Guest User


a guest
Feb 20th, 2017
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text 3.96 KB | None | 0 0
  1. # Based on Conky-Faenza 2.3
  2. # 100% GPL ~ Feel free to modif!
  3. # modif by Zeka <>
  4. # Faenza icons by Tiheum
  6. # Default Fonts
  7. use_xft yes
  8. xftfont Ubuntu:size=9
  9. override_utf8_locale yes
  11. # Performance Settings
  12. double_buffer yes
  14. # Cache Setting
  15. imlib_cache_size 0
  17. # Window Settings
  18. own_window yes
  19. own_window_type override
  20. own_window_transparent yes
  21. own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
  23. # Window border
  24. draw_borders no
  25. draw_shades no
  26. draw_graph_borders no
  28. # Default Color
  29. default_color CCCCCC
  31. # Color Title.
  32. color0 D34E18
  34. # Size and position
  35. minimum_size 220 844
  36. alignment bottom_right
  37. gap_x 0
  38. gap_y 0
  40. TEXT
  41. # CPU
  42. ${image ~/.conky/themes/elegant.png -p 0,0 200x848}
  43. ${image ~/.conky/icons/spacer.png -p 13,13 194x4}
  44. ${goto 13}${cpugraph 20,185 FFFFFF D34E18}
  45. ${goto 20}CPU usage:${goto 149}${cpu cpu0}%
  46. ${goto 20}${top name 1}${goto 120}: ${top cpu 1}%
  47. ${goto 20}${top name 2}${goto 120}: ${top cpu 2}%
  48. ${goto 20}${top name 3}${goto 120}: ${top cpu 3}%
  49. ${image ~/.conky/icons/system.png -p 170,100 40x40}
  50. ${image ~/.conky/icons/spacer.png -p 13,150 194x4}
  51. # RAM
  52. ${goto 13}${memgraph 20,185 FFFFFF D34E18}
  53. ${goto 20}RAM usage ${memperc}%
  54. ${goto 20}Total of ${processes} processes
  55. ${goto 20}${running_processes} of them didn't sleep
  56. ${goto 20}${top name 1}${goto 120}: ${top mem 1}%
  57. ${goto 20}${top name 2}${goto 120}: ${top mem 2}%
  58. ${goto 20}${top name 3}${goto 120}: ${top mem 3}%
  59. ${image ~/.conky/icons/memory.png -p 170,250 40x40}
  60. ${image ~/.conky/icons/spacer.png -p 13,300 194x4}
  61. # GPU
  62. ${goto 20}NVIDIA ${exec nvidia-smi -a | grep 'Product Name' | sed 's/ Product Name : GeForce //'} on board
  63. ${goto 20}Total${goto 85}${exec ~/}${goto 115}Mb
  64. ${goto 20}Employs${goto 85}${execi 10 nvidia-smi -a | grep MB | grep Used | awk '{print $3}'}${goto 115}Mb
  65. ${goto 20}Free${goto 85}${execi 10 ~/}${goto 115}Mb
  66. ${goto 20}Driver${goto 85}${exec nvidia-smi | grep Driver | cut -c 41-49}
  67. ${goto 20}Fan speed : ${goto 85} ${execi 10 nvidia-smi -a | grep 'Fan Speed' | awk '{print $4,$5}' | sed 's/ //'}
  68. ${image ~/.conky/icons/nvidia.png -p 170,370 40x40}
  69. ${image ~/.conky/icons/spacer.png -p 13,420 194x4}
  70. # TEMP
  71. ${goto 20}GPU Temp ${goto 110} : +${execi 10 nvidia-smi -a | grep Gpu | grep C | awk '{print $3}'}°С
  72. ${goto 20}HDD Temp ${goto 110} : +${hddtemp}°C
  73. ${goto 20}CPU0 Temp ${goto 110} : ${execi 5 sensors | grep 'Core 0' | cut -c 17-19}°C
  74. ${goto 20}CPU1 Temp ${goto 110} : ${execi 5 sensors | grep 'Core 1' | cut -c 17-19}°C
  75. ${goto 20}CPU2 Temp ${goto 110} : ${execi 5 sensors | grep 'Core 2' | cut -c 17-19}°C
  76. ${goto 20}CPU3 Temp ${goto 110} : ${execi 5 sensors | grep 'Core 3' | cut -c 17-19}°C
  77. ${image ~/.conky/icons/temp.png -p 170,490 40x40}
  78. ${image ~/.conky/icons/spacer.png -p 13,540 194x4}
  79. # NETWORK
  80. #Wired
  81. #${goto 20}Local IP${goto 70}: ${addrs eth0}
  82. #${goto 20}Public IP${goto 70}: ${execi 60 wget -O - -q}
  83. #${image ~/.conky/icons/network.png -p 170,560 40x40}
  84. #${image ~/.conky/icons/spacer.png -p 13,600 194x4}
  85. #Wi-Fi
  86. ${goto 20}Local IP${goto 100}: ${addrs wlan0}
  87. ${goto 20}Public IP${goto 100}: ${execi 60 wget -O - -q}
  88. ${image ~/.conky/icons/wifi.png -p 170,560 40x40}
  89. ${image ~/.conky/icons/spacer.png -p 13,600 194x4}
  90. # File system
  91. ${goto 20}Root: ${fs_free /} / ${fs_size /} free
  92. ${goto 13}${fs_bar 4,190 /}
  93. ${goto 20}Home: ${fs_free /home} / ${fs_size /home} free
  94. ${goto 13}${fs_bar 4,170 /home}
  95. ${goto 20}Data: ${fs_free /windows} / ${fs_size /windows} free
  96. ${goto 13}${fs_bar 4,150 /windows}
  97. ${image ~/.conky/icons/media.png -p 170,670 40x40}
  98. ${image ~/.conky/icons/spacer.png -p 13,720 194x4}
  99. # System info
  100. ${goto 20}Kernel${goto 70} : ${kernel}
  101. ${goto 20}Distr${goto 70} : ${exec lsb_release -d | cut -b 14-25}
  102. ${goto 20}Users${goto 70} : ${exec users}
  103. ${goto 20}Uptime${goto 70} : ${uptime_short}
  104. ${image ~/.conky/icons/info.png -p 170,780 40x40}
  105. ${image ~/.conky/icons/spacer.png -p 13,830 194x4}
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