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Nov 7th, 2016
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  2. 4rth Round squeeze - DEREK bomb – Tyler boost matt into window room (run until you cant be heard) Matt walks out window room to crevice in wall by left middle. Corey and Danny take banana slow like we always do. Derek comes into banana once me and danny take it( avoid spam hot spot in banana) Tyler sits against left mid wall watching the right matts flank middle. Once they are in positition they HOLD and LISTEN for rotators Give it a good 5 seconds and then start walking into ct spawn and holding spawn (do not flank even tho u might have an easy kill) Danny and Corey will nade the back left box and then fall back to avoid flashes and then all 3 of us will smoke right side to cover from ct spawn and corey will flash the site twice. Danny and corey will be the only two taking B while Derek will be hanging back spotting action box from still in banana(don’t want to lose the bomb, its ok if they see bomb then they will rotate fully) If me and danny take B Derek comes and plants B. If we both Danny and Corey both die Derek will run up middle and start walking once he gets to the window room door (where u cant be heard running from the guy in the big pit Tyler and matt will come from spawn side and help you take the site. (CT should be big PIT or HALLS, anticipate him). Derek you should not peak that pit until MATT and TYLER have spotted the CT, then start pushing.
  4. de_nuke
  6. T pistol – BOMB Matt – Tyler and Derek drop USPs for Corey and Danny and get a grenade. Tyler and Derek Camp in squeaky door room and watch ramp flank stay away from nades. Corey, Danny, and matt will walk quickly to garage and sneaky into garage and try to pickoff CT’s in upper. Once we take upper Derek and Tyler will open squeaky and throw your grenade up at big ladder. Matt go for the plant. Derek and tyler take cover in vents or squeaky door since u don’t have armor (stay away from nade hot spots).
  8. 4rth Round DZ (har har) – TYLER bomb – First spawn open squeaky with flash smoke garage. Second spawn flash ramp twice DO NOT FLASH UNDER u all know how to not make it go under. Last 3 spawns all throw nades ramp box right away. Tr1p fakes ramp the other 4 will walk to hut right after they throw their nade and simply walk out the door. First crouch and try to pick rafter and then anticipate one bomb boxes and then check top of hut. Purpose of throwing a bunch of flashes/nades ramp is to get upper rafter guy to rotate and help ramp leaving hut door semi open. Risky strat will probably exchange kills hut but will work if we can sell the fake. Make sure someone is watching ladder. Clear the site get up on the hut and try to boost one into rafter ( check vents too see if one rotated really early. Should have(we might have tyler do his hut flashes instead of just walking out) we will see how it works.
  10. de_train
  12. T pistol – Tyler and Derek drop USPS for Danny and Matt and buy a grenade. All five walk inner. Corey bait nades for feet spotters. All three of Us will peak lower ramp. Derek and Tyler hang tight since you don’t have armor. Once we peak lower ramp you wait until we stop shooting and u follow trip down lower ramp with your grenade and nade Z hall or if Corey calls upper ramp u nade whatever he hears or calls since hes a way ahead of u. that instead and then Derek run back and plant while danny and matt continue to sit on the ramp covering you. Once planted Derek run back up lower ramp and get flank if ur still alive. I don’t want you in the bombsite where u can easily get naded with no armor.
  14. 3 1 1 – Modified. DEREK bomb – Danny will smoke and flash lower ramp. This smoke will be thrown so CTS cant spot feet. And the flash will be thrown so we don’t give away we are not going inner. Corey and Tyler will headstack just for a second to make sure an awper doesn’t gay us and then we will creep up and Corey will boost tyler on far box. Someone will call a time. 3 Smokes left side. Corey flash left deep and tyler flash right. Haul ass to CT spawn. Matt will rush to the ladder room and get behind that box and just wait there for a push up. (if we know they play aggressive middle if not go middle)
  16. fake 3 1 1 – MATT bomb. Danny will flash lower ramp for matt and smoke it so CTs cant see feet. Danny and Matt will hold upper ramp. At a time Corey will call to smoke alley and we will rush straight INTO ct spawn. Once we get into ct spawn frod and matt will walk out upper ramp and go for the plant. IF we make it go all the way around to big ramp.. Try to plant for ct spawn.
  18. Squeeze - TYLER bomb – Danny wait for matt and Derek to get to stairs and flash for them from top. All three of u smoke DEEP as possible and wait for matt to flash under pop and then bum rush to ct spawn make sure u flash upper ramp and back of 3 train and z hall ON the RUN. Yes you might get gayed but it’s a fake anyways do what u can. Tyler and I will work alley slow listen for rotators and walk to ct spawn. Try to make it to ct spawn but more importantly get some kills.
  20. 4rth Round Fake default – DEREK bomb – Matt flash mid. RUN to the stairs matt smoke off of 5 sandwich to cover t mid and flash once off of 6 and once on top of 5 train.
  21. Tyler and Corey both smoke right and haul ass to ct spawn ( so we don’t get shot from behind. Matt run to inner thru the long hall so they cant hear u running from ladder. Peak lower together. Danny should sit on ramp with awp and get rotators while matt and Derek clear the site… could be one up top so after you plant check it.
  23. de_dust2
  25. Derek’s D2 Strat - this is the same as our cbble storm strat, but for d2
  26. danny, tyler and derek go towards B. first spawn rush into
  27. tunnels to hear where the CT's are setup, other 2 people walk behind.
  28. matt and corey go towards long a to listen if they push, then just wait for
  29. us. Tyler will throw flashes and try to sell a shitty fake, then fall back.
  30. danny and derek will then fake B. then corey and matt work long. tyler can
  31. go mid/cat and lurk or go back long a, it's up to you.
  33. After watching the 3D demo I realized the way we lost rounds were because we kept getting picked off in the middle. From NOW on we will not take middle without doing it this EXACT way. D2 is way to t sided to be challenging 1 on 1. We need to use our flashes and smokes better and avoid 1 on 1’s . We need to start realizing that online its easier to run around this map and frag but when you play good teams on LAN its a lot different. Everything has to be done right with no mistakes. We HAVE to avoid being picked off as T. We can win 3v5s if we fight 3v1 and 3v2. We need to stick together and not get sloppy.
  35. Taking Catwalk – Bomb Justin. Justin and Matt watch long A flank. Corey, Danny, Tyler go Lower B. Tyler Spam Closet (learn how to if don’t know). Justin Flash and then smoke off of Middle B Tunnel wall to blind X-BOX gay spot and to Flash any CTS playing CAT. Corey and Danny Peak X-BOX from lower B after flash explodes. Tyler watch B flank for a few seconds. Corey and Danny Headstack middle to check if CTS are playing on catwalk. If clear Corey Smokes top of X-BOX and Danny Corey Justin go CAT SLOW without making ANY NOISE! Tyler Throws the good flashbang to blind anyone on catwalk. We will Crouch going catwalk to avoid any spotters… IF they are playing on catwalk theres no reason they shouldn’t be blind if the flash is thrown right. Tyler do whatever you want Middle/B after you get us to CAT if a team flanks a lot or only plays one in A you should use your judgement and watch flank… but if they play 3 in A we need your help CAT so use your best judgment, also you will always be responsible for watching the flank CAT or if you cant watch it make sure you tell someone else to. Matt will go out long very delayed (only go if 2 of us DIE or we call 2 on ramp)
  37. If Danny is alive with AWP we will pick off by headstacking from catwalk to attempt to kill the CT on RAMP.
  39. If Danny does not have an AWP we will all throw a smoke or a flash off of the wall to smoke the A ramp of any awper or colt player. Corey will flash Goose, Justin will flash over close BOX for close CTS and danny will have his gun out and lead the rush and then flash long A once we kill the RAMP player. USE YOUR HE GERNADE FOR RAMP CT. The smoke WILL give you cover to launch a grenade at the RAMP. The only good way to take the site is with Gernades and Flashes.
  41. Taking B. Justin Bomb. 4 Smokes I call a time. I want smokes from the stairs to the stairs I want them spread out. Frod smoke closest tr1p 2nd closest Sunman deepWarden deeper. If you cant remember just remember the higher back your handle is in the alphabet the farther you throw it . Tyler does not smoke he flashes CLOSE so it blinds anyone playing against that left wall in the GAY SPOT. I don’t care if u die throwing a flashbang if you do you were doing your job but this site MUST be flashed. Justin will be the first one in with a flash out to bank off the platform box to blind anyone in the bombsite or closet. Corey will flash platform. Matt will throw flashes over the wall outside of B. Tyler learn the closest spam and make sure you spam the hell out we shouldn’t have to worry about closet. Yes I know we will get blind but so will THEY. Tyler always has flank. Be aggressive don’t get picked off from door.
  43. Fake MID Split A. Bomb Tyler . The purpose of this strat is to get the CTS that usually push long A to rotate early and come back to help out Mid. Danny will AWP mid don’t take the door shot cover me, Matt, and Tyler going down alley to smoke CT spawn like we are going to split B. Justin will walk out long after you wait for nades. Danny will then meet up with Justin in Long A after he covers us Middle. Matt Tyler Corey smoke CT spawn like we are doing mid strat then all three of us take cat PREFLASHING and NADING every spot on catwalk. Justin and Danny headstack long A and try to get a pick but don’t make any noise if possible. Creep up into long A crossing once us three start preflashing cat. Once some kills are exchanged then you both smoke and flash LONG A crossing… Danny can stay long A side if he has AWP.
  45. Fake Cat hit B. Bomb tyler. Danny get to B tunnel quickly with AWP and try to make sure they don’t cross into the platform. Matt and Tyler will hold in B tunnels away from nade spots. Corey goes lower B to CAT. Justin fake rush long A make footsteps… then come back middle and flash and smoke off of the lower B wall for corey to peak cat from lower B. Corey Smoke X-BOX. Justin come down to middle and throw your HE grenade cat and Flash in the middle of CAT while Corey takes Cat. I will then throw a two flashes and a smoke from CAT to ramp and jump to ct spawn and attempt to flank. Once I start throwing stuff CAT start creeping B Tyler will flash off of Xbox and then matt and Justin will smoke close. Matt flash over the wall twice. Justin run to B and watch tunnel flank.
  47. T pistol Taking CAT – Bomb Matt – Tyler and Justin drop USP get HE’s , Danny and Corey get USPS go Lower B with Tyler. Headstack to check CAT. Tyler stay back from nades until me and danny clear close CAT. Matt meets up with us CAT from watching MID for how many CTS cross once we Clear CAT. Instead of Tyler flashing he will HE grenade the stairs of catwalk then watch the flank for us. Justin will then go LONG A when he feels he can sneak in or a lot of us are dieing. Danny corey and Matt will take A site together and plant.
  49. CT pistol – Tyler Back of B alone spotting tunnels and fighting at ksharp Box. Justin boost me matt and danny onto cat quickly. Corey peaks down cat. Matt boosts danny onto catwalk box. Matt spots lowe b jumping up and down with a nade out. Justin goes catwalk and watches long from there. If tyler calls bomb B we ALL flank tunnels except Justin and preflash inside of b tunnel. Justin will flash over the wall twice as we retake the site.
  51. A couple things as CT. If I know they don’t have an AWP I will push into lower B after I smoke. Matt I want you to go CAT and have a nade primed so it lands where I shoot their heads from lower b if they go cat. Tyler be ready to push into B tunnel and take it after I peak lower B. Justin and danny can boost each other into A site once we take b Tunnel and watch long A and help CAT.
  53. When Corey and Matt are long A just go CT spawn to retake A. Wait for me and matt to flash up into A site and then u guys just rush out of CT spawn and put 3 nades on cat. If we do it right and not get picked off it’s a easy site to retake.
  55. Corey and Matt flank B tunnels a lot more. Throw that good flash off of spiral stairs and just rush. Who cares if they know we are flanking theres nothing they can do about it.
  57. Dust2 - CT
  59. Mid Push – Corey and Matt Long A take it like normal, best spawn FB. Justin throw smoke like we are doing lower b Pick and FB greenbox. Rush up to top of catwalk. Danny FB opposite side of green box after tyler and Justin get up close to top of cat. Justin and Tyler push up to the little green box and stack there until me and Matt FB out of Long A. Once we do that you two will flank thru t Spawn. Then Matt and Corey will go middle and watch lower B from greenbox. Danny will AWP B and maybe even peak lower B from MID
  61. Tripple Boost Cat Nade Spam – Justin boost 3 A players CAT and then fall back to mid. Three A guys just have one spot lower B and then ALL 3 nade and then Matt and Corey fall back to LONG A. Danny throw a flash from CT spawn before we peak LONG A.
  63. NUKE – CT
  65. STAGING RUSH - First two spawns that play upper drop directly to floor. First spawn FB hut then FB staging with your one flash and second spawn throw your two FBS off of Hut pillar. Justin, Tyler and worst spawn Rush ramp. First spawn peak while second spawn FBS. Ramp Players don’t throw any more FBS. First two ramp spawns Stack Aluminum one below and one on top. Worst spawn Watch squeaky. Of course we are going to lose players but if they are doing and outside strat it may be 5v5 and we should be prepared for a setup.
  67. NUKE – T
  69. NEW SQEEZE – First spawn open squeaky with FB then get in Ramp Corner – Matt BOMB - Tyler spam squeaky like you do on fnatic. Danny spam front rafters to start the Round then Justin will boost Danny to spam back rafters after you rush to outside to spam garage. Corey will take whoever has best spawns spot. Once we all meet up in staging we will put 4 Nades on HUT Tyler then will throw the anti drop FB out squeaky while Corey and danny Rush out hut to take upper. If we take it we will go to vents. Tyler will then FB ramp once and at the same time the best spawn will FB twice and go directly to LOWER.
  71. ANTI-DROP SPAM – Same as regular anti drop except I want Justin spamming rafters from staging and I want the 3rd spawn to FB out so it lands in the rafter and running out before it blows up.
  73. Tr1p strat pistol round – First 3 spawns full nades. First spawn do the normal open squeaky then fb out garage. Second spawn flash vents twice. Then all 3 nade top rafter and go vents.
  80. Inferno T
  82. Wrap Around A – Bomb Tyler, Same setup as trip strat except you three on the right run to under window and then walk straight up to mid. Danny get on the ladder to check and see if they pushed b then shutter flash and fall back to mid and fb for corey. Corey (try with matt too) will take mid by himself to avoid counter flashes. Once Corey is up Tyler will FB ct spawn twice… one close and then one far. Justin will Smoke off of halls wall and double fb balcony flash. Danny also smoke off of balcony wall. Then it is a full wrap around CT spawn with everyone.
  84. Fake wrap around A – Tyler bomb - Same stuff except Danny and Matt will take B and then hold and wait for Justin and tyler to come back. Danny and Matt smoke B… wait for counter flashes. Then Danny FB over wall, Matt fb back hall and back left.
  86. Fireworks – Bomb Tyler – Basically this is the new and improved trip strat. Danny get up on ladder bob up and down to see if they took banana. If they did I will flash over wall for u and then u run out and shutter flash. If they didn’t u shutter flash then come back to middle from little pit to flash mid for me and Matt. Justin and tyler Need to get to the stairs in hall quickly. Matt nade over hall wall before they peak the stairs then FB halls for them from on top of roof boost box under window. Justin and Tyler should have full nades at this point and need to wait for Corey to balcony flash then tyler needs to throw his FBS and smoke off of the stone pillar. Justin FB the pit and balcony before he goes out.
  88. Pit Smokes – Bomb Justin – Tyler and justin work hall like normal, nade over wall to hear if they are pushed because u need all your flashes. Justin boost matt and Corey. Danny watch B flank then once everyone is ready come up middle flash right mid and smoke left mid… delay flash over halls at same time as corey,tyler, Justin throw theirs. Corey smoke pit crack, get behind gay box. Matt smoke middle of pit off of hall wall then FB small crack into pit, keep an eye on left middle. After corey says hes flashing that means every person needs to being throwing their flashbang. Justin while taking halls flash deep into halls so tyler can get into exodus spot. Danny run back ahlls after u FB over halls. Then everyone attacks at same time.
  90. Wait for counters B Take – Bomb Tyler – Same setup as wrap around B… stay back at beg of round for pushes. Corey and Danny take banana then the other 3 come. Tyler FB over wall twice for Justin to get behind the right box. Matt and Justin smoke at the same time then everyone cept Justin fall back and wait for their FBS. About 15 seconds later we will then take the site with Justin flashing family box and back hall while danny flashes over to ct spawn wall to blind spammers. Danny and Corey need to resmoke ct spawn. Corey will lead the rush with two fbs flashing back left (might try to boost sandbox)
  92. Inferno T
  95. 4rth Round squeeze - DEREK bomb – Tyler boost matt into window room (run until you cant be heard) Matt walks out window room to crevice in wall by left middle. Corey and Danny take banana slow like we always do. Derek comes into banana once me and danny take it( avoid spam hot spot in banana) Tyler sits against left mid wall watching the right matts flank middle. Once they are in positition they HOLD and LISTEN for rotators Give it a good 5 seconds and then start walking into ct spawn and holding spawn (do not flank even tho u might have an easy kill) Danny and Corey will nade the back left box and then fall back to avoid flashes and then all 3 of us will smoke right side to cover from ct spawn and corey will flash the site twice. Danny and corey will be the only two taking B while Derek will be hanging back spotting action box from still in banana(don’t want to lose the bomb, its ok if they see bomb then they will rotate fully) If me and danny take B Derek comes and plants B. If we both Danny and Corey both die Derek will run up middle and start walking once he gets to the window room door (where u cant be heard running from the guy in the big pit Tyler and matt will come from spawn side and help you take the site. (CT should be big PIT or HALLS, anticipate him). Derek you should not peak that pit until MATT and TYLER have spotted the CT, then start pushing.
  96. Wrap Around B – TYLER bomb – Danny and Corey will take Banana like we usually do. Once we shutter flash the other 3 creep banana. Corey Danny and Matt will push up into B and smoke the left side by stairs and action box and run to back halls after Corey flashes right over the wall to blind and awper spawn side. Derek and Tyler will keep flashing over the wall 4 flashes RIGHT away do not get us blind (by throwing them too delayed make sure u stay back by sniper next so you don’t get naded. Once we clear the site from halls u guys can smoke ct spawn and then go stairs.
  98. Wrap Around A – Bomb Tyler, Same setup as trip strat except you three on the right run to under window and then walk straight up to mid. Danny get on the ladder to check and see if they pushed b then shutter flash and fall back to mid and fb for corey. Corey (try with matt too) will take mid by himself to avoid counter flashes. Once Corey is up Tyler will FB ct spawn twice… one close and then one far. Justin will Smoke off of halls wall and double fb balcony flash. Danny also smoke off of balcony wall. Then it is a full wrap around CT spawn with everyone.
  100. Fake wrap around A – Tyler bomb - Same stuff except Danny and Matt will take B and then hold and wait for Justin and tyler to come back. Danny and Matt smoke B… wait for counter flashes. Then Danny FB over wall, Matt fb back hall and back left.
  101. T side train
  103. Pistol – Full save – Bomb Tyler – Corey smoke, nade , flash- Everyone work inner. Matt bait nades. Everyone groups up top ramp. Corey smokes and flashes top ramp and site then all 5 of us drop flat and plant the bomb on opposite side of train. Next round -bomb Justin - Everyone buys Galil, nade, smoke(if u get more kills buys flashes) very important to nade Z once we take inner. First two spawns drop inner and run back up stairs to bait nades... shoot ur glock once or twice… no more. Danny, tyler, Justin smoke lower at same time as corey flashes lower ramp, Matt Smoke top and run out and nade top ramp and then fall back and clear flat, fall back to watch flank if possible.
  104. First spawn jump out to avoid lining up.
  106. NoA – Bomb Justin – Tyler go alley wait for us to get down ladder. Corey get down ladder and hold. Justin fb for matt and danny to take inner. Matt hold inner flank. Danny come down ladder, Justin spam above above ladder train(learn it). Once us 3 our down ladder Tyler FBS alley by not being spotted( just bank it off the wall. Then the three ladder guys throw 3 smokes out of ladder room and go back inner. Tyler will then rush then FB out the left side of alley and try to get picks(distraction).
  110. Inner Hold – Bomb Matt, Tyler fb for us to take inner. Everyone goes to inner. Danny hold top halls for a peaker(everyone needs to stay away from nade hot spots). Everyone smokes after Corey smokes… Tyler smoke under pop, danny and Justin deep, Matt Smoke and FB same time as corey(cant be delayed at all cause u will blind us) bank flash off of wall. All 4 of us will go down the ramp and stay on the left ramp without taking the site pushing up on them and FLASHING FAR (Tyler FB behind2 train and upper ramp) Matt keep an eye on flank but be ready to plant inner.
  112. Fake Inner Hold – Bomb Matt, Everyone is the same except Matt runs to ladder after he smokes top run to ladder and Danny stays Mid delayed. Inner guys need to try to push into Z hall if possible but more importantly just get kills.
  114. Delay Mid and Ladder – Bomb Matt – Corey and Tyler Mid. Justin FB for Danny and Matt to take inner. Justin spam ladder room and top of ladder train. Justin then goes down ladder… get in corner and holds. Once corey calls a time Corey FBS and smokes under 6 train and FBS high off of panel of door, Tyler fbs off of 6 train then smokes off of 5 train and then throws a flash 5 sandwich to blind Z hall player. At same time as Corey Justin fbs in ladder room. Jumps across and boosts danny on ladder room box. Matt creeps under ladder train AFTER Danny clears bomb train. Matt be looking at cove. Once matt feels he can take the bomb train he will try to plant on the right side of the wall…. Because CTS could be cove or tower. Tyler and corey try to nade back of 5 train and spam thru the smoke to where they may B if u have chance. Tyler hold E box and try to get picks cove and alley. Corey watches cove flank from 5 train hitch while Justin watches tower from ladder hitch(watch ladder flank after like 20 seconds).
  116. T side Inferno
  118. Pistol round –Best spawn FB rest besides Justin full save - Bomb Matt – Justin Nade, flash, smoke. Everyone stay way by t spawn so we don’t get naded. Best spawn run out banana and shutter flash and push up close to b entrance. Everyone else stay back in banana and don’t peak past the pole until close guy peaks close. Once that happens we all creep up close( stay back for nades) Justin smoke right and then get behind ur box and flash backhall and nade triple box. And then everyone else runs in. Next Round - Everyone buys Galil, nade, smoke(if u get more kills buy flashes) Justin you need to buy two flashes and a nade before u buy anything else. (Tyler go secondary while everyone else holds under ladder so they are NOT seen. Tyler will peak sniper nest with his galil at the same time Danny will peak from under ladder at sniper nest with his galil. If its clear tyler will then jump across to the left box with his glock out and shoot it once and hide behind the box with his galil ready afterwards. At the same time Danny, matt and corey will peak banana entrance with galils. We will then creep up banana. I will call a time and Danny, Tyler , and matt will smoke the right and corey will fb the site twice and we will all go to the sand pit and boost over. At the same time Justin will be flashing back hall from behind his box along with throwing a nade. People in the pit can throw their nades to the back left box and then boost.
  120. T side d2
  122. Cat Take Long A – Justin bomb – Justin get to top of cat and throw the flash for me and tyler. Tyler and corey run to lower B. Corey smoke xbox both nade cat. Danny FB long A for Matt and Justin. Matt flash into the left box and peak the left side. Danny hold the corner. Matt FB long for danny to get pit. Tyler will hold in the middle flashing for corey on cat. Corey will then bait nades on cat and be silent until matt and Justin run back catwalk after they smoke Long A. Tyler will then reflash Cat. Danny stays Long. They have to be playing on cat if we take long so watch for the counter flashes and use your nades.
  124. Cat Take Long A GO B – Tyler bomb – Danny Go B in the beg of round and watch for pushes. Corey will flash long like danny and tyle r will go lower B alone. Tyler smoke xbox and nade cat. Matt, Justin, and corey will take long and smoke the crossing and run back cat while tyler waits for us to hit cat with his flash. Once tyler throws the flash he walks back B to danny. The three on cat need to take A site. Danny needs to pick B with Tyler
  126. Cat Take Double Fake – Bomb Danny – Regular Cat take B – except bomb goes with Danny . Danny throw the flash for Justin and Corey on cat and then hold mid from behind xbox. Justin FB over box and smoke ramp, Corey FB long A twice. Corey and Justin try to get a pick and fall back… don’t go past elbow. Fall back to catwalk and boost Justin on box on cat and hold. Corey watch long A flank. Tyler and Matt will go Into B after we start boosting cat or Corey or Justin die. Tyler FB off of B box and throw the high left flash off of left wall. Tyler go into site while matt try to cover him by watching platform. Both of you will need to sell the fake. If they take B clean Danny just go to B.
  130. T side Inferno
  132. Mid Fake to B – Bomb Danny(drop it by big ladder so its visible and let one of mid guys pick it up when they come back to b) - Matt break vent then boost tyler into window room after about 10 seconds of waiting for nades. Tyler hold in window room. Matt Throw fb off roof to clear pole stack. At the same time matt fbs. Justin smoke off of pole to spawn side and then flash off of pole and flash deep ct spawn. Tyler FB halls thru vent and then out of window room as soon as matt FBS and then wait until matt fbs right middle and then peak pit and hold for a few seconds and then run back out of window and run to B with Matt and Justin. Once you guys get to B pick up bomb by big ladder. Resmoke spawn (tyler and matt) remember to use ur nade if we know one is back left. Corey and Danny will hold outside of B listening for a rotator and then smoke the left side and wrap around to back hall and boost up. If danny has an awp he will just peak ct spawn from back hall while corey holds in it.
  134. Pistol round – Bomb last spawn of one of one B rushers, Corey drop Danny USP. Everyone else armor. Justin, Matt, Tyler FAKE rush B then run back middle full speed. Corey boost Danny into window room. Danny wait for mid guys to take site. Plant normal spot. Corey lurk halls.
  137. Inferno
  139. CT pistol round -do the triple boost setup on the left danny can spot mid from ct spawn and help B. tyler trip boost, trip silenced usp under balcony
  141. T pistol –Tyler bomb. 3 armor halls watch pushup. Corey usp flash. Danny smoke/nade/flash. Boost me on the box under ladder so I can try to pick cts crossing. Me and danny will take be. Danny u nade if they are there. Me and danny will then work up middle and danny will flash over halls. I will flash left side to blind spawn player.
  143. Save round as ct - everyone get a nade stack right side of mid 3 guys. 2 left side. If they go b 4 people go under ladder and DON’T peak, once the bomb is about to explode and they don’t come out EVERYONE nades, the 2 on right side of mid should peak from ct spawn into b to think we are stacking spawn. Once we nade in there we can prolly get their guns if theres enough time.
  145. Nuke
  147. CT pistol round -4 armor go garage, danny above ladder spotting hut, listening to ramp, if they don’t rush me and tyler camp vents, Justin up on hut spotting feet outside looking at garage, matt hut. Danny watch for under ladder. If me and tyler call lower. Matt/Justin flank ramp fast and wait for danny to retake lower. Danny u have to get a kit so YOU cannot get picked off. Play defensive as hell.
  149. T pistol round -
  151. 4-1 outside Justin flank –Tyler will have bomb. I want Justin opening squeaky door and throwing a SMOKE out squeaky so it covers us from crossing the garage to window outside without them knowing we are outside. I want all 4 pushing out together I don’t want anyone staying back, if we pick one off and have 4 outside we can boost rafters and win easily.
  153. T pistol round. Justin will have bomb. Justin(deagle if u want) Tyler Matt glock armor, Matt get in radio room gay corner and camp there for the whole round. If they spot you fall back so u don’t get naded. Corey and danny are going outside making ALOT of noise so they will rotate one from RAMP. Justin/tyler job is to figure out if they are playing in upper, so WALK in the beg of the round. We will CHANGE the whole strat if they don’t play in upper because we cant run into a stack in ramp/outside. If we KNOW they are in upper we continue the strat and have me and danny smoke the window/flash/nade. Once we draw two towards window the guy from ramp WILL rotate. You guys have to HALL ass ramp and go straight to lower because only ONE ct will be there. IF you go fast enough atleast. GO to LOWER plant the bomb and get into the GLASS room so u don’t have to worry about shooting thru the door. Now back to if they are not in upper. Danny will fall back to staging area and someone with glock armor will make footsteps in the hut and bait nades. Then he will check back rafter thru hut window. Once that is clear EVERYONE will go out squeaky door and danny will NADE and flash above the ladder. If upper is clear I want 2 guys watching flank RIGHT away from ramp. DO NOT play in the bombsite. Its too easy to retake if they have flashes/nades. I will be HIDING outside and gaying them after they go garage. THIS may sound complex but really its just so we don’t run into stacks and hold the bombsite properly after planted.
  155. Tr1p strat on t nuke. 3rd guy out door will have bomb. From NOW on I want tyler to smoke radio room entrance to the close ramp room in the beg. This way they cant have one spotting it AND it will allow us to fake this strat without hinting we might go ramp. \
  157. Fake tr1p strat or fake default like we do on train. Justin will have bomb Best spawn flashes out squeaky door(tyler does not count if hes best spawn) twice and nades into garage. One or two spawns after him throw your grenade out door then RIGHT away prepare to full rush ramp. Tyler u will smoke ramp like you did on tr1p strat but this time u will camp in radio room for a second watching for quick flankers. Justin will bank a flash off of the radio room wall to blind and ct pushed up in the room next to radio room. I will be responsible for leading this rush and throwing the flash off the box NOT under it and flashing close. I will go in ALONE right away trying to get that entry kill. I want the spawn behind me smoking off of ramp box BEFORE anyone goes out of ramp so it blows up under the ladder… that is why when we attack ramp it is weak. Go directly to lower. If we don’t get pickoffs do it as a team if we know the ramp CTS are in lower. Tyler if youre still alive I want u keeping an eye on radio flank and lurking it up to watch our backs.
  159. Cbble
  161. T side pistol, Danny will have bomb, Matt glock armor you are rushing to b tunnel then walking so they cant hear you and getting behind that box in b tunnel so they cant cross. Justin/danny are getting flash grenade smoke. And watching the hall push up from the inside stairs by b tunnel so corey and tyler don’t get flanked. corey and tyler will get usp flash and spot the mid ramp together and try to get a pickoff of a rotator. We will then fall back left and Justin will smoke close while danny will smoke right by the back b boxes so we can cross and plant in that gay corner so we can see it in the halls. Me and tyler will try to pick off with our USPS. While Justin and danny are running to plant the bomb/throwing their HE in the back of the bombsite. Once danny tries to plant me and tyler should be on the back of balcony covering the double doors and flashing if we have one to try to get the bomb down. STAY out of common NADE spots because only matt will have ARMOR. Matt will look right in the beg of the round since he has armor.
  163. CT pistol – corey/matt/danny pushing halls and boosting in that gay dark spot. Justin /tyler do everything u can to get to the back of b. One person spot. If they rush we hold STRONG and FIGHT to our deaths. IF they rush middle we simply flank hella fast. If they rush b we flank HELLA fast. If they go slow. The 3rd person in halls doing nothing falls back and spots mid from by the halls. We can EASILY retake A if we have people in the halls and in the poon because they will be sandwhiched in.
  165. T side cbble default- bomb matt. Danny AWP. Us 4 AKS. Corey watch halls push. Justin flank watch in the beg of round. Tyler matt danny take mid ramp pretty fast. Wait for the flash to blow then peak RIGHT after it blows up. All three of u throw GOOD nades into the back of tower. REMEMBER if they flash and don’t cross WATCH the LEFT rail spot. MATT and I will work halls. Danny get boosted on the mid box with awp. Tyler/Justin preflash everything middle. And be prepared to flash for us hall from middle. Try to smoke poon when u have the chance. Justin keep in mind of the flank from B.
  167. Fake default – bomb Matt. Best spawn between tyler/matt/Justin get behind the box in b watching for a cross. Tyler watch hall flank from b tunnel stairs for us middle. Danny and corey middle waiting for a flash/throwing a lot of flashes and peaking middle (kind of like us taking banana on inferno). We will also nade the tower. Then we will fall back to b. Guy behind the box smokes CLOSE and tyler flashes over the box twice. We get out and we play as a team and get picks. BEWARE OF FLANK!!! That’s the one thing that hurt us vs mouz.
  169. ANTI HALL stack strat –If we know a team is doing stacks in halls we WILL simply walk up the middle with 4 players. They may have an awper but we will exchange kills with him and THEN concentrate on the CTS in the halls. This is like wrap around strat on inferno A. If we trade a 1 for 1 or get that pick we can easily control the round play playing heads up.
  171. ANTI MIDDLE stack strat – If they are not playing in the halls I want a 4 man RUSH fast halls throwing flashes on the run. Running and gunning out the halls/boosting on the box out of halls. This is what 3D used to do to us. Fairly simple but effective.
  173. Train
  175. CT pistol Sunman strat nade over the wall first 3 spawns. REMEMBER to wait before u go up the ladder for the other nades. IF we do not hear them getting hit they could possibly be either alrdy down the stairs rushing inner ALREADY or MID/backalley. ONE guy watch t spawn stairs from above ladder and the rest stack alley 1 watch middle.
  177. de_inferno
  180. Wrap Around – TYLER bomb – Danny and Corey will take Banana like we usually do. Once we shutter flash the other 3 creep banana. Corey Danny and Matt will push up into B and smoke the left side by stairs and action box and run to back halls after Corey flashes right over the wall to blind and awper spawn side. Derek and Tyler will keep flashing over the wall 4 flashes RIGHT away do not get us blind (by throwing them too delayed make sure u stay back by sniper next so you don’t get naded. Once we clear the site from halls u guys can smoke ct spawn and then go stairs.
  182. Anti Banana Push – If teams want to take banana with 3 players and awps we will need danny to AWP. If they do it ONCE you will AWP next gun round and we will organize an attack with flashes over the entrance of abanana and then shutter flashing ect. Cant allow them to stack A.
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