
Skeptic Anon

Oct 13th, 2015
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  1. >You squint your eyes in skeptical thought.
  2. >A cute girl invites you to hang out with her 5 friends, all cute girls.
  3. >You, the one with no friends or social life.
  4. >This all smells like a trap, but you'd look like a real ass to refuse this.
  5. "...alright."
  6. >She cocks an eyebrow at the simplistic and deadpan reply you gave her, but it did the job. Her expression quickly becomes a smile again.
  7. >"Great, I'm sure you'll love meeting my friends!"
  8. >You follow her, eyes darting around.
  9. >You may have no social skills, but no one fools Anon. No one!
  10. >Following Sunset, you head towards their table. A you take a quick look at the girls before getting close.
  11. >Rarity. The stereotypical fashion girl. Always working on the latest trends, her world will be crushed when she sees the harsh reality of clothing design.
  12. >Underpaid Chinese laborers, very small job availability for designers. Sexism, racism, and many other social problems in that industry.
  13. >Rainbow Dash. Always pushing people, never checking to see how they feel. Gotta go fast eh, blue blur?
  14. >Applejack. Known for her honesty, she's gotten the reputation for being a bit bland. She's got a hidden competitive streak to rival Dash, though.
  15. >Pinkie Pie. My god, do you want to avoid her. She never shuts up, always goes on about parties. Parties are dumb, all you do is stand around and talk to people who pretend to be your friend for the night.
  16. >Fluttershy. She SEEMS alright, but she's either hiding something, or her friends will use her as a lure for their trap. Better stay vigilant.
  17. >Sitting down at the table with your lunch, all eyes were on you. This is worse than doing a class presentation, at least the assignment helped to distract you.
  18. >Sunset breaks the deafening silence.
  19. >"Alright girls, turns out Anon here wanted to join our group here after all!"
  20. "H-hello."
  21. >group? What is this "group"? You didn't sign up for this, you know your rights!
  22. >Pinkie took your speaking as a cue to break the ice.
  23. >"Hey, Nonny! We thought you looked so lonely over there every day, so we wanted to invite you to hang out with us. I hardly see you around town with our classmates."
  24. >Why the hell would you do that? All those bastards want is someone to do their homework for free, and someone to spot them at the convenience store. Also, "Nonny"?
  25. >"Anyway, now that you're here, we can be great friends! Isn't that right, Applejack?"
  26. >gonna pull the "see I'm not lying" card already, eh? Not falling for it, no human can be perfectly truthful.
  27. >AJ turns to you.
  28. >"She's got that right. We know you're a good guy Anon, so we want to give you a chance."
  29. >That implies that I'll give you all one. If that's true , what kept them from reaching out to you before?
  30. >The fashionista is next to chime in.
  31. >"We know you aren't mean to others, or even unkempt..."
  32. >She eyes your suit. Yeah yeah, you like wearing a suit. You get enough shit for it without her pointing it out.
  33. >" it's kind of worrying that you don't socialize, darling."
  34. >Darling? DARLING? Way to lay it on thick with the fake accent, too.
  35. >You figure you need to at least respond to them, don't want to look like a mute.
  36. "Thanks, I guess. I'm not really the social type, so I've kept to myself for as long as I can remember."
  37. >Pinkie Gasps. Oh boy, here it comes.
  38. >"You don't have ANY friends?!"
  39. >The girls all glare at her. From the looks of it, she does that kind of thing a lot.
  40. >Sunset turns back to you.
  41. >"She didn't mean it like that. Besides, we can be your friends now!"
  42. >"Right! You don't have to be alone any more, Nonny!"
  43. >They look away from you again, this time focusing on Fluttershy. You think she was trying to avoid talking altogether.
  44. >"Y-yes, Anonymous. We can be your friends... that is, if you want to."
  45. >Jesus how the hell can you say no after that? You'd be looked down on for the rest of high school for hurting her feelings.
  46. "I'll be friends with you all, no problem."
  47. >Big problem. BIG PROBLEM. They were planning something. Some kind of prank is in its early stages, you can feel it in your bones.
  48. *BEEEP*
  49. >Saved by the bell. Time to go back to class and sit in the back row where no one will notice you.
  50. >As everyone gets up from their seats, Sunset turns to you.
  51. >"So, would you like to hang out with us after school?"
  52. >Ah, crap. Another "you can't say no without looking like an ass" question.
  53. "Sure, I'll be there."
  54. >"Meet us by the statue after class is over!"
  55. >And with that, she waves goodbye and walks off to class with the other 5.
  56. >Getting out of this is going to be harder than you thought.
  57. ---
  58. *BEEEP*
  59. >Finally, class it over. You've been going over the same events in history class for 3 weeks now. Why can't everyone else just read the damn textbook?
  60. >You spent the whole class doing all your homework, nothing better to do when you know the topic being currently taught.
  61. >At least that means you have a free afternoon. You can't wait to get out of this hellhole and get onto your computer at home.
  62. >Reaching the main entrance of the school, however, you notice the 6 girls from earlier standing around the statue.
  63. >Ah crap, you forgot. Shitposting will have to wait, you guess.
  64. >You take a deep breath and walk towards them.
  65. >Sunset notices your proximity first
  66. >"Oh! Hey Anon, we were just talking about you."
  67. >Talking about the plans to humiliate you, you bet.
  68. >"So, we were going to head to Pinkie's place to hang out and do our homework. Want to come?"
  69. >Once again, they're all looking at you again. You hate that.
  70. "U-uh, sure. I mean, I don't have any homework left to do, but we can hang out I guess."
  71. >You could have seen Pinkie's smile from a mile away.
  72. >"YAAAY! We're going to have sooooo much fuuuun, I can't wait to introduce you to my sister Maud!"
  73. >Greaaaat, another girl is in on this too. Finding a way out of all this is looking more and more impossible.
  74. >The 7 of you head down the road, apparently Pinkie lives within walking distance of school.
  75. >You catch other students pointing at you from the corner of your eye. If this keeps up, even more of these idiots are going to try to talk to you.
  76. >Arriving at a very drab looking house, you were a bit surprised.
  77. >THIS is where the pink ball of raw energy lives?
  78. >"We're heeeere!"
  79. >She opens up the front door, and you all file inside.
  80. >More dull greys and blues. Is this some kind of joke?
  81. >"Alright, Let's to upstairs to my room and get comfortable."
  82. >you follow the group upstairs and to a door with a sign on it saying "Pinkie's Room"
  83. >It's the first colorful thing you've seen in this house, bright pink and covered in sparkles. But the sign was nothing compared to when she opened the door.
  84. >The sheer amount of pink and pastel blues and yellow accents are almost blinding after walking through the grey house.
  85. >Walking in, Pinkie turns to you.
  86. >"Soooooo, what do you think, Nonny?"
  87. >It just dawned on you that this is the first time you've been in a girl's room. You wish it was on better terms than a bunch or pranksters trying to lull you into false comfort.
  88. "It's very... bright."
  89. >"I KNOW! I think it's fun and exciting!"
  90. >Perhaps there's a rift between her parents and her, given the stark contrast in the décor.
  91. >Everyone begins unpacking their bags, getting ready to finish your homework. Your previous plan to save time by working at school, backfired. You now have to just sit there awkwardly and watch them do their work.
  92. >Applejack noticed you didn't have anything to unpack.
  93. >"You know Anon, seeing you getting all your work in advance done reminds me a bit of our friend Twilight."
  94. >Where is the token nerd, anyway? You'd think she'd be here.
  95. >Fluttershy spoke up.
  96. >"You do have a lot of her habit. I mean that in the best possible way of course."
  97. >Way to cover your ass, you walking animal shelter.
  98. >Not one to be left out of the spotlight, Rainbow turns to face you.
  99. >"Hehe, yeah. Just be careful to not turn into an egghead, Anon."
  100. >Egghead? Didn't think people used that word in real life.
  101. >Sunset looks like she wants to wrap this up.
  102. >"We can introduce Twilight to him later, girls. Let's get our work done then we can have fun."
  103. >What? Fun? She doesn't mean like THAT, right?
  104. >Nononono, that would be too obvious a trap. You almost spilled your spaghetti for a second there.
  105. >Everyone else turned to their homework, leaving you idle.
  106. >At least until Rarity moved over to you, notebook in hand.
  107. >"Anonymous, could you be a dear and help me with my history homework?"
  108. >She's looking at you with the puppy dog eyes of 'I'm cute, and I won't leave you alone until you give me what I want'.
  109. >You'd normally object to helping any of them, but you have nothing better to do until they're all done anyway.
  110. "U-uhh, sure. What's your class studying?"
  111. >You take a look at her class notes. It's the Industrial Revolution, one of your favorites.
  112. "Ah, ok. This shouldn't be too hard. Is the work some kind of page with questions or something?"
  113. >"Yes, about 20 questions."
  114. >Then she does something you didn't expect. She hugs you.
  115. >"Oh thank you, Anon! Twilight usually helps me with history when she's around."
  117. >She stopped hugging you, and you were able to think logically again.
  118. >"Are you ok, darling? You were mumbling to yourself for a while there."
  119. "I'm F-fine. Let's get to your homework, yes?"
  120. >She giggles and turns to her notebook. Better focus on her assignment to take your mind off this event, your heart is still racing.
  121. ---
  122. >Rarity's homework was completed quickly, history being a subject that comes easy to you.
  123. >Still, what happened before is still lingering in the back of your head.
  124. >Was she trying to get on your good side? Obviously yes, but why? Was it just to have you help with her homework, or is this part of their prank?
  125. >You're going to have to anticipate these kinds of things happening in the future, at least until you can foil their plans.
  126. >I was kind of nice though... NO, FOCUS.
  127. >Everyone seems to be about done with their homework, packing away their papers and books. Pinkie looks like she's been holding back her explosive energy, in order to do homework, for far longer than she'd like.
  128. >"FINALLY, WOO! So, what do you girls want to do? Oh, you too, Nonny!"
  129. >The fact you aren't bothered by 'Nonny' anymore is concerning.
  130. >Rarity spoke up.
  131. >"Well, I've been dying to visit this great local boutique I heard about online. Their designers look to have exquisite taste."
  132. >You would rather stab your eyes out. Luckily, Applejack objected too.
  133. >"I know you would like that very much, Rare, but you need to suggest something we'd ALL like."
  134. >"Oh, eheh. Sorry about that."
  135. >Looks like Rainbow has an idea.
  136. >"How about we head to the park and play some soccer? If we get Maud to play, it will be an even 8!"
  137. >Rarity's turn to reject an idea.
  138. >"I couldn't dare! I didn't bring an appropriate outfit, and I'm certainly NOT ruining this one."
  139. >Dash folds her arms with a bit of a grumpy frown, but she doesn't retort. You honestly didn't want to do sports either.
  140. >You almost forgot that Fluttershy was here.
  141. >"Maybe we can just stay here? I don't want to travel too much with Angel in my bag"
  142. >And the other 10 animals you somehow cram into that bag of holding. How does she not get caught at school?!
  143. >You notice a game console sitting next to the TV. That's more your speed.
  144. "What if we play some games here? Do you have any sports games for Rainbow, Pinkie?"
  145. >"Yupperoo! Dash, want to pick one?"
  146. >She opens her closet to reveal it is full from floor to ceiling with game boxes. What the hell does her parents to for a living?
  147. >After a game is selected, all of you sit around the TV and get comfortable. If this wasn't a convoluted ploy to somehow trick you and humiliate you, you would think that this is a pretty nice thing, playing games with friends.
  148. ---
  149. >Sitting by the TV with the girls, you're watching Rainbow Dash and Applejack arguing while they play a racing game.
  150. >Something about "You're cheating" and "I thought we were on a team".
  151. >Turning away from the TV, a 7th girl you don't recognize is sitting right next to you.
  152. "GAHH!"
  153. >How the hell did she get so close without you hearing her?!
  154. >"...Hello."
  155. >Pinkie turns, wondering what the noise was about.
  156. >"Oh, hi Maud! When did you get in here?"
  157. >This is her sister? Looking at her, She wears all the same grey-blue colors their house is furnished with. You wonder if Pinkie is adopted.
  158. >"Nonny, this is Maud. She's soooo much fun! Maud, this is Anon. He looked like he needed some friends, so he's with us now."
  159. >Maud didn't look pleased. Not angry, just... there. Maybe she has some kind of social disorder.
  160. >"Again, hi. I'm glad we could meet. If you want, I can show you my rock collection later. I like rocks."
  161. >Makes you think of an old show you used to watch.
  162. > [Embed]
  163. "Oh uh, if we have some time later, sure."
  164. >Not sure why you accepted, maybe you felt bad for Charlie Brown.
  165. >"Ok, I'll be in my room."
  166. >She gets up and disappears into the grey hallway. Maybe she is invisible in her house with that outfit, and we only saw her in here because of all the pink?
  167. >Pinkie is smiling at you. Stop that, it's creepy.
  168. >"Wow, Nonny! Maud never takes to strangers that quickly! Maybe she has a thing for you."
  169. >You can see Rainbow smirk at that comment. Hardy har, sport girl. That said, you didn't know how to respond to that.
  170. "U-umm, thanks?"
  171. On the other end of the room, Fluttershy has been looking out the window for a while now.
  172. >"Girls? I think I have to go home now. It's getting dark, and I need to stop by the shelter to feed the animals."
  173. >Sunset got up with her bag and looked to the group.
  174. >"We've been here for a while, maybe we should pack it up."
  175. >Everyone except Pinkie nods, moving to get their stuff together.
  176. >"Awwww, you guys don't have to go."
  177. >Rarity puts a hand on her shoulder.
  178. >"It's alright Pinkie, we can have more fun tomorrow."
  179. >This whole dialog feels very rehearsed for them. Maybe it's an inside joke.
  180. >"Okie Dokie, Loki! I'll make some even more fun plans for tomorrow!"
  181. >The ride never ends, does it?
  182. >You all begin to walk out of her room to head home, with you in the back of the group.
  183. >As you reach the doorway, Pinkie's hand is placed on your shoulder.
  184. >"Nonny, wait for a second. I need to tell you something."
  186. "Yes, what's up?"
  187. >"I was serious about before. Maud seems to really like you."
  188. >Her smile vanishes. Did her hair just... deflate?
  189. >"If you EVER hurt her feelings, I'll never forgive you."
  190. "O-ok, I promise to not hurt her!"
  191. >and just as fast, her hair bounces back along with her smile
  192. >"Thanks, Nonny! I love my sister a lot, I'd hate to see her sad."
  193. >How could she even tell?
  194. "You won't have to worry, Pinkie. I promise."
  195. ---
  196. >After a strange ritual to fulfil 'The Pinkie Promise', you head home.
  197. >Opening the front door to your house, you notice all the lights are turned off. Guess your parents are working late again.
  198. >Walking up the stairs and into your room, you toss your backpack into a corner and flop onto your bed.
  199. >You were beat, don't even have the energy to shitpost on your favorite imageboard.
  200. >Rolling onto your side, you drift off to sleep.
  201. ---
  202. >Be Sunset
  203. >Anon didn't seem to mind hanging out with your friends yesterday, but you could tell he's still uncomfortable.
  204. >Maybe introducing Anon to this world's Twilight seen rather than later will help.
  205. >Pulling out your phone, you dial her number.
  206. >"Hello? You know it's kinda early to be calling, right?"
  207. "Oh, sorry Twilight. I just wanted to see if you could eat lunch with us today instead of working in your lab."
  208. >"Is this about being a good friend? I'm sorry, I wasn't avoiding you girls. I was just absorbed in my work."
  209. "It's fine, but that's not exactly it. I'll explain at lunch, ok?"
  210. >"Uuuuh, ok. See you there, then."
  211. >*Click*
  212. >Alright, this could work. Twilight has had major social problems before, much like Anon. Maybe she can help get him out of his shell.
  213. >Grabbing your bag, you head out the door of your apartment, heading for school.
  214. ---
  215. >Be Anon
  216. >Heading to lunch, you haven't seen those girls all day, at least outside of a class setting that they can babble on to you. Thank god.
  217. >Entering the Cafeteria, you notice something strange. The only ones at the girls' table is Sunset, and that transfer student, Twilight.
  218. >You could have sworn to have seen her before this year, but seeing everyone is treating her as new, you might have been imagining things.
  219. >You don't really pay attention to schoolwide events much, stupid "school spirit" crap.
  220. >After getting a tray of the slop this place calls a lunch, you head to their table. You figure Sunset will drag you over there if you didn't anyway.
  221. >"Oh, hi Anon! I was just mentioning you. This is Twilight Sparkle, the new transfer student."
  222. >Twilight nervously smiles and waves. You don't have much to go off her personality yet, other than the fact she is exempt from class if she has 'an experiment' to watch over.
  223. >Special snowflake detector, rising.
  224. "H-hi, I'm Anon. Didn't you come from some fancy school before here?"
  225. >"Yes, but I found Canterlot High had some... unique experiences I couldn't get at Crystal Prep."
  226. >Sunset chimes in.
  227. >"You see, Anon, Twilight transferred here because no one at her school wanted friends, they only wanted to better themselves."
  228. >Sounds like a perfectly good learning environment to you. Twilight wanted to finish her explanation.
  229. >"After the Friendship Games, I learned how good friends Sunset and the girls are, and how kind they were to me, a stranger from a rival school."
  230. >Friendship Games? More school function crap. You skipped out of all of that whenever you could.
  231. "So... now you're here and you're making friends?"
  232. >"Exactly."
  233. "That's nice."
  234. >You should eat, your soup is getting cold and looking more grey by the second.
  235. >The 3 of you shared an awkward silence while you ate, but they kept throwing glances at you while eating.
  236. >Were you supposed to have a different response to that story? So what? You transferred to be with friends. I doesn't mean you were just going to follow them like a puppy after 'coming to my senses'.
  237. >They aren't very subtle, are they?
  238. >Sunset suddenly stood up with her bag and tray of food.
  239. >"Oh, I just remembered I had to do something important for Vice-Principal Luna. See you two later!"
  240. >She put a hand on Twilight's shoulder and they looked at each other before she left.
  241. >Now it's just you and the nerd. You like nerds, they keep quiet and alone.
  242. >"So Anon, what do you like to do for fun?"
  243. >Ok, MOST nerds.
  244. "I dunno. I chat on websites and play video games, I guess."
  245. >"So you have lots of online friends to talk to and play games with?"
  246. "No, not really. Most online games I play are the automatic matchmaker type, and the boards I post to are Anonymous."
  247. >"Oh... well, I guess that fits your name!"
  248. >Like you hadn't heard that one before... wait, you hadn't. You smile, maybe she understands who you are.
  249. >"Maybe us and the girls can play some games online when we're not hanging out together."
  250. >Guess not.
  251. ---
  252. >After some idle chat and finishing your food, the students begin to file out of the cafeteria, with you doing the same.
  253. >Twilight said she wants to talk more when we hang out with the other 6 next time, then ran off. Likely some beakers or test tubes to check on.
  254. >As you walked back to class, you thought you saw something down a darker hallway. It quickly ran away, but you couldn't tell who or what it was.
  255. >This school is strange.
  256. ---
  257. >Be Twilight (born human).
  258. >Shortly before Anon shows up at lunch.
  259. >You received a call early this morning that Sunset needed your help with something and to meet her at the usual lunch table.
  260. >And that's exactly what you did, but something was off. Only sunset had shown up.
  261. "What's going on, Sunset? Where are the girls?"
  262. >"Oh, right. I asked them to eat outside for lunch, I need you alone to help me with something."
  263. "Is this a friendship thing, or a magic thing, or a friendship magic thing?"
  264. >"Friendship, no magic. There's this guy named Anon, he's been alone with no friends for so long. We've been trying to help him, but I think he needs someone to relate to come out of his shell."
  265. "You want me to be that person?"
  266. >"Yes, you have first hand experience being without friends, as well as overcoming that. I think it would be beneficial if Anon met you personally."
  267. "U-um alright, if it means helping someone who was like me before... THAT happened."
  268. >"He'll be here any second now, be rea-Oh, hi Anon! I was just mentioning you..."
  269. ---
  270. >Be Anon.
  271. >The bell rings, signaling the end of the school day, as well as the school week. Not as bad as usual, but that encounter at lunch was a bit strange.
  272. >Exiting through the schools front doors, you see now 7 girls, waiting by the statue.
  273. >Well, let's get this over with.
  274. "H-hello again."
  275. >"Oh, hello Anonymous. I'm terribly sorry for us leaving you 3 alone at lunch." Rarity said.
  276. "I-it's fine. Are you girls planning anything today?"
  277. >"Actually Anon, we are each busy tonight, and our schedules don't meet up until Monday."
  278. >So I'm free? They're just letting me go? YES.
  279. "That's fine, I have plenty of things to keep me busy for the weekend."
  280. >Or forever.
  281. "Thanks for giving me the heads up. I guess I'll see you all on Monda-"
  282. >"WAIT!"
  283. >About to walk away, you turn back around to face them.
  284. >Pinkie is pointing at her phone enthusiastically.
  285. >"We all need to exchange info, Anon! We might free up some time during the weekend, if we're lucky."
  286. >Lucky me.
  287. "Alright, what info do you need, cell phone?"
  288. ---
  289. >After giving the girls your cell phone, home phone, address, instant messaging username, as well as getting measured by Rarity, you headed home.
  290. >Even when you're told you're off the hook, there's always something.
  291. >Once again, your house is dark. Again, you opt to head straight for your bedroom.
  292. >Pressing the power button to your PC, you sit at your desk.
  293. >NOW you were home.
  294. >You log in, then open the various usual applications and web pages you frequent. You've been jumping between boards lately, nothing catching your attention.
  295. >*Bleep*
  296. >1 new message from: 3Id PnVW
  297. >It simply read 'Hey.'
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