
Pillow's story

Apr 6th, 2012
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  1. >Walking down the street, heading home
  2. >You usually see some stray fluffy ponies wandering about, asking strangers to "pway" with them
  3. >Sometimes you give them some trail mix and sit with them for a bit
  4. >You like fluffy ponies but you don't really have the patience to take care of one full time
  5. >Taking care of any pet is a chore, let alone a creature that finds a way to get itself into trouble every 5 minutes
  6. >As your walking home you see a peculiar sight
  7. >A large crowd of fluffies have converged on a corner, gathered around something
  8. >From the center of the gathering you can hear a voice crying for help
  9. >"No huwt fwuffy!" Fwuffy no nummies!"
  10. >Sounds like one of the fluffies is getting attacked
  11. >You swoop in slow motion style and get ready to help
  12. >You grab a ball one of the fluffies left on the ground and whistle to gain their attention
  13. >Fluffies all perk up and look your way
  14. "Who wants the ball?"
  15. >The fluffies all scream out with a cry of "BAWW" as they crowd around you, forgetting the fluffy they were attacking
  16. >You taunt them a bit, holding it just out of range before you toss it into the adjacent alley
  17. >The fluffy herd charges toward their prize as you go to help the one they were attacking
  18. >Strange behavior for fluffies, attacking another fluffy pony, usually even if they hurt another one they'll instinctively hug it and try to help it
  19. >Ignore it for now and help the little hurt fluffy
  20. >You see the little white fluffy curled up into a protective ball
  21. >It has little tiny bite marks on it, seems like the other fluffies tried to eat it
  23. >You pet it a little to get it to perk up
  24. "It's okay, the others are gone. You're safe now."
  25. >It pokes its head up revealing a tiny horn
  26. >"Fwuffy saffe?" It asks, looking up at you
  27. "Yeah. You can run along now."
  28. >Fluffy pony starts to bawl, not sure why
  29. "What's wrong? What'd I say?"
  30. >"F-f-fwuffy wweggies no com back yet." It cries through its tears
  31. >You still don't understand till you look down and see it wasn't curled up at all
  32. >It's legs have been amputated
  33. >Everything starts to add up now
  34. >Fluffy sometimes get amputated when they are too rambunctious to take care of, or when the owner has trouble keeping them safe, or sometimes for no reason at all
  35. >You know this process occurs but you've never known an amputated fluffy to be abandoned
  36. >See the little box it's in says 'Give to good home.'
  37. >Guess whoever gave it up was in a hurry
  38. >You hear the fluffy squeal in pain and look down to see another fluffy pony has returned and is chewing on it again
  39. >"Fwuffy no nummies! No eatsies!"
  40. >You scoop up the little white fluffy
  41. "It's okay. I got ya."
  42. >"Fank oo mista!" It mewls in your arms
  43. >Not sure what you're gonna do with her, but you can't leave her hear to get eat by the others
  45. >Bring the legless fluffy pony home with you
  46. >Set her and her little box down
  47. >"New pwace scawy. Whewe fwuffy?" She starts to shake with fear
  48. "It's okay this is home."
  49. >"Fwuffy home?" She asks as she stops shaking
  50. >You nod affirmatively
  51. >Suddenly you smell something
  52. >"No smell pwetty?" Fluffy pony cries as you realize she wet her box
  53. >Sigh
  54. "And this is why I don't keep fluffy ponies"
  55. >"Fwuffy sowwy." She says shaking again
  56. >Pick her up and bring her over to your sink
  57. >You know the dangers of fluffy ponies and water but you figure as long as she can't hit the faucet she should be fine
  58. "Now I'm just gonna take care of something, so you be a good girl and wait here."
  59. >As you set her down in the sink, she give you a look of 'Where am I gonna go dummy?'
  60. >You giggle nervously as your realize this yourself
  61. >You take the old urine soaked box out to the trash
  62. >On your way back in you notice a pair of tiny hoof prints heading into your house
  63. >What the hell.jpg
  64. >You follow the hoof prints back into your kitchen where you behold a strange site
  65. >The fluffy pony that was nibbling on the little amputee pony is standing next to your sink, still trying to nibble on the other fluffy
  66. >"Fwuffy no nummie! Fwuffy no nummie!" The amputee fluffy keeps screaming as the other one nibbles away
  67. >Grab the little fluffy and bring it up t eye level with you
  68. "What is the matter with you?"
  69. >He sticks his little tongue out obliviously
  70. >You sigh as you put him outside so he can't get to the little amputee pony
  72. >Go back to fluffy pony in the sink
  73. >Decide while she is there to wash her up a bit
  74. >As you turn on the water she starts to cry
  75. >"No wawa! Bad wawa!"
  76. >You tell her it'll be okay as you set the water to a warmer temperature
  77. >She calms down as it becomes warmer
  78. >You wash all her wounds, noticing that while the bite wounds are prevalent none of them managed to break the skin
  79. >Good thing fluffy pony teeth aren't very strong
  80. >When you're finished washing her you wrap her up in a towel
  81. >As you finish drying her off you look around
  82. "Now where am I supposed to keep you for the night?"
  83. >Fluffy pony eyes a large bowl on the counter and her eyes light up
  84. >"Bowl, bowl, bowl!" She squeals with delight
  85. >Set her down in the bowl, placing the towels underneath her to make it a makeshift bed
  86. "You like that girl?"
  87. >"Wuv bowl!"
  88. "Now that I think about it, I don't even know your name."
  89. >"Piwwow!" She perks up
  90. "You want a pillow?"
  91. >Piwwow! Piwwow!"
  92. "Oh your name IS Pillow."
  93. >You think of how deeply troubling that is as you pet her on the head
  94. >Look at the clock and see that it's getting late
  95. "Well, guess its time for bed."
  96. >You bring Pillow with you to your bedroom, shouldn't be too dangerous having her in your room since she can't get into any trouble
  97. >Clear off some space and put Pillow and her bowl on your dresser next to your bed
  98. "Good night Pillow."
  99. >"Goo nite dady!"
  100. >The two of you fall asleep as the little fluffy from earlier runs around in circles on the front lawn.
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