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Apr 2nd, 2016
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  1. I'm going back to halfchan.
  3. I know that's used as an insult al a "back to reddit" because we masturbate on feeling superior to those cuckchaners (wow, attaching "cuck" to a preexisting word, tell me how we're better than /intl/ and it's "rulecuck" again?), but this place is unbearable. The two reasons why I left, gamergate and free speech, are both null anyway. Gamergate is a playground for underage redditors and free speech only brings Kennedi check em spam and unbearable repetitive obnoxiousness anyway. I want an actual place for discussion in which more than 3 people communicate and actual fun, noteworthy events to pop up once in a while. I want a place where "anon" means something, where an actual diverse cast of different viewpoints and ideologies can communicate anonymously and things don't devolve into furious reddit-style circlejerking after a few posts (hence the replies to this very thread). Oh, and the high density of redditors is another reason too. Looking back, I wonder why the fuck I didn't leave immediately when copypaste started advertising on reddit. Who in their right minds would be that fucking stupid? Even luggage lad didn't engage in such degeneracy. And the fucking post errors are ridiculous. I know edge lords are going to spout "hhahaha LOL good riddance u cuckchanner!!11 And stay there xdddd!!!11!", but I'm only in pursuit of a fucking working site in which you can actually post shit.
  4. What bothers me the most is that this place had potential. It could've been so much more. We could've had thriving little active communities all the way down the board list, with useful stickies and information dumps and posts everywhere you looked. We could've been the go-to site for everybody's obscure hobbies, except less autistic than reddit turned out to be. Imagine if we had a userbase the size of reddit, but not consisting of the same autists as reddit like we do now. Creatable boards on an IB site seems like such a fun concept, yet copypaste and the cancerous elitism of the userbase blew it. You fucking fags, you made it all go to waste. Of course, that's not to say it's entirely your fault. Some blame has to be put on the godawful administration and moderation of this site, too. Copypaste and Jim straight up don't know how to run a site. They can't make a fucking functioning system without spilling all it's shit every 2 minutes. They, despite knowing making a platform dedicated to free speech would put them under attack, failed to take any measures and fell susceptible to ddos after techincal attack after moderation infiltration. And they hired josh. When the userbase was actually at it's strongest in terms of numbers, although the post quality had dipped since the exodus, they took the jump to Next and didn't complete it, losing a shitton of their users on the way. And in doing so they let /intl/, who seem to be actually competent in terms of sustaining a culture and memes, attack us at or weakest, and in doing so they lost even more users.
  5. 8chan isn't going to be a story of warriors that overcame the corrupt 4chan like all that patriotic OC from exodus-era /v/ played it up to be. It's going to be a story of what not to do, and either /pol/ is going to consume the rest of the site and we become nothing more than's secondary base with remnants of IB culture thrown in, or our consistent streak of losing users and being insufferable pieces of shit that no one would deliberately go to a site and talk to catches up to us and the entire thing wanes off and dies.
  7. Enjoy, fags. Enjoy being ever so confident in telling me to leave because I'm a dirty halfchanner. Enjoy riding this sinking ship and not realizing you were on the wrong side until your corpse is already drenched. Enjoy continuously siding with the cripple and the jew, despite their repeated fuck ups. Enjoy being so obsessed about "OC" despite not having one drop of talent in all of the userbase. Enjoy 2 active boards, one slowly being choked to death by it's own spam, and hundreds of inactive dead ones. Fucking enjoy it all.
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