
Scrunchy Nose Drunk-Shot

Dec 16th, 2012
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  1. Scrunchy Nose Drunk-Shot
  3. A request for some fucking Anon.
  5. >you've been in Equestria for a while
  6. >it's pretty nice, p0nies are really cool
  7. >you didn't believe it at first, but you came to understand that this was your new world
  8. >you missed some things of your good old human world, like the internet
  9. >however, you just had to go outside to entertain yourself
  10. >the only thing that was weird was Fluttershy
  11. >you'd think she was of the mane 6, like in the show, but something was off
  12. >she always stared a bit too long, always wanted to be with you a bit more than the others
  13. >you never really knew what she wanted or why she acted differently
  14. >must have been some strange difference between the real her and the show
  15. >fuck the show anyway, it was nothing like the real thing
  16. >you're taking a walk of the average P0nyville day
  17. >Dash is a bro enough to always leave one or two clouds over your head
  18. >you've always hated direct sunlight, especially the really warm, equestrian sun
  19. >you had nothing against the good Princess, but she was bright as fuck and it wasn't pleasant
  20. >you see the gray mailmare messing up her deliveries as usual
  21. >you laugh internally because "malemare"
  22. >poor thing had a hard time reading the addresses with her eyes, but she did her best
  23. >a unicorn is berating the delivery mare for getting her package lost
  24. >again
  25. >the pegasus' reaction is to say she's sorry as her snout scrunches up
  26. >your attention suddenly narrows
  27. >your heartbeat skyrockets
  28. >her snout
  29. >is scrunched
  30. >the curvature of her lips
  31. >the ridges on the snout as it scrunches
  32. >it was intoxicating
  33. >you take a few seconds to find your breath again
  34. >you don't even know why you're rock hard and turned on
  35. >turning away, you hope nobody can see the tent in your pants
  36. >you run home, the exercise helps you take your mind off the event
  37. >what you don't know is that and a obviously hidden yellow pegasus was watching you
  38. >you were too busy trying not to think about the scrumptious scrunched nose to even connect the dots
  39. >the dots being a full sized p0ny hiding behind a bouquet of petunias with both wings flared up
  40. >you calm down at home, making some tea
  41. >delicious mixed berry tea with some sugar
  42. >your sweet tooth would be the death of you but the amounts of fucks you gave equaled zero
  43. >Pinkie loved your shit for that reason
  44. >fucking sugar
  45. >you wondered what all this was about
  46. >getting all bothered by scrunchyfaces
  47. >whatever, could have been a random bonertime
  48. >you still can't shake the feeling that there's something more about this
  49. >what had set you off was really how her snout was all scrunched up
  50. >but why?
  51. >why was it so enticing to see the nose of another, completely different species crumple in on itself, along with the folding of tender lips...
  52. >goddamn it boner
  53. >you've gone too far now
  54. >you finish your tea, forcing yourself to think about other things
  55. >you're so relaxed when you set the empty cup down that
  56. >scrunched faces are the least of your worries now
  57. >you aren't even thinking about anything
  58. >you're just so comfy
  59. >you don't want to get up from your chair
  60. >you feel tired
  61. >so comfortable
  62. >all warm and settled in
  63. >you would have made a thread on some fourth channel board if you had an internet connection
  64. >you'd have made a comfy thread
  65. >you fall asleep in a warm perfection of comfy
  66. >you wake up
  67. >wondering why you can't move, you articulate a good "huuuhr,drhawlhjek"
  68. >perfect, that was a succinct expression of your feelings
  69. >why is Fluttershy petting your head?
  71. "Oh Anon, are you okay?" she says gently
  72. >gently, with a side of maniac
  73. >slowly, you come to realize that she drugged your fucking tea
  74. >goddamn tree hugging bitch
  75. "L... let me gew..."
  76. >you barely vocalize your thoughts
  77. "Poor Anon... Do you... Do you really want to go"? she says
  78. >you nod
  79. >your drugged state is intense, but you can feel that it's in its last leg
  80. >fucking colors everywhere
  81. >what in all the fuck did she put in your tea
  82. >the effects are fading fast and you soon begin to regain the control over your limbs
  83. >trying to get up, she pushes you down
  84. "That's too bad, Anon"
  85. >you would usually overpower her easily
  86. >you're about to simply stand up when it happens
  87. >you weren't ready for it
  88. >her face scrunches up
  89. >you see the lines on her snout form as her mouth forms the gentle, sad scowl
  90. >her eyes look wonderful as the ripples radiate from her nose
  91. >dat scrunch
  92. >no, boner, not this time
  93. >it's too strong, captain!
  94. >"Assuming direct control" says your dick
  95. >you can only moan in both pleasure and discontent
  96. >she's already rubbing your crotch
  97. "Anon... Is scrunchy-face your fetish?" she says
  98. >you can't even move
  99. >her face is perfect
  100. >you feel an orgasm boiling up
  101. "Yes" you admit, weak and on the edge of coitus
  102. >you see her grin as she radiates happiness
  103. "I can't believe I found your fetish, Anon!" she yells, bubbling with joy and performing a little twirl in mid-air
  104. >AHA!
  106. >the influence of her scrunchy face has dissolved
  107. >you get up and snatch her in flight
  108. "Scrunchy faces are my fetish, but you're not!" you say
  109. >you throw her through the window
  110. >it cost you 183 bits to get it fixed
  111. >worth it
  113. Fucking Fluttershy.
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