
Hes her boyfriend

Dec 8th, 2017
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  1. DGNightwing: -Json drove his car over to Persephones place to hang out with her, he drove through the gate and up the long drive way. Making himself to find a parking spot easily. He got out of his car and pulled out his phone to text Persephone to let her know he was here, he walke dup to the door and waited patiently
  2. Tsaaq: She looked around as she came downstairs to make sure nobody was around. Everyone was already in bed so she could expect company. She walked towards the door once she receieved Jason's text and opened it quietly. "Come on!" She called him before looking around. She'd went to shut off the lights in the hallway once he was inside.
  3. DGNightwing: -He walked in and followed her up to her room, when they walked in he kicked off his shoes and sat down on her bed smiling and speaking quietly- Hey, is everyone sleeping?
  4. Tsaaq: "Yes." Persephone answered as she closed her door and locked it. "You're getting comfy." She snickered as she looked him over.
  5. DGNightwing: Well i figured id take my shoes off so they couldnt hear my steps- he smirked- Are you complaining
  6. Tsaaq: She rolled her eyes. "No." She answered as she put her hands on her hips as she stared at him. "My bed is comfortable and has the finest silk and cottom." She smiled. "I want people to enjoy it. "Sooooo, what do you want to do?"
  7. DGNightwing: Well how many people do you plan on having in your bed? - he smirked and looked at her- I dont know. I figured if i came over, you would figure that out.
  8. Tsaaq: "You're the only boy I've let stay in my bed." Persephone told him and began to smirk as she sat down beside him. "We could..." She trailed off. "You can watch me change in and out of outfits and you can give me compliments?" She smirked. "Or we can..." Persephone paused while thinking.
  9. DGNightwing: - He noded- I like that. - he raised a brow- We could what? Finish what you were gonna say- h chuckled- Im fine with giving you compliments. I do that anyway
  10. Tsaaq: She smirked at him. "I could give you a hand job or something. But then I remembered. You're nice and you don't want me to give you hand jobs. So it's okay." Persephone waved her hand at him. "Now, about those compliments."
  11. DGNightwing: Wel...- he looked at her- I actually like I wont really get upset by anything if it happened- he scratched the back of his head-
  12. Tsaaq: Her eyebrows rose as she turned to him. "So you do want a hand job?" She asked him quietly.
  13. DGNightwing: Uhh...-he shrugged and looked around the room- If you want?
  14. Tsaaq: Persephone began to purse her lips. "Well it's not that I want to. I don't know if I want to! I've never even had real coitous before. Besides anal anyways." She shrugged
  15. DGNightwing: Well then we dont have to...If you asked me to take your virginity. I would. I like you and what not- he nodded- But only if you want to. You dont have to do anythin to me. I dont mind jut sitting here gorgeous
  16. Tsaaq: She stared at him a moment then lowered her head. "I always thought I'd lose my virginity to my husband." She shrugged. "Maybe I'm waiting around for nothing?" She sighed.
  17. DGNightwing: well, I cant really say anything. Its really your choice. But there are alot of dumb guys out there who would use you- he shrugged-
  18. Tsaaq: "Exactly! That's why I decided that I would never sleep with any of them!" Persephone began to explain. "But a lot of guys don't like it. So I don't get very far..." She trailed off. "This is making me sad and when I get sad I get hungry."
  19. DGNightwing: Well maybe you should date a guy...make him wait, and then do it? after a while?- he raised a brow
  20. Tsaaq: "Is that what you want to do?" Persephone asked as she went to lay on the bed, putting her hand on her waist as she looked at him.
  21. DGNightwing: I dont mind- he shrugged- But at the same itme, I dont think hand jobs, fingering or oral or anything is really that bad if im honest. Rather innocent if im honest.Everything that you do is your choice. You have to be the one to make them
  22. Tsaaq: Persephone's eyebrows rose up her forehead. "I've never let a guy um... Finger or oral me. Unless it's my butt. So I guess.... We can do those things." She said as she went to get on her hands and knees. "Does this mean you're my boyfriend now?" She grinned.
  23. DGNightwing: - he smirked- Well yea, I gues it does. But dont think you NEED to do those things, Im okay with it really.
  24. Tsaaq: "Does it feel good?" Persephone asked him with her head tilted. "Oh my gosh! I have a new boyfriend. This is awesome!" She cheered as she went to pull down her dress. "You can touch my breast over my bra if you like." She carefully tosed her hair over her shoulder so he could better see her bra.
  25. DGNightwing: When a woman pleasures me? Yes. I think so. A little too good to be honest- he chuckles lisening to her, he then shook his head- ITs fine...I will whenever the time is right. Trust me
  26. Tsaaq: "You don't want to touch my breast yet?" Persephone asked as she pulled her dress up once more and stared at him.
  27. DGNightwing: I mean I do- he looked at her- But i dont wanna touch them for no reason- he chuckled- Just relax. It will be fine
  28. Tsaaq: Persephone tilted her head with a confused look. "I thought everything men do for sex was basically for nothing or whatever?" She asked him quietly.
  29. DGNightwing: Not all men- he looked at her- I swear you fucked with some pretty shitty guys
  30. Tsaaq: "Lay down with me?" She asked as she kicked off her heels and laid on her side while looking up at him. "I have I guess. I don't really know a lot about them either." Persephone admitted.
  31. DGNightwing: - he crawls up in the bed and lays down, wrapping his arms around her- Start talking to guys you actually like
  32. Tsaaq: She rolled her eyes. "I'm talking to you aren't I?" She said with a laugh as she smirked.
  33. DGNightwing: -he smirked and chuckled- Yea, and hopefully youre happy for aw hile.
  34. Tsaaq: "Awwww. I am." She smiled and went to kiss his cheek.
  35. DGNightwing: - She smiled when she kissed his cheek. he remembered last night and looked at her- What did you wanna do for me? You wouldnt tell me.
  36. Tsaaq: "Oh." She whispered. "It was stupid. Nevermind. It's okay." Persephone said. "I was going to let you do stuff but since you don't want to I don't have to. Plus you're my boyfriend now." She smiled.
  37. DGNightwing: No...tell me- he chuckled and then listened- Well, like what? I might be able to...
  38. Tsaaq: Persephone looked away. "I mean, I've never really done it all the way before anyways. I was just gonna give you oral sex..." She trailed off. "It's fine. Laying here feels just as nice I bet?"
  39. DGNightwing: It all feels nice. A part of me wants you to do it, bbut a part of me is okay with you not doing it. I just want you to do it cause you want. not cause you feel like you have to- he shrugged-
  40. Tsaaq: "Well I thought I had to." She pouted. "I thought it would make you like me more. That and buying stuff for you. But none of that is working."
  41. DGNightwing: I lik eyou how you are. Youve been helping me and i appriciate that- he nodded-
  42. Tsaaq: She scooted closer to him and pressed her lips on his. "Thats why I like you so much I guess."
  43. DGNightwing: -he smiled, pressing his lip back, kissing her gently- Well I really appriciate it.
  44. Tsaaq: "You can spend the night again if you like? Then you can meet my cousin... And my brother and stuff in the morning?" She offered.
  45. DGNightwing: Yea im down- he smiled, getting out of his cllothes laying down- I like waking up to you
  46. Tsaaq: Persephone gasped and laid her head agaisnt hime. "Oh my gosh. You're my favorite boyfriend so far!" She cheered.
  47. Tsaaq: ((I would keep going but im tired lmao.))
  48. DGNightwing: (its all good xD we can rp another day)
  49. Tsaaq: ((Swwweeeeet.)
  50. Tsaaq: ((NIiiight!))
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