

Jul 7th, 2013
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  1. [17:21] * Mark busies himself in the meanwhile with checking for spare clips--even a bullet or two.
  2. [17:27] <Kukulkan> While mark goes about finding 4 full mags worth of bullets for an auto gun and 3 and a half mags for the auto pistol, Alice Makes the ganger leader start to cry. at first its a few sniffs but then it rapidly turns into full bawling. if you were to care to listen you could make out such phrases as "I din wanna be here, i always wan' t be a *buuuh* *Buuuh*"
  3. [17:28] * Alice_Carol slashes pieces of relatively clean cloth off of the man's coat and uses one to bind up his bullet wound and the others to tie his wrists together behind him and tie his ankles so he doesn't decide to try running away. "I'll be back for you shortly." Alice then takes a moment to avail herself of some things the dead won't be needing any longer.
  4. [17:29] * Mark returns to the ganger to find him in full-on tears. He stares for a second, looks over at where Alice went, then back to the ganger. "...she's not *that* scary," he says after a moment.
  5. [17:42] <Alice_Carol> "The rest is yours," she says to the surviving gang members. "Whatever's inside is ours. Deal?"
  6. [17:50] <Kukulkan> "nah lady, you ken help yourself but this place is our now, see? we did most da killin. side's what would ya'll even do with it?"
  7. [17:51] * Alice_Carol checks the action of the pistol she purloined, methodically field stripping it and rebuilding it to make sure she has an idea of how it will perform in combat. Satisfied, she belts it on under her robe. "Keep the building. I'm only interested in the contents, and probably not much of it at that."
  8. [17:52] <Mark> "What she said," Mark adds, leaving the blubbering ganger where he was. "But do try to make sure that one doesn't try to inch himself away."
  9. [17:53] * Alice_Carol draws her usual gun again and ducks into the building, leaving the gangsters to loot the rest.
  10. [17:53] <Kukulkan> "shore, i glean. fer a sec it sounded like youse was taking over er sumthin."
  11. [17:53] <Mark> "Hah!" he barks a laugh. "Yeah, sure. What would we do with a building?" And with that, he follows Alice inside.
  12. [17:55] <Alice_Carol> "Careful," Alice says quietly. "There's no-one alive in here but that doesn't mean there aren't traps."
  13. [17:56] <Mark> "Lady," he whispers back, "I wasn't born yesterday. I used to set some of those before ending up in the Big I's lap."
  14. [17:58] * Alice_Carol smiles. "You're probably better at this than I am, then. I'll follow your lead."
  15. [17:59] * Alice_Carol is searching for: traps, documents and/or other forms of evidence that would link the group to the arbites, and portable items of monetary value or practical use
  16. [18:02] <Kukulkan> though the search turns up nothing but a few unpleasant imagines of daily life in a ganger hole. you do find that the place is powered and has running water(a sink in the latrine is still running)
  17. [18:07] <Kukulkan> also as you are looking, mark finds a vox caster on the table with a booklet marking down a few stations and colors next to them
  18. [18:08] <Alice_Carol> "Somebody's silvering the right pockets, so at least that's confirmed," Alice says as she regroups with Mark. "Nothing else that I've found..."
  19. [18:08] * Alice_Carol looks with interest at the booklet. Anything written aside from the frequency numbers?
  20. [18:14] <Alice_Carol> "Does any of this mean anything to you? Maybe our prisoner can inform us."
  21. [18:16] <Mark> "Not a damn thing. I can read it to you, but beyond 'Hey, letters and numbers,' that's about it."
  22. [18:20] * Alice_Carol nods. "We'll see if we can get our prisoner to help." She gestures at the machine. "Do you think you could mimic the local accent over the vox, if it comes to it?"
  23. [18:20] <Alice_Carol> *local dialect
  24. [18:24] * Mark twists his mouth up. "Mebbe? Shoulldna be dat hard, soundin' dumber dan I is."
  25. [18:25] * Alice_Carol smiles.
  26. [18:26] * Alice_Carol goes back to outside and unties the man's feet. "You, with me."
  27. [18:30] <Kukulkan> you find the ganger leader poking him in his wound. he stands quickly when he hears you approach "i wassnt doin nuttin." the wounded prisoner gets up without struggle "...okay. juss dun hert me."
  28. [18:31] * Alice_Carol leads him inside.
  29. [18:31] <Alice_Carol> "You obviously have connections that most people in this area would kill for. Who makes sure you have electricity and water?"
  30. [18:33] <Kukulkan> "i dun know. i juss come here and make sure no trouble happin"
  31. [18:34] * Alice_Carol rejoins Mark in the vox room.
  32. [18:34] <Alice_Carol> "Tell me about these vox frequencies. What does each one connect to?"
  33. [18:34] <Kukulkan> "i dun know. i aint speak to da talky"
  34. [18:36] <Alice_Carol> "Did one of your men regularly use it?"
  35. [18:40] <Kukulkan> "I dun know, they always doin somethin in here. i just watch the toon vids and sharpen me sword."
  36. [18:43] <Alice_Carol> "Are you sure about that? Men tend not to follow any random fool in a charge against a gunline..."
  37. [18:45] <Kukulkan> "they wuz always listening to it, never anything on though. i was scared and they said we needed to get outta here. i just got scared an next thing i kno youse there tying me leg."
  38. [18:46] <Alice_Carol> "Name?"
  39. [18:46] <Alice_Carol> "The name of the man who used the vox, I mean."
  40. [18:51] <Kukulkan> "mosltly Cog, but sometimes Gregg would too. wait, i remember somthing about them sayin 'Go tah Green' after every job. and one time Cog slapped Gregg on the head fer leaving da tape off. i dun know what they ment but it was funny." you see him look on then start to tear up againt remembering they were now dead
  41. [18:52] <Alice_Carol> "Thank you."
  42. [18:52] <Alice_Carol> "If you were to get taken by the law enforcers, is there anybody you're supposed to talk to? A name of some officer that you're supposed to ask for to get you out of trouble?"
  43. [18:53] * Mark patiently waits for Alice.
  44. [18:55] <Kukulkan> "nah, da boys said if we wuz picked up by needle dykes that we'z been sold out and best not be taken aline"
  45. [18:56] <Alice_Carol> "Who leads the westerwalds? Where do they live?"
  46. [19:02] <Kukulkan> "Old Westerwald. he is da man what tells everyone else what to do. he lives in heron maulve."
  47. [19:04] * Alice_Carol glances to Mark. "Anything else you want him for?"
  48. [19:06] <Kukulkan> you see him light up "oh yeah, there was something else we wuz suppose tah do." he says with the exciting glee of a kid who did his chores early to sleep late "we were suppose to burn the book rather let someone else get it. can i see da book on the table?"
  49. [19:07] <Alice_Carol> "No. Please kneel down in the corner and face the wall."
  50. [19:08] <Kukulkan> "oh... ok." he does so as best he can while having his hands restrained
  51. [19:08] * Alice_Carol leans close to Mark so the gangster can't hear and murmurs: "Do you see any way we can in conscience let him live?"
  52. [19:12] <Mark> "Hmm? Oh." He drops to a whisper as well, fiddling as he is with the vox caster. "I don't kinow one way or another. And even if we didn't do anything about it, if you just hand him over to the other guys we were with, he probably won't survive, either."
  53. [19:17] * Alice_Carol nods solemnly. She draws her gun and steps quietly up behind him, aims carefully, and shoots him in the back of the head.
  54. [19:18] <Kukulkan> with a short 'erk' he smashes into the corners and slides down dead.
  55. [19:30] * Mark glances back at the shot, then picks up what seems to be the obvious microphone, depresses the button, and says, "Go ta green," in a reasonable approximation of the ganger's drawl.
  56. [19:32] <Kukulkan> nothing but dead silence
  57. [19:32] * Mark shrugs, releases the microphone, and sits.
  58. [19:38] * Alice_Carol shrugs as well. "Let's go get paid, then see what we can find in Heron Maulve."
  59. [19:39] <Mark> "Sounds as good as anything to me." He steps up and past the freshest corpse.
  60. [19:39] * Alice_Carol pockets the booklet and follows.
  61. -----
  62. [21:55] <Alice_Carol> turns abruptly, getting the book out of her pocket. She finds the frequency marked with blue and turns the dial to that number.
  63. [21:59] <Kukulkan> nothing but dead air for the first few seconds...
  64. [22:00] * Mark waits a little more patiently this time, after what happened with the prior channel...
  65. [22:00] <Kukulkan> but then an abrupt and very annoyed sounding voice says "Hello?! anyone on here?"
  66. [22:00] * Alice_Carol smiles trumphantly. "All yours, 'Cog'."
  67. [22:10] * Mark scrambles for the microphone, putting on his best impersonation of the dead ganger's voice. "Yeah, Cog here. Gregg was being a dick with the vox until we shooed him away from it. Sorry about that. We'll, with him."
  68. [22:12] <Kukulkan> "..." an uncomfortable silence follows for a few more seconds
  69. [22:13] <Kukulkan> "Jeeze Cog, somebody knock ya nose straight? Havent heard you sound this not-nasally in... ever! Anyways, what the sitrep wit that fioght ya'll wuz havin?"
  70. [22:13] * Alice_Carol takes the opportunity to disassemble her new gun and clean it properly while she listens in.
  71. [22:17] <Mark> "It was a tough one. Had some more of Kreff's boyz try an' storm the place, but they got carved up good. I don't hear any more shootin' so I think we're in the clear for now."
  72. [22:19] <Kukulkan> "Ya mean you werent out 'dere in the thick of it? man, you really did get ya nose knock straight. did you take benny's sword by accident or something?"
  73. [22:22] <Mark> "Nah, I came in when the shootin' started getting quiet-like. When they were all hidin' it got to be too much work to find 'em to plug 'em."
  74. [22:24] <Kukulkan> "man Cog, you are a dumb sunbitch. so anyways, quaesto was wondering why you didnt go green after the fight, had us worried so we were about to send 30 or so boys to go see what was up. but i'll tell him to lay off. any of our boys bite it?"
  75. [22:27] <Mark> "Nah, we lost a couple but they were greener 'an Gregg's arsehole. We'll manage."
  76. [22:27] * Alice_Carol says while Mark isn't transmitting: "Do you think you can work him for some intel?"
  77. [22:28] <Mark> "I'll do what I can," he whispers, quite unnecessarily given the transmit button is not pressed. It's the principle of the thing.
  78. [22:30] <Kukulkan> "Yeah, we got like a million of them. how many more you need for bitch duty?"
  79. [22:31] <Mark> "Just a few. If you want I'll come up an' vet 'em. Or maybe I'll make Gregg do it. Guy could use the walk."
  80. [22:32] * Alice_Carol grows a predatory smile. "You could ask him to send over some things we need. It would be trivial to ambush it coming in."
  81. [22:33] <Kukulkan> "get off my fat ass and stop getting sucked by joygirls so i can see your stupid face? sure why dont i just paint myself green and shoot myself singing 'waaanh' while im at it. nah man, you want these boys you come and get them"
  82. [22:37] <Mark> "Fine, fine. Jus' tell me where an' when."
  83. [22:38] <Kukulkan> "you mum's house just after I get done wit her, where do you think you thick feck? if you too stupid to know how to get to maulve then that's yo problem."
  84. [22:49] <Alice_Carol> "Tell him you'll send over one of the new guys and his girlfriend. It might give us an an edge."
  85. [22:51] * Mark smacks his forehead, then depresses the TALK button again. "Aight, looks like it won't be me. Gregg just walked his lazy ass in here bitching about something else, so I'll send...dis guy, Mack, and his little honey to make sure he stays on task."
  86. [22:54] <Mark> "You'll know 'im when you see 'im. Messy guy, grayin hair, the works. Looks like he grew up in a smokestack."
  87. [22:56] <Kukulkan> "whoa whoa whoa. dis mack putz brought his girl on base? shit man, I know you dont run the way anyone tellz ya but if you send... AWWW YOU GOT ME! had me going there for a second! hur hur, you slimy feck. no really if you dont need anymore boys then just say so. i know we aint got that much time to chill no more but come on. you cant be doing that, to me man-
  88. [22:57] <Kukulkan> quaesto is already breathing down my neck after that business last week. anything else to report?"
  89. [22:58] <Mark> "Nah, we do need a coupla guys. I'll come get 'em, don't worry your ugly-ass little head. Gregg can keep this place floating for half a day."
  90. [23:01] <Kukulkan> "oh right. well when you come on over just makesure you remember the pass phrase. these boys are dumb as hell over. here i am been here since we were just small timing, and they almost shoot me cause i couldnt remember the new phrase. good thing Quaesto was about else those tards might have iced me then and there."
  91. [23:01] <Mark> "You didn't remember the new phrase? Man, how hard is it to remember some shit like that? C'mon, say it for me now. I dare you, you lazy ass."
  92. [23:05] * Alice_Carol purses her lips and frowns. "I can be invisible if necessary, but it's risky. If I channel enough power to be sure, it will risk tearing the veil; and if I don't, there's a chance of losing the illusion if my focus wavers. Ideas?"
  93. [23:07] <Mark> "Hope he buys it. But if it comes down to it, we head there anyway, bullshit a pass code, and...subdue whomever's there."
  94. [23:09] <Kukulkan> "yeah yeah. the code is 'I, Cog Dremp, am the worst at my job and side as a joygirl in drag on the side, you want some honey?' hows that for your code?"
  95. [23:13] *** DefinitelyNotColt has joined #xibalbaic
  96. [23:16] *** Colt has quit IRC: Ping timeout
  97. [23:16] <Mark> "Sure, you fat fuck, sure. I'll go ahead and say that to the guard. And after I'm dead, what'll you say?"
  98. [23:17] <Kukulkan> "he was the third worst fuck i ever had. BHAHAHA!"
  99. [23:22] <Kukulkan> "but really, man if you need some boys i'll send some over an-" the mic cuts off for a few seconds and then he returns "yeah the boss says to go to channel yellow and tell the boys over there to go and make their move on Kemp and his boys. this is rich!"
  100. [23:24] <Mark> "Channel yellow, is it? Fine. See ya on the other side."
  101. [23:26] * Alice_Carol shrugs. "Maybe ask Channel Yellow's guys for the password before you give them their orders? You can say it's a new protocol."
  102. [23:27] <Alice_Carol> "Or we could just introduce ourselves with lead."
  103. [23:27] <Kukulkan> "yeah yeah. keep safe and get ready, boss says this is gonna be like the Gump's place. worst comes to worse we just get the bites to put the pressure back up on em."
  104. [23:29] <Mark> "Yeah, yeah." He turns the dial a bit. "Boring conversation anyway. Hey--what's your new book say for that yellow channel thing?"
  105. [23:30] * Alice_Carol reads off the number.
  106. [23:31] * Mark turns the dial to the indicated number.
  107. [23:31] <Kukulkan> you turn it to the station and are received with dead air yet again.
  108. [23:33] <Mark> "'ey, you losers listening? News from da boss." He releases the button, turns to Alice.
  109. [23:33] <Mark> "Hope this works."
  110. [23:35] <Kukulkan> "Yezzur?" you hear back
  111. [23:36] <Mark> "Ah-ah. Password first. Orders from on high, before you get yer new orders from on high."
  112. [23:38] <Kukulkan> "when the shadow falls, the truth not golden."
  113. [23:39] <Mark> "Fine. Dey says to get your louts together an' go trash Kemp an' his."
  114. [23:40] * Alice_Carol smiles.
  115. [23:46] <Alice_Carol> "I... hm. I'll do my best to move like a man, and cover my face. With luck that'll be enough."
  116. [23:48] <Mark> "Probably--none of the people here have struck me as...overly observant. But I suppose that may change, the closer we get to the head."
  117. [23:52] <Alice_Carol> "Let's get going, then." She pockets the book. "Before they figure out they've been had."
  118. [23:54] <Mark> "I'm all for this idea. We'll have to let the others know when they wake up." He stands up from the seat again, leaving the vox in place.
  119. [23:55] * Alice_Carol spins the dial to a random setting, just in case.
  120. [23:56] <Kukulkan> =][= End Session =][=
  121. [23:56] <Kukulkan> =][= End Session 5 =][=
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