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Feb 9th, 2013
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  1. Version good 5.1.66-0+squeeze1 Tiki requires MySQL >= 5.x.
  2. max_allowed_packet good 16M Your max_allowed_packet setting is at 16M. You can upload quite big files, but keep in mind to set your script timeouts accordingly. This limits the size of binary files that can be added to Tiki, when storing files in the database. Please see: file storage.
  3. character_set_client ugly latin1 On a fresh install you should have everything set to UTF-8 to not run into any suprises. For further information please see Understanding Encoding.
  4. character_set_connection ugly latin1 On a fresh install you should have everything set to UTF-8 to not run into any suprises. For further information please see Understanding Encoding.
  5. character_set_database ugly latin1 On a fresh install you should have everything set to UTF-8 to not run into any suprises. For further information please see Understanding Encoding.
  6. character_set_results ugly latin1 On a fresh install you should have everything set to UTF-8 to not run into any suprises. For further information please see Understanding Encoding.
  7. character_set_server ugly latin1 On a fresh install you should have everything set to UTF-8 to not run into any suprises. For further information please see Understanding Encoding.
  8. character_set_system good utf8 Tiki is fully UTF-8 and so should every part of your stack be.
  9. collation_connection ugly latin1_swedish_ci On a fresh install you should have everything set to UTF-8 to not run into any suprises. utf8_unicode_ci is the default collation for Tiki. For further information please see Understanding Encoding.
  10. collation_database ugly latin1_swedish_ci On a fresh install you should have everything set to UTF-8 to not run into any suprises. utf8_unicode_ci is the default collation for Tiki. For further information please see Understanding Encoding.
  11. collation_server ugly latin1_swedish_ci On a fresh install you should have everything set to UTF-8 to not run into any suprises. utf8_unicode_ci is the default collation for Tiki. For further information please see Understanding Encoding.
  12. slow_query_log info OFF Your MySQL doesn't log slow queries. If you have performance issues, you might want to enable this, but keep in mind that the logging itself slows MySQL down.
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