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Dec 10th, 2016
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  1. farming ult charge on dvas
  2. farming ult with right click -> careful not to charge enemy ultimates
  3. ult prep(destroy shields, matrix, def ults)
  4. teamwork with ult
  5. ultimate actually deals a little bit of damage (22, doesnt scale with charge)
  6. comboing ult with other ults
  7. -tracer, easy to use, make sure to put bomb on ground, not stick it
  8. -dva ult, now that she is meta
  9. -hanzo ult
  10. -pharah ult
  11. -rein firestrike
  13. you dont have to combo ult, junkrat, pharah, rein all deal damage when enemies are clumped compared to ult damage.
  15. combo ult with ana grenade to counter zen ult
  16. delay ult until lucio ult runs out
  18. characters that can escape ult
  19. -tracer
  20. -reinhardt
  21. -genji
  22. -reaper
  23. -dva
  24. -widow
  25. -mercy
  26. -sombra
  29. lasering rein shield down ,mei wall, winston barrier
  30. beam or rc in ult
  31. damage scaling (scale%)
  32. charge decays 2 per second
  33. crosshair charge representation
  34. right click works with 1 ammo. you can get 4 shots and 24 worth laser. bomb->laser->bomb
  35. higher charge -> bigger hitbox of beam?
  36. use rightclick as burst to finish off targets
  37. aim at people who jump where they will land
  39. shield usage
  40. how much charge per shield (40, 20 per firestrike)
  41. getting charge with predictable damage
  42. going in with shield, then going back, repeat
  43. use own shield to protect yourself for aggression
  44. use shift to protect teammates for aggression, or for charge
  45. only use shield when predictable damage is coming in, dont use it too early!
  46. shields dont charge ult, but increased damage does
  47. consequences after the shield fades
  48. bubble size always the same
  49. self damage doesnt charge shields(even on teammates)
  50. barriers to support ults
  51. -dragonblade
  52. -roadhog
  53. -soldier
  54. -cree
  55. -reaper
  56. -pharah
  57. -bastion
  58. shields can soak infinite damage -> can soak dva ultimates for example
  59. using shield to protect mercys->if you are in an enemy zarya ult, shield your mercy so she can res you
  60. use shield after your shield hp is down, so the timer resets and your shield hp regenerated during your shield
  61. expect reinhardt ults and shield you and someone else immediately
  64. turn on allied healthbars
  65. zarya rocketjumps(anubis
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