

May 16th, 2017
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  1. Uraniidae is a psychosomatic illusionist. She is a very kind and caring person, especially for a supervillain, and got along very well with everyone else in the Dire Company. Assumed a sort of mom friend role. She was an OG member, her 1st recruit is i dont fucking know, Panic was her second recruit.
  3. Panic was in a bad accident, most of their organs either failed or were in the process of failing so basically they were Fuckt. They were on life support in the hospital while they tried to find a donor but because of Panic's powers changing how their body worked (illusion manipulation but a lot weaker than they have now), it was impossible to find a transplant donor.
  4. Uraniidae found Panic (idk how dont ask) and immediately felt sympathetic for them. Using her own illusion powers, Ura made Panic organs that functioned as real organs (and technically they were). In exchange for essentially saving Panic's life, Ura had them become her new candidate for the 2nd round of recruitment. Ura had grown super attached to Panic through their tasks and considered them something akin to a sibling or her own child.
  5. Panic succeeded the trials and joined the Dire Company with Ura as their sponsor and mentor. Uraniidae realized that if anything were to happen to her, Panic could- and most likely would- die. Ura knew that her powers worked on an inheritance method so that if Panic were to kill her, they would have her powers and maintain their organs on their own.
  6. After long consideration, Ura felt that it was a justified action and proceeded to inform Panic that as their last task they would have to fight her and it would only end once one of them died. She didn't exactly go easy on them, but she definitely went into it intent on losing. Panic had considered Ura something as a mother figure so obviously they took it Very Hard and tried to talk her out of it, but eventually gave in and agreed to the battle.
  7. Panic only learned of Uraniidae's true intentions after her death and felt responsible for her death (i mean technically they fucking were). They know that their current position with the DC is Very Tense considering the circumstances surrounding their recruitment. They try to ignore it or at least act oblivious to it.
  9. fun facts
  10. - Uraniidae gave the opinions of the rest of the team little thought, mostly made the decision to give Panic her powers on her own
  11. - Panic is what happens when you wing your recruitment choices kids
  12. - Uraniidae's powers are eclectic so there's no learning curve while using them, as soon as someone inherits them they automatically know how to use them
  13. - its sad and its all my fault
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