
The Manga Destroyer/Obnoxious Furry

Dec 20th, 2011
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  1. I know my story isn’t half as bad as these other ones. After all, the couple I was involved with don’t seem half as bad.
  3. The first weaboo I encountered was in my Sophmore year of high school. I was in acting class and reading my library’s copy of Kamichama Karin vol.2. After all, I arrived early and had nothing better to do. This girl approaches me and starts talking to me about anime. So I was nice back and we had an open discussion. It turned out she really liked all the mainstream anime like Bleach, Naruto and Death Note. Which was fine, since I liked them as well.
  5. I first got suspicions about her being a weaboo whenever she always paired herself up with me for classwork and had us re-enact scenes from Death Note and Naruto. Whenever I tried to suggest something else, she would get mad and retreat to a corner until I agreed.
  7. The most peculiar thing about her was she was always scribbling. What threw me off was that she was drawing in a naruto volume. When I asked what she was doing, she said, “I like to trace the outlines of the shadows.” This was surprising, since I always treated my manga with respect. I let her have her fun though and tried as hard as possible to make another friend.
  9. I did eventually and even though she wasn’t into anime, we got along very very well. When I returned to my desk, I found my library copy of Death Note was missing. After digging through my backpack, books, locker and home for a week, one day during Acting, I found it atop my books when I returned from the water fountain. The spine had been ripped to shreds and that purple gel pen she always used had colored in half of the images. I confronted her about it and she denied everything. Eventually, I had to repay the library for the book because I couldn’t prove it was her. She moved out of state after I tried pressing charges for theft.
  11. I thought I was safe for one whole year. Then senior year came along. I was in anime club with my friends chatting about general things. I had shown off my drawing skills of my fursona, as well as my best friends. A freshman girl joined int he group and announced she was a furry as well. This really made my day, since furries seem to be so rare in my area.
  13. She always wanted us to watch the “amazing sugoi kawaii Miyazaki movies”. No problem with that. Hayao Miyazaki made some great films. But she would get mad when we watched or considered anything else. Of course I stopped socializing with her for the rest of the school year. My little brother goes to that school now. He has her in his class and he reports as such: She always wears anime clothes, writes in kana on her papers and refuses to be called by anything other than ‘Katana’.”
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