
Plan B (B is for Bomb)

Nov 20th, 2015
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  1. "Now I have become Discord, destroyer of Harmony," said Atom, figuratively. He and his crew watched the terrible blossom rise from the Badlands, eerily silent. Then the shockwave struck.
  3. -- -
  5. Yellow Cake levitated a pointer before her blackboard. "You see, Princess, as the sphere of hydrogen is compressed tighter and tighter within the airtight shield spell, the most curious effect occurs."
  7. Celestia nodded. "You have brought the sun itself to Equestria. This is a strategic weapon you could use were I ever to fall in battle."
  9. Yellow Cake smiled, and limped forward. The front right leg of her lab coat flopped around, empty. "Thank you, your Majesty. We hope we will never need this terrible thing."
  11. Celestia sighed, and thought of the pending return of her sister from the moon. If the Twilight Gambit didn't work, the bomb would be their only option. Luckily, Ponyville was far enough from other cities and towns that the destruction wouldn't reach Canterlot. Its proximity to her old summer home was only a secondary concern.
  13. She thought with regret of Sunset Shimmer, a pony with a burning passion for learning who grew enamored with power. She could have made friends, if not for the mirror, itself a reminder of Celestia's earlier failures.
  15. She thought with pain of Starlight Glimmer, a secret weapon for removing Nightmare Moon's cutie mark and reducing her power substantially enough to defeat. If only she hadn't published that manifesto on equality.
  17. A thought struck her. "Yellow, I didn't know you were missing a leg."
  19. "I wasn't missing it until recently, Princess. You see..."
  21. -- -
  23. The moon pool was where they kept the horrible warm rocks. The burning poison that shot from them was absorbed by the water, resulting in a neon blue glow which Dr. Cherry Cough had described mathematically.
  25. Dr. Yellow Cake was taking readings when she saw two of the rocks suddenly slam together. The water started glowing fiercely, and she realized there were only seconds until the reaction could not be stopped. She dove into the moon pool, and holding half with her front right hoof, she pulled the other half free with her horn's magic.
  27. The two freakishly pure pieces were kept separate from then on, but the damage was done. Within hours, the coat above that hoof fell out. The hoof itself started turning black. The infirmary had no choice but to amputate immediately.
  29. -- -
  31. "...It could have been worse," said Yellow, looking at her empty sleeve, "if we'd had the accident above water, I wouldn't be here."
  33. Celestia nodded. "In times like these, we need all the luck we can get.
  35. --end-
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