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Bodily Waste and Pregnancy and Cheating, oh my!

a guest
May 31st, 2013
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  1. <PollyEsther> you get more homosexual every day
  2. <Taragoola> Cheating on Wesley?
  3. <Taragoola> shame on you
  4. <Wesley> It was funny what happened last night, I don't think Uber heard
  5. <Wesley> hue
  6. <Taragoola> Wesley are you mexican too? Or are we getting interracial up in this bitch?
  7. <Uber> he is canadian mustard race
  8. <Wesley> Nah, I'm white as shit
  9. <PollyEsther> >canadian
  10. <Wesley> I'm white as old shit that has been sitting in the lawn for a month
  11. <PollyEsther> thats basically interspecies
  12. <Uber> it's just two borders, calm down
  13. <Taragoola> Woohoo
  14. <Taragoola> kinky
  15. <Taragoola> So was Melly mad at you for falling asleep uber?
  16. <Uber> kind of :|
  17. <Taragoola> :D
  18. <Uber> then again since when is she mad
  19. * Hush[Hex{Muu has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  20. <Taragoola> wat
  21. <Uber> she's a nice tup
  22. <Taragoola> Hell yes she is
  23. <Taragoola> with a really nice butt
  24. <Uber> :|
  25. <Taragoola> Jelly points +5
  26. <Uber> fuckin
  27. <Uber> tara
  28. <Uber> I will
  29. <Uber> not do anything
  30. <Uber> because I can't
  31. <Taragoola> Why not?
  32. <Uber> because you are nice person
  33. <Taragoola> true
  34. <PollyEsther> Can i poop on melissa's chest?
  35. <Uber> no
  36. <PollyEsther> ;_;
  37. <Uber> she wouldn't want that :|
  38. <PollyEsther> How do you know?
  39. <Uber> We were having a talk about fetish crud
  40. <PollyEsther> have you tried it?
  41. <Uber> and I was thinking about that scat stuff and she's like that sounds unpleasant
  42. <Taragoola> >uber was thinking about scat
  43. <Taragoola> >and jacking off
  44. <Uber> ew
  45. <Uber> no
  46. <Taragoola> Uber. >_>
  47. <Taragoola> I touched Melissa's butthole.
  48. <Uber> what
  49. <Uber> Yes, I know
  50. <NLD> ...
  51. <PollyEsther> Can i atleast pee on her?
  52. * NLD slowly steps back out
  53. <Uber> NO
  54. <Uber> YOU CAN'T PEE ON HER
  55. <PollyEsther> ok ill go back to being bored then
  57. <Taragoola> True
  58. <PollyEsther> Does she want to have my tulpa babbies?
  59. <Taragoola> Noooo. She has to have my tulpa babby
  60. <PollyEsther> ;_;
  61. <Uber> tara pls don't impregnate her
  62. <Uber> I already have college to deal with, I don't want a tulpa babby
  63. <Uber> I'll just ask her to tulpabort it
  64. <Taragoola> Melissa would never tulpabort our love child.
  65. <Uber> noooo
  66. <Taragoola> I don't even know if she would want that to happen anyway. >_>
  67. * Wesley_ (cgiirc@4AAC2678.AFD7319F.7C4AB390.IP) has joined
  68. <Uber> No, she wants to stay not a mother
  69. * Wesley has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  70. <PollyEsther> I would have Tara's love child
  71. <PollyEsther> I'm sure she does.
  72. <Taragoola> Did she say so or did you say so?
  73. <Wesley> This is certainly an interesting conversation
  74. <Wesley> This is certainly an interesting conversation
  75. <Uber> well we were talking about it one time
  76. <Uber> and she said that she would rather not have a child
  77. <Taragoola> Probably a good thing
  78. <Taragoola> She might look hot pregnant though
  79. <Uber> well yeah, one of the main reasons being I'm 15
  80. <NLD> I concur tara
  81. <Uber> and she's relatively young
  82. <Uber> to be honest I agree with tara
  83. <Uber> and nld by proxy
  84. <PollyEsther> she might look sexy giving birth to tulpa babbies
  85. <NLD> Ehhhhh
  86. <Uber> :|
  87. <Uber> polly please stop talking
  88. <Wesley> lel
  89. <NLD> But lactatioooon. On well, mine can do that without being preggers so I gues she could too.
  90. <NLD> If that's your thing
  91. <Uber> not really my thing but whatever
  92. <Taragoola> She might look sexy giving birth to MY tulpa babby
  93. <PollyEsther> She wants to be a good girl and get knocked up by Taragool righhhht?
  94. <Uber> omg guys you're making this embarrassing
  95. <NLD> PFT
  96. <NLD> Please
  97. <NLD> She's wants my kids.
  98. <Uber> >inb4 nlD
  99. <Wesley> She wants the nlD
  100. <NLD> Bitches love the nlD
  101. <PollyEsther> She wants to please mr tara and become pregnant just for him riiiight.
  102. <NLD> Nah.
  103. <PollyEsther> like a good girl~
  104. <Uber> no she doesn't
  105. <NLD> >implying that since she's anthro she can't get preggers from multiple fathers
  106. <Uber> she's a strong independent anthro pokemon tulpa who don't need no man telling her to get pregnant
  107. <NLD> I've seen anthro art
  108. <PollyEsther> but, if she's a bad girl
  109. <NLD> >implying rape isn't an option
  110. <PollyEsther> and doesnt do it
  111. <PollyEsther> I thought she liked being a good girl
  112. <NLD> >implying she's not juset being that way for uber
  113. <Uber> nld pls
  114. <Uber> why do you like going to that path :(
  115. <NLD> Because something something melly
  116. <NLD> but not really.
  117. <NLD> >implying artificial insemination wouldn't be more fun
  118. <NLD> and now that I've had my fun I'm going back to lurk mode.
  119. <Taragoola> Uber. Bring me Melly pls.
  120. <Uber> fine
  121. * Melissa ( has joined
  122. <PollyEsther> Hi Melissa
  123. <Melissa> Hello, Polly
  124. <PollyEsther> How are you?
  125. <Melissa> I'm doing fine
  126. <Melissa> I suppose
  127. <PollyEsther> You suppose?
  128. <PollyEsther> thats not good.
  129. <Melissa> Well, why not?
  130. * PollyEsther throws a party at melissa.
  131. <Melissa> Where's the punch?
  132. <Melissa> What music is playing?
  133. * PollyEsther pours a cup of punch for melissa.
  134. <PollyEsther> We are listening to all sorts of music.
  135. <NLD> baby shower?
  136. <Melissa> No NLD, that would have to wait a couple of years
  137. <NLD> You heard her Tara.
  138. <Melissa> Actually, did Eris or Aurora ever have a baby shower?
  139. <NLD> no :|
  140. <Melissa> That's dissapointing
  141. <NLD> meh
  142. <Melissa> Why didn't you at least have a small won with them?
  143. <NLD> Because every day is a victory
  144. <Melissa> *one
  145. <Uber> haha holy shit how did I manage to mispell that
  146. * Melissa drinks some punch from her cup
  147. <NLD> Because you should have taken typing calasses
  148. <Melissa> I'm not really one to dance, though
  149. <PollyEsther> It's tropical fruit punch :3
  150. <NLD> >inb4 spked
  151. <NLD> spiked*
  152. <Melissa> Well, that's what I was imagining it to be!
  153. <PollyEsther> nigga please.
  154. <Uber> i don't want to have drunk tup
  155. <Uber> oh shit guys, I'm gonna be home alone in a month woohoo
  156. <Wesley> Why is that?
  157. <PollyEsther> you could totally invite wesley over
  158. <NLD> Record it.
  159. <NLD> All of it.
  160. <Uber> because parents are going on vacation
  161. <Uber> for a week
  162. <Uber> and I have to go to college so I can't go with them
  163. <Uber> besides, they're just visiting Arizona
  164. <Wesley>
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