
Faerzen trashes Byron

Aug 11th, 2015
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  1. [18:04] <masterfulShooter> hey uh
  2. [18:05] <masterfulShooter> faerzen
  3. [18:05] <masterfulShooter> are you
  4. [18:05] <masterfulShooter> alive
  5. [18:05] <masterfulShooter> i mean
  6. [18:05] <masterfulShooter> considering
  7. [18:05] <masterfulShooter> i just talked to
  8. [18:05] <masterfulShooter> that girl lyra
  9. [18:05] <masterfulShooter> who is like
  10. [18:05] <masterfulShooter> about to
  11. [18:06] <masterfulShooter> kill everyone
  12. [18:06] <masterfulShooter> but maybe not
  13. [18:06] <masterfulShooter> uh
  14. [18:06] <masterfulShooter> if you were to be
  15. [18:06] <masterfulShooter> alive
  16. [18:06] <masterfulShooter> i mean
  17. [18:06] <masterfulShooter> it would be cool if
  18. [18:06] <masterfulShooter> you would respond
  19. [18:06] <masterfulShooter> and also
  20. [18:06] <masterfulShooter> i would kind of
  21. [18:06] <masterfulShooter> like to know
  22. [18:06] <masterfulShooter> how to STOP FUCKING SHIVERING
  23. [18:07] <@visceralVanguard> Holy Jurgen fuck, not another one.
  24. [18:07] <@visceralVanguard> Oh, shit, sorry.
  25. [18:07] <@visceralVanguard> Hi, Byron.
  26. [18:07] <masterfulShooter> well then
  27. [18:07] <@visceralVanguard> I forgot I had voice translate on.
  28. [18:07] <masterfulShooter> hah
  29. [18:07] <@visceralVanguard> I'm quite swamped with a multitude of all the miserable things at the moment.
  30. [18:07] <masterfulShooter> oh
  31. [18:07] <masterfulShooter> well
  32. [18:07] <masterfulShooter> i mean
  33. [18:07] <masterfulShooter> that would
  34. [18:07] <masterfulShooter> make sense
  35. [18:07] <masterfulShooter> i am
  36. [18:08] <masterfulShooter> probably in the same
  37. [18:08] <masterfulShooter> position
  38. [18:08] <masterfulShooter> but well
  39. [18:08] <@visceralVanguard> Also, is there a reason you are only putting one or two words on every line? I don't recall you being so sparing with your words per line before.
  40. [18:08] <masterfulShooter> impending death isnt like
  41. [18:08] <masterfulShooter> speeding towards me
  42. [18:08] <masterfulShooter> oh its
  43. [18:08] <@visceralVanguard> "In the same position?"
  44. [18:08] <masterfulShooter> im just really tired
  45. [18:08] <masterfulShooter> and
  46. [18:08] <@visceralVanguard> Did you really just say that?
  47. [18:08] <masterfulShooter> shivering to FUCK
  48. [18:08] <@visceralVanguard> I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to completely disagree with you on that front!
  49. [18:09] <masterfulShooter> faerzne i am pretty close to dying so
  50. [18:09] <masterfulShooter> i mean
  51. [18:09] <masterfulShooter> well its nothing
  52. [18:09] <@visceralVanguard> I'm sorry you're cold, but I don't have the fucking time to worry about that right now.
  53. [18:09] <masterfulShooter> that i havent done before
  54. [18:09] <masterfulShooter> but
  55. [18:09] <@visceralVanguard> You're with Tarane, right?
  56. [18:09] <@visceralVanguard> She can help you.
  57. [18:09] <masterfulShooter> yeah but im pretty sure shes
  58. [18:09] <masterfulShooter> like
  59. [18:09] <masterfulShooter> about to die
  60. [18:09] <masterfulShooter> too
  61. [18:09] <masterfulShooter> and also passed the fuck out
  62. [18:09] <masterfulShooter> so
  63. [18:09] <masterfulShooter> there sthat
  64. [18:09] <@visceralVanguard> I recommend sleeping then. For some reason, sleeping in this game has the odd ability to heal an absurd number of injuries
  65. [18:10] <@visceralVanguard> Is that all you wanted to say?
  66. [18:10] <@visceralVanguard> You're cold?
  67. [18:10] <@visceralVanguard> What have you even been engaged in recently? I haven't heard a peep from you which is quite unusual.
  68. [18:11] <masterfulShooter> i uh
  69. [18:11] <masterfulShooter> well
  70. [18:11] <masterfulShooter> after flying
  71. [18:11] <masterfulShooter> to taranes planet
  72. [18:11] <masterfulShooter> we kinda split up for a
  73. [18:11] <masterfulShooter> for a biut
  74. [18:11] <masterfulShooter> bit
  75. [18:11] <masterfulShooter> and then
  76. [18:11] <masterfulShooter> i fought a giant plant fucker
  77. [18:11] <masterfulShooter> and
  78. [18:11] <masterfulShooter> she got like
  79. [18:12] <masterfulShooter> kidnapped
  80. [18:12] <masterfulShooter> by some fucklord wtih
  81. [18:12] <masterfulShooter> with a shotgun
  82. [18:12] <masterfulShooter> and
  83. [18:12] <masterfulShooter> then he cut her fucking horn off
  84. [18:12] <masterfulShooter> and then
  85. [18:12] <masterfulShooter> i tried to help
  86. [18:12] <masterfulShooter> but then he shot me in the arm
  87. [18:12] <masterfulShooter> and then tarane tried to grab his shotgun
  88. [18:12] <masterfulShooter> and he shot her in the arm
  89. [18:13] <masterfulShooter> and then i tried to kill him
  90. [18:13] <masterfulShooter> but he didnt die
  91. [18:13] <masterfulShooter> even though i fuckin
  92. [18:13] <masterfulShooter> tried to kill him
  93. [18:13] <masterfulShooter> and then tarane went
  94. [18:13] <masterfulShooter> and killed him
  95. [18:13] <masterfulShooter> with like
  96. [18:13] <masterfulShooter> an arrow
  97. [18:13] <masterfulShooter> or something
  98. [18:13] <masterfulShooter> i dont know
  99. [18:13] <masterfulShooter> and then
  100. [18:13] <masterfulShooter> i tried to
  101. [18:14] <masterfulShooter> help bandage her or something
  102. [18:14] <masterfulShooter> but i ended up
  103. [18:14] <masterfulShooter> stabbing her
  104. [18:14] <masterfulShooter> by acciden
  105. [18:14] <masterfulShooter> t
  106. [18:14] <@visceralVanguard> I'm not sure I really follow that incredibly sparse sprinkling of words, but everything is okay now, right?
  107. [18:14] <masterfulShooter> i guess
  108. [18:14] <masterfulShooter> i just
  109. [18:14] <masterfulShooter> dont really know
  110. [18:14] <masterfulShooter> anything
  111. [18:14] <masterfulShooter> about medicine
  112. [18:14] <masterfulShooter> so
  113. [18:15] <masterfulShooter> but i guess your in
  114. [18:15] <masterfulShooter> something
  115. [18:15] <masterfulShooter> more important
  116. [18:15] <masterfulShooter> so
  117. [18:15] <@visceralVanguard> Okay, good. There's a reason I haven't really been keeping tabs on you as much as everyone else. You're with Tarane, so it will probably work out. I don't really foresee you doing anything terrible anyways other than self-harm which there isn't anything I can do about.
  118. [18:15] <masterfulShooter> oh
  119. [18:15] <masterfulShooter> i guess
  120. [18:15] <masterfulShooter> thats
  121. [18:15] <masterfulShooter> um
  122. [18:15] <masterfulShooter> reasurring
  123. [18:15] <@visceralVanguard> Yes, while you've been traipsing around through the forest, I can say I've been quite busy.
  124. [18:16] <@visceralVanguard> Too busy, I'd even venture to say.
  125. [18:16] <masterfulShooter> i mean i tried to
  126. [18:16] <@visceralVanguard> Surprise, fucking surprise.
  127. [18:16] <masterfulShooter> do something
  128. [18:16] <masterfulShooter> useful
  129. [18:16] <masterfulShooter> you seem
  130. [18:16] <@visceralVanguard> Like what?
  131. [18:16] <masterfulShooter> pretty
  132. [18:16] <masterfulShooter> busy
  133. [18:16] <@visceralVanguard> Busy?
  134. [18:16] <masterfulShooter> like
  135. [18:16] <masterfulShooter> like what?
  136. [18:16] <masterfulShooter> um
  137. [18:16] <masterfulShooter> i mean
  138. [18:16] <masterfulShooter> fuck
  139. [18:17] <masterfulShooter> i guess i havent done anythign
  140. [18:17] <masterfulShooter> important
  141. [18:17] <@visceralVanguard> Oh, I'm only nearly single-handedly trying to prevent the entirety of our session from crumbling to the ground because of multiple powerful malicious entities. Don't worry about me. Just keep flying around the forest or sleeping or eating or whatever it is you were going to do.
  142. [18:17] <masterfulShooter> sorry for
  143. [18:17] <@visceralVanguard> I really don't have time for this shit right now, sorry.
  144. [18:17] <masterfulShooter> bothering you
  145. [18:17] <masterfulShooter> ill just like
  146. [18:17] <masterfulShooter> go then
  147. [18:18] <@visceralVanguard> Have you talked with Lyra? If not, I would request you don't.
  148. [18:18] <@visceralVanguard> Just as a point of order.
  149. [18:18] <@visceralVanguard> I have a feeling I know what your response will be though.
  150. [18:18] <masterfulShooter> i did
  151. [18:19] <masterfulShooter> like
  152. [18:19] <masterfulShooter> a couple minutes ago
  153. [18:19] <masterfulShooter> uh
  154. [18:19] <masterfulShooter> shes a little
  155. [18:19] <masterfulShooter> crazy
  156. [18:19] <masterfulShooter> but its nothing that
  157. [18:19] <masterfulShooter> we havent handled
  158. [18:19] <masterfulShooter> uh
  159. [18:19] <masterfulShooter> i mean
  160. [18:19] <@visceralVanguard> Yup.
  161. [18:19] <masterfulShooter> you
  162. [18:19] <@visceralVanguard> I thought so.
  163. [18:19] <masterfulShooter> havent handled
  164. [18:19] <@visceralVanguard> "handled"
  165. [18:19] <@visceralVanguard> What does that mean?
  166. [18:19] <masterfulShooter> i really
  167. [18:20] <masterfulShooter> havent done anything
  168. [18:20] <masterfulShooter> oh fuck
  169. [18:20] <masterfulShooter> okay okay
  170. [18:20] <masterfulShooter> so your busy and
  171. [18:20] <masterfulShooter> you dont need me to
  172. [18:20] <masterfulShooter> mope or whatever the fuck it is
  173. [18:20] <masterfulShooter> i was
  174. [18:20] <masterfulShooter> about to do
  175. [18:20] <masterfulShooter> you probably need to do
  176. [18:20] <masterfulShooter> stuff thats gonna
  177. [18:20] <masterfulShooter> save us all
  178. [18:21] <masterfulShooter> or something like that
  179. [18:21] <@visceralVanguard> You're totally free to "mope or whatever" to me if you would like
  180. [18:22] <@visceralVanguard> However, I would very much appreciate that happening after I am done trying to "save us all or something like that"
  181. [18:22] <masterfulShooter> yeah
  182. [18:22] <masterfulShooter> thats probably
  183. [18:22] <@visceralVanguard> If I fail here, it is highly likely that our entire game session is doomed
  184. [18:22] <masterfulShooter> the best plan of action
  185. [18:22] <masterfulShooter> oh fuck
  186. [18:22] <@visceralVanguard> So I have rather more important things to worry about
  187. [18:22] <masterfulShooter> how did you
  188. [18:22] <masterfulShooter> end up doing all this
  189. [18:22] <masterfulShooter> stuff
  190. [18:22] <@visceralVanguard> How?
  191. [18:22] <@visceralVanguard> By trying.
  192. [18:22] <masterfulShooter> uh
  193. [18:22] <masterfulShooter> oh
  194. [18:22] <@visceralVanguard> I'm here, there are things that can be done to help everyone over there. I do them.
  195. [18:23] <masterfulShooter> i guess thats just
  196. [18:23] <masterfulShooter> who you are
  197. [18:23] <@visceralVanguard> Unfortunately for me, yes, I suppose it is who I am.
  198. [18:23] <@visceralVanguard> But oh well, if it ends up helping in the long run, then who the fuck cares.
  199. [18:24] == solemnSketcher [webchat@] has joined #RPGStuck_caveofmysteries
  200. [18:24] <@visceralVanguard> There's Lyra going crazy
  201. [18:24] <masterfulShooter> ((shit bois))
  202. [18:24] <@visceralVanguard> There's Lyra being possessed by a malicious entity
  203. [18:24] <@visceralVanguard> There's the massive explosion and collisions of Derses and Propsits
  204. [18:24] <@visceralVanguard> There's currently a war and much espionage set up surrounding the 4 kingdoms
  205. [18:25] <@visceralVanguard> There's Nick trying not to become that doomed horrible version of himself
  206. [18:25] <@visceralVanguard> There's mysteries on my planet and darkness everywhere
  207. [18:25] <masterfulShooter> um
  208. [18:25] <@visceralVanguard> There are three sentient magical items that can telepathically communicate and influence the bearers that I am dealing with
  209. [18:26] <@visceralVanguard> And all of these parties have their own agendas and plans that I am trying to corroborate, support, sabotage, or turn against each other
  210. [18:26] <@visceralVanguard> If there's a way that you see that you can help, then by all means, let me know
  211. [18:27] <@visceralVanguard> Otherwise I will continue to leave you in my blind spot of surveillance because, let's be honest, it probably doesn't matter.
  212. [18:27] <@visceralVanguard> I'm sure Tarane will take care of you well enough.
  213. [18:27] <@visceralVanguard> She seems quite competent and reasonable enough.
  214. [18:27] <masterfulShooter> oh
  215. [18:27] <masterfulShooter> uh
  216. [18:27] <@visceralVanguard> And now you are the third person to message me out of nowhere
  217. [18:27] <masterfulShooter> okay then
  218. [18:28] <masterfulShooter> you go on and
  219. [18:28] <masterfulShooter> do you
  220. [18:28] <masterfulShooter> your important stuff
  221. [18:28] <@visceralVanguard> I'm sorry if I'm coming across as unreasonably blunt
  222. [18:28] <@visceralVanguard> I'm really not in the mood to put any sort of filter on my thoughts at the moment
  223. [18:29] <@visceralVanguard> And I don't have any time or spare brain power to process this at the moment
  224. [18:29] <@visceralVanguard> So, sorry.
  225. [18:29] <masterfulShooter> no no its
  226. [18:29] <masterfulShooter> okay
  227. [18:29] <masterfulShooter> it just
  228. [18:29] <masterfulShooter> showed me something
  229. [18:29] <masterfulShooter> i guess
  230. [18:30] <@visceralVanguard> What do you mean?
  231. [18:30] <masterfulShooter> i mean
  232. [18:30] <masterfulShooter> im not really
  233. [18:30] <masterfulShooter> uh
  234. [18:30] <masterfulShooter> how do i put
  235. [18:30] <masterfulShooter> this
  236. [18:30] <masterfulShooter> im not really
  237. [18:30] <masterfulShooter> essential to anything
  238. [18:30] <masterfulShooter> i mean
  239. [18:31] <masterfulShooter> its not that
  240. [18:31] <masterfulShooter> thats all of a bad thing
  241. [18:31] <masterfulShooter> byron things usually go
  242. [18:31] <masterfulShooter> really bad
  243. [18:31] <masterfulShooter> like
  244. [18:31] <masterfulShooter> all of the time
  245. [18:31] <masterfulShooter> every plan
  246. [18:31] <masterfulShooter> goes really
  247. [18:31] <masterfulShooter> really bad
  248. [18:31] <masterfulShooter> so i guess its better this way
  249. [18:31] <masterfulShooter> if i dont
  250. [18:31] <masterfulShooter> take part in
  251. [18:31] <masterfulShooter> anything
  252. [18:32] <masterfulShooter> its not like
  253. [18:32] <masterfulShooter> uh
  254. [18:32] <masterfulShooter> like it would
  255. [18:32] <masterfulShooter> make much of a difference anyway
  256. [18:32] <@visceralVanguard> Nick, Lyra, and I are currently all wrapped up in several schemes and plans that require...... precision. So I would agree it's best you don't get too involved in those. Tarane is basically just hiding from Dersian royalty so the two of you are good to protect each other and stay out of the way.
  257. [18:32] <@visceralVanguard> It's not that you aren't essential.
  258. [18:32] <@visceralVanguard> I'm sure you are.
  259. [18:32] <@visceralVanguard> Somehow.
  260. [18:33] <@visceralVanguard> Just not right at the moment.
  261. [18:35] <masterfulShooter> ill just
  262. [18:35] <masterfulShooter> kinda
  263. [18:35] <masterfulShooter> i mean its not that i dont want to
  264. [18:35] <masterfulShooter> help
  265. [18:35] <masterfulShooter> but as we both
  266. [18:35] <masterfulShooter> just agreed
  267. [18:35] <masterfulShooter> okay im just
  268. [18:35] <masterfulShooter> saying what we just said
  269. [18:35] <masterfulShooter> fuck
  270. [18:36] <@visceralVanguard> Yes, you are.
  271. [18:36] <@visceralVanguard> I'm sorry if it seems I'm trying to throw you off to the sidelines of all of this, but everything here is a complex machine of every single cog and gear tied together to make a massive clockwork world and I already have too many unpredictable loose cannons in the mix.
  272. [18:37] <masterfulShooter> no its
  273. [18:37] <@visceralVanguard> I'm trying to understand everything I can, and that is much easier when there are fewer things that need to be understood.
  274. [18:37] <masterfulShooter> its okay i guess
  275. [18:37] <@visceralVanguard> Thank you for understanding.
  276. [18:38] <masterfulShooter> honestly should i even
  277. [18:38] <masterfulShooter> be involved in anything
  278. [18:38] <masterfulShooter> because
  279. [18:38] <masterfulShooter> look at what happens when someone else is with me
  280. [18:38] <masterfulShooter> its
  281. [18:38] <masterfulShooter> i dont mean to like
  282. [18:38] <masterfulShooter> add a new like
  283. [18:39] <masterfulShooter> cog or whatever
  284. [18:39] <masterfulShooter> just saying take
  285. [18:39] <masterfulShooter> the byron cog out
  286. [18:39] <masterfulShooter> and shit would probably run a lot smoother
  287. [18:39] <@visceralVanguard> No, I don't want to completely remove the Byron cog, I just for the moment vastly prefer it to remain on the periphery not connected to many other things so its performance does not affect much of the rest of the machine
  288. [18:40] <@visceralVanguard> You continue doing what you're doing
  289. [18:41] <@visceralVanguard> Perhaps you will find something of more significance to do than flying around in the forest, perhaps you will not for the time being. I don't know, but I need to focus my resources and energy on far more critical matters at the moment.
  290. [18:41] <masterfulShooter> yeah
  291. [18:41] <masterfulShooter> okay
  292. [18:41] <masterfulShooter> um
  293. [18:41] <masterfulShooter> atleast
  294. [18:41] <masterfulShooter> we have that
  295. [18:42] <masterfulShooter> established
  296. [18:42] <@visceralVanguard> Yes, we do.
  297. [18:42] <@visceralVanguard> Excellent.
  298. [18:43] <masterfulShooter> im
  299. [18:43] <masterfulShooter> just gonna
  300. [18:43] <masterfulShooter> try to stay awake
  301. [18:43] <masterfulShooter> incase taranne needs anything
  302. [18:43] <masterfulShooter> i mean
  303. [18:43] <@visceralVanguard> That sounds like an excellent plan of action
  304. [18:44] <@visceralVanguard> Perhaps you can experiment on the alchemiter to pass the time
  305. [18:44] <@visceralVanguard> Or maybe build on Juan's house?
  306. [18:45] <@visceralVanguard> I'm sure that there are a variety of more menial sources of entertainment you can find to keep you awake while you take care of Tarane
  307. [18:45] <@visceralVanguard> Just stay safe. We don't need you dying again.
  308. [18:45] <masterfulShooter> oh
  309. [18:45] <masterfulShooter> yeah
  310. [18:45] <masterfulShooter> i need to uh
  311. [18:45] <masterfulShooter> mix the shotgun with the
  312. [18:45] <masterfulShooter> uh
  313. [18:45] <masterfulShooter> the keyboard
  314. [18:46] <masterfulShooter> yeah
  315. [18:46] <masterfulShooter> okay
  316. [18:46] <masterfulShooter> well i mean
  317. [18:46] <masterfulShooter> crap
  318. [18:46] <masterfulShooter> shit
  319. [18:46] <masterfulShooter> fuck
  320. [18:46] <masterfulShooter> ugh
  321. [18:46] <masterfulShooter> okay
  322. [18:46] <masterfulShooter> i dont know
  323. [18:46] <masterfulShooter> if that would
  324. [18:46] <masterfulShooter> work with
  325. [18:46] <masterfulShooter> the specibi
  326. [18:46] <@visceralVanguard> There's only one way to find out.
  327. [18:46] <masterfulShooter> or whatever
  328. [18:46] <masterfulShooter> yeah
  329. [18:46] <masterfulShooter> its probably
  330. [18:46] <masterfulShooter> the safest thing
  331. [18:46] <masterfulShooter> to do
  332. [18:46] <masterfulShooter> right now
  333. [18:47] <masterfulShooter> well
  334. [18:47] <masterfulShooter> okay im just
  335. [18:47] <masterfulShooter> gonna
  336. [18:47] <masterfulShooter> do that then
  337. [18:47] <masterfulShooter> you do
  338. [18:47] <masterfulShooter> whatever you needed to do
  339. [18:47] <masterfulShooter> oh
  340. [18:47] <masterfulShooter> if
  341. [18:47] <masterfulShooter> lyra starts to go
  342. [18:47] <masterfulShooter> crazy
  343. [18:47] <masterfulShooter> just remind her
  344. [18:47] <masterfulShooter> about the robot eyes
  345. [18:47] == `DICE [] has quit [Ping timeout: 198 seconds]
  346. [18:48] <@visceralVanguard> Robot eyes?
  347. [18:48] <@visceralVanguard> You know, I'm not even going to ask
  348. [18:48] <@visceralVanguard> I am going to focus on making sure all of our souls don't get devoured first.
  349. [18:48] <@visceralVanguard> Talk to you later, Byron.
  350. [18:48] * visceralVanguard [VV] bid farewell to masterfulShooter [MS]
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