
Mind of Matter - Chapter 01

Jul 16th, 2012
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  1. Mind of Matter
  2. <C>SilverCreep<C>
  3. 08/07/2012
  5. (All characters are own by their respective owners.
  6. MLP and all things Pony by Hasbro 2012
  7. Anonomoplis and Cermina owned by SilverCreep)
  10. Chapter 01
  11. >You wake up with your face in the dirt, not sure exactly what happened last night but you certainly remember coming home that time.
  12. > Shaking the sleep from your head, you look up to see you're not even at your house, you're entirely outside, in the middle of a clearing surrounded by trees.
  13. "What the fuck is this shit?"
  14. > IT seems odd how you remember being driven home, walking to your room and going to sleep, but how you woke up in the middle of nowhere just seems like a bad prank.
  15. "Okay...well...I wonder who i owe money to."
  16. "You owe nothing of the sort."
  17. > You turn to see a figure sitting on a rock just at the edge of the wood beyond you, she, or at least by the sound of her voice being a she, was a beast nearly the same size as you.
  18. > Reptilian with black scales across her body with crimson red ones down her center from lower jaw to hEr inner thighs and tail; a dragon but no wings
  19. > The small frame certainly didn't spell "Big scary monster".
  20. > Something oddly...familiar about her.
  21. "I'd say V'elcome comrade, but like you, I do not know how I got here either."
  22. > You blink a few times, either you're totally off your rocker, but you seem to be looking directly at a child's representation of an anthro dragon...a nice looking one at that.
  23. > she stood around 5 feet, a long tail that went at least 3 feet from her body, curved ram-like horns on both sides of her head.
  24. > You don't speak, your mind is quite blown
  25. > She looks at you, those crimsons eyes flashing brightly in the midday light as she seems to study you
  26. inquisitve look
  27. curious look
  28. nothing that says shes going to kill you
  29. safe?
  30. > Start talking moron, maybe she won't bother with you, and having been the first thing to speak-
  31. "Uhh, what is your name m'lady?" you ask, taking the most gentlemanly of tones
  32. The drakess smirks, somewhat flattered but more in good humour as a tom-boyish chuckle escaped her maw
  33. whats her deal?
  34. "My name? Comrade Anon, have you not bore witness to me many times before."
  35. "Perhaps, but my mind is telling me not to."
  36. >Or just not understanding it, shits getting too real.
  38. The drakess looks at you, expecting an answer
  39. you look back with no real idea what she's going on about.
  40. She huffs at you, slowly growing impatient
  41. You blink in desbelife, perhaps utter mind-farttery
  42. "Well?"
  43. "Well what?"
  44. "Do you know who I am"
  45. "The fuck should I know?"
  46. "The beast you at least create, perhaps the beings that are the closest to you."
  47. "and what does that mean?"
  48. The drakess sighed, you can see a pang of annoyance in her expression
  49. "Do you trully not remeber who I am, or does Anon's brain choose not to bother."
  50. "What do you mean choose not to bother, the fuck can you say when you wake up in a world not like your own and see a creature you belive, hell, you damn well know for a muddafuckking FACT is something straight out of your head?"
  51. "You say hello."
  52. You pause, blinking before you swat your face.
  53. "Alright, alright, Hello, my name is Anon, what is your name."
  54. "Charmed Anon, my name is Cermina, Matriact of the Arubrun Talon.
  55. "Uh huh"
  56. > Oh
  57. > Fucking
  58. > Shit.
  59. > perhaps you are off your rocker, but going through the mnany files and folders in your brain, it sparks a whole query of pictures, stories, draft works of this character; her very creation a fabric of your own imagination years stood here in physical form.
  60. Cool.
  61. You can't help but grin
  62. She grins in return, that grin, that wicked toothy grin.
  63. "A drake is fine for what I am comrade, but my talons are means to erradiacte all those who must be ended, tis the way of my dealing, of my doing, of my purpose.
  64. "To kill things?"
  65. "To slay those who dare cause harm to my kin, comrades, and country..."
  66. "Very patrotic"
  67. She nodded "I am trained in combat comrade Anon, as soldiers are trained for their country. Being here by powers unknown and seeing you as my comrade, I shall be please to work alongside you in keeping you alive.
  68. > touching
  69. "Well, I don't think dying here would be the biggest issue on my mind, so what else?"|
  70. "The fact we should probably move from this area."
  72. > Yep, its her all right, can't really deny the characters actions nor how she looks; fuck, who or what ever got you here decided to rape your brain and take something out of it.
  73. You ease your hands to your sides, dusting yourself off as you look at Cermina.
  74. "So, why are you here, are you...real, is this real?"
  75. >The drake shrugged, raising both talons.
  76. "Dis is as real as you can get..." she tapped the rock, clunking her talon's knuckle along stone. "As for you and I, well, dat is questioning what this world has provided for us."
  77. > You blink, rubbing your stubble chin, you hadn't shaved for the past few days, guess doing nothing with your life finally drove you to go insane, but why here, what got you here, and why the hell did they create something that you developed through your own dabbling into the world of art and writing?
  78. "'re telling me that I am here, and when I got here it created you."
  79. "Dah"
  80. "So then tell me, what IS here that we need to be concerned about."
  81. >The Drakess shook her head, raising shoulders to shrug
  82. "I do not know, I have not yet scouted this area as properly as I should...tell me, do you wish for me to do dat comrade?"
  83. > the head pain you still have bothers you, sitting down, you wave a hand at her.
  84. "Fine, go and do a perimeter patrol, at least until you get to the edge of the wood, then report back."
  85. >The drakess smirked, saluting a bit and then turning into the woods.
  86. > definitely she's been pulled from your head.
  88. > Cermina was something you made as a kid, a fantasy creature you grew up with, she was your "strong back"character, someone you could have to feel protected by.
  89. > Though not as impressive as your mind had made her.
  90. > Perhaps its almost sickly have you sudden realize that something you fantasied as a kid has now been created in this world, oddly enough, you can't see any problem with it.
  91. > Science fiction says this shit can happen.
  92. > Guides for those in new worlds.
  93. "Maybe its a defense in my brain?"
  94. > You speak aloud, no one to hear you, words bounce about.
  95. > You lay back against the grass, watching the clouds gently move along the sky, the day certainly is nice.
  96. > Weather had said for rain back at home, if this is anywhere close to that or not, but these skies didn't speak downpour.
  97. > You check yourself out now, trying to see what you got. Your clothing is still on from yesterday, black shoes, jeans, a t-shirt and short sleeve button down, your glasses, and a bucket hat on your head.
  98. > You check your pockets, you have your phone and...clink...wallet with some change. Don't know how far that will get you here....better to have some form of ID if not anything else.
  99. > You hear rustling in the brush to see Cermina return.
  100. "Dere is a village 2 clicks from the woods clearing, occupied, dere was movement within. I have not investigated further, but wait for your word."
  101. > You stand up, stretching a bit as you walk towards her.
  102. "Show me."
  104. > You crawl about through the thick of the wilderness, it was peaceful, better than most woods you've been too around your place, and certainly a lot calmer than the busy city.
  105. > Its sweet in the air, no pollution at all, which is nice.
  106. "dis place is quite...cheerful." Cermina begins
  107. "I'd figure, everything just looks brighter."
  108. "Bah, too bright comrade, no stain of struggle or threat, it is utterly peaceful."
  109. "You can say that again, I don't think this place can fathom war, it just...doesn't look like the kind of world that-."
  110. > She stops you suddenly
  111. "Shhhh"
  112. "What"
  113. "Contacts...two of them....get down."
  114. > Cermina pushed her talon downward, you have enough knowledge of military maneuvers from TV and games to know she wants your body on the deck.
  115. > You get down quickly, letting your hat slump over your eyes a bit before easing it up to see. You can suddenly here the trotting of what sounds like...hooves...through grass.
  116. > You can't see much, nor hear anything else, a few mutters of voices but nothing you can pick up.
  118. > Cermina laid down just beside you as her upper body was arched upwards just enough to see clearly as she tracked the two for a moment before they left.
  119. > You of course couldn't see shit with your head all the way down.
  120. "Its clear..." Cermina muttered after a few minutes of watching "come, let us move before they double back."
  121. > She certainly had her survival instincts in, you could care less as you slowly get to your feet and follow her further inwards, or outwards as you can see the crest of the other side of the woods.
  122. > Get to the edge of the wood, hear lotta noise, smells sweet.
  123. "Dere." Cermina points towards a small town just over a few short hills, eyes go wide as your mind clicks to where the heck you are.
  124. "Don't tell me."
  125. "What, is dat bad?"
  126. "No, but I have a very odd feeling that this is going to turn into the craziest thing of my life."
  127. > You rub the bridge of your nose a bit as Cermina moves forward "come, we can get a better spot from dere." she notes the wood extending to your right, around the crest of a small stream that borders the village.
  128. > You can make your way around it to get a bit closer and have the lake as a boundary to prevent anyone from coming right at you.
  129. > Cermina goes first, keeping low as you do the same, monkey see, monkey do, you don't plan to suddenly show in there like anyone else might.
  130. > The fact you were now being led by what could simply be considered a figment of your imagination was just too much fun to deny.
  132. > You arrive at the second point Cermina had mentioned, closer now, you can make out better details of the town and then some.
  133. > You can see brightly coloured ponies EVERYWHERE, not just horse-ponies, Pegasus and Unicorns are among them.
  134. > Instantly you face-palm.
  135. "Dey are equines."
  136. "Yes...and I know exactly to what."
  137. "So, you familiar?"
  138. "More than I'd like to be, this just takes the cake...Dear diary, today I found myself in a land of ponies."
  139. "Dat does not sound bad."
  140. "Not really, it does when you think this whole thing will be a great big ball of what the fuck."
  141. > Cermina huffed "Its better den being in a place of fear and pain."
  142. "True argument there..."
  143. > Sighing you sit back and fiddle your hands into your pocket, pulling your phone and wallet out with you. Your phone is fully charged, always plug it in before bed and your wallet has plastic, some bills and cash. You count it.
  144. "Ten and change..."
  145. Cermina turns to you, grinning.
  146. "I will go investigate." she smirked, easing forward
  147. "Are you nuts!" You shout, grabbing her tail as she turns to you, eyes alight with a soft hiss of discomfort. "You're going to stand out like a sore thumb."
  148. > Cermina growls a bit
  149. "You do not trust my skill?"
  150. > You pause, relasing her tail slowly."
  151. "It's not that, its will look really out of place."
  152. "Dat is, if dey can see me."
  153. > You blink, sighing.
  154. > She is intent, so you let her go.
  156. > Cermina set off quickly, sprinting to the lake and leaping, yes, leaping right over the small brook to somersault into the opposing side, landing on her gut and crawling to the edge of the shore.
  157. > She looks for a few moments before pulling herself up and sprinting towards one of the closer houses.
  158. > Runs to one of the houses and presses her back tightly against the wall away from the interior of the town, directly facing you as you.
  159. > she gives you a talon-thumb up.
  160. > you mouth "you are nuts" in return.
  161. > She only grins wider, and turns to the house she laid against, easing herself onto a well place crate to get onto the roof, crawling up to the top of it and gazing over, having only her head poking out to see towards the town square.
  162. > You curse yourself that you can't move like that, but its best not to bother, you aren't as fit as she is, nor as well trained, best you sit tight as she scouts ahead.
  163. > She's watching everything in the town, why has no one noticed her?
  164. > The stillness is suddenly destoryed by lound trumpets blaring.
  165. > the wind changes.
  167. > Cermina lays on the roof as still as stone
  168. > you notice a golden chariot pulled by two well armored Pegasus landing in the center of town, just a bit always from Cermina's perch.
  169. > Oddly enough, you can see it fairly clearly as a large white equine steps off it, greeted by bows of all the others focusing directly onto her.
  170. "Clearly she's in charge..." You think as you can see has wings and a horn.
  171. "Hrmmm, i think those are called Alicorns..."
  172. > You can see Cermina staring directly at the white one, yet she doesn't seem to be phased by it, perhaps she is unable to detected Cermina, but you can't help worry that she may be seen.
  173. > Even though she is on a roof she is still, you know, a dragon, smell and all.
  174. > The ponies begin to talk, among them you can see six of them speaking directly to the princess.
  175. > Two unicorns, one white with a purple mane and tail, the other purple with a matching mane aside from a light pink stripe both in mane and tail.
  176. > Two Pegasus, a light blue one with a rainbow mane and tail, and a yellow one with a long pink mane and tail. Fin++ally, there we're two normal ponies; one bright orange with blond hair and white freckles, the other a Technicolor pink with almost cotton-candy like pink mane and tail.
  177. > They all seem quite chipper as they speak to the royal subject.
  178. >You watch them speak, laugh, even dance a bit in delight before the princess eases back onto her chariot and off towards a mountain in the distance before the ponies all disperse among the town.
  180. > Sometime later, you see Cermina making her way back to you.
  181. "Did you see?" she asked as she returned to a kneeling position by your side.
  182. "Yes...what were they talking about?"
  183. > You ask, Cermina sighs
  184. "I could not understand much, but the ROyal one had spoken of an unsual feeling about this day, and she asked them if the other ponies had known anything. No one seem too figure what she meant, made little sense, but I think she may have senses our presence.
  185. "You mean mine, if she had sensed yours I'm sure she'd be on you like a cat on a rat."
  186. Cermina smirked
  187. "Cornered rats fight back, I would have taken her."
  188. You roll your eyes a bit
  189. "I do not like her."
  190. You pause, looking at your drake friend
  191. "Why not?"
  192. "She feels...wrong.:
  193. "In what way?"
  194. Cermina turns to you, claws extended
  195. "She is a good kin, her heart is warm and bright, but, her mind, her mind is one I can sense too well; I felt it all over the place, wandering around, seeking things out, it was...chilling."
  196. "Are you saying while she was standing all there that she was seeing things through her mind?"
  197. "I Cannot be sure, but she presents power unlike the others around this town."
  198. "Powers?"
  199. "Perhaps something beyond what you would consider magic or intelligence, something melding the fact she can expose peoples thoughts."
  200. You sit back, if this royalty memeber did have a way to send her mind out to see things, then could be considered decendent of a god? You've read sci-fi to know that only really powerful creatures can do that "All seeing" sorta thing, perhaps thats what Cermina is talking about.
  201. >You tip your hat down a bit
  202. "Sounds suspicious, but noted."
  203. "We should wait till nightfall before we check out the rest of that place."
  204. > You nod
  205. "would be better to survey at night then to worry about being seen."
  206. > You decide to wait till the night, for now, you're still sleepy, so you lay back down and let your hat cover your face to catch some winks.
  208. >You wake up sometime later, eyes focusing to see Cermina crouched at the edge of the forest, the night sky hanging high above as stars twinkled and a full moon bright with its luminative glow.
  209. > Cermina turned her head, seeing you awake.
  210. > She rose, easing over to you and patting your shoulder."
  211. "Wake up comrade, are you well?"
  212. > You're groggy, you shake your head a bit to get the sleep from your eyes.
  213. "Whats happened?"
  214. > Cermina points to the village
  215. "Dey all went to sleep, we can move without problem."
  216. "Did you check other spots?"
  217. > The drakess nodded "Dah, dere are several buildings of interest, perhaps we can find information in them."
  218. "We need a library, sure there is one."
  219. "Library?"
  220. "If we want to learn about these guys, we look at their books."
  221. > Cermina hurred
  222. "Right, lets move."
  223. > Cermina went forward first, taking the lead as she kept crouched, rushing the small brook and jumping over it.
  224. > She turns, waiting for you.
  225. > You aren't superman, but you take a few moments to gather your breath and run for the brook.
  226. > Its not a large stream, but jumping over, somersaulting and landing on your gut at the bank edge beside the drake makes you feel quite please with yourself.
  227. She had done it before
  228. Cermina just looks at you.
  229. "Show off."
  230. "Let me have fun."
  231. > Cermina rolled her eyes, easing slightly forward on her chest, just over the bank, hissing softly as the air escaped and a fork tounge lashed out.
  232. "Hrmmmmthe innocent sleep, dis is a very good smell." she muttered, sensing the heat about of the ponies all slender in bed, their body temapture radating in soothing comfort.
  233. "I don't care if its lollipops and sugar drops, its far to late to be outside."
  235. Ohshit.
  237. You are Pinkie Pie
  238. You wake up to find your whole body twitching, your tail is perking about, ears flapping against your face, even your nose inches
  239. You get out of bed in a flash, feeling your whole body tingle and twitch.
  240. You look up, down, around, all over your room to see nothing out of the ordinary.
  241. You look outsdie
  242. Nighttime
  243. Sleep time, like you should be
  244. Twitch twitch\
  245. Can't sleep, too much twitching, something is here.
  246. Out there
  247. Outside
  248. You know its late, you know no one wants a party this late
  249. not like last time]
  250. A party at midnight sounded so fun!
  251. No one liked it very much.
  252. Everyone kept falling asleep
  253. But something is out there
  254. Something is making your pinkie senses go haywire.
  255. You ease softly out the door.
  256. Don't wake Mr and Miss Cake
  257. Sneaky sneaky through the hallway
  258. Sneaky sneak down the stairs
  259. Sneaky sneaky past the kitchen
  260. Sneaky sneaky out the door.
  261. Its cool outside
  262. You close the door behind you and look around
  263. Silence
  264. Stillness
  265. Then the twitching.
  266. Ears begin to flap forward, almost in a direction as your pinkie sense drives you forward
  267. You begin trotting towards the bride into town
  268. Trotting queitly along the cobblestone path
  269. Over to the bridge
  270. And then you see him.
  272. You are Anon
  274. "HI I'm Pinkie Pie, whats your name? You're new to Ponville arent you? I know your new because I know everpony here and I mean everypony, even those who aren't ponies! Why are you out and about so late?"
  275. You tumble back, feeling your whole body clench right to the very earth you were resting on, exposing the whole front to the cotton candy mained, pink colored horse.
  276. "OH geeezes shit." you whisper, keeping your stale eyes upon the creature. Fuck, its near midnight in your body, its insaine to actually be UP this late. Thank the graveyard shift for that one.
  278. "You need a whip? We have tons of whip, whipped cream, whipped chocolate, whipped caramel, whipped apple."
  279. "Apple"
  280. "Uh huh!" Her eyes are big and gleaming "Whip apple is so amazing!"
  281. >YOu swear you can see starts and fireworks exploding in her eyes as your trace fixated on them for a few more mninutes as you blink
  282. "Uhh...well, thats...good, I guess."
  283. "You guess, you guess? Whipped apple is so amazing, you gotta try it cause its the sweetest thing and-"
  284. "You should move, this is not what were here for." Cermina's voice peirced the very topic Pinky had been monotoning on to realize her eyes were closed, perhaps by instinct he just moved, up to the side of the house and onto the roof; he crawled to the far side then slid down the opposit,eventually landing right back down...infront of the pink one.
  285. "Do you liked Whipped apple?"
  286. "uhhh n-no...not really."
  287. "Why not?! Its so amazing~!"
  288. "Well, I guess, you see..."
  289. >Smooth
  290. "I never really had the concept of whipped apple come to mind, and frankly, i just can't understand how the formation of whipped apple could be conceived without something of the utmost whipping power."
  291. "Well, we certainly have something that could do it good! Come on, you should try it!"
  292. "Uhh no."
  293. "Why not"
  294. ""
  295. "Why not?"
  296. ""
  297. "Why not?"
  298. > Backagainst the wall, eyes fixated completely on the pink ponies blue eyes, the pupils extremely big in comparison to the white stuff...
  299. "Because I don't like whipped apple."
  300. "But whyy>?"
  301. ""
  302. "Hard, as in crumble hard, or crunch hard."
  303. "Uhhh, more like firm press."
  304. "So, not soft."
  305. "No, Not Strawberry Bannan soft."
  306. "Oh, you like Strawberry Bannana? I LOVE strawberry Bannana!"
  307. "You do?"
  308. "Hrmmm!"
  309. > She flips about, landing some distance away from you, on her hind legs with her fore ones gripping her cheeks in delight, exposing those rather...large white teeth.
  310. "This is so crazy."
  311. Cermina laid by your side, expressing rather taint desbelife in the fact he was now talking with something exposed, he's not being tacticle.
  312. "Hey.."
  313. You pause
  314. "So, your name is Pinkie Pie?"
  315. She nods
  316. "Pinkamina Dianna Pie, but everbody calls me Pinkie, cause imso pink! Whats your name?"
  317. You blink a few times
  318. This feels really childish, but you can't help but feel upbeat about this little pony.
  319. "Well...Pinkie, I'm Anonimuspole, but you can call me Anon."
  320. "Anonimsupole sounds funny, but Anon works!
  321. She jumps around you in delight.
  322. "HEY! That makes you a new friend, we should throw a party to welcome you to Ponyville."
  323. "Uhh I think its a bit too late for that, shouldn't you be alseep."
  324. "Oh but I was asleep, but you see, I suddenly got all, pinkie keen, my tail went twitchy twit, my ears went flappy flapp, and even my nose crinkled, I was totally suprised to feel a sudden desire for me to go outside and see what was up, and I found you."
  325. You chuckle abit, not too suprised by her comfortable reaction, you smile a bit
  326. "Pinkie, might I ask you something"
  327. "Oh, that may have to wait, sugar cube corner is closed, no strawberry bannan is out yet."
  328. "Uhhh not really, but I'd like to use the library"
  329. "The Library? At this hour? Oh but Twilight is asleep."
  330. "Who?"
  331. "MY good super awesome friend Twilight! she lives in the library!
  332. > Lives
  333. > in
  334. > the
  335. > Library
  336. "What, she's a bookwrom?"
  337. "Yuh huh..."
  338. "Oh..well, I'd ask if we could at least try to do it all...sneaky like/"
  339. "Why would we want to sneak?|
  340. "Cause I don't want anyone to be awake.
  341. "But, no one is here."
  342. "I mean the..."
  343. can't say people...
  344. "Ponies, you know, everyother pony, i don't want to wake them."
  345. "Well, I don't know about sneaking into the Library, but it certainly sounds fun! Lets do it!"
  346. "What?"
  347. "Sure, I mean, I don't mind sneaking around at all! its what i do best!" she went to a low whisper,finding yourself suddenly right at the ground level with her maw.
  348. "uhhh, right...well can you show me?"
  349. "Of coruse, follow me!"
  350. Cermina just shook her head.
  352. -
  354. The Library was not too far from the center of town, a few walks away from the riverbank and they were infront of the giant oakwood tree that was the Library.
  355. Cermina stood by the entry sigh, hiding partially behind the cover errected as she monitored the back way. Pinkie of coruse simply led Anon to the door.
  356. "Is there a back door"
  357. "Nope, just a trunk!" she smiled wide, why was she not tired?
  358. "Good one"
  359. you rest against the wooden frame of the door, slipping a hand down into your pocket for your wallet, easing out a credit card, you gently begin to slide it along the lock frame, you ease it from the top down
  360. eventually hitting the strike.
  361. no lock.
  362. "Thats messed..."
  363. You open the door slowly, not a sound remiates from its hinges as you look at Pinkie, she smiles
  364. "She never locks it, why would anypony lock the door to a library, I mean duhhh, its not that nutty you can't take a book to read.
  365. "Yeah, I would imagine."
  366. You hold the door, notioning towards Pinkie,
  367. she just stands there
  368. you nodd your head to the door, not in agreement, but trying to signal her/
  369. she just sits there
  370. "pinkie"
  371. "Yuh?"
  372. "I;'m holding the door, you can go inside."
  373. "Oh, thats silly, why would you hold the door for me?"
  374. " a gentleman, I would ask if the lady enter first?"
  375. Pinkies eyes lit up a bit
  376. "Oh, you don't have to be so nice, that's for Rarity!"
  377. You blink
  378. "Rarity?"
  379. "Yuh huh! you're a smooth talker, you should talk to her."
  380. "maybe..."
  381. Pinkie goes inside first before you follow suit
  382. Tacticle,
  383. She goes in, everythings cool, no one questions the 5 foot tall bipedal creature entering a library should someone actually BE up.
  384. You quickly follow behind her, entering the dark lobby of the library, book shelves surround you aside from one cut away to expose a staircase upwards.
  386. You see Cermina standing by one of the shlevs, pointing to a book that was admist a trio of golden rimmed books. They looked like encyclopedias, a perfect choice to study some new things.
  387. The one she was pointing to was I-P in the three book series.
  388. You take it, easing it gently into your hands as you pulled it tight up to your chest and walk to the table.
  389. Where an owl looks right back at you.
  390. "....whao..."
  391. Owls are cool, you're not unfamilair with them, but this one was just...nuts. It was sitting perfectly still on a bird cradle just at the back end of it, its black eyes perfectly solid, almost endless as it glowed very dimly in the light, reflecting the smallest traces.
  392. You can see Cermina growing tense a bit seeing it
  393. You sigh a bit, thinking straight as you open the book to P
  395. Ponyville
  396. > Read wiki-like section about ponyville
  397. > +1 to General Knowlege of Ponyville.
  399. > you close the book slowly, gazing outside you can see that the night has slowly gotten brighter, day would be soon as you exhale softly. Though the owl remaind vigiliant, Pinky had oddly enough, fallen asleep by the book side. You weren't much for parties, but her company was enough to make you feel good about it.
  400. "Well,thank you kindly Pinkie" you say softly as you see her quite off in dreamworld with her eyes shut tight. You wonder if she would awaken soon, perhaps that "keen" she mentioned was keeping her awake.
  401. "Hopefully this will just be a dream to least, uless you think it should be known."
  402. Cermina walked over, patting you on the shoulder
  403. "As hard as it is comrade, tactics dicatets we keep low profile, if you wish to care for dese kin, den you must try and get use to dem before you begin to engage dem."
  404. She was right, Pinky was easy, but how odd would it be to be human and simply be in this world of beasts, it wouldn't be easy for them to cope, even if Pinkie was so cool to the whole thing, the others certainly weren't this open. Closing the book quietly, you put it back in proper place before slowly looking at the owl, a smirk across your face as you run a hand along your lips, zipping them shut. The owl seems to twist its head a bit, perhaps understanding the message before you slip out and close the door behind you.
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