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a guest
Oct 21st, 2016
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  1. documentclass[margin=5mm]{standalone}
  2. usepackage{pgfplots}
  3. usetikzlibrary{matrix}
  4. usepgfplotslibrary{groupplots}
  5. pgfplotsset{compat=newest}
  6. begin{document}
  8. begin{tikzpicture}
  9. begin{groupplot}[group style={
  10. group name=myplot,
  11. group size= 2 by 4},height=5cm,width=6.4cm]
  12. nextgroupplot[xmin=-2,xmax=3,ymin=-2,ymax=6]
  13. node at (axis cs:0.,0.) {$A$}; % line of interest
  14. nextgroupplot[xmin=-50,xmax=100,ymin=-100,ymax=50]
  15. node at (axis cs:0.,0.) {$B$}; % line of interest
  16. end{groupplot}
  17. end{tikzpicture}
  18. end{document}
  20. documentclass[margin=5mm]{standalone}
  21. usepackage{pgfplots}
  22. usepgfplotslibrary{groupplots}
  23. begin{document}
  24. begin{tikzpicture}
  25. begin{groupplot}[
  26. group style={
  27. group name=myplot,
  28. group size= 2 by 4,
  29. },
  30. height=5cm,
  31. width=6.4cm,
  32. ]
  33. nextgroupplot[xmin=-2,xmax=3,ymin=-2,ymax=6]
  34. % you have two choices to place stuff "relatively" in the plot
  35. % which yield the same result on "normal" axis
  36. node at (axis description cs:0.2,0.2) {$A$};
  37. node at (rel axis cs:0.2,0.8) {$a$};
  38. nextgroupplot[xmin=-50,xmax=100,ymin=-100,ymax=50,
  39. % but if you reverse the axis, the behavior can be adapted,
  40. % depending on the value of `allow reversal of rel axis cs'
  41. x dir=reverse,
  42. allow reversal of rel axis cs=false,
  43. ]
  44. node at (axis description cs:0.2,0.2) {$B$};
  45. node at (rel axis cs:0.2,0.8) {$b$};
  46. end{groupplot}
  47. end{tikzpicture}
  48. end{document}
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