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a guest
Nov 6th, 2011
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  1. hlsl_enable 1
  2. hlslpath hlsl
  3. hlsl_ini_read 0
  4. hlsl_ini_write 0
  5. hlslini %g
  6. hlsl_prescale_x 2
  7. hlsl_prescale_y 2
  8. hlsl_preset -1
  9. hlsl_write 0
  10. hlsl_snap_width 1920
  11. hlsl_snap_height 1080
  12. shadow_mask_alpha 0.090000
  13. shadow_mask_texture aperture.png
  14. shadow_mask_x_count 320
  15. shadow_mask_y_count 224
  16. shadow_mask_usize 0.187500
  17. shadow_mask_vsize 0.093750
  18. curvature 0.040000
  19. pincushion 0.040000
  20. scanline_alpha 0.450000
  21. scanline_size 1.000000
  22. scanline_height 0.750000
  23. scanline_bright_scale 1.000000
  24. scanline_bright_offset 0.500000
  25. scanline_jitter 0.000000
  26. defocus 0.000000,0.000000
  27. converge_x 0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
  28. converge_y 0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
  29. radial_converge_x 0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
  30. radial_converge_y 0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
  31. red_ratio 1.000000,0.000000,0.000000
  32. grn_ratio 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000
  33. blu_ratio 0.000000,0.000000,1.000000
  34. saturation 1.150000
  35. offset 0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
  36. scale 0.950000,0.950000,0.950000
  37. power 1.100000,1.100000,1.100000
  38. floor 0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
  39. phosphor_life 0.200000,0.200000,0.200000
  40. yiq_enable 0
  41. yiq_cc 3.041830
  42. yiq_a 0.000000
  43. yiq_b 0.000000
  44. yiq_o 3.600000
  45. yiq_p 1.000000
  46. yiq_n 1.000000
  47. yiq_y 2.200000
  48. yiq_i 0.800000
  49. yiq_q 0.200000
  50. yiq_scan_time 52.599998
  51. yiq_phase_count 1
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