
Zinc Hard Before Answering

May 2nd, 2012
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  1. >You've been thinking about going into the fluffy pony extermination business, there are a lot of ponies moving in lately.
  2. >They've been destroying yards and getting into houses.
  3. >But you don't have a taste for pure violence, and it makes the herds shit everywhere while scattering.
  4. >Not good for suburban clientèle.
  5. >You've heard that fluffy ponies tend to have elevated levels of hydrochloric acid in their stomach.
  6. >Ostensibly it is to help them digest grasses and other roughage.
  7. >Their tiny bodies may not have been designed with as much room for the extended cecum, or 'hindgut', of a standard horse.
  8. >And they definitely wouldn't sell as well as pets if the foals tried to eat their dam's shit to absorb bacteria.
  9. >It also goes partway toward explaining why they seem to crave high-starch food like pasta.
  10. >This has given rise to an unusual extermination method used by forest rangers and other professionals.
  11. >The ponies are fed small tablets of zinc, hidden within a treat.
  12. >The zinc reacts with the HCl within their stomachs, producing zinc chloride and hydrogen gas.
  13. >The ratio is two parts HCl to one part zinc, so even a little zinc leads to a bloated and complaining pony, if not an exploded stomach.
  14. >However, the price of zinc is hovering around a dollar per pound.
  15. >You decide it's time for a bit of SCIENCE to determine exactly how much zinc makes for a satisfactory kill rate, say 95%.
  17. >A couple days later, your zinc arrives.
  18. >Now, ponies.
  19. >Luckily, people have been complaining about a herd of strays at a park near you, tearing up grass and ganging up on small wildlife.
  20. >Like squirrels and ducks, mostly.
  21. >You inveigle the ponies to abandon the park and come home with you using nothing more than your native wit and an open can of Beefaroni.
  22. >"New fwiend give sketties!" and "Yay, new fwiend!" they shout.
  23. >The ducks will certainly appreciate you luring the ponies off.
  24. >Though they could have done it with their own native wits, but for a lack of Beefaroni and can openers.
  25. >The herd is twelve ponies strong, if strong is the right word for a fluffy herd.
  26. >Two of the mares are in advanced stages of pregnancy, being rolled along by a single attendant each.
  27. >You've read that it's difficult to kill the heavily pregnant mares with zinc since their body has less HCl in the event of an accident during birth.
  28. >You're going to give it a sporting try, though.
  30. >You let the ponies into your backyard, where you've rigged up four makeshift, roofless pens out of chicken wire.
  31. >Most of the ponies either back away warily or start wailing when they see the wire cages.
  32. >Until you slop portions of Beefaroni into the first three cages.
  33. >The fluffies crowd into the cages, pushing each other and gouging bits of bloody fluff out on the wire edges.
  34. >You drop a wooden plank over the entrances of the cages, sealing the fluffies in.
  35. >Then you pick up the now-unattended pregnant dams and deposit them into the fourth cage, manfully resisting the urge to slam dunk.
  36. >A muddy green unicorn comes to the front of the second cage and addresses you, puffing its cheeks.
  37. >"Wet fwuffies out! You no fwiend! Wet out ow smawty fwiend give owchies!"
  38. >Adorable.
  39. >You ignore it for now and head back inside to portion out some zinc.
  41. >You estimate, based on diagrams you've seen online, that a full fluffy pony stomach is about the size of a soda can.
  42. >So they probably secrete about 300mL of gastric juice per meal.
  43. >If the pH level of their stomach acid is around 0.5, it likely contains at most 200mL of HCl in their digestive fluid.
  44. >Shit nigger, that's still a lot of acid.
  45. >Since the reaction puts as much hydrogen gas out as zinc is put in portion-wise, the high kinetic energy of the gas is what actually causes the stomach to rupture.
  46. >Doesn't hydrogen gas expand from liquid form at a rate of over 800 times?.
  47. >After all, it doesn't take anything close to 200mL of zinc to kill one pony.
  48. >Uhhh... all this math is making your GED brain hurt.
  49. >Fuck it, trial and error.
  50. >Small portions at first.
  51. >After all, you're trying to determine the bare minimum necessary here.
  52. >Using a file, you start to scrape off zinc onto a scale.
  54. >Having apportioned the zinc and tucked it into some candybars you had left over from Easter, you return to the yard with a notepad.
  55. >Most ponies are eating grass and talking, though some are trying to hug each other through the wires.
  56. >The chattering ponies all get quiet when you approach.
  57. >The green unicorn comes forward again with another demand.
  58. >"Wet fwuffies go or smawty fwiend give ouchies! No scawed of big meanie!"
  59. >You pick him up and look him in the face.
  60. >"Buddy, you've got the wrong idea. I'm your bro. Here, I brought you treats!"
  61. >The green unicorn looks at you dazedly and replies, "Huh... wha? Buddy? You give foodies fow fwuffy?"
  62. >You set him down in the cage and hand-feed him a piece of a Snickers.
  63. >It's the piece you put the least zinc in.
  64. >He licks it gingerly to check the taste, then gobbles it from your hand.
  65. >"Dis good! Give mow!"
  66. >"Not yet, buddy."
  67. >"Big meanie give mow foodies to Buddy! Give!"
  68. >Hah, he thinks his name is Buddy.
  69. >He puffs out his cheeks and stamps his soft hooves, but when he opens his mouth to issue another demand, he stops.
  70. >"Tummy feew wawm and fuww... tummy huwt!"
  71. >The other fluffies in cage two crowd around him anxiously.
  72. >"Smawty huwt? Smawty fwiend need hugs?" they say as they start to hug him.
  73. >One is squeezing around his midsection...
  75. >"Uuuu! Buddy tummy huwt mow! Need make poopies!" the unicorn cries.
  76. >Before the ponies hugging him can let go, the unicorn lets off several small farts as he voids his bowels onto one of them.
  77. >The pony starts whining, "Smawty fwiend no make poopies on fwuffy! Smawty mean!"
  78. >Buddy just responds with an "Uuuu... tummy stiww hot and huwty... mow poopies!"
  79. >Looks like the zinc is still reacting.
  80. >He shrieks as an acidic load of undigested grass and Beefaroni from his stomach and small intestine is pushed out with leaking, bubbling sounds.
  81. >Finally empty of shit, he slumps down as the gas continues to escape from him in the form of periodic flatulence.
  82. >'Snickers', indeed.
  83. >So with just a little zinc, it's possible to force out the contents of a pony's alimentary tract before it can digest them.
  84. >Meaning it can be an effective way to expel poisons if the pony is caught right after eating them.
  85. >You write down the amount for future reference.
  86. >Lavoisier would be proud.
  88. >Progress marches on, though.
  89. >It's time to refocus on your original goal.
  90. >You pick up the untested pony from cage two that's not covered in shit.
  91. >You elect to skip one tier and feed him a candy bar with twice as much zinc as the one you gave Buddy.
  92. >That said, it still only amounts to less than a gram.
  93. >The hungry pony eagerly accepts it once he smells the sweet chocolate.
  94. >You set him back down in cage two.
  95. >It doesn't take long until he's visibly swollen and complaining loudly of "tummy owchies".
  96. >The other ponies crowd him or clamber on the wire fences again.
  97. >The pony's remark is shortly followed by the loudest fart you've ever heard, like a car backfiring, as the gas escapes suddenly.
  98. >All the ponies start crying "Big noise!" and "Scawy!"
  99. >One pony that was clinging to the wire, however, is screaming in pain.
  100. >As you walk over to look at him, you notice that where one eye should be there's a fibrous brownish-green lump oozing white fluid.
  101. >God damn, that pony just shat a grassy pellet with enough force to rupture this one's eyeball.
  103. >Welp, it's not like you were trying to keep them alive and whole.
  104. >Starting with the poo-cyclops, you begin force-feeding the rest of the ponies with increasing doses of zinc.
  105. >Over a gram by mass now.
  106. >One by one, they start to swell up and whine.
  107. >"Tummy hot!" "Why poopies no come?" "Pwease hewp fwuffy!"
  108. >Poo-cyclops himself seems to balloon and stay there, immobile like a pregnant dam.
  109. >You guess that his sphincters are just barely holding on and his body instinctively won't release them to prevent an explosive escape.
  110. >He had the level one above the projectile shitter; you mark it as "useless unless a beach ball is needed".
  111. >The others aren't as lucky.
  112. >The whine becomes a keening wail in some of the ponies as the pain in their stomachs becomes acute.
  113. >The highest candy-tier pops first, as his stomach splits completely open and the gas, along with his internal organs, escapes his body.
  114. >The ones between him and Poo-cyclops start emitting muffled pops as the gas tears open their stomachs but leaves the body cavity intact.
  115. >They begin burping and shitting bloody pre-digested food as the sphincters at both ends of the stomach release.
  116. >This is... messy as fuck.
  117. >Still not good for suburban clientèle.
  119. >Wait, Poo-Cyclops has stopped flailing and whining.
  120. >He's actually... gasping and turning... bluish?
  121. >The hyperinflated stomach must be cutting off his respiration.
  122. >As you watch, he passes out.
  123. >After a few more minutes you approach, hopeful that a bloodless kill might still be forthcoming.
  124. >As you do, he gives one last shiver and a load of bloody stool bursts out of his bottom and splatters against the fence behind him.
  125. >Looks like his anal sphincter loosened slightly when he died of asphyxiation, and the force of the escaping gas pulped his intestines.
  126. >You cross out the beach ball note.
  127. >So the only thing you've discovered is how to make them violently explode into clouds of gore.
  128. >Well, that and a practical medical application that can be used to save pony lives.
  129. >But who gives a shit about that?.
  130. >Hah, 'gives a shit'.
  131. >You're so funny.
  133. >Now, what to do with these dams?
  134. >They got the biggest doses and still display nothing more than some whimpering.
  135. >"Why fwiends sweepin'?" "Why boo-boo juice?"
  136. >Buddy and the crap-cannon are still alive as well, though too tired to move.
  137. >Ehhhhh... failed experiments depress you.
  138. >You turn your back on them and head inside.
  139. >Of course, even a step backwards is progress, from a scientific sense.
  140. >You decide to keep them in the cages.
  141. >After all, those dams are going to make you a new test group any day now!
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