
2019-08-07 Core: imaginary eating

Aug 7th, 2019
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  1. Greg Malivuk
  3. - notes from all classes
  4. ---
  5. Homework: p. 163 practice 1 (You can start in class.)
  6. Check your answers with your partner.
  7. 1 shouldn’t
  8. 2 must / have to
  9. 3 aren’t allowed to / can’t/cannot / may not
  10. 4 must not / can’t
  11. 5 don’t have to
  12. 6 should / ought to
  13. 7 may / can / are allowed to
  14. 8 must / have to
  15. ---
  16. “homework” for tomorrow: bring something to donate to the bake sale
  17. ---
  18. p. 72 part 1 - Discuss the statements with your partner. Do you agree or disagree?
  19. runner-up = person in second place
  21. ---
  22. Close your eyes and imagine eating something.
  23. Tell your partner what you imagined eating and how it tasted.
  24. Did imagining eating this food make you want it more or less?
  25. ---
  26. Read “Imaginary Eating”
  27. ---
  28. - National Geographic article about this research
  29. - Science magazine article about the research (if you register for free you can see the article)
  30. ---
  31. part 3 - Listen to the conversation about the article. Is each statement true or false?
  32. “I’m going to buy some chocolate just in case.”
  33. What words does Jack use to describe the idea?
  34. - “nonsense” and “garbage”
  35. ---
  36. part 4 - Listen again and choose the correct ending for each sentence.
  37. 1 I’ll believe it when I see it.
  38. 2 If you don’t train your mind, you won’t be able to lose weight.
  39. 3 I won’t find out unless I try.
  40. 4 When I want to eat a snack, I’ll try just imagining it.
  41. 5 I’ll never have to buy chocolate again if this technique works.
  42. 6 As soon as it starts working, I’ll let you know.
  43. ---
  44. What do you notice about commas in these sentences?
  45. - Use a comma when the dependent clause is first, not when it’s second.
  46. What about tenses?
  47. - Use present in the dependent clause and future in the independent clause.
  48. ---
  49. Grammar: first conditional = future real conditional
  50. if + [present], [future].
  51. (Most books say “simple present” and only use “will”, but any present or future forms can work.)
  52. “If it’s raining when class finishes, I’m going straight home.”
  53. ---
  54. p. 73 part 7 - complete the sentences with the correct verb forms
  55. 1 believe, will be
  56. 2 will need, want
  57. 3 don’t buy, won’t be able
  58. 4 find, will you let
  59. 5 go, will check
  60. 6 will give up, do
  61. 7 don’t try, will never know
  62. 8 will you do, doesn’t work
  63. ---
  64. if you give it up = if you stop doing that specific thing
  65. if you give up = if you just stop caring or trying
  66. ---
  67. Vocabulary: healthy lifestyle
  68. part 9 - Make first conditional sentences about health using these verbs and nouns.
  69. ex: “If you give up junk food, you will become healthier.”
  70. - Remember, all future forms are okay, including uncertain sentences with “may” or “might”.
  71. ---
  72. If you avoid fatty food, you’ll be more healthy.
  73. If you change your bad habits, you will be a good person.
  74. If you cut down on smoking, you might become a little healthier, but really you should quit.
  75. If you cut out junk food, you’ll feel better.
  76. ---
  77. fatty food = food that has (a lot of) fat (n) in it
  78. fattening food = food that can make you fat (adj)
  79. ---
  80. BREAK
  81. ---
  82. cut out = remove from “in” something
  83. cut off = remove from “on” something
  84. cut up = cut completely into small pieces
  86. take up = begin studying or practicing (especially as a hobby)
  87. ---
  88. - One of you is a teenager who recently got a driver’s license. You want to borrow a car from your sibling or parents (the other people in your group). Use first conditional statements to negotiate to try to borrow the car.
  89. ---
  90. Remember:
  91. The teenager will borrow the car.
  92. The parent will lend the car to the teenager.
  93. borrow = take temporarily
  94. lend = give temporarily
  95. ---
  96. - The person who borrowed the car is now a teacher. The other two are students who the teacher caught cheating on a test. The students have to convince the teacher not to tell their parents.
  97. ---
  98. Grammar: the form of first conditional can be used for other conjunctions besides “if”
  99. ---
  100. I’ll make dinner if you get hungry. = You may or may not get hungry. If you do, I’ll make dinner.
  101. I’ll make dinner when you get hungry. = I’m sure you will get hungry. At that time, I’ll make dinner.
  102. I’ll travel if I win the lottery. / I’ll travel when I win the lottery.
  104. I’ll call you when I get home. = I’ll take my shoes off and put down my bag first, maybe use the restroom.
  105. (It will be soon after I get home, but not immediately.)
  106. I’ll call you as soon as I get home. = My first action, immediately, will be to call you.
  107. (I’ll call you after I get home. = I’ll call you sometime later, but it’s not a priority.)
  109. You will fail the test unless you study. = You will fail the test if you don’t study.
  110. (We ofen use “unless” to say how you can change the probable result.)
  112. You’ll keep failing unless you start to study. = If you start to study, you’ll stop failing.
  113. You’ll keep failing until you start to study. = When you start to study, you’ll stop failing.
  115. My dad was a teacher before I was born. = He started before I was born. Maybe he also finished before I was born or maybe he’s still teaching.
  116. My dad was a teacher until I was born. = He stopped teaching when I was born.
  117. I won’t wake up before 7am. = I might wake up at 7 or at 7:30, but definitely not earlier than 7.
  118. I won’t wake up until 7am. = I will wake up at 7.
  119. ---
  120. General rule: we do not use future forms in time clauses or conditional clauses
  121. ---
  122. part 8 - Which options make sense in each sentence? (Sometimes both are correct.)
  123. 1 unless
  124. 2 (both are okay)
  125. 3 (both are okay - you can weigh yourself any time you want)
  126. 4 until
  127. 5 unless
  128. 6 If
  129. 7 (both are okay - it depends on my confidence that you’ll be ready)
  130. 8 (both are okay)
  131. ---
  132. - There are many pairs of words where a -t or -th makes a verb into a noun:
  133. verb / noun
  134. weigh / weight
  135. give / gift
  136. heal / health
  137. steal / stealth
  138. bear / birth
  139. - There are other pairs where the form without the -t or -th is an adjective:
  140. adjective / noun
  141. high / height
  142. long / length
  143. wide / width
  144. ---
  145. How much caffeine do you eat or drink?
  146. tea, coffee, colas, energy drinks, energy bars, chocolate, guarana, medications
  147. Should you cut down on it?
  148. “I can quit any time I want.”
  149. ---
  150. p. 75 - Read the article about “A Caffeine-fueled World”
  151. - Make a list of new words you need to look up.
  152. ---
  153. Homework: p. 74 parts 3, 4, 5 and bring food to donate to the bake sale
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