
2019-02-26 TOEFL: word roots, reading fact

Feb 26th, 2019
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  1. Greg Malivuk
  3. - notes from all classes
  4. ---
  5. Word Roots (list 1) - With your partner, try to think of one or two words to explain the meaning of each root.
  6. ab (abduct, abdicate) = off/away
  7. ad (advocate, addition, advance) = on/toward
  8. aer/aero (aerial, aerate) = air
  9. agri/agro (agriculture, agribusiness, agrarian) = field/farm
  10. ambi (ambidextrous, ambiguous, ambivalent) = both
  11. amb/ambul (amble, ambulatory, ambulate) = move/walk
  12. ami/amo (amiable, amorous) = love/friendship
  13. andro (android, androgen) = man/male
  14. anim (animate, animal) = movement/motive
  15. ann/enn (annual, millennium, anniversary) = year
  16. ante/anti (antecedent, anteroom, anticipate) = before
  17. anthropo (anthropology, philanthropy) = humanity
  18. anti (antibacterial, antisocial) = against
  19. aqua (aquamarine, aqueduct, aquarium) = water
  20. arch (monarch, hierarchy, archbishop) = first (in importance or power)
  21. archa (archaeology, archaic) = first (in time) / old
  22. art (artist, artifact, artisan) = skill (“liberal arts” are the skills traditionally expected of a free (non-slave) person)
  23. astro (astronomy, astrology) = star
  24. aud/audi (audience, audible) = hear
  25. auto (automatic, autograph) = self
  26. bell (belligerent, rebellious) = war
  27. bene (benefit, benevolent) = good
  28. bi (bilingual, bilateral, bisexual) = two
  29. bio (biology, biography, biosphere) = life
  30. cept/ceive (intercept, receive) = catch/capture
  31. cardi/cardio (cardiac, cardiology) = heart
  32. carn (carnivore, carnal) = flesh/meat
  33. cede/ceed (intercede, exceed) = go
  34. cent (century, centimeter, centennial) = hundred
  35. ---
  36. TOEFL = Test Of English as a Foreign Language
  37. - 4 hours long, 4 sections, $205, 120 points total (30 per section)
  38. 1 reading: 60-80 minutes, 3 or 4 passages, about 14 questions per passage
  39. 2 listening: 60-90 minutes, 2 or 3 sets (each set = 3 listenings, 17 questions, 10 minutes to answer)
  40. (10-minute break)
  41. 3 speaking: 20 minutes, six questions, 5.5 minutes of speaking time
  42. 4 writing: about 1 hour, two tasks, 20+30 minutes of writing time
  43. ---
  44. Reading Question Types:
  45. - vocabulary
  46. - fact/detail
  47. - negative fact
  48. - purpose/method
  49. - inference
  50. - reference
  51. - paraphrase
  52. - sentence insertion
  53. - summarize
  54. - organize
  55. ---
  56. Handout (Cambridge) p. 181-182 - Are each of these statements true or false about the passages?
  57. Passage 1:
  58. A. T
  59. B. F
  60. C. T (“military risks” = “security threat”)
  61. D. T (“doubt as to the feasibility of construction” means some people didn’t think it was a viable idea)
  62. E. F
  63. F. F (There was no construction in 1930, and “the construction of the tunnel” as the subject implies that there was.)
  64. G. F
  65. H. T
  66. “The expense was prohibitive” = The expense “prohibited” building. That is, it was impossible to build because it was too expensive.
  67. - We also have the description “cost-prohibitive” to describe anything that is too expensive to do.
  68. ---
  69. Passage 2
  70. A. T
  71. B. F (The animal was probably this size, but the fossils they found were much smaller.)
  72. C. F (If it was a land-dwelling animal, the area couldn’t have been underwater at the time.)
  73. D. T
  74. E. T
  75. F. F (The separation of the bones allows them to detect the source.)
  76. G. T
  77. H. T (“the separation of these bones in marine whales” tells us that whales living in the sea have separated bones)
  78. ---
  79. BREAK
  80. ---
  81. Longman p. 51 - Take 5 minutes to read and answer the questions about Lake Baikal.
  82. Compare your answers and convince your partner if you disagree.
  83. 1 D
  84. 2 A - It’s the ninth largest, so 8 other lakes are larger.
  85. 3 D - fresh water, not all water
  86. 4 C
  87. 5 B
  88. ---
  89. - scan for key words from the question
  90. - scan for key words from the answer choices
  91. - eliminate answer choices you know are incorrect
  92. - guess among remaining choices
  93. ---
  94. p. 52 - 5 minutes about the postage stamp
  95. 6 C (1837 is between 1800 and 1850, so it’s the first half of the 19th century)
  96. 7 A (should be based on weight and should be paid in advance (before - by the sender))
  97. 8 D
  98. 9 B
  99. 10 C
  100. p. 53 - 5 minutes for Clovis Culture.
  101. 11 A
  102. 12 D
  103. 13 C
  104. 14 B
  105. 15 D
  106. ---
  107. Cengage p. 32-33 - scan the passage to find the answers to questions 11-20
  108. ---
  109. p. 38-40 - Take 7 minutes to scan passage 2 for the answers to questions 12-18
  110. 12 D
  111. 13 D (1 course = 1 note, “there are from twelve to twenty-two courses”)
  112. 14 C (“some musicologists challenge this classification” - paragraph 2)
  113. 15 A (The other three are all mentioned, but the santir is mentioned in paragraph 1.)
  114. 16 B
  115. 17 A
  116. 18 C
  117. ---
  118. Homework: Answer the questions for passage 1 (35-38) and 3 (40-42).
  119. Also: answer the T/F questions from passages 3 and 4 on the first handout
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