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Sep 9th, 2014
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  1. 1. Beast Girl Hordes
  3. Overtime the Beast races were assimilated into the Human Empire. Some of the more Human-looking ones even became lower class citizens, but most were enslaved for labor, as troops and even produce. An uprising has begun, remnants of Beast Girl armies thought long defeated and disbanded have re-emerged. They've begun a warpath, conquering outlying villages and towns, enslaving Humans and recruiting Beast Girl slaves to join their growing horde. The majority of the horde is undisciplined and untrained, a rabble of Cat Girls, Mouse Girls, Wolf Girls, Centaur and more, headed by leaders such as Jinko Warlords and Minotaurus warriors. You are a farmer, or were at least, you left your family’s farm after being conscripted. You’re young, strong and healthy, but you’re as green as the grass you’ll be fighting on. Now you’re swept up in a war you never wanted to be involved in, but the fact remains that one day your village might be the next to fall, if there’s something to fight for it’s that.
  5. 2. Reptilian Alliance
  7. An alliance consisting mostly of Lizard Girls, Lamia, Salamanders and even a handful of fearsome Dragons are pushing back the Empire from a volcanic, mountainous area. It's hot and the enemy are just as disciplined as The Human Empire’s army. Numbers are even, but patrolling the region is treacherous and the Dragon leaders are as ruthless as they are powerful. You are a skilled warrior of some reknown, seeking to join the conflict to practice your craft and make money on the side. You are hired as a mercenary, much to the reluctance of the Human Empire’s military. You’re not exactly cheap to hire either, but it seems they need all the help they can get.
  9. 3. Demonic Invaders
  11. A faceless enemy that for the most part stays hidden. They’re deploying specialized operatives from Succubi to Oni to destabilize the region. Although you heavily outnumber them, the enemy are incredibly skilled and are capable of defeating many soldiers alone. There is no actual front; rather you'll be patrolling the lands to deal with them. They also have Human cultist traitors serving them. You are a Demonhunter, part of an elite sect of The One Church; you travel the kingdom and stamp out Demonic Threats wherever they appear. You work hard with others to make sure that the bridge between your world and the Demon world is never permanently established. This upcoming war is an opportunity for mankind’s oldest enemy and you will need to be incredibly vigilant.
  13. 4. The Undead
  15. An enemy has emerged. Many towns and cities were falling to what was previously assumed to be from Beast Hordes, however disturbing reports tell of a cabal of Liches, raising an army of female Undead through a deadly plague. In addition to the throngs of zombie and skeleton girls, ghouls and ghosts, the nameless Lich leaders have won the support of the Vampire and Wight Aristocracies who were previously neutral. Though their forces don't meet the same numbers as the Beast Hordes and the Reptilian Alliance, it's predicted that unless stopped soon their numbers will greatly eclipse our own. Expect a lot of urban fighting and population control, there's no telling how many are infected and you need to keep things contained until their leaders can be dealt with. You are a Paladin initiate, your devotion to all things holy and your potential will be put to the test as you work with your order to end this threat.
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