

Oct 19th, 2019
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  1. /q create regalia.festival.alwayswatching
  2. /q e n Always Watching
  3. /q e d You knock on the door, but only get a muffled answer through it. &o“I-I ain’t coming out! I-It's after me!” I-I have sinned…” You explain why you’re there and the voice pauses before it resumes. “If you’ll help me, please come in, I’ve unlocked the door.”
  4. /q e ToFind OnClickSign knock
  5. /q e ToFind IfInWorld regalia
  6. /q e OnFind DoFind regalia.festival.alwayswatching.50
  7. /q e OnComplete DoGiveMoney 25
  9. /q create regalia.festival.alwayswatching.50
  10. /q e v false
  11. /q e ToAdvance OnEnterRegion regalia.insidedorics
  12. /q e OnComplete DoFind regalia.festival.alwayswatching.100
  14. /q create regalia.festival.alwayswatching.100
  15. /q e n Please help
  16. /q e d Doric motions to the other door and nods pleadingly.
  17. /q e ToAdvance OnEnterRegion regalia.doricsbackyard
  18. /q e OnComplete DoCmd /pve mob ocelot regalia,6041,100,1344 1 none name:<green>Ghostly_Cat=true collides:false money:0 silent:true trackertag:ghostly_cat
  19. /q e OnComplete DoFind regalia.festival.alwayswatching.200
  21. /q create regalia.festival.alwayswatching.200
  22. /q e n Kill the Ghostly Cat
  23. /q e ToAdvance OnKillMPVEMob ghostly_cat
  24. /q e OnComplete DoFind regalia.festival.alwayswatching.300
  26. /q create regalia.festival.alwayswatching.300
  27. /q e n You see a girl watching you and crying!
  28. /q e d She ran off toward the forest, follow her!
  29. /q e ToAdvance OnEnterRegion regalia.forestclearing
  30. /q e OnComplete DoFind regalia.festival.alwayswatching.400
  32. /q create regalia.festival.alwayswatching.400
  33. /q e n There she is!
  34. /q e d See if she’s ok.
  35. /q e ToAdvance OnClickNPC Elsa
  36. /q e OnComplete DoFind regalia.festival.alwayswatching.500
  38. /q create regalia.festival.alwayswatching.500
  39. /q e n The young girl looks at you with tears in her eyes.
  40. /q e d “He...he killed him...I-I wanted to make him suffer! My Will of Faith brought him back but...but I can’t keep seeing him die! I’ll stop now...tell that old monster that I’ll leave him at peace now.”
  41. /q e ToAdvance OnSecond 10
  42. /q e OnComplete DoFind regalia.festival.alwayswatching.600
  44. /q create regalia.festival.alwayswatching.600
  45. /q e n Return to the house
  46. /q e ToAdvance OnEnterRegion regalia.insidedorics
  47. /q e OnComplete DoFind regalia.festival.alwayswatching.700
  48. /q e OnComplete DoAdvance <
  50. /q create regalia.festival.alwayswatching.700
  51. /q e n Is it gone?
  52. /q e d Hesitantly he asks, “Have you sorted out the spirit?” Confirming the issue is settled you wrestle with an impulse to give the man a tongue lashing, but you decide he’s suffered enough. He places some regals in your hand and shows you to the door. “Thank you!”
  53. /q e Times 0
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