
Chapter 5

Sep 7th, 2012
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  1. #Exercise 5.1 Write a program which repeatedly reads numbers until the user enters β€œdone”. Once β€œdone” is entered, print out the total, count, and average of the numbers. If the user enters anything other than a number, detect their mistake using try and except and print an error message and skip to the next number.
  2. lt=[]
  3. total=0
  4. count=0
  5. avg=float()
  6. while True:
  7.     i=input('Enter a number:')
  8.     try:
  9.         if i=='done':break
  10.         if int(i)==str():continue
  11.         lt.append(i)
  12.     except:
  13.         print("bad data\ninvalid input")
  15. for i in lt:
  16.     total+=int(i)
  17.     count+=1
  18. avg=total/count    
  19. print(total,count,format(avg,'.7g'))
  21. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. #Exercise 5.2 Write another program that prompts for a list of numbers as above and at the end prints out both the maximum and minimum of the numbers instead of the average.
  23. ls=[]
  24. while True:
  25.     i=input("Enter a number:")
  26.     try:
  27.         if i=='done':break
  28.         if int(i)==str():continue
  29.         ls.append(i)
  30.     except:
  31.         print("Bad data\nInvalid Data")
  32. print(ls)
  33. k=0
  34. for i in ls:
  35.     if int(i)>=k:
  36.         k=int(i)
  37. l=k
  38. for i in ls:
  39.     if int(i)<=l:
  40.         l=int(i)
  41. print("Minimum:",l,"Maximum:",k)
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