

Nov 22nd, 2011
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  1. [22:23] == Visher [webchat@] has joined #e-sim
  2. [22:23] -Q- [#e-sim] Zawsze aktualne rozkazy znajdziesz na kanale #e-sim.mon
  3. [22:24] <Piotrekolno_> kurna mini wdupiona
  4. [22:24] <Visher> what a waste
  5. [22:24] <mikid_> TORG?
  6. [22:25] <Piotrekolno_> kurna gdzie deeP?:D
  7. [22:25] <mikid_> wbili ponad 1kk
  8. [22:25] <Visher> to sie nazywa pierdolneicie
  9. [22:25] <Visher> w stylu "dziekuje dobranoc"
  10. [22:25] <Merrer> Pytanie dlaczego TORG tam bil
  11. [22:25] == LuCzadoreQ [] has joined #e-sim
  12. [22:25] == Dzzej [] has joined #e-sim
  13. [22:25] == pietrek [webchat@] has joined #e-sim
  14. [22:25] <@ExodusS> Misiaczki z TORGu, czemu bijecie z drugiej strony tego powstania?
  15. [22:25] <Dzzej> Bo dali dofa.
  16. [22:26] <Visher> to sie nazywa najemnictwo
  17. [22:26] == Eler|afk [~ElerDruid@] has joined #e-sim
  18. [22:26] <Panczaq> a niby dlaczego nie mielibyśmy tam bić?
  19. [22:26] <Visher> oni przynajmniej potrafia dofa zorganizowac, nie to co prezio polski\
  20. [22:26] <Panczaq> ci co dają PRZYNAJMNIEJ bronie
  21. [22:26] == Eler|afk has changed nick to [Torg]ElerDruid
  22. [22:26] <Panczaq> to dostają dmg
  23. [22:26] <Piotrekolno_> ile wam dali?
  24. [22:26] == Vizimir [] has quit [Signed off]
  25. [22:27] <Visher> tyle ile treba
  26. [22:27] <Dzzej> Więcej, niż Ty chciałeś dać ;d
  27. [22:27] <Visher> trzeba*
  28. [22:27] <Piotrekolno_> ja sam organizuje dofa
  29. [22:27] == Omletti [] has joined #e-sim
  30. [22:27] <Piotrekolno_> nie stac mnie az na takie koszty ;P
  31. [22:27] <Panczaq> po 2g za 100k
  32. [22:27] <Panczaq> za 150
  33. [22:27] <Panczaq> jakoś tak wyszło
  34. [22:27] <Panczaq> bo 100 broni
  35. [22:27] <Panczaq> i 10 giftów q5
  36. [22:27] == jary22 [] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  37. [22:28] <pietrek> jeszcze tickety
  38. [22:28] <Visher> i 0.7 na pare
  39. [22:28] <Merrer> TORG mam do was pytanie
  40. [22:28] <Piotrekolno_> no to ladnie
  41. [22:28] <Piotrekolno_> tobia pieniadze
  42. [22:28] <Piotrekolno_> chociaz tyle moge im zaszkodzic :P
  43. [22:28] <Piotrekolno_> topią*
  44. [22:28] <[Torg]ElerDruid> Slucham?
  45. [22:28] <Merrer> jak sPolska bedzie odzyskiwac regiony i bedzie zajebiscie wazna walka z sLitwa
  46. [22:29] <Dzzej> Nie porównuj Polski.
  47. [22:29] <+wujeks> Piotrekolno_ a czemu dr love wam to powstanie wywołał?
  48. [22:29] <Merrer> to jezeli dostanienie lepswzego dofa od Litwinow bedziecie bili przeciwko sPolsce?
  49. [22:29] <Visher> tak
  50. [22:29] <Dzzej> Do walki między jakąś Kanadą i jakąś Bryrtanią.
  51. [22:29] <+wujeks> to jakieś wspólne ustawienia?
  52. [22:29] <IdiFix> ja nie
  53. [22:29] <+wujeks> ustalenia*
  54. [22:29] <Panczaq> zależy
  55. [22:29] <Panczaq> o ILE lepszego
  56. [22:29] <Piotrekolno_> nie wiem czemu on to wywolal
  57. [22:29] <Panczaq> jeżeli to będzie jedyny dof
  58. [22:29] <[Torg]ElerDruid> aktualnie Deepa nie ma, wiec mu steruje ja [ElerDruid] i Dzzej
  59. [22:30] <Panczaq> to obstawiam że tak
  60. [22:30] <Merrer> Dzzej: chcialem sie po prostu dowiedziec czy jestescie typowo prywatna bojowka czy cos dbacie o interesy kraju
  61. [22:30] <Dzzej> Nie mogę mówić w imieniu całego Mu.
  62. [22:30] <Panczaq> w miare możesz
  63. [22:30] <Panczaq> bo masz Q na chacie
  64. [22:30] <Panczaq> cos to znaczy
  65. [22:30] <Dzzej> "coś"
  66. [22:30] <Panczaq> co nie zmienia faktu
  67. [22:30] <Piotrekolno_> ale i tak patrzcie jak nieźle sobie radzimy
  68. [22:30] <Panczaq> że sam deep to zaproponowal
  69. [22:30] <Dzzej> Teoretycznie mogę, ale nie chcę. MU to społecznośc, gdzie każdy ma prawo głosu ;d
  70. [22:31] <Panczaq> pierdolisz
  71. [22:31] == gaw [] has joined #e-sim
  72. [22:31] <Panczaq> napewno nie w naszym
  73. [22:31] <Visher> liberóm weto
  74. [22:31] <LuCzadoreQ> no
  75. [22:31] <Dzzej> xD
  76. [22:31] <Panczaq> może w innych
  77. [22:31] <LuCzadoreQ> :d
  78. [22:31] <[Torg]ElerDruid> dobra wracac na nasz kanal ;d
  79. [22:31] <Panczaq> nie?
  80. [22:31] == gaw [] has left #e-sim []
  81. [22:31] <Panczaq> tutaj jest fajnie
  82. [22:31] <Panczaq> można by zająć
  83. [22:31] <Visher> zglaszam przeciw
  84. [22:31] <Dzzej> Przytulnie.
  85. [22:31] <Visher> zostajemy
  86. [22:31] <Piotrekolno_> taa
  87. [22:31] <Panczaq> zabieramy tutaj wszystkich
  88. [22:31] <Visher> dobra wezcie wszyscy wyjdzcie a my zrobimy sobie tutal kanal
  89. [22:31] == Koziny [] has joined #e-sim
  90. [22:31] <Visher> ; d
  91. [22:31] <Dzzej> ;d
  92. [22:31] <Koziny> ;d
  93. [22:31] <Omletti> ;d
  94. [22:32] <Panczaq> ;d
  95. [22:32] <Piotrekolno_> wypierdalac
  96. [22:32] <Omletti> trololo
  97. [22:32] <RuskaPralka> ;d
  98. [22:32] == Panczaq has changed nick to Panczaq[TORG]
  99. [22:32] <Visher> hahah
  100. [22:32] <[Torg]ElerDruid> Ludzie zachowujcie sie jakos kurwa
  101. [22:32] <Panczaq[TORG]> dokładnie
  102. [22:32] <Dzzej> EJ dobra.
  103. [22:32] <Dzzej> Wracamy.
  104. [22:32] <Tom|> Piotrekolno_ przecie my to kanadyjczyki :D
  105. [22:32] <Panczaq[TORG]> kultularnie
  106. [22:32] <Dzzej> Nie róbcie lipy.
  107. [22:32] <Panczaq[TORG]> zajmijmy kanał
  108. [22:32] <RuskaPralka> dokładnie " kurwa" :D
  109. [22:32] <Dzzej> A my Szwaby.
  110. [22:32] <Panczaq[TORG]> zróbmy głosowanie
  112. [22:32] <Visher> EJ, co wy na to
  113. [22:32] <pietrek> kraj przejmujemy
  114. [22:32] <pietrek> :D
  115. [22:32] <Visher> zeby teraz przejac
  116. [22:32] <Visher> rzad polski?
  117. [22:32] <Panczaq[TORG]> kto jest za tym by przejąć polske?
  118. [22:32] <Panczaq[TORG]> głosujemy
  119. [22:32] <Piotrekolno_> jej
  120. [22:32] <Koziny> ZA
  121. [22:33] <Panczaq[TORG]> ja jestem na tak, a nawet nie
  122. [22:33] <Omletti> no mozna w sumie
  123. [22:33] <IdiFix> ZA
  124. [22:33] <Visher> kto jest za prosze o podniesienie reki i wcisniecie przycisku
  125. [22:33] <Visher> \o/
  126. [22:33] <pietrek> o7
  127. [22:33] <Panczaq[TORG]> ja tam ostatnio miałem 3/20 całego kongresu
  128. [22:33] <Koziny> \o/
  129. [22:33] <Panczaq[TORG]> w poprzednich wyborach
  130. [22:33] <pietrek> ty panczaq to masz 3/20 calej populacji :D:D
  131. [22:33] <Panczaq[TORG]> no tak
  132. [22:33] == Omletti has changed nick to Omletti[TORG]
  133. [22:33] <pietrek> esima
  134. [22:33] <Panczaq[TORG]> ale kongres polski
  135. [22:33] <Panczaq[TORG]> to 3/20
  136. [22:33] <Panczaq[TORG]> jakbym się postarał
  137. [22:33] <Panczaq[TORG]> to 1/4 by była
  138. [22:34] <Visher> i 5/4 wezlow zajetych
  139. [22:34] <Visher> na torze
  140. [22:34] <Panczaq[TORG]> nie no
  141. [22:34] <Visher> 6/4?
  142. [22:37] <Koziny> haha
  143. [22:37] <pietrek> 5/4 kongresu xd
  144. [22:37] <Panczaq[TORG]> ogranąłem zajebisty pomysł
  145. [22:37] <Panczaq[TORG]> ale ciii
  146. [22:37] <Panczaq[TORG]> bo tutaj czujnie wypatrują
  147. [22:37] <Panczaq[TORG]> aż się zdradze
  148. [22:37] <pietrek> gucia nie ma mow smialo
  149. [22:37] == gaw [] has joined #e-sim
  150. [22:37] <LuCzadoreQ> a kiedy ma byc powstanie w pl
  151. [22:37] <LuCzadoreQ> ?
  152. [22:37] <Panczaq[TORG]> ale railman jest
  153. [22:37] == gaw has changed nick to [TORG]
  154. [22:37] <Panczaq[TORG]> a on lubi grzebać w logach
  155. [22:37] <Omletti[TORG]> trzeba litwina powiedziec zeby dofy zdarzyli przygotowac
  156. [22:37] == [TORG] has changed nick to [TORG]gawus
  157. [22:37] == Panczaq[TORG] has changed nick to [TORG]Panczaq
  158. [22:37] <[TORG]Panczaq> omletti?
  159. [22:37] <Omletti[TORG]> Panczaq?
  160. [22:37] <Tom|> w sumie to tam w dupie z torgiem :o
  161. [22:37] <pietrek> panczaq przygotuj dofa
  162. [22:37] <[TORG]Panczaq> co ja?
  163. [22:37] <[TORG]Panczaq> co w dupe z torgiem
  164. [22:37] <[TORG]Panczaq> o stary
  165. [22:37] <[TORG]Panczaq> teraz nie masz życia
  166. [22:37] <[TORG]Panczaq> niemiecka mafia cie dojade
  167. [22:37] <Tom|> gdzie nie mam? :o
  168. [22:37] <[TORG]Panczaq> dojedzie*
  169. [22:37] == [TORG]Panczaq []
  170. [22:37] == realname : ...
  171. [22:37] == channels : #torg #e-sim #e-sim.mon
  172. [22:37] == server : * [QuakeNet IRC Server]
  173. [22:37] == account : Panczaq
  174. [22:37] == End of WHOIS
  175. [22:37] <Piotrekolno_> przytkac sie a nie spamujecie piszac jakies bzdety
  176. [22:37] <[TORG]Panczaq> wszędzie
  177. [22:38] <Tom|> u niemiaszkow?
  178. [22:38] == Mehel|afk has changed nick to Mehel
  179. [22:38] <[TORG]gawus> chodzcie
  180. [22:38] <[TORG]Panczaq> dlaczego mamy nie spamowac?
  181. [22:38] <[TORG]gawus> go zaczniemy
  182. [22:38] <[TORG]gawus> slapowac
  183. [22:38] * [TORG]Panczaq slaps Tom| around a bit with a large trout
  184. [22:38] * [TORG]Panczaq slaps Tom| around a bit with a large trout
  185. [22:38] * [TORG]gawus slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  186. [22:38] * [TORG]gawus slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  187. [22:38] <Koziny> haha
  188. [22:38] * [TORG]gawus slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  189. [22:38] * [TORG]gawus slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  190. [22:38] * [TORG]gawus slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  191. [22:38] * Visher slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  192. [22:38] * [TORG]gawus slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  193. [22:38] <Tom|> spoko
  194. [22:38] * Visher slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  195. [22:38] <[TORG]Panczaq> * [TORG]Panczaq slaps Tom| around a bit with a large trout
  196. [22:38] * [TORG]gawus slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  197. [22:38] * [TORG]gawus slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  198. [22:38] * [TORG]gawus slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  199. [22:38] * Visher slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  200. [22:38] * [TORG]gawus slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  201. [22:38] * [TORG]gawus slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  202. [22:38] * Omletti[TORG] slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  203. [22:38] * Visher slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  204. [22:38] * [TORG]gawus slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  205. [22:38] <[TORG]Panczaq> oups
  206. [22:38] * Omletti[TORG] slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  207. [22:38] * [TORG]gawus slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  208. [22:38] <Tom|> i tak nie mam glosnikow wlaczonych
  209. [22:38] * Omletti[TORG] slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  210. [22:38] * Omletti[TORG] slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  211. [22:38] * [TORG]gawus slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  212. [22:38] * Omletti[TORG] slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  213. [22:38] * Koziny slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  214. [22:38] * [TORG]gawus slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  215. [22:38] * Visher slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  216. [22:38] * Koziny slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  217. [22:38] * [TORG]gawus slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  218. [22:38] * Visher slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  219. [22:38] * Omletti[TORG] slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  220. [22:38] * [TORG]gawus slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  221. [22:38] * [TORG]Panczaq slaps Tom| around a bit with a large trout
  222. [22:38] * Visher slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  223. [22:38] * [TORG]gawus slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  224. [22:38] * [TORG]Panczaq slaps Tom| around a bit with a large trout
  225. [22:38] * Omletti[TORG] slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  226. [22:38] * [TORG]Panczaq slaps Tom| around a bit with a large trout
  227. [22:38] * Omletti[TORG] slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  228. [22:38] * [TORG]gawus slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  229. [22:38] * [TORG]Panczaq slaps Tom| around a bit with a large trout
  230. [22:38] * [TORG]Panczaq slaps Tom| around a bit with a large trout
  231. [22:38] * Omletti[TORG] slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  232. [22:38] <[Torg]ElerDruid> Ogarnijcie sie....
  233. [22:38] <Visher> trolling hard
  234. [22:38] * [TORG]Panczaq slaps Tom| around a bit with a large trout
  235. [22:38] * [TORG]Panczaq slaps Tom| around a bit with a large trout
  236. [22:38] * Omletti[TORG] slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  237. [22:38] * [TORG]gawus slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  238. [22:38] * [TORG]Panczaq slaps Tom| around a bit with a large trout
  239. [22:38] * [TORG]gawus slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  240. [22:38] * Omletti[TORG] slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  241. [22:38] * [TORG]Panczaq slaps Tom| around a bit with a large trout
  242. [22:38] * Omletti[TORG] slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  243. [22:38] * Visher slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  244. [22:38] * [TORG]Panczaq slaps Tom| around a bit with a large trout
  245. [22:38] * [TORG]gawus slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  246. [22:38] <LuCzadoreQ> ogarnijcie sie
  247. [22:38] * [TORG]Panczaq slaps Tom| around a bit with a large trout
  248. [22:38] <LuCzadoreQ> :X
  249. [22:38] * [TORG]gawus slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  250. [22:38] * [TORG]Panczaq slaps Tom| around a bit with a large trout
  251. [22:38] * [TORG]gawus slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  252. [22:38] * [TORG]Panczaq slaps Tom| around a bit with a large trout
  253. [22:38] * [TORG]gawus slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  254. [22:38] * [TORG]gawus slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  255. [22:38] * [TORG]Panczaq slaps Tom| around a bit with a large trout
  256. [22:39] <[TORG]gawus> :D
  257. [22:39] <Koziny> hahahahha przestancie
  258. [22:39] * [TORG]Panczaq slaps Tom| around a bit with a large trout
  259. [22:39] * [TORG]Panczaq slaps Tom| around a bit with a large trout
  260. [22:39] * [TORG]Panczaq slaps Tom| around a bit with a large trout
  261. [22:39] <Tom|> spoko ;]
  262. [22:39] <Piotrekolno_> CO ZA JE*BANE DZIECI
  263. [22:39] <Visher> hold your fire
  264. [22:39] <Omletti[TORG]> :P
  265. [22:39] * [TORG]Panczaq slaps Tom| around a bit with a large trout
  266. [22:39] * [TORG]Panczaq slaps Tom| around a bit with a large trout
  267. [22:39] <[TORG]Panczaq> pokażmy siłe torg family!
  268. [22:39] * Omletti[TORG] slaps Tom| around a bit with a large fishbot
  269. [22:39] <Visher> HOLD YOUR FIRE
  270. [22:39] <Tom|> i tak nie mam wlaczonych glosnikow
  271. [22:39] <[TORG]Panczaq> pokażmy siłe torg family!
  272. [22:39] * [TORG]Panczaq slaps Tom| around a bit with a large trout
  273. [22:39] <Dzzej> Ja stąd wychodzę, nie będę sobie lipy robił.
  274. [22:39] <[TORG]gawus> torg
  275. [22:39] <[TORG]gawus> pojeby :D
  276. [22:39] <Tom|> a poczekamy az exo ogarnie chat :o
  277. [22:39] <[TORG]gawus> cze xD
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