
[Classic FR] Squats n' Shy

Nov 17th, 2012
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  1. Inspired by:
  3. >Day guts in Equestria.
  4. >Wake up to another beautiful day.
  5. >The sun is shining.
  6. >The birds are chirping.
  7. >You feel great.
  8. >Wonder how Fluttershy will fuck it up this time.
  9. >Only time will tell.
  10. >Go to kitchen.
  11. >Peel a banana.
  12. >Deep throat that shit because you fucking love bananas.
  13. >Hear feathers rustling at your door.
  14. >She must've heard you gagging on your delicious fruit.
  15. >Here we go again.
  16. >Open the door.
  17. What now, Flutter-
  18. >In front of you stands a completely ripped mare.
  19. >She looks like some freakish amalgam of Squats n' Oats and Yellow Rapist.
  20. >"Are bodybuilders your fetish, Anon?"
  21. >Oh dear god, it IS Fluttershy.
  22. Fuck no.
  23. >You attempt to slam the door but she stops it from latching.
  24. >She's much stronger than you now.
  25. >She grabs you in her arms and now you're unable to escape her.
  26. >"But... my love for you... It's like a buck..."
  27. >"ANON!"
  28. You foal!
  29. >You turn away but she squeezes harder.
  30. >"Do you want to making fuck?"
  31. >"ANON!"
  32. >You still avert her gaze.
  33. >"ANOOON!"
  34. >You look back into her eyes.
  35. Did you just say making fuck?
  36. >You gaze lovingly at her.
  37. >And then you violently push her out the door and bolt it.
  38. My fetish is NOT Berserker...
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