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Sep 18th, 2016
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  1. Real name:
  2. Thompson Fairfax Atkinson
  4. Icon: Skeleton with helmet draped over one eye
  6. Gender: Skeleton (Formerly male)
  8. Birthday: November 11th
  10. Bloodtype: N/A
  12. Height: 6'4
  14. Weight: 30 lbs
  16. Measurements: I have no idea what those numbers actually mean.
  18. Likes: A good stiff drink, tea, not being dead, his helmet, social studies, the two friends he has, sleep, popping joints, law and order, piano music, jazz, casketmaking
  20. Dislikes: Needless formality, drinking laws, being dead, maths, forgetting important dates, not sleeping, losing bones, professional wrestling, bad ragtime, war, only having one set of clothes
  22. Description:
  23. Skeleton in a old dark-green tunic, trousers, and ye-olde combat boots. Wears an old fashioned helmet that looks like a bowler hat with the brim rolled flat. Eyes are blue fire.
  25. Intro:
  26. Helmet tipped down, skeletal face unable to be seen. Eyes light up. Snaps into stiff boxer's position.
  28. Intro lines:
  29. Generic:
  30. “This ain't gonna be pretty, but it's gonna be fun.”
  31. “Let's make some noise.”
  32. “I kept graves, let me fit you for one.”
  33. “It's a beautiful day outside...”
  35. Occasional if female:
  36. “Well, ain't you a regular Mademoiselle from Armentières?”
  38. If rematch:
  39. “Let's just get to the point.”
  41. Parasoul:
  42. “A princess in this town? No way.”
  43. “An umbrella? I have the Heart.”
  44. “You ain't no commander.”
  45. (S)”Your sister is going to die, with my help or not.”
  47. Filia:
  48. (S)“Go home, child. Oh, wait. You can't.”
  49. “Livin' hair? That's a new one.”
  50. “I ain't seen hair that nuts since...well, ever.”
  52. Cerebella:
  53. “A Medici showgirl? Come on.”
  54. “Nice hat. Mine's bulletproof.”
  55. “The mob's after me, huh?”
  56. (S)”Another human corrupted by greed.”
  58. Peacock:
  59. “Old-fashioned, huh? Not as old as me.”
  60. (S)“You were mangled. I'm going to finish the job.”
  61. “Skeletal arms. Cute.”
  62. “I got no eyes too. At least I try to hide it.”
  64. Valentine:
  65. “You ain't a red-cross nurse.”
  66. “Put some clothes on, it's cold.”
  67. “I'm dead. You're a nurse. Guess you're bad at your job.”
  68. (S)“Hello Valarie. Want to know how your team felt? I'll give you a hint: Abandoned.”
  70. Double:
  71. (S)”Not yet, caretaker. Let me be free a little longer.”
  72. (S)”Mother. Let me alone.”
  73. (S)”Tell the children I said hello.”
  74. “And just what the hell are you?”
  76. Squigly:
  77. (S)”Like mother, like daughter.”
  78. “I'm not giving up the Heart. I'm sorry.”
  79. “You kill me, we're both going down.”
  80. “Someone wearing something decent. That's a rarity.”
  82. Ms Fortune:
  83. (S)”That gem belongs to me.”
  84. “Nice coat. Aaand it's gone.”
  85. “That parlor trick of ripping your head off ain't that impressive. I can do it too.”
  86. “I had a cat, once. Sulfur Mustard is cruel.”
  88. Painwheel:
  89. “Jesus. Just lay down and I'll make it quick.”
  90. “Oh my God. What the hell happened to you?”
  91. “...This is going to be a mercy killing, isn't it?”
  92. (S)”Mangled in the name of defeating me. Stupid humans.”
  94. Big Band:
  95. “Play me the one about the brass man that got killed.”
  96. “I'll play the piano. At your funeral.”
  97. “I guess you ain't gettin' an urn.”
  98. (S)”Another day, another fool turned weapon against me.”
  100. Fukua:
  101. “Mocha skin? In my time, people were attacked for that. Guess this is gonna be the other way around.”
  102. “You shouldn't exist. I'm going to fix that.”
  103. “Clones. I hate clones.”
  104. (S)”Humans mimic the divine work well.”
  106. Eliza:
  107. “When I'm done with you, there isn't going to be enough left for a soup can.”
  108. “I ain't got blood, but you know what I do have? Fire.”
  109. “We're both skeletons. The difference is I try to be a good person.”
  110. (S)”I know who you are. I know what you did.”
  112. Beowulf:
  113. “Here's a thought. I have a machine gun. You have a chair. Why don't you go down first?”
  114. “You're going the way of the Hyperborea.”
  115. “HEY, YOU'RE THAT GUY!”
  116. (S)”Have humans devolved into faking their quarrels?”
  118. Robo-Fortune:
  119. “I got a pocket watch that's better built.”
  120. “Bolt, this one's for you.”
  121. “Stupid toaster.”
  122. (S)”How clockwork has advanced.”
  124. LP: Stands slightly to the side and snaps a salute, hitting again causes a "DIS-MISSED" gesture for a second hit, both followed by minor fire effect
  125. MP: Puts most of his weight into a haymaker, second tap causes a quick hook in the other direction
  126. HP: Throws a mean hook, second hit causes him to grab his fist and thrust his elbow into the enemy
  127. Crouching LP: Removes helmet in a polite fashion really fast
  128. Crouching MP: Swings his head upwards roughly, weak launcher
  129. Crouching HP: Throws a mean uppercut, strong launcher
  130. Air LP: Claps hands underneath with minor fire effect
  131. Air MP: Claps hands in front of with strong fire effect
  132. Air HP: Claps hand above with minor fire effect
  133. LK: Knee to the crotch
  134. MK: Cheeky roundhouse with fire effect
  135. HK: Hops forward on one foot, shouting “DAS BOOT” while performing a straight-legged kick sideways
  136. Crouching LK: Quick kick from crouching position
  137. Crouching MK: Grabs ground and does half-cartwheel
  138. Crouching HK: Pulls femur out, instantly rising and bringing it down overhead and replacing in one smooth move
  139. Air LK: Divekick of fate
  140. Air MK: Divekick of doom, causes stagger
  141. Air HK: Flaming divekick of death
  142. Grab: Screams into enemy's face, fire erupting from mouth
  143. Air Grab: Grabs enemy and plants knee into face before throwing them to the ground, landing on them and curbstomping
  144. Specials:
  145. Kicks a ball of fire like a soccer ball
  146. Head extends by spinal cord for long-range headbutt (on fire of course)
  147. Blasts himself forward with fire for punch, shouts “WOOD HUT”
  148. Throws ghost grenade (on fire)
  149. Flamethrower hand (light input causes fireball, medium input causes brief flamethrower effect, heavy input causes dual flamethrower hands while spinning)
  151. Taunt: Throws his head back and screeches like a banshee before coughing once or twice into his hand.
  153. Blockbusters:
  154. Level 1: Tommy's Gun
  156. (S)”Allow me to fuel your toy.”
  158. (if boosted by Heartache)
  159. (*S)”Pull the tab to chamber a round, correct?”
  160. (*S)”Human toys.”
  161. (*S)”Like a storm of arrows.”
  162. Cackling like a maniac, SkeleTom jerks a Tommy Gun from his coat and lets loose with a spray of ghostly bullets before replacing in in his tunic. Ends Heartache.
  164. Level 1: Ragtime Rush
  165. “Y'know what time it is?”
  166. “Whaddayaknow, Joe? It's that time again.”
  167. “Pardone, just gotta bang this one out.”
  168. (if boosted by Heartache, the piano is a grand organ. Mechanical sounds are heard under the music. The other player is shoved into the back and the music is Classical instead of Ragtime.)
  169. (*S)”Let's waltz.”
  170. (*S)”A formal dance, if you please.”
  171. (*S)”Fugue of the Trio.”
  172. Grab attack. SkeleTom grabs the enemy, summons the piano from Mario 64, throws them inside, and starts to play. Hitting attack buttons causes SkeleTom to up the beat and play faster. Ends Heartache.
  174. Level two: Skeleton Skare
  175. “I'm sickayashit!”
  176. “Lay down for a while!”
  177. “I'mgonnakillyouandkillyouandkillyouandkillyouandkillyouandKILLYOU!”
  178. “Ya gonna have a bad time!”
  180. (If boosted by Heartache)
  181. (*S)”Hold still, human.”
  182. (*S)”This will only hurt until you expire.”
  183. (*S)”Lay.”
  184. Grab attack. SkeleTom grabs the enemy, throws them directly into the ground, and (while blocking view) goes apeshit on them with fingerbones in a clawing fashion, switching to smashing them with a femur before throwing the enemy away. Does not end Heartache.
  186. Level three: Heartache
  187. “Come on you sorry son of a bitch, make me a monster!”
  188. “You're holdin' back, give me more!”
  189. “I'm skeleton, you're skull. You know what to do.”
  190. (S)”Allow me.”
  191. SkeleTom yanks the Skullheart out of his chest and snarls to it for a moment. Replaces head with Skullheart. Attack speed is doubled, all attacks now have fire effect. Taunting causes Skullheart to roar fire into the air, no coughing. Taunting causes Heartache to effects Blockbusters. Wears off after ten seconds, heart is replaced by head.
  193. Level Five: Shattered reality (can't be performed while under the effects of Heartache)
  194. “Lemme show ya' somethin'...”
  195. “Got somethin' to show ya'...”
  196. “You'll like this one.”
  197. (S)”That was not meant to be seen!” “Show-and-tell!”
  198. SkeleTom reaches into his tunic, producing an item that doesn't exist from a time that shouldn't. Just as his hand is seen, the screen goes black and a sound like fifty thousand gorillia-lion-mechas are being decapitated with fifty thousand rusty glass chainsaws while seventeen billion computers trying to connect to a server via dial-up are blasted with an infinite number of shotguns. Screen returns to normal, with SkeleTom stuffing item back into tunic and enemy on the floor (presumably dead).
  199. “Like it?”
  200. “Neat, isn't it?”
  201. “Nifty little thing I picked up.”
  202. (S)”You defile reality...” “She shouldn't dress so provocatively.”
  204. Blocks:
  205. Standing: Generic boxing block, aided by fire.
  206. Crouching: Holds on to helmet with a hand, shrinking into himself.
  207. In-air: Can't block in-air.
  209. Victory: Pulls a flask out of his pocket, toasts other player, and takes a pull. Liquid splatters to the ground. Replaces flask.
  210. Heartache Victory: Body is surrounded by blue fire, slowly levitating off the ground, before SkeleTom's normal head forces the Heart off, he falls onto a knee, stands up, normal victory animation.
  212. Win lines:
  213. Generic:
  214. “I was right. That was fun.” /drinks
  215. “This one's to you, friend.” /drinks
  216. “I suppose I'll have to tend your grave now.” /drinks
  217. “One for the newest member of the graveyard.” /drinks
  218. “Don't worry, you'll be getting up soon enough.” /drinks
  219. (singing) “Spooky scary skeletons...” /drinks
  220. (S)”And now, we drink and be merry.” /drinks
  221. (S)”A toast to victory.” /drinks
  222. Filia:
  223. “Children shouldn't fight adults.” /drinks
  224. “I suggest wearing a more nutrient-dense hat.” /drinks
  225. “I hate seeing someone so young wind up like me.” /drinks
  226. (S)”A toast to a fallen maiden fair.” /drinks
  228. Cerebella:
  229. “Wonder if this is booze or Medici Cola.” /drinks “...Cola.”
  230. “This one's to that hat.” /drinks
  231. “You're a showstopper, but you didn't stop this show.” /drinks
  232. (S)”A toast to a fallen comrade. Rest easy, Galea.” /drinks
  234. Peacock:
  235. “Here's to burryin' you, kid.” /drinks
  236. “Here's to killin' you, kid.” /drinks
  237. “Here's to watchin' TV, kid.” /drinks
  238. (S)”A toast to the younger generation.” /drinks
  240. Parasoul:
  241. “The IRA couldn't break off. Guess I did.” /drinks
  242. “God save Princess Parasoul.” /drinks “...She's gonna need it.”
  243. “I s'pose this is what the Carter intended.” /drinks
  244. (S)”A toast to a fallen leader.” /drinks
  246. Ms Fortune:
  247. “A skeleton, a dead cat, and a flask of whiskey. Sounds like a movie I would've watched.” /drinks
  248. “I'd make a crack about you going after bones, but you aren't a dog.” /drinks
  249. “Here's to the Gang, kitty.” /drinks
  250. (S)”A toast to the last of them.”
  252. Painwheel:
  253. “I need to forget what I saw here. Cheers.” /drinks
  254. “This one's for the memory loss.” /drinks
  255. “Celebratory drinkin' don't feel good after that. Screw it.” /drinks
  256. (s)”A toast to a broken weapon.”
  258. Valentine:
  259. “I need two liters of surgical spirit, stat. Heheh.” /drinks
  260. “Y'know somethin'? I don't like nurses.” /drinks
  261. “People who don't wear clothes aren't protected against the elements.” /drinks
  262. (S)”A toast to a doctor.”
  264. Double does not cause any lines to play. SkeleTom skips toasting and just drinks, emptying the entire flask before replacing it.
  266. Squigly:
  267. “Lay back down. It's calmer underneath.” /drinks
  268. “Met your match, didn't you?” /drinks
  269. “Maybe I oughtta build a better coffin.” /drinks
  270. (S)”A toast to the last Contiello.”
  272. Big Band:
  273. “Bullets beat blues.” /drinks
  274. “All that brass'll make for a nice casket.” /drinks
  275. “You're gonna be hell to embalm.” /drinks
  276. (S)”A toast to a old man.”
  278. Fukua:
  279. “You're cute, hun, but you're not my type.” /drinks
  280. “Green hair over dark skin. Green grass over a brown coffin.” /drinks “...Sorry, I got nothin'.”
  281. “I told them clones were always inferior. They don't listen.” /drinks
  282. (S)”A toast to an impostor.”
  284. Eliza doesn't merit a toast either. SkeleTom glares at the body.
  285. /drinks “...Useless cunt.”
  286. /drinks “...I was wrong. That didn't feel good. That felt great.”
  287. /drinks “...And stay down.”
  289. Beowulf:
  290. “Guess you aren't that guy.” /drinks
  291. “Remember when they thought it couldn't get any worse than the war?” /drinks
  292. “The cremator is going to burn the chair, too.” /drinks
  293. (S)”A toast to a fool.” /drinks
  295. Robo-Fortune:
  296. “Should I just dump this on you? Hehhehheh.” /drinks
  297. “Toasting a broken toaster. Hah.” /drinks
  298. “They say if you put a cat in a microwave, it dies.” /drinks “...What if the cat IS the microwave?”
  299. (S)”A toast to a broken watch.” /drinks
  301. Heartache victory:
  302. (S)"And now, with the power of this body mine to control, I shall-"
  303. "-drink and be merry." /drinks
  305. SkeleTom doesn't have any 'lose' lines due to instantly dying from the heart being obliterated.
  307. Time Out: SkeleTom jerks the Skullheart out and punches it in the face, destroying it, causing him to fall to the ground, lifeless.
  309. Timeout lines:
  310. “Useless piece of traaahh...”
  311. “Screw this, I'm going back to Fransssss...”
  312. "To hell with ittttttt..."
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