraku: Kagura, we need to go immediately.
  218. Kagura: Yes. Thank you, Asuka. Please teach me more things from here on out.
  219. ~The two leave~
  220. Asuka: So they've left...
  221. ~The Scene Ends~
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