
The Captain's Feet

Jun 13th, 2014
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  1. >Shining Armor ambled back into the armory. Training was once again brutal, but it had to be when dragons were a returning threat.
  2. >Most of the guards had already put up their armor and returned to their quarters. Only a few were still talking and putting things away.
  3. >He sat down on the bench and started removing his helmet, setting it on the top shelf and unstrapping his breastplate. Finally, he pulled off his boots. The running made his feet incredibly sore, and he hoped he wasn't getting blisters again. He looked down at his red, swollen, and sweaty feet. Sighing, he pulled one leg up, sitting cross-legged, and started rubbing his sole.
  4. >"Tough day on your feet?" said one of the guards. Shining Armor nodded and winced. "Yeah... I'm gonna need custom boots soon enough."
  5. >To his surprise, the guard sat down beside him. "Tell me about it. My feet are killing me." He took off his boots too, but his feet looked much better than Shining Armor's.
  6. >"What's your name soldier?"
  7. >The guard smiled. "Name's Grid Iron, sir. I don't mean to make you uncomfortable but, would you like me to do that for you?"
  8. >Shining Armor blinked. "Do what?"
  9. >"Rub your feet, sir. I'm quite good at it, and you've worked hard enough today."
  10. >Shining Armor shrugged and lifted his legs up, setting his heels down on Grid's lap. One heel came down over his crotch.
  11. >"Oh," said Shining Armor. "Did that hurt?"
  12. >The guard smiled, his face somewhat red. "I'm wearing a cup, so no."
  13. >That would explain why it feels so hard," said Shining Armor.
  14. >Grid wasn't wearing a cup.
  15. >He took Shining's foot into his hands and rubbed it gently, working his thumbs in small circles starting at the heel.
  16. >"Ah," sighed Shining Armor, "you really are good at this. That feels amazing."
  17. >Grid looked up and smiled. "Thanks. I try my best." He moved his finger up the arch to the balls of his feet, just under the toes, which curled with relief.
  18. >Shining Armor watched him and smiled. "You seem to be enjoying yourself."
  19. >Grid stopped briefly to look up. "Well, I just... I like to help my captain out, you know..." He went back to massaging, smiling to himself.
  20. >"That's good. You can start on the other now." Shining Armor pulled the foot away and gently placed the other foot in front of him. Immediately, Grid got to work.
  21. >As Shining Armor looked away, only for a moment, Grid did something very strange. He lifted the foot slightly and brought his face down, taking a small sniff. When he lowered the foot, Shining Armor was staring at him, and he froze.
  22. >"Oh uh, sir, I was just, um..."
  23. >"You REALLY like my feet, huh?" he said.
  24. >Grid gulped, watching Shining Armor, a profuse apology hanging at the tip of his tongue.
  25. >"Hey, if you like them, knock yourself out." He lifted his foot back up to Grid's face.
  26. >He gingerly held it and brought the sole closer, taking a deep whiff. It smelled like work, musky and heady. He slowly extended his tongue and gave it a small lick.
  27. >Shining Armor pulled back slightly and laughed. "Hey, that tickles!"
  28. >Grid kept massaging, but held the foot close to his face, breathing deeply. With his other foot, Shining Armor pressed against Grid's crotch and rubbed softly.
  29. >"That doesn't feel like a cup to me," said Shining Armor. Grid gasped.
  30. >"Sir..."
  31. >"Do you want me to or not?"
  32. >He looked over at his captain, who was grinning mischievously at him.
  33. >"Yes, yes please."
  34. >Shining Armor pushed his foot against the fabric of Grid's trousers and went to work.
  35. >His foot pushed up and down, rubbing the stiff cock through the fabric. Grid gasped, sitting upward and closing his eyes.
  36. >Shining Armor smiled, rubbing more intensely and spreading his toes over the girth of his member. He slid the foot up and down rhythmically as Grid's hands tightened.
  37. >"Oh, c-captain... Oh, don't stop.. don't..."
  38. >He brought his other foot down now and pressed both against his crotch. His arches enclosed on his cock as he pushed, causing Grid to reflexively lean back.
  39. >"Don't you worry soldier, I'm not done."
  40. >Grid bit his lip and moaned. It was like a dream come true. He sat there, writhing and gasping, pre was now visibly leaking through the tent of his trousers. Shining Armor pressed a toe on the wet tip and smiled.
  41. >"I wish you had told me about this sooner, soldier. I can't remember having this much fun."
  42. >Grid silently agreed. He couldn't believe Shining Armor would have done this all along.
  43. >Suddenly, he felt his whole body tense. His breathing became rapid, and he arched his back, letting out a loud moan.
  44. >His trousers were now being soaked with cum, dampening Shining Armor's feet. The captain laughed as he pulled his feet away, looking at the large wet spot.
  45. >"Well Grid, looks like you need a change of clothes."
  46. >Grid only sputtered, laying down on the bench.
  47. >Shining Armor stood up and went to a nearby closet. He rifled through old tunics, before finding a pair of gray shorts.
  48. >"Here, try these on, " he said, throwing them to Grid. The guard caught them as he sat up, pulling off his cum-soaked trousers.
  49. >Shining Armor flashed a grin as he eyed the soldier's body. He had removed his tunic as well. He had to admit, he was quite the specimen.
  50. >The shorts, it turned out, were a little tight, but Shining Armor wasn't complaining. It showed off Grid's package quite well. He threw on an old tunic and put his dirty clothes in a bag by the door.
  51. >"Thanks... sir," said Grid cautiously.
  52. >"For the clothes or the--?"
  53. >"Both," he looked at Shining Armor this time.
  54. >"You interested in going out sometime, soldier?"
  55. >"You mean, like, a date?" Grid was flabbergasted.
  56. >"Whatever you wanted it to be," said Shining Armor as he winked at him. Grid flushed, then stammered.
  57. >"That... that sounds great, sir."
  58. >Shining Armor patted him on the back. "And I can't wait for another foot massage too," he called out as the soldier skipped happily out of the armory and down the twilit roads of Canterlot, already anticipating his next meeting with the captain.
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