
JingleJangles - A Brighter Smile, Guaranteed (Colgate)

Feb 3rd, 2014
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  1. >The warm mid day sunlight shines in through a window at the edge of the large classroom you find yourself in.
  2. >The bright lights overhead hum softly as the teacher lectures about something or other.
  3. >You're leaning your head on your hand, staring at a flock of birds perched on one of the branches of a tree just outside the window.
  4. >You let out a long sigh. It's weird, usually you're more interested in anatomy, but today just seems... Dull.
  5. >A quick glance around the classroom shows you that most of the other students are feeling much the same way.
  6. >A dark blue haired girl avidly taking notes, on the other hand, has her face buried in her paper, seeming particularly interested in the topic at hand.
  7. >A single bluish gray stripe runs down her shoulder length hair, accentuating the dark blue.
  8. >Colgate.
  9. >You've talked to her a few times.
  10. >A pretty interesting girl, actually, if a bit strange.
  11. >She glances up from her paper, giving you a quick smile, her pearly white teeth almost gleaming in the bright light.
  12. >She almost seems like an idea has popped into her head. One that was, perhaps, brewing there for a while.
  13. >You're not sure how you feel about that, but you politely smile back before looking back down at your own paper.
  14. >Glancing back to today's topic, you figure you should probably catch up before the slide changes.
  15. >The mouth.
  16. >Probably one of the less exciting parts of anatomy, you begin to copy down a rough sketch of the diagram outlining the placement of specific teeth.
  17. >A crawling fifteen or twenty minutes later, the lunch bell rings.
  18. >As you gather up your books, you see Colgate approaching you, her eyes alight with determination.
  19. >Stopping just in front of your desk, she gives a warm smile.
  20. >"Mind if I walk with you to the cafeteria?" She asks, fidgeting her hands a bit. She almost seems unsure of something.
  21. >She seems like a cool enough girl, and cute, so there is no reason for you to disagree.
  22. >You give a nonchalant shrug.
  23. "Sure. Something on your mind?"
  24. >"Heheh... N-no. I just usually spend lunch with another friend, but she's out today."
  25. >That would be a convincing argument if her eyes weren't darting around the room while she spoke.
  26. >She clutches the strap of her bookbag a bit tighter as you finish gathering up your books.
  27. >The two of you begin your walk to the cafeteria, the halls now mostly clear after the rest of the students had rushed there.
  28. >An awkward silence falls on the two of you as you make your way down the hallway, only offset by the occasional murmuring of the few kids still around.
  29. >"So..." She finally speaks up, letting it linger for a bit. "Anatomy, huh? Pretty tough class so far. A lot of memorizing terms and...stuff."
  30. >She looks away, brushing her long blue hair behind her ear as she stumbles away a bit.
  31. >It's painfully obvious that something is on her mind.
  32. >You laugh, looking down at her.
  33. "Well? Out with it."
  34. >She looks back up at you, taking a deep breath.
  35. >"Alright, I'll cut to the chase. I was wondering if you would want to come over to my place later to maybe study some."
  36. >You're a bit caught off guard by such a simple request. It's not like going to someone's place to study is a taboo.
  37. >You raise your eyebrow skeptically at her.
  38. >You're not even the best person to come to, though. You're just barely riding a B.
  39. >You hear a dull roar coming from the cafeteria, the voices of a large portion of the student body mingling together seamlessly behind the closed doors.
  40. >You walk in, glancing back to her.
  41. "That can't be all you wanted to ask. You're probably doing better than I am anyway."
  42. >"Well..." She blushes softly, fidgeting with the tail of her shirt. "There was one other thing." She holds her hands up in defense. "B-but it's totally related! I'll tell you later, alright?"
  43. >The two of you make your way through the lunch line, loading your trays with what the school likes to claim to be chili.
  44. "Alright, but if I say no, you can't make things awkward. Deal?"
  45. >She grins, nodding swiftly as you make your way to an open seat, lunch in hand. "Deal!"
  46. "So.... Was there something specific you needed help with?" You ask her, dipping your spoon into your chili. "Just so I kind of know what I'm getting into?"
  47. >"Well... Really, besides that 'other' request, I'm only having trouble with the brain."
  48. >Oh, wow. Really? The brain? As luck would have it, that was your best subject.
  49. >Along with your psych class, you've pretty much had the details of the brain hammered into you.
  50. >Dr.D seemed really enthusiastic about it, actually. Which made learning about it that much more interesting.
  51. >You nod as you eat.
  52. "Well, that shouldn't be too much trouble then. We went over it in psych too, so I've pretty well got it down."
  53. >"R-really? That's great! So after school then? Meet up and head back to my place?"
  54. >You nod, finishing off your food.
  55. "Sounds good to me."
  56. >The rest of lunch goes by rather uneventfully as the two of you chat about this and that. Movies, music, and current aspirations come up.
  57. >The usual schtick.
  58. >She seems to have a few things in common with you, and you're surprised to learn she plans on going into dentistry.
  59. >Actually, you think she's the first person you've met that actually wants to be a dentist.
  60. >But once she's started on the inner workings of the mouth and teeth, you can't seem to get her to shut up.
  61. >Not that you mind. It's way more interesting hearing it from her instead of from a diagram
  62. >Faster than you had expected, the lunch bell rings overhead, signaling fifth period.
  63. >You don't have her in any of your other classes, so you'll have to meet up in front of school later.
  64. >The rest of your day goes by as usual, and finally the last bell rings.
  65. >You pull out your phone, giving your parents a quick phone call to tell them you're headed to a friend's to study.
  66. >They give the typical third degree.
  67. > "what friend, study what, where does she live, be home by eleven. Love you."
  68. >"Colgate, Anatomy, six or seven miles away from school, okay, love you too."
  69. >You wait outside for a bit before you finally see her walk out the front door of the school.
  70. >You both drive, so you'll be headed there separately, you following behind her so you know where you're going.
  71. >It doesn't take long to get to her place.
  72. >It's a rather large, white suburban house.
  73. >A colorful flower garden stretches near the road on each side of the sidewalk leading to the front door.
  74. >The two of you park in a big garage setting just off of the house, and you notice there aren't any other cars there.
  75. >You just thought of something
  76. >You grab your backpack and get out of the car, meeting back up with her at the garage door.
  77. "I assume your parents are cool with this? I don't want you to catch shit over me coming over." You say with a small chuckle.
  78. >She just kind of shrugs as she leads you to the house.
  79. >"Mom and dad both work late, but I'm sure they won't really care if it'll help my grades."
  80. >Good enough for you.
  81. >Stepping into the house, you see that the inside reflects the outside rather well.
  82. >Expensive looking furniture is scattered across the living room, and a large LED TV sets on the opposite wall.
  83. >"My room is up stairs." She says to you over her shoulder, leading you to a staircase.
  84. >Following her upstairs, your eyes can't help but fall on the swaying hips in front of you, her round ass right in your face.
  85. >You're broken free from your trance as that ass is pulled away, turning down the hall at the top if the stairs.
  86. >"Did you want... Like... Anything to drink or anything?" She asks you, stopping at a door a little bit down the hall.
  87. >Its pretty obvious she's not used to having people over, as she seems unsure of how to go about treating a guest.
  88. >You are a bit thirsty, though.
  89. "Yeah, sure. Thanks."
  90. >She opens the door for you, not quite walking in yet. "Alright. This is my room, you can go on in and get set up on my bed. I'll be right back."
  91. >As invited, you step into the room.
  92. >The first thing you notice is that is smells kind of... Minty.
  93. >Sort of a peppermint, mixed with the faint smell of something sweet.
  94. >It's actually really pleasant.
  95. >A couple bookshelves set on the wall in front of you, and to your right a full sized bed draped in a thick blue blanket.
  96. >On your left is a relatively large vanity, reflecting the image of the bed back at it.
  97. >A few candles line the dresser, along with a couple of books and a hairbrush.
  98. >You drop your stuff onto the bed, following suit.
  99. >As you sink into the bed, you notice how comfortable it is.
  100. >It's really soft and almost seems to contort to fit the curves of your body, but remains firm enough to reliably maintain shape.
  101. >Pulling your legs up onto the bed, you begin unpacking some of your books and notebooks, preparing to go over them with Colgate.
  102. >After flipping through your notes, you finally find the section you're searching for.
  103. >The brain.
  104. >Dropping your notebook back to the bed, you hear a click to your left, the door opening.
  105. >Colgate stands in the doorway, two sodas in hand.
  106. >She tosses you one, stepping up to the side of the bed.
  107. >"Hope that's fine. We didn't really have much else."
  108. >You give a dismissive wave of your hand before opening the soda.
  109. "Yeah, that's fine thanks. So, what was that other thing you wanted, and why so secretive about it?" You ask her, wanting to go ahead and get it out of the way.
  110. >She bites her bottom lip, looking away from you before quietly speaking up.
  111. >"L-Lets go over some stuff first. It might be kind of weird, so I'd like to get some actual studying in."
  112. >Kind of weird? Actual studying?
  113. >What is this girl talking about?
  114. >You raise your eyebrow, now when more skeptical than earlier.
  115. >There's no way she could be talking about what you think she is.
  116. >You two barely know each other.
  117. >But she is kind of cute...
  118. >You look her over. Pretty average, actually. A bit of a round face, kind of a small nose.
  119. >The curves are subtle, but they're there.
  120. >Her hips are a little small, and her breasts are maybe a C, but it works.
  121. >You can't say you'd mind if she was thinking what you were thinking she was thinking.
  122. "Alright, sure. Let's get this going. I'll just start off by highlighting the regions of the brain, if that's cool with you. How much do you already know?"
  123. >She sets down on the bed across from you, pulling her legs underneath of her.
  124. >"Well... I can think of the regions off the top of my head, but I've had some trouble remembering what's in charge of what. I've looked over diagrams and my notes from class, but it always just gets kind of... Well..."
  125. >She twirls her hand around the side of her head, trying to find the word she's looking for to describe it.
  126. >"Jumbled up, I guess."
  127. >You give an understanding chuckle, turning your notebook to the side so you can both look at it.
  128. "Yeah. We all have that problem sometimes. Well, in that case, I'll just start by going over basic processes."
  129. >You skip the first few pages of the section, stopping on a diagram labeled "Hindbrain".
  130. >Near the top of the page is a rough sketch of the back part of the brain, ending at the top of the spinal column.
  131. >You start listing off the various functions of the hindbrain, highlighting the fact that the brain stem is located here, where the brain actually connects to your spine.
  132. >She seems to be paying decent attention at first, nodding along with what you're saying and asking questions.
  133. >Slowly, however, her attention seems to be drifting away.
  134. >She begins to become less and less interested in the subject at hand, and about twenty minutes in it seems like you've lost her completely.
  135. >A great deal of the time, you have found her staring at you.
  136. >Specifically, staring at your lips.
  137. >Finally you stop in the middle of going over the functions of the midbrain, staring back at her, eyebrow raises quizzically.
  138. "Something interesting about my lips?" You ask her, sliding your notebook away.
  139. >"Well. Sort of... Not really?" She replies, laughing uneasily.
  140. >She deliberately looks away, her eyes attempting to find something to look at other than you.
  141. "Is it about that request that you won't just ask?"
  142. >"Kind of..."
  143. >You deadpan, having already figured her out.
  144. >"Sort of?"
  145. >Cocking your eyebrow once more, you gesture for her to get on with it.
  146. >"Yes..."
  147. "Well, out with it. It couldn't be nearly as bad as you're making it out to be."
  148. >She bites her lower lip, twiddling her thumbs as she fights for the words.
  149. "You know, of it's not something insanely kinky, I'm going to be seriously di
  150. >"IWanttobrushyourteeth." She interrupts you.
  151. >Once the words are out, she flinches.
  152. >A deep blush slowly creeps over her blue features.
  153. >You're not sure you heard what you think you heard.
  154. "I'm sorry... What?"
  155. >She slowly cracks one of her eyes to look at you, her hands pressed tightly onto her lap.
  156. >"I-I want to brush your teeth?" She mutters.
  157. >You're not sire if that's more or less weird than what you were expecting, but with that kind of buildup it wasn't really worth all the fuss.
  158. >You look her over, speechless for several moments as you try to grasp an answer to such an odd request.
  159. >You finally ask the first thing that comes to your mind.
  160. "Why?"
  161. >"Well, like we talked about earlier, I want to be a dentist..." She trails off, as if hoping you'll fill in the blanks yourself.
  162. "I'm sorry, I don't follow."
  163. >She sighs, playing with her hands as she falls silent for a moment.
  164. >She opens and closes her mouth several times before finally speaking up.
  165. >”Well, if I want to be a dentist, I have to make sure I'm comfortable working in other peoples' mouths, right?”
  166. “Alright, I'm with you so far.”
  167. >”And what better way to know I'm comfortable with it than actually trying it out?”
  168. >That makes a surprising amount of sense. The only way she's going to know if she's okay with doing it is to actually do it.
  169. “Alright, but why me?” You ask, still not completely sold.
  170. >She takes a deep breath, going back to chewing on her bottom lip.
  171. >”Because you have pretty teeth?”
  172. >You absent mindedly run your tongue along the back of your teeth as she mentions this. You'd never really thought they were anything special.
  173. >Then again you never payed a striking amount of detail to them, either.
  174. >They seemed pretty normal to you, but it was still flattering in an odd sort of way.
  175. >You mull it over for a moment.
  176. >It couldn't really hurt.
  177. >It might even be kind of nice.
  178. >You've always been one to try anything once.
  179. >Finally, you nod.
  180. “Okay, I guess I'm sold.”
  181. >She groans, falling back on the bed and burying her face into her hands.
  182. >”I knew I shouldn't have asked. Now this is going to be weird, and it's going to get around school and people are going to think I have some kind of creepy tooth fetish-” She cuts off, parting her fingers to look at you from behind her hands.
  183. >”Wait, what? Really?!”
  184. >You shrug, nodding.
  185. "Yeah, sure. Why not?" you ask, setting back up and closing your notebook.
  186. >She lets out a sigh of relief, setting back up as well.
  187. >"I seriously didn't expect you to say yes. I thought you were just going to leave after I asked."
  188. "Nah. I'm not really sure how we'd go about it though. I didn't exactly bring a toothbrush."
  189. >Her laugh almost sounds sinister, as if you've fallen right into her ploy.
  190. >"Don't worry, I have that covered. I have a new one that hasn't even been opened! Trust me! I'm sure I'm good at this!"
  191. >She is almost bouncing on the bed, giddy with excitement as she stands.
  192. >"So, can we go ahead and do it, then? Go ahead and get it out of the way so I can get it off my mind?"
  193. >You stand up with her, nodding.
  194. "Might as well. I have to admit, I'm actually kind of curious what it's like now."
  195. >She gives you a wide grin, gesturing for you to follow her.
  196. >You stand, making your way down the hallway, leaving your books scattered on her bed.
  197. >She looks over her shoulder, grinning like a madman.
  198. >”Let's just go ahead and do it in the bathroom. Easier to clean up, if we need to.”
  199. >Her head faces forward again, but you can tell she's still wearing that glimmering smile.
  200. >Truth be told, it's kind of creeping you out.
  201. >The two of you head back down the stairs and into the entryway.
  202. >Following her around the staircase, you head to a closed door that is presumably the bathroom.
  203. "So... Why do you have extra toothbrushes anyway?" You ask her as she opens the bathroom door.
  204. >Almost the whole bathroom is completely white. The sink's counter top is a kind of marble, the tile and grout lining the floor pristine.
  205. >It's also fairly large, easily twenty feet wall to wall.
  206. >A huge tub lay across the room and a shower separate from it stands several feet away.
  207. >A medicine cabinet hangs on the wall beside a large mirror set above the sink.
  208. >As she pops it open, she turns her head to reply.
  209. >"So I don't have to go out and buy a new one every month. So much more convenient actually just being able to get rid of the old one and replace it with no extra effort."
  210. >There are actually people that regularly replace their toothbrush?
  211. >Sure enough, after some fishing around she pulls out an unopened toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste.
  212. >"Alright, set down on the toilet and open your mouth." She tells you, turning on the sink to wet the toothbrush.
  213. >You comply, dropping down on the toilet next to the sink, waiting for her to start.
  214. >She opens up the toothbrush, discarding the package in a nearby garbage can.
  215. >You watch her as she bends over the sink to prepare the toothbrush, popping open the toothpaste tube.
  216. >The water runs over her hand and splashes onto her shirt a bit as she puts the toothbrush under the sink, softening the bristles.
  217. >She spreads a small dab of toothpaste onto it, turning off the sink.
  218. >"Alright. Ready?" She asks, looking down at you with a smile.
  219. >It definitely reminds you of going to the dentist so far.
  220. >You suppose that's the idea, and just smile back up at her, giving her a nod.
  221. >She steps up to you, gently placing her smooth fingers on your chin and tilting your head back.
  222. >You open your mouth and she looks into it, seeming to try and size up a good place to start.
  223. >Her eyes light up as she slides the toothbrush into your mouth, holding your jaw still with her other hand.
  224. >She licks her upper lip in thought, furrowing her brow.
  225. >Your face grows hot as she positions herself nearer, her face no more than a couple of inches from yours.
  226. >Her blue hair tickles your forehead and you can feel her warm breath on your face.
  227. >You feel a small pressure on your top molars as she presses the toothbrush to your teeth.
  228. >You feel yourself begin to salivate as she starts brushing it back and fourth, the minty dripage sliding over your tongue.
  229. >The feeling isn't as unpleasant as you expected and you set there patiently with your hands folded in your lap.
  230. >You feel the foam start to fill the right side of your mouth as the toothpaste begins to mingle with your saliva.
  231. >You feel it begin to drip from the right side of your mouth, and likely onto her hand.
  232. >She doesn't seem to notice, almost seeming enthralled by your mouth.
  233. >She's moved to your bottom teeth, and you can feel the gentile bristles of the brush purifying the inside of your mouth.
  234. >The minty freshness of the toothpaste has filled your whole mouth and the accumulating foam has started sliding down your chin, coating her hand.
  235. "Slmph nh me hnihing?" You attempt to ask through froth filled mouth,
  236. >She snaps free from her concentration, seeming to register your question even though you were barely able to get it out.
  237. >A deep red blush has formed on her cheeks and she steps back quickly.
  238. >"O-oh! R-right! I'm sorry."
  239. >Your mouth closes as soon as the toothbrush is pulled from it and you wipe your chin with the back of your hand.
  240. >You can't help but smile, nodding as you dismissively wave your hand.
  241. >Standing up, you step over to the sink and spit the froth into it.
  242. >Taking a deep breath, you set back on the toilet seat.
  243. >It is then that you realize something.
  244. >You're actually...enjoying yourself.
  245. >There's something about her brushing your teeth that makes you feel close.
  246. >Its an almost intimate feeling, but without sex.
  247. >Smiling, you open your mouth back up, inviting the toothbrush back inside.
  248. >She smiles back, the blush still present as she steps back up to you.
  249. >"Smile!" She says playfully, readying the toothbrush.
  250. >You give her your best toothy grin, looking up at her.
  251. >You feel your own saliva on your chin again as she tilts your head back, her fingers gently brushing along your cheeks.
  252. >She hadn't wiped her hand off yet.
  253. >Sliding her face even closer to yours, you feel the toothbrush make contact with your incisors, pressing firmly against them.
  254. >Quick, deft strokes slide the brush across the outer surface of your incisors and canines before sliding back to your molars.
  255. >You feel the toothpaste beginning to froth up again as you feel the toothbrush moving in little circles, brushing against your gums a bit.
  256. >Your heart rate has begun to quicken as she means in further, and you can feel that she is breathing heavier.
  257. >She opens her mouth up.
  258. >"aaaah." She gestures.
  259. >You follow suit, opening your mouth wide again.
  260. >The brush brushes against the tops of your teeth again before pressing to the back of your molars.
  261. >Your mouth has filled with foam again, but you're managing to keep the worst of it back, unwilling to break this moment.
  262. >She brushes the backs in the same pattern, brushing from back right to back left, top to bottom.
  263. >Finally she steps back, placing her hands on her hips triumphantly.
  264. >"There! You can spit now!" She exclaims excitedly.
  265. >You stand, spitting again.
  266. >She hands you a small cup and a bottle of mouthwash.
  267. >You take it, the purifying burn of the mouthwash washing over your tongue.
  268. >Spitting, you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand again.
  269. >She steps up beside you, reaching over you to rinse off the toothbrush.
  270. >You can see now that there was a lot more of your saliva on her hand than you thought.
  271. >Clicking the sink back on, she runs the toothbrush under the warm water, quickly rinsing it, and her hand, off.
  272. >She sets it off to the side as she lifts her hand to the side of her face, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
  273. >She timidly looks away, her blush still fairly evident.
  274. >"S-so..." She stammers, looking up at you.
  275. >"H-how was it?"
  276. >You ignore the fact that the question could be easily taken out if context and respond truthfully.
  277. "It was interesting, actually. It felt kind of nice, and being that close didn't hurt it either." You laugh. "It was different... But not in a bad way."
  278. >She smiles, looking away again as she falls silent.
  279. >"C-can you brush mine now?..." she asks, her eyes darting from the sink to you.
  281. >Those wide, blue orbs full of hope, you find it hard to say no.
  282. >Your heart races, your eyes scanning her face.
  283. >Her blush deepens as you continue staring at her, debating with yourself on whether or not you actually want to.
  284. >Before today you'd never even considered it, but now you're kind of interested.
  285. >Even though it was kind of weird, and kind of messy, you give a sure nod.
  286. "Yeah. I think I'd like that." You tell her, your freshly brushed teeth shining through your wide smile.
  287. >She looks up at you, wide eyed before excitedly turning back to the medicine cabinet.
  288. >"That's great! Oh man, I never expected someone to agree," she mumbles to herself, pulling out a light blue toothbrush and the tube of toothpaste from earlier.
  289. >Quickly flicking the sink on, she wets the bristles, running her thumb over them a few times.
  290. >She leans back against the sink, licking her upper lip in concentration as she squeezes a small dab of toothpaste onto the toothbrush.
  291. >Almost like a kid excited to show their parent their newest drawing, she holds the toothbrush up to you, grinning.
  292. >You grab it from her, grasping it firmly in your hand.
  293. >Hopping up on the sink and leaning forward, she opens her mouth wide.
  294. >Closing her eyes, you hear her take a deep breath as you step up to her.
  295. >You can see her chest raising and falling in anticipation of her imminent toothbrushing.
  296. >Looking over the dark crevices on the inside of her mouth, you lightly place your hand just below her chin.
  298. >Her skin is smooth to the touch, and you can feel her shudder as your fingers brush against her neck.
  299. >You tilt her head back so you have more light, and can now see into her mouth with relative ease.
  300. >Just like you expected, her teeth are almost flawless, almost perfectly straight and a glimmering, pearlescent white.
  301. >The inside of her mouth coated in saliva, it glimmers in the bright overhead lights.
  302. >You draw your face nearer to hers as you tilt her head back a little more.
  303. >You can feel her warm breath tickle your face, her warm body nearly touching hers.
  304. >You're standing with inches of her as you raise the toothbrush to her lips and slide it onto her mouth.
  305. >Deciding to emulate her, you firmly press the toothbrush against her right hand molars as you begin to slide the brush back and fourth.
  306. >You can't quite seem to get a good angle to brush from, and the brush clumsily slips around inside her mouth.
  307. >The pale blue froth has already begun to form as you try to tilt her head up a little more.
  308. >You feel her head move as she looks back at you, her head tilting forward again.
  309. >"want me to-" is all she manages to get out before the toothbrush is shoved into the back of her throat, gagging her.
  310. >She breaks into a coughing fit and you quickly pull the brush out of her mouth, stepping back.
  311. "O-oh, shit, sorry. Are you okay?" You ask her as she hops off the sink, still coughing.
  313. >She spits the frothy blue mixture into the sink, flicking it on as she runs some water into her hands.
  314. >Raising her hands to her lips, she sips on the water, her coughing subsiding.
  315. >All you know to do is wait for a response.
  316. >After a second she takes a breath and turns around.
  317. >Laughing, she leans against the sink, running her fingers through her hair.
  318. >"Yeah, I'm okay. Just kind of caught me off guard." She replies, her voice a little raspy.
  319. >She clears her throat, letting out a long breath.
  320. >"Alrighr. Alright, i think im good." She adds, her voice returning to normal.
  321. >"I was about to ask if you wanted me to hop down so you could get a better angle."
  322. >Chuckling uneasily, you rub the back of your neck.
  323. "Yeah. That would probably be better."
  324. >"Alright. Ready to give that another shot?" She asks, brimming with confidence that it will go better this time.
  325. "Yeah. Sure. Just... Lean back a little. And don't move this time. I don't want to gag you again."
  326. >Nodding, she leans against the sink and opens her mouth back up, placing her hands on the marble countertop for support.
  327. >You grip the toothbrush, stepping back up to her.
  328. >You place your hand on the back of her head and she leans back into it.
  329. >If the counter is digging into her back, she isn't showing any sings of it.
  330. >Your hand supports her head as you lift the toothbrush back to her lips, sliding it back into her mouth.
  332. >Leaning over her, you can see down into her mouth as you press the toothbrush against her back molars again.
  333. >You can feel her breath from her nose as you begin to slide the bristles across the bottom of her teeth.
  334. >She squeezes her legs together as the soft bristles brush against her gums, sharply inhaling.
  335. >Almost seeming to be involuntarily, she lightly bites the toothbrush, her breath growing heavy.
  336. >Her face has grown hot, and she looks up at you with a look of... pleasure?
  337. >She's really enjoying this and, truth be told, you're pretty into it yourself.
  338. >Sliding the brush across the back of her incisors, her legs rub together, pressing against you.
  339. >You bring your knee forward, pressing it in between her legs for better balance.
  340. >You hear her sharply inhale through her nose as the froth begins to fill the back of her mouth.
  341. >Your face grows hot as a blush slowly creeps over it when you realize that there is a relatively strong warmth radiating from in between her legs.
  342. >She's 'really' enjoying this.
  343. >You pick up, the gentle bristles of the toothbrush sliding against her lower teeth now, and a minty fresh scent fills your nostrils as she breathes.
  344. >You think you hear a soft moan escape her mouth as you slide the brush across her tongue, pressing it beneath it and gently dragging it across.
  345. >You feel her legs tighten around yours as the pale blue foam begins to leak from the corners of her mouth, dripping down her cheek and falling onto her chest.
  347. >You feel her legs tighten around yours as the pale blue foam begins to leak from the corners of her mouth, dripping down her cheek and falling onto her chest.
  348. >The bluish white fluid coats her shirt, dripping down into the small amount of cleavage her V-neck is showing.
  349. >She shivers as she feels it slide down her chest, arching her back and pressing up into you.
  350. >You are now concentrating completely on her.
  351. >On her breathing.
  352. >On her movements.
  353. >On the soft moans she's giving off as your brush explores the inside of her mouth.
  354. >You feel your pants growing tight, almost unable to contain yourself from every little reaction she is giving you.
  355. “Smile.” You tell her, ready to brush the front of her teeth.
  356. >She grins brightly, not bothering to wipe the froth from her chin.
  357. >You slide the toothbrush to the outside of her incisors as you press it deeper into her mouth, feeling it stop as it hits her back gums.
  358. >You brush in slow, small circles, the bristles continuing to slide against her gums.
  359. >She clenches her jaw, closing her eyes tightly as she arches her back.
  360. >Your body is almost pressing to hers and you can feel her heart pounding.
  361. >Or maybe that's yours.
  362. >You don't really care.
  363. >You feel your brow begin to sweat as you lift her head a bit.
  364. >”What in the hell are you two doing?!” a voice booming from the doorway breaks you from your reverie.
  366. >You dart away from her, instinctively hiding the toothbrush behind your back.
  367. >Colgate falls onto the ground, a look of horror on her face.
  368. >Standing in the doorway is an older woman dressed in a formal business suit.
  369. >Her light green hair is pulled back into a tight bun.
  370. >Her dark green eyes are alight with anger.
  371. >”M-mom!” She says, the toothpaste still dripping from her mouth.
  372. >Standing up she spits it into the sink.
  373. >”Y-you're home early.” She tells her sheepishly.
  374. >The woman's eyes don't leave you, her baleful stare boring through you.
  375. >Her arms are crossed tightly across her chest, a look of pure fury across her face.
  376. >”Would you mind explaining just what in god's name you two were doing?”
  377. >”He was just over here to help me study for anatomy!”
  378. >Her mother scoffs, tapping her foot. “Is that what you kids call it these days? That didn't look like studying. You!” She shouts, baring her teeth. “What are you doing here?”
  379. >Taking a deep breath you give her a shit eating grin.
  380. “Proper oral hygiene?” You say with an uneasy laugh.
  381. >This only seems to infuriate her more and she stands to the side of the door.
  382. >”Get out. Now.”
  383. >”But mom! He was just trying to-”
  384. >”I'll deal with you later. Get up to your room.”
  385. >She gives you an apologetic look as she rushes past her mom, making her way up the stairs.
  386. >”Leave.” She orders you again.
  387. >Your heart pounds in your chest, and without any farther questions, you rush out the door, not looking back.
  389. >As you climb into your car, you hope that Colgate will bring your stuff to school tomorrow.
  390. >You start your engine, backing out of the garage and racing down the road, a feeling of minty freshness still lingering in your mouth.
  391. >Driving away, you hope you didn't get her into too big of trouble.
  392. >You can't believe what just happened and, honestly, are unsure of what to think of it.
  393. >On one hand, you really enjoyed it and kind of want to try it again.
  394. >On the other, it still seems pretty weird.
  395. >You know one thing though.
  396. >Even though it started out pretty dull, it's been an interesting day.
  397. >As you look in your rear view mirror, you catch yourself grinning back.
  398. >Something about your smile seems brighter than it was this morning.
  399. -END-
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