
The Slasher Strikes

Nov 13th, 2017
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  1. Covet: [OH HI! Totally didn't even see that you'd popped in...It didn't flash at me...]
  2. Tsaaq: ((Shhh it's okies.))
  3. Covet: Tae had gotten a ride from a friend after dinner with her parents, a couple of blocks away from the lots, then walked over to the area she knew that Drew 'owned'. She pulled her hood up over her head and walked along the sidewalks, ducking past the hookers on the corner and went to go sit by the fire pit that some hobo had probably lit, before she took her phone out to send Drew a message: -txt- Hey I'm at the lots, where the cool kids hang out, if you're in the area.-Tae.
  4. Tsaaq: Drew saw the text from Tae and smirked. He pushed Glitter out of his way and walked around the chain link fence and over to the bonfire. "I haven't seen you in a while." He said. "Why haven't you been talking to me? I missed you." Drew lied through his teeth but hey it could've been a little true.
  5. Covet: "Yeah been a couple of weeks." She said as she pulled her hood off and pushed her hair back, smiling up at him. "I've been busy, and at the recomendation of others, keeping a low profile, with how many people know about us currently." She said sheepishly then looked up at him with a grin, "Well aren't you sweet, I missed you too, Drew."
  6. Tsaaq: He shook his head. "How many people know about us?" He asked with an angry expression as he went to hover over her. "Listen. You can just sneak into my room whenever, you know you can." He put his hands on her hips. "You changed your hair."
  7. Covet: "Right now, Your sister and Hayley. She kind of cornerned me when I went down to get a drink on Halloween. But I don't think she's going to say anything. And I've been appealing to Persephone so that she doesn't get any ideas either." Tae told him then smiled as he noticed her hair, "I did, solid color for the winter, and also to appeal to Persephone."
  8. Tsaaq: He curled his lip at the mention of Hayley. "Don't listen to that girl. She doesn't even put out." Drew said to Tae. "It's okay I guess... So long as you still look good naked." Drew smirked down at her. "Let's do something crazy."
  9. Covet: "She's a sweetheart and my friend, I take her words to heart, but I am still myself so I just won't say anything to her when we do hang out." Tae said, choosing to ignore the comment about Hayley and grin, "I didn't change anything else, don't worry." She looked around , past him towards the hookers, then back at him, "Crazy? What do you have in mind?"
  10. Tsaaq: Drew rolled his eyes. "Whatever. She's a nine I guess." He said with an unconvinced shrug. He went to lead her into the darkness of the woods then began to undress her. "Let's do it right here?" He suggested. "It's dark out here. Not like anybody could catch us." Drew said.
  11. Covet: "She's more fun to hang out with, than your sister. And she understands why I need to be able to do my own thing." Tae told him as she followed him into the woods, "Really?" She said as he took her jacket off, "You're corner friends are probably going to be jealous if they hear me, you know." She said with a mischevious grin back at him, pulling her scarf off. "But, who would even be around to catch us? Nobody will even know."
  12. Tsaaq: Drew put his hand over her mouth cause he was tired of hearing about Hayley. "There's nobody around... Who would catch us? Even the girls are over there working. They can't come over here." He said. Drew started to take off his own coat then his shirt. Just stripping down.
  13. Covet: Tae looked at him as he covered her mouth, getting the hint, as she watched him. she slid her skirt up her thighs and pulled down her tights to her knees, because getting full naked in this cold was just plain crazy, "Aren't you going to be cold?" she asked him with a soft whispered giggle.
  14. Tsaaq: "No. We're about to be super hot." Drew said as he went to lay her on her back in the grass then hovered over her and parted her legs. His mouth went to kiss her neck then her collar bone. // A figure in the darkness crept up to the two lovers. He went to step behind one of the trees to hide in a cloak of darkeness.
  15. Covet: Tae laid back with him as he kissed on her neck, moaning out as he moved to her collar bone. "If I get to warm, I can just have you help me strip down some more." She said, in panted breaths feeling all excited and adventurous given where they were.
  16. Tsaaq: He smirked and went to tug at her clothes even more, trying to get a glimpse at titties and bush. "Don't you want to strip down now?" He asked her. // The figure took a few steps forward as he watched them. In the night he was clearly wearing a ski mask and shiz.
  17. Covet: "Mmm, Well when you insist like that." She said with a giggle as she helped pull off her clothes some more. "This is so fucking hot, Drew." She told him with a shiver in the cool night. It wasn't because she was cold though.
  18. Tsaaq: "You're so fuckiing hot." Drew replied in a deep voice as he kissed along her tummy down to where her panties were giving her coochie kisses now. // The hooded figure began stepping closer reaching into it's jacket.
  19. Covet: Tae opened her eyes as Drew moved down, then noticed the hooded figure hovering, getting closer. She gave a scream and went to cover herself up trying to push Drew's head up, "Stop.. Stop!... There's someone in the woods... Drew!"
  20. Tsaaq: Drew angrily popped his head up because he was actually gonna go down on her and this was her reaction!? The nerve! He lifted his head and looked up at her. "What are you talking about?" He asked her exasperatedly. // The figure unsheathed a knife and went to lunge for the two of them.
  21. Covet: Tae was thoroughly freaked out now seeing the knife, trying to push Drew away, or at least get him to move. "Right there, Get up...Stop!" She screamed and pointed still trying to cover herself. "Stop! Please don't we'll give you whatever you want!!"
  22. Tsaaq: "What?" He asked like a dumbass. He rolled off of Tae and sat up. Drew's eyes widened in the night as he shot up to his feet. "Get the fuck outta here! You fucking perv!" He shouted, swing his fist at the figure. // The dark cloaked person clearly gave no fucks, going to slice their knife against Drew's bare chest.
  23. Covet: "Drew! Oh my god... We need to get out of here." She said struggling getting redressed because she was in complete panic, didn't want Drew to get hurt and was friggen exposed. She got herself halfway situated before she tried to push the person with the knife away.
  24. Tsaaq: Drew gasped and looked down at the blood squirting out of his chest. He shrieked as she looked down at his cut then went to slap the shit out of the assaulter, causing them to fall to the grass abruptly. "AAHHHH!" He went to pick up Tae and began to run in the other direction, only stopping when their bodies ran into the chain link fence.
  25. Covet: "Drew, you're hurt... put me down...I can run..." She said not wanting him to hurt himself further, then she felt them hit the chainlink fence, "Ouch!!... Put me down please, I need to see the cut..." Tae told him more concerned about him, because he actually got slashed.
  26. Tsaaq: "We're gonna die! We have to get out of here!" He yelled. Drew untangled from Tae and went to touch his cut. "Ow! That hurts!" He whined, as if he forgot it was a cut or something. "We'll just walk around." He said as he put his hand on her back. // The figure got back the fuck up and stalked through the woods after them, cause come onnn. Let me kill youuu. Come onnnn.
  27. Covet: "Did you see where they went?" Tae asked, then bunched his shirt up to soak up the blood, "Put pressure on that, and we'll make our way back to the fire and we can leave...." She said trying to find out where they were, but it was dark and she wasn't familiar with this area.
  28. Tsaaq: He put his hand on his chest. "But it's gross and slimey!" He complained. // The figure, despite being winded went and clasped onto to Drew from behind, swinging around on him with their knife still in tow. // "AHHHHHH GET IT OFF ME!" Drew shouted running then slamming into the fence with the person still on his back.
  29. Covet: "You don't have much of a choice.It's better then bleeding everywhere." Tae said turning around as she felt the blade whiz past her arm grazing her enough to tear her shirt and give a thin little cut. "Shit.... Shit shit shit..." She said watching Drew for a second, then looked around for a rock, a stick.. something. Finding a decent sized rock she picked it up, and looked at Drew, Waiting for a clear moment when she could help him out. She called out as she ran back over to them, "Drew Turn around!" She said then brought the rock around to hit the person's arms, trying to get him to let go.
  30. Tsaaq: Drew shouted and turned to face her looking all surprised and shit. Cause this shit was crazy bro.
  31. Covet: "Not this way!" She said shoving him as hard as she could the opposite direction so she could hit the attacker again. "Leave.. Us.. Alone!" She said with each hit, before letting go of the rock so that it flew out of her hand aiming for the attacker's head.
  32. Tsaaq: He took her hand and grabbed Tae's wrist and pulled her with him once he shook the attacker off and went to run for his car, hurriedly getting inside and not caring about how gross his car was cause of blood.
  33. Covet: Tae booked it with him, then glanced at him, "You should probably go to the hospital. You probably need stitches." She said then looked at her own arm and the tear in her sleeve, realizing she'd left her jacket behind along with her scarf. "Crap...oh well." She mumbled. "Can you drop me off around the corner from my parents before you go?" Tae asked as she stared out the window, letting the shock and Hayley's words sink in.
  34. Tsaaq: He inhaled. "Yeah I'll do that after I... Get the hell out of here." Drew shook his head, all bloodied and shirtless like nothing was wrong. "Yeah sure..." He answered. "I'll drop you off." He told her while panting.
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