

Jun 11th, 2015
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  1. 02:07 Grand-Uni-Mind Thousands of miles away from Neon, away from earth, next to one of Mars Moons, was a ship. A city unlike no one has seen, thousands of Alien beings inside, but only two minds. Whether it drew a breath or not, it was controlled and was one with the Grand Uni-mind, all but a lone Grey
  2. 02:09 *** Grayy joined #covenger_rp
  3. 02:09 Grayy <Y-Yes, why not infect me, you'll know everything I do?>
  4. 02:10 Grand-Uni-Mind <So, this is the planet you tried and failed to invade> He looked to the grey, beaten and bruised.
  5. 02:10 *** The-Haze joined #covenger_rp
  6. 02:11 Grand-Uni-Mind <Your species is on the brink of extinction, and you have no uses to me, why waste one of my Unknown on you?>
  7. 02:12 Grayy <yeah, you wanna know how we got like that? Earth. They beat us then, and theres no counting for any advancements they have mad in their tech>
  8. 02:14 Grayy A crab like being grabbed his arm, any tighter and it would be chopped off.
  9. 02:14 Grayy <AH AH, I get it, no sass!"
  10. 02:15 *** Eri is now known as Amon_
  11. 02:18 Grand-Uni-Mind <I know of the danger, but I conjured planets all by letting one Unknown filled rock land on it. I'm having one be loaded in as we speak, and teleportation is being calculated as we speak. Once a human is infected, the rest will fall.>
  12. 02:19 Grayy <you said as we speak twice you crazy, what did humans say, bastard. I guess after that rock lands its over for me?>
  13. 02:21 Grand-Uni-Mind <It is now. Send him to the feeding bay, one of us hungers>
  14. 02:22 Grayy <the Vorgon, no, please no No NONONONO> HE screams as he is dragged away, it ends soon
  15. 02:22 *** Grayy quit ()
  16. 02:23 Grand-Uni-Mind <Sending the meteorite now, one Unknown inside>
  17. 02:24 Grand-Uni-Mind The rock is launched, it flies through space landing in a little well known city, Neon, early morning
  18. 02:31 Grand-Uni-Mind It lands, one person finds it in the beach, he steps close and is infected. All is known about him, his brother, his metal coworker, trip to poland, and the strangest of all, something new, Alchemy, changing something to something else. The binding process is finished. Jeremy 'Salesman' Ortolanus is know one with the uni-mind
  19. 02:33 *** Grand-Uni-Mind is now known as Salesman
  20. 02:36 Salesman walks and thinks. Earth, it has changed from what the Grayy has said, their tech has improved, and this Magic is very interesting, we know now how to do Alchemy, but there is so much more. Neon, a metahuma filled city. meta humans, so strange and new. We must learn more, the tech is good, but child's play to the Uni-Mind, the library has a computer
  21. 02:37 Salesman it can be used to learn more. Xenon, Aegis, V-tech, all must be learned
  22. 02:40 Salesman reaches the library, not many take notice to the Unknown, strange, Meta humans must look strange. The computer is easily hacked, along with Xenon, then Aegis, and V-tech, no notice at first, but they must know, we must see how they fight, we must learn
  23. 02:48 *** Platypus joined #covenger_rp
  24. 03:01 Salesman [you all can start at anytime now...]
  25. 03:05 *** McGoFuckYourself quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  26. 03:06 Amon_ leaned over the railway of the upper floor of the library. No occult tomes, no old grimoires, not even a skin-bound book to help him learn about this dumb stick he was stuck with. His civilian guise was comfortable enough, a nice polo and cargo pants with his boots. The library was nice and quiet at least. Almost quiet enough to let him drift off into a sleep. If only the young man with the freak of nature sticking out
  27. 03:14 Salesman looked around, has anyone come? Faces stare at him, these must be normal people, not Meta. The large one staring, his staff. It looked strange, perhaps it is a form of magic
  28. 03:14 Platypus *IF ONLY the young man had anticipated the entrance of a behelmeted individual in a stylishly stylish green Members Only Jacket engsmsmsplode onto the scene! With a dramatic boot to the double doors, The Platypus had made the scene. With the death-launching stares of Librarians and other patrons upon him, he sidled his way in...*
  29. 03:18 Salesman turns to the new one, why are others staring at him with anger or fear, is he of Xenon? of Aegis?
  30. 03:21 Bud entered in behind the Platypus. He was dressed in a rather civilian leather jacket and baseball cap, visiting the library itself to meet with a contact. He was sure to avoid the Platypus himself as he seemed to be mentally handicapped, moving past him and to a seat in one of the lounge chairs.
  31. 03:22 The-Haze has already been in the library for quite some time, digging around for books that nobody really cares about enough to go into detail about which ones they are. But rest assured, they're probably some pretty damn good books, not like he cared enough to handle these things with care anyways. Seemed like it was a pretty busy day for the library too, what with all these asshole superhero types...
  32. 03:22 The-Haze ...hanging around.
  33. 03:23 Platypus headed straight for the main desk with a purpose, needlessly slapping the counter to get the attendant's attention. "Can I help you... 'sir'?" She gritted through her teeth. "Why yes you can, Madame. I need to see if you have anything on Gypsy Curses. Please and thank you." He asked, flatly
  34. 03:29 Salesman Curse.Magic, we must learn more, we must see these heroes fight. How. How to make them?
  35. 03:33 McGoFuckYourself The doors to the library opens, and he walks in. His stride is...cartoonish, almost. A bit too long for someone of his build, with an almost exaggerated quality to each footstep, as if you would expect to hear some merry music gallivanting in the background. He drew more than a couple of stares from folks milling about, which is unsurprising. Most of his body was jet black and completely...
  36. 03:33 McGoFuckYourself ...featureless, except for the dull blue of his chest and his....face? The labcoat flapped behind him as he walked across the floor, small motes of what almost looks like white dust trailing off of him.
  37. 03:33 McGoFuckYourself "Uhhhh, sir? Can I help you with something?" The front clerk had seem some odd folks here before, but this fellow was certainly up there.
  38. 03:33 McGoFuckYourself He turned, and looked at her with the smooth, almost fishbowl-shaped blue plate that made up his head. He didn't have a face there, either, but that didn't stop her from getting the impression he had an expression of sheer condescending about him.
  39. 03:33 *** McGoFuckYourself is now known as Lloyd
  40. 03:33 Lloyd "I am here on business, thank you. There are matters that I must see to." He turns and walks deeper into the library.
  41. 03:33 *** Lloyd is now known as Dr-Lloyd
  42. 03:37 Salesman Lloyd, a head scientist at Xenon, they sent the man of learning instead of fighters, why? Did they not think we are worth it. However the case. We must speak
  43. 03:39 Salesman stands up, scooting the chair back in and walking towards Lloyd. A slit forming near the lip area, ripping open like flesh. "You come instead of Evos. Why?"
  44. 03:40 Bud starts getting suspicious. His contact should have arrived before he was here. He checks his PDA for updated information only to look upon a badly digitized alert message popping up on the screen. He pockets the device and scans around the library, spotting...what /seems/ to be the Salesman he previously had a beef with. Already moving to stalk.
  45. 03:42 The-Haze Failing to find whatever he had come in to search for he began to walk out, only to stop in his tracks for seemingly no reason at all. Well, not for no reason, he just knew that whenever a large group of metas stumbles onto a scene some crazy shit was about to unfold. It had always been that way, so why wouldn't he just stick around for the fun? I mean, what's the worst that could happen?
  46. 03:46 Amon_ jolts into fully awake state as the staff telepathically blared sirens at him. Someone was making a move, judging by the shift in activity. His hand crackled in his pocket, arcing shortly as he flexed his fingers. The staff dematerialised and disappeared, awaiting summoning once more as Amon made his way down the stairs, away from the action, but not too far as to be unable to hear. He took up a hands-in-pocket relaxed
  47. 03:47 Dr-Lloyd (took up a hands-in-pocket relaxed.....cuts off again)
  48. 03:48 Amon_ stance near The-Haze, sparing a nod before looking over once more to the conversation.
  49. 03:48 Platypus found himself sitting at one of the many tables heroically leafing through pages of what books he had been able to collect. unfortunately all they were was mere fiction. Children's stories. The kind of crap, Hollywood would throw a small fortune at to make a movie out of with a big army battle at the end. "Bah!" He barked frustratedly...*
  50. 03:48 Amon_ [Does it do that for everyone?]
  51. 03:48 Salesman [I think so yeah?]
  52. 03:49 Bud [For me]
  53. 03:49 The-Haze [Do what exactly?]
  54. 03:49 Amon_ [cut off]
  55. 03:49 The-Haze [I think it just separates it into different posts for me.]
  56. 03:49 Platypus "I should know better by now. Though the answers aren't going to just fall from the sky."
  57. 03:52 Salesman "You are Llyod, man turned to aromatically 37 trillion Nanomachines. You are an inventor, why come to a inevitable fight?"
  58. 03:53 Amon_ [aromatically? the nanomachines smell good?]
  59. 03:53 The-Haze [why wouldn't they?]
  60. 03:53 Dr-Lloyd sighs. Absolutely no physical need to do that, but sixty years in a human body makes it hard to shake loose some human tendencies. And it's a good way to display mild consternation. "I am here to investigate the tracker that was snooping around the Machina data network." He holds his hands behind the back, observing the...entity. "Allowing it to float around made it possible to re-trace it...
  61. 03:53 Dr-Lloyd this location. And with all due respect for the Evolutionaries, this is not some costumed maniac prancing about the streets, but rather one that would require my considerable talents."
  62. 03:54 The-Haze [Alright, this is now canon. There's a dumpster somewhere in Neon and...]
  63. 03:54 The-Haze [It says this but with it being about Lloyd instead.]
  64. 03:54 Bud [who dun it]
  65. 03:55 Dr-Lloyd (Yugenex)
  66. 03:55 The-Haze [But who "corrects" it?]
  67. 03:56 Salesman [a group of llyods nanites]
  68. 04:00 Salesman walks slowly to a wall, a few seconds later a Golem forms out. "We wish to observe you and other Metas humans fight. We know of Bud and Haze, but the rest we do not, comply or be forced"
  69. 04:01 Platypus SHHH! Do you mind!? This is a Library!
  70. 04:04 Salesman turns to the man. "You shall be first" The golem charges at Platypus
  71. 04:07 The-Haze somehow overhears this and just turns around in the general direction of the fight about to break out, making sure to say this just loud enough to be heard "Shut the fuck up already."
  72. 04:08 Bud pulls the brim of his hat further down to overshadow his face, other hand casually placed into his jacket pocket. He speaks with a raised voice. "Quiet times interrupted, everybody in this joint has to go, go, go and never look back." his words obviously directed at any civilians within.
  73. 04:09 Platypus idly tugs at his collar as the Golem is sicked upon him and then looks at his wrist. "Jeepers, is that the wrist? Well, I've really gotta fly!" And with that, he sails into the air as high as he can go
  74. 04:10 Dr-Lloyd Lloyd sighed. "How utterly barbaric. And disappointing, to be frank. I had assumed that there was someone with /intelligence/ at the other end of that tracer, considering its sophistication. If your primary means of observation involves throwing a stone at the hornets nest and watching them swarm, then you honestly have my pity."
  75. 04:11 Amon_ stands to attention as the golem charges. Bud's words of caution towards the civilians reach him in turn. With a flick of his wrist, the front doors of the library literally blow off in an electric haze, giving them a clear escape route. "I also suggest evacuation. The peace has been disturbed."
  76. 04:15 Salesman keeps his hand on the wall, sliding down to the floor, although smaller more Golems begin to rise. "Your opinion does not mater to us doctor, you are an anomaly to us, and thus worthless"
  77. 04:18 Salesman has the golems charge at the others
  78. 04:25 Dr-Lloyd "You are the one employing esoteric, untrustworthy means such as /alchemy/." There's disgust at that word. "You are in no place to be determining worth in this equation. I do not believe you understand what an 'anomaly' is, either. If you had any idea what you were truly attempting to observe, you would understand that the road that leads up to my current body is a rigorous series of...
  79. 04:25 Dr-Lloyd ...advancements and testings, done to the fullest extent of the proper scientific process. I understood every moment leading up to it." He scoffs. "Hardly an 'anomaly', as you claim it to be." He doesn't even move as the golem charges him. Rather, the entire left half of his body just dissolves, evaporating into a swirling mist that reforms when the golem passes through.
  80. 04:28 Bud retracts his hand from the jacket's side pocket, and with it a primed fragmentation grenade. He gives an underhanded roll of it towards the golems, it detonates in a localized enough explosion to shred a couple of the things and most of the flooring. He'd pay for it later if they asked. "Mind if I roll out? You're not much of a threat, conman."
  81. 04:30 The-Haze backs up quickly, lashing out with a simple swing of the claw at the golem that was probably coming right at him, he wasn't really in much of a mood for a fight, but it's not like complaining about it was going to do anything at all. What a shame, he actually liked this library and knew he'd be disappointed to see it destroyed like this "Fucking golems, it's always fucking golems. Hate the...
  82. 04:30 The-Haze ...little bastards."
  83. 04:33 Platypus [I gotta cut and run. I really gotta go to bed]
  84. 04:34 *** Platypus quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  85. 04:34 Salesman [the golem suddenly is cut in half]
  86. 04:34 Salesman [if anyone else wants I can put this on hold]
  87. 04:36 Dr-Lloyd (I've got all night)
  88. 04:37 The-Haze [alllllll niiiiiiiiight]
  89. 04:41 Amon_ [same]
  90. 04:42 Salesman [ok then]
  91. 04:43 Salesman The Golem looks for a new target after Platypus flew off, charging at Haze
  92. 04:46 The-Haze The Haze, taking the opportunity begins pulling books off of the shelves and fiercely tossing them at the golem as he began to look for a weakness as the big beast charged at him. Quickly giving up on that front he began pulling his own shadow out from beneath himself, slowly piling it into his free arm.
  93. 04:49 Amon_ waves his arm and thrusts forward, letting fly with his spear as it materialises and propels itself. The spear-staff-thing with its beady, wandering eye, embeds itself in a golem. A second passes before its form is shredded by a ball of lightning, arcing to two others nearby to tear them apart. "Amalgams of wood and steel? Novel. Truly."
  94. 05:05 Salesman The Golem charging towards Haze jumps and is prepared to bash him, Salesman watching the heroes fight
  95. 05:10 Dr-Lloyd Dr. Lloyd crosses his arms, watching Salesman
  96. 05:14 Salesman arm spasmed a bit. It suddenly raised up grabbing the strange organism on his face, trying to pull it off. He stops, staring at Lloyd as the organism grows more, spreading down to his neck as it fuses with his skin
  97. 05:16 Bud started walking towards the exit to tend to more important matters before stopping to observe Salesman's parasite growth. "Gross, hells' wrong with his head?"
  98. 05:20 Salesman looks to Bud, the parasite pulsating
  99. 05:21 Dr-Lloyd doesn't move. Stock-still, he just stands there, watching it.
  100. 05:23 Salesman "Teleportation calculations 87% completed"
  101. 05:24 The-Haze ducks down and bashes the golem with both fists, having covered the second one in shadow as well. "Get out of my face, nerd."
  102. 05:35 Amon_ brushes off his sleeve as his staff returns. "A coldsore gone wrong? Simplex herpes can be a terrible affliction."
  103. 05:37 The-Haze "Nah, pretty sure he's just always been this ugly."
  104. 05:41 Bud shrugs. "Probably. Seems like he's about to go into a rant."
  105. 2:24 Salesman "Golems" The second he said that world, the golems stopped moving, like statues standing there
  106. 02:25 *** Eri is now known as Amon_
  107. 02:25 *** McGoFuckYourself is now known as Dr-Lloyd
  108. 02:27 Salesman "Teleporation 100% calculated, now sending Vorgon"
  109. 02:28 *** Vorgon joined #covenger_rp
  110. 02:28 Dr-Lloyd didn't even move during the golem attacks. All he did was dissipate when they tried to strike him, and reform. Fighting is for degenerates and children.
  111. 02:30 Vorgon A large circle of light appears near Salesman, growing upwards forming a large bubble, about 10 feet wide and tall, it dissipates, what remains inside is nothing seen on earth
  112. 02:33 Vorgon The creature is large, grayish blue with deeper blue armor covering most of its body, a long thick, whip like tail drags behind it. The mouth is a vertical muzzle, it opens slowly, showing a much smaller beak like mouth inside. Another growth like Salesman covers half its face, growing along down its back
  113. 02:34 Salesman [or if you're to lazy to imagine that ]
  114. 02:37 The-Haze "Is that a fucking dog?"
  115. 02:38 Amon_ taps his staff on the ground, arcing with electricity. "That is... alarming."
  116. 02:38 Bud looks at the thing curiously. "Is it a puppy? Whaz'its name?"
  117. 02:39 The-Haze brings his hand to a chin, as if to think for a couple of brief moments "I don't know... maybe spike? Spot? Could even be something dumb like 'Hank'."
  118. 02:39 Dr-Lloyd "It's almost as ugly as the rabble that Yugenex attempts to churn out. I am, frankly, unimpressed."
  119. 02:41 The-Haze "Doesn't the entirety of the company hate those guys or something?"
  120. 02:42 Dr-Lloyd "I certainly do, although I cannot speak for Xenon as a whole."
  121. 02:43 Vorgon hacks up, something, its small and human like, grey with three fingers
  122. 02:43 Bud "From an outside point I sure have heard nothing but bad things about Yu-...gross."
  123. 02:44 The-Haze "Disgusting, completely fucking disgusting, it's like this kind of shit happens every single day. But it's never this gross."
  124. 02:45 Salesman "I suppose it is dog like. Her bark is almost as bad as her bite"
  125. 02:45 The-Haze "Her?"
  126. 02:46 Salesman "Females are known for being larger and more aggressive in its species"
  127. 02:48 Vorgon begins to growl, or at least seems like she is, she is breathing in creating a deep rumbling sound, its back slowly starts to grow
  128. 02:50 Amon_ ducks behind a nearby study desk, staff sticking out slightly. "I do not like that noise."
  129. 02:52 The-Haze backs off into a dark corner so as to better ignore this dumb dog thing's growling or whatever it may be doing at the moment.
  130. 02:55 *** Vorgon quit (*.net *.split)
  131. 02:56 *** Dr-Lloyd quit (*.net *.split)
  132. 02:59 *** Vorgon joined #covenger_rp
  133. 02:59 Vorgon 'barks' or closer to truth, releases a sonic screech, windows computers and anyone standing close to it are broken. It goes on for a good few seconds as walls and golems start to crack and fall apart
  134. 03:03 *** Dr-Lloyd joined #covenger_rp
  135. 03:03 Dr-Lloyd (Yooo)
  136. 03:04 Vorgon [Wb]
  137. 03:12 Dr-Lloyd (So....what's up now?)
  138. 03:12 Dr-Lloyd Dr. Lloyd watches the dog. At least he'll get a chance to observe something new, even if it did look like Heap took a shit and named it Fido. The screeching sets the good doctor's entire body to shaking and vibrating, but the nanites were more than durable enough to prevent from him shaking loose entirely or dissolving.
  139. 03:14 The-Haze to avoid the sound and presumably any damage that could be done, he slinks away into a shadow nearly immediately after he notices things beginning to break. Better safe then sorry is probably the only lesson that could be learned from this situation, at least if you reach for one a little bit.
  140. 03:16 Bud puts his hands to his head and clumsily dives behind a piece of fancy furniture. It's as if the usual ringing had knives strapped to guns that shot knives.
  141. 03:22 Vorgon The very second she stops 'barking' she bounces at Bud, crushing the furniture under her weight
  142. 03:29 Bud rolls along his side and pops back to his feet in what might be seen as a grappler's stance, his head still somewhat ringing... "Easy now, girl. That is some expensive seating."
  143. 03:34 Vorgon speaks, yes, speaks, or at least as close as she can, it is gruff and even harder to understand thanks to the ringing. "gre halw no kawr fwar yurll sichink"
  144. 03:39 The-Haze taking the bare minimum amount of time required to guess at what the thing is saying responds practically immediately "Did it just say 'fuck you'? I think it did."
  145. 03:47 *** Dr-Lloyd quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  146. 03:47 *** Dr-Lloyd joined #covenger_rp
  147. 03:48 *** F021 quit (Quit: See you next time!)
  148. 03:53 Dr-Lloyd Lloyd sighs. This is taking up some rather precious time of his
  149. 03:55 Salesman "Why stay here Lloyd? You are pointless to us and you do not help the others"
  150. 03:59 Dr-Lloyd "Whether or not I am pointless to /you/ is, quite frankly, irrelevant. Whether or not I am helpful to them is also irrelevant. I have my own purposes, and I intend to fulfill them. Not that a brute such as yourself would understand."
  151. 03:59 Dr-Lloyd He pauses. "And it is /Doctor/ Lloyd, thank you very much."
  152. 04:02 *** Amon_ quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  153. 04:03 *** Amon_ joined #covenger_rp
  154. 04:07 Salesman "Your doctorate and inferior technology does not matter to us
  155. 04:07 Salesman "
  156. 04:08 Bud gets a look at the 'dog' and the thing on its face. He reaches into his side pocket and whips his arm out of it, sending a small and agile knife at the creature under the assumption that the growth is important in some way. "Catch, poochie!"
  157. 04:10 Vorgon The knife sticks in the flesh, the 'dog' doesn't react but the growth spasms, Salesman doing the same but he shows no signs of pain
  158. 04:13 Dr-Lloyd scoffs. "Meanwhile you've shown absolutely zero actual technological capabilites besides basic matter transportation and that" He looks over at the dog-thing. "Excuse for a biological specimen. You tactics are crude, to say the least, and if this entire debacle is your attempt at observation, then I truly pity whatever entity sent you. This entire display hinges upon the variable that those...
  159. 04:13 Dr-Lloyd've tried to interfere with will send fighters, and involves an astonishingly poor sampling size. I have seen absolutely nothing of note here. Truthfully, your concern over my academical background is the least of my, but at least /I/ attempt to properly understand my specimens rather than mindlessly writing them off."
  160. 04:26 Vorgon The deep growling sound comes from Her again, although not charging as long, Bud is about to get a sonic screech at a yard distance away
  161. 04:27 The-Haze "Oh for fuck's sake, can somebody just shoot the dumb thing already? I have no idea why any alien, or person for that matter would be interested in such a thing, everything it has done so far has amounted to jackshit fucking nothing. It's just a dumb animal and that thing stuck on its face is never going to change that fact, it's almost sad really."
  162. 04:31 Vorgon stops breathing in, turns away from buddy and releases the screech directed at Haze
  163. 04:35 The-Haze "Wow, that thing's fucking stupid, isn't it?"
  164. 04:36 Dr-Lloyd "Then it is in good company with you, I would suppose." Huh. Where'd /that/ edge come from?
  165. 04:37 The-Haze "Ouch, nearly cut me with that edge there."
  166. 04:37 Bud quickly tosses off his tightly fitting hat, revealing the small holdout revolver it hid atop his head. He grabs the thing and fires not on the dog, but Salesman himself and his weird face shit. The continued ringing that gunfire brought seemed better than listening to two weird guys bicker.
  167. 04:39 Vorgon The creature lowers her head for a bit, the growth covering more of her back and now spreading to her other eye
  168. 04:40 Dr-Lloyd "Please. I will have no truck with petty thieves such as yourself. The fact that you are employed by the same conglomerate as Machina is, in my opinion, a grave mistake."
  169. 04:43 Salesman The bullet hits Sales soilder, but besides a few twitches no reaction, it hit, blood is dripping from the would, but whatever the thing on his face is cuts off all pain to their mind
  170. 04:44 The-Haze "You're literally all talk, aren't you?"
  171. 04:45 Amon_ scoffs and stands from behind the now ruined desk. His ears still rung. He shook his head to recover, stumbling slightly and using his staff as support. "Your bickering does nothing to remedy the situation at hand." With a clap of his hands, a blade of lightning scorches across the floor and draws a boundary between the two arguing Metas.
  172. 04:45 Amon_ "Focus."
  173. 04:48 Vorgon turns back to Buddy, aiming to bite his arm off, the inner mouth stretching out like a goblin shark to get it
  174. 04:49 Dr-Lloyd sighs, and just continues to watch the fight unfold.
  175. 04:58 Bud tosses the revolver, either sending it into the dog or to the ruined floors as he tries to roll out of harm's way once more. Were he able to at the moment he would pantomime a group of people bickering over who is dumber.
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