

Nov 23rd, 2016
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  1. When pollsters and pundits said Trump had no chance I said he did and reprised Truman holding the "Dewey Wins!" headline. Actually, I thought he had a strong chance of winning but didn't want to sound crazy or dismay people. The pundits listened to each other. I listened to the people and knew they were Really Pissed.
  3. Now another prediction. I knew since election that Trump would dial down his rhetoric. According to a PBS interview yesterday with his cheif strategist - a woman, no less, he is doing just that. No arrest for Hillary. A strong repudiation of the Nazi element - he was glad to get their votes but being marginal jackasses, they now get a justified bum's rush. He says he will listen to all parties - which gives the Dems a chance to deal. A good chance, IMHO. He is not an Ideological Republican and his vindictive memory is now a good trait since the GOP gave him a really hard time. They're now wearing false smiles as they angle for power, but I doubt he buys the backslapping. I think he will screw a few of the more unsavory ones over, as he has already done with Christie.
  5. That doesn't mean he will give up all of his bad ideas; the Mexicans will be in the box for a while. But I doubt he'll even be as bad as Bush. His idiot rhetoric was to get the votes of the mean-spirited and not how he'll govern. It won't be pleasant to be under a GOP leash, but survivable. After all, to equal the vile Bush he'd have to start a war that would devastate an entire region for no reason, and also totally crash the US economy. That's a big order, even for Trump.
  7. The Dems, meanwhile, need to regroup. Too many feel the Dems have abandoned the middle class for corporate cash. They need to do more than throw sops like bathroom rules. Such rules are the right thing, but the greatest freedom is to have a place to live and food to eat. If you are homeless you don't even get a bathroom since most places tend to bar the homeless, letting them shit in the street.
  9. The best thing the Dems could do is make a Strong push for a good, national minimum wage. They have hid from this for decades and it is time they stopped hiding out. Although the rotten Chamber of Commerce is always against good wages, they are too stupid and shortsighted to realize that when the majority has more money to spend, business also prospers. This is not the case when most money goes to the one percent. They have what they need and don't spend as much. One millionaire still only eats one meal. A thousand average people eat a thousand meals so food stores make more money. That is true of any business that sells to the majority.
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