
A prank for a prank...

May 23rd, 2013
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  1. >Pranktime in Equestria.
  2. >A fake fly is the prize this time.
  3. >Inconspicuous, almost unnoticable, but it always has the same effect.
  4. >The pony you place it on shrieks in fright and you get a free swat of their round colored butts.
  5. >But today isn't small time, oh no.
  6. >The target...
  7. "Hey, Princess Celestia! How nice to see you again!"
  8. >She had welcomed you to Equestria and gotten you settled in at Ponyville.
  9. >It had been a few months...time to return her good favor with some good humor.
  10. >"Oh, Anonymous! How good to see you...I hear you've been quite busy these last few months. I would love to speak more with you in detail, but I am a busy mare. If you can wait a moment, I need to speak with the Mayor."
  11. "Oh, of course, Princess..."
  12. >You bow, using the action to flick your pranking tool directly on her white-as-snow flank.
  13. >The "fly" lands perfectly a few inches above her cutie mark.
  14. "Oh, Princess! A fly!"
  15. >"She shrieks and flaps her wings, giving you the opportunity.
  16. >Your hand raises expertly, a quick maniac's grin fills your face as you bring it down on her perfectly proportioned patoot.
  17. >SPLAT
  18. "...splat?"
  19. >As your smile fades, her own grows.
  20. >"Gotcha."
  21. >The magic surrounding her fades, revealing the adhesive now pinning you, redhanded to her royal higness' hieny.
  22. "A-ah, what!?"
  23. >"I heard you had been trying to depose me as master prankster...and you were merely outplayed."
  24. "Oh man..."
  25. >She finishes her pleasantries with the remaining p0nies of P0nyville, dragging you along, embarrassed as you have ever been.
  26. "Are we done? Can I go?"
  27. >"Let go? Why, I do recall we wanted to talk! I think we have ample time now..."
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