
Roommates, Rivals, Romance (ch6)

Jun 8th, 2020
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  3. The final chapter for Idol AU.
  5. Disclaimer: I do not own Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight.
  7. ----------
  9. Chapter 6. A New Dream
  11. Claudine wakes to an apartment much less familiar than her own.
  13. In only seconds, all of the painful events flood her mind, and a dull throbbing weighs down her body. She imagines this numbness might be what it feels like to have gotten paralyzed from some debilitating fall, only her descent hadn't been a physical one, but an emotional one.
  15. She'd fallen in love.
  17. And now she's paying for it.
  19. She's lying on her side on the couch facing the cushions, and everything hurts. The very second her thoughts bring her back to Maya, she feels tears welling up already, and her heart starts to ache. She buries her face into the little pillow her hosts had provided for her, one that's already damp.
  21. Futaba is still asleep sitting up above Claudine, and Kaoruko is on Futaba's other side, slumped up against her. Claudine knows she must've kept them up a lot longer than they should've been awake the night before a concert.
  23. And then that dread hits her - the reminder that she's going to have to get up onstage in front of hundreds of people in a few hours, that she's going to have to sing and dance with Maya as if nothing ever happened between them.
  25. Though, she supposes that's for the best. To forget anything ever happened. She just needs to imagine they're starting over from having just met at high school, as rivals who tolerate one another at best. They could never be girlfriends having a secret affair, sharing such warm tender touches, such tight comforting hugs, such fulfilling meaningful kisses…
  27. How is she supposed to just forget all of that…?
  29. Her heart feels like it's getting weaker, like it won't be able to go on like this - without her. Claudine hiccups into her pillow for a long time, until she hears little moans and murmurs from above her. She feels the light brushing of fingers against her bangs, and she hates how her heart gets hopeful in the wish that it's Maya. But she knows it isn't.
  31. "Kuro…?" Futaba says quietly. "You okay? Wait, sorry, guess that was a stupid question… I'm gonna start on breakfast. Stay with her, Kaoruko?"
  33. "Of course I will. I can't just leave the poor thing."
  35. "Thanks."
  37. Futaba gets up, and Claudine hears her begin to rummage around in the kitchen. At the same time, she feels a different pair of hands slipping beneath the pillow and her shoulders. Before Claudine can comprehend what's going on, Kaoruko's already pulled her head into her lap and started stroking through her hair and down her side.
  39. "Don't get me wrong," Kaoruko grunts. "It's just that Futaba-han will do this for me whenever I'm not feeling well. That's all."
  41. Claudine can't look up at her from this angle, so she just closes her eyes again and sighs softly to let Kaoruko know she's grateful. She takes a moment to appreciate the fact that even Kaoruko can be caring and supportive at times.
  43. But just like before, as soon as Claudine closes her eyes, she imagines it's Maya holding her in her lap, Maya stroking through her hair, Maya watching over her…
  45. A fresh wave of tears surges up, and she can't do anything to stop it.
  47. Futaba brings breakfast to the coffee table next to the couch, and together both she and Kaoruko help Claudine sit up, cleaning her face a bit with tissues and clearing the hair from her face. They flank her on either side to prevent her from swaying and encourage her to eat something.
  49. "We have a concert today," Kaoruko reminds her. "You can't expect to perform on an empty stomach, especially since you didn't eat anything last night either."
  51. "Do you think you'll even be able to perform?" Futaba asks gently. "If it's a matter of your health, we could figure out some way to go without you."
  53. But Claudine shakes her head, swallowing the little bit of toast in her mouth.
  55. "No-" She hates how awful her voice sounds right now. "I can perform. I'll be fine." They've all worked too hard for this. She isn't going to let everyone else's effort suffer on account of her feelings.
  57. So she eats as much as her stomach can handle, and then drinks two entire bottles of water as Futaba offers them to her. They let her us the bathroom first to shower and get her bearings. Claudine pushes all thoughts of Maya away as best she can and hums a few of the songs they'll be performing to ensure her voice hasn't been damaged. She changes into some of Kaoruko's clothes for the time being, and then readies herself as her hosts take their turns in the bathroom.
  59. It's a few minutes later when she goes to her bag, which she'd taken with her from the studio yesterday. She fishes out her phone which only has a bit of charge left now, and unlocks it. She isn't sure if she'd been hoping to see a text or call from Maya or not, but there aren't any. And she doesn't know if she should be sending her anything either.
  61. Claudine retreats to the couch and searches Starlight Girls' official social media for the photoshoot photos. It hurts to see herself with Maya in those shots, and she quickly scrolls down to the comments.
  63. And now she understands what that interviewer had meant about 'backlash'.
  65. So many of the fans seem supportive, and to be having fun with the pandering shots, but just as many are antagonistic and outraged.
  67. It saddens her. It angers her. It devastates her.
  69. This is why she'd lost Maya. All because of some random, disgruntled people on the Internet, and some stupid unspoken rule of the idol industry.
  71. Or... did Maya really just not love her…?
  73. She turns off her phone and drops it onto the couch, hunching forward and gripping her head. She hates this. She wants Maya back…
  75. A few moments later, Futaba and Kaoruko are ready, and the three of them head outside. Futaba readies her bike and hands Claudine a helmet.
  77. "We're lucky we didn't get pulled over last night since you didn't have one," she says.
  79. "And we're lucky I didn't fall off!" Kaoruko snaps. "This bike wasn't made for three!"
  81. "Sorry." Claudine bows her head, and Futaba slaps Kaoruko lightly on the shoulder.
  83. "Idiot! As if she wasn't feelin' bad enough already!"
  85. "No, it's all right," Claudine sighs. "I've caused both of you a lot of trouble with this. Thank you for putting up with me."
  87. "Hey." Futaba slings an arm around her shoulders. "Don't worry about it. We all need a little help sometimes."
  89. "Though she needed quite a bit of help."
  91. "Kaoruko…"
  93. But somehow, the normalcy of their bickering has Claudine smiling, just a little.
  95. "Thank you. Both of you." She puts an arm around each of them and holds on for a moment. Futaba and Kaoruko share a glance before returning the embrace.
  97. When the bike finishes warming up, they put on their helmets. Futaba gets in front and Claudine goes after her, with Kaoruko at the rear squishing them all together.
  99. The drive to the studio is only about five minutes, but it's enough time for Claudine to begin steeling herself for what lies ahead.
  101. They arrive at about the same time as Karen's group, and Claudine can tell everyone is trying to act normal, as if they hadn't all seen her run out of here crying yesterday. But she appreciates that no one is bombarding her with questions.
  103. She goes with them into the building and up to the studio to find Maya is already inside practicing. Claudine makes the huge mistake of looking at her, and their eyes meet for a split second. A particularly sharp pang goes through her chest as she quickly grabs her bag and hurries off to the locker room to change.
  105. The morning is spent going over their concert routine one final time, which means Claudine has no choice but to stand next to Maya as always. She almost wishes she could ask for a change in position, just for a little while. She'd even take the end corner of the back row from Nana if she could. But she knows that would be far too selfish of her, and it would make all of their fans highly suspicious in an instant.
  107. She and Maya don't speak a word to one another all morning, and it upsets her like she never knew anything could. She isn't sure if she's more sad or angry or bitter. She still isn't sure if Maya broke up with her because she wanted to, or because she felt she had to. Either way, it doesn't make Claudine feel any better about any of it.
  109. Right after lunchtime, the girls get dressed into their performance outfits and then see their makeup artists before getting onto the bus. Claudine sits alone, and Maya does too.
  111. Claudine spends the whole ride looking down at her hands. She hates this. She hates this so much. If she can't have things go back to being the way they were when they were dating, she at least wishes they could go back to how they were before that.
  113. Anything but this. This horrible, suffocating awkwardness. This churning, bitter guilt.
  115. It's ruining them.
  117. She isn't sure how she's going to go back home to that apartment with Maya again. At this point, it might be better if she starts looking for her own place…
  119. The bus rumbles to a stop not far from the venue where they'll be having the concert. Karen is already running to the doors with Hikari in-tow, and Mahiru chiding them not to run on the bus. Junna and Nana follow excitedly behind them, though Claudine doesn't miss the worried looks they flash her. Kaoruko and Futaba do the same, but Claudine shakes her head and gets up.
  121. In the process, she bumps right into Maya.
  123. As she sways from the soft impact, Maya quickly reaches out to steady her. Claudine ends up looking right into her eyes, and her heart shatters all over again. Maya's gaze harbors the very same anguish.
  125. "I'm sorry-" She looks like she wants to say much more than that, but Claudine quickly steps away.
  127. "Me, too." She turns and heads off the bus without looking back.
  129. The bustle of the audience is leaking through the building, even before they get to their waiting area backstage. Everyone else is jumpy and excited, and Claudine is feeling those things too. But they're just so eclipsed by the confusion and the pain.
  131. She can't even enjoy their concert - the very thing she'd chosen this career for. What kind of pathetic idol was she if she was going to be this way, today of all days? She doesn't just want to act happy - she wants to truly feel it.
  133. But for now, acting is all she can manage.
  135. Time rushes by in a blur, and before she knows it they're ready to go on. Maya starts their traditional cheer by putting her hand in the center of their circle. And usually Claudine is the second one to put her hand in so she can give Maya's a playful slap. But this time, she lets Karen and Mahiru and Hikari put theirs in first.
  137. "Ready?" Maya asks, sweeping her gaze around the circle. "One… two… three-"
  139. "Starlight Girls!"
  141. They lift their arms and break apart, then turn toward the stage.
  143. As they run on, the audience erupts in applause. There are a lot more people than there had been at the festival a week ago, all with glow sticks the color of their favorite girl. Normally, Claudine is proud to see that there's almost as much orange as white. But now, she almost wishes there weren't this many.
  145. She feels like this is all a dream, or like she's just watching a movie from afar. Her senses are only half-working. Nothing feels real to her.
  147. Even after Maya gives their opening speech and the music starts, Claudine feels like her body is moving on autopilot.
  149. She still goes through all of the steps and twirls and movements.
  151. She still hits the perfect range for every note and lyric.
  153. She still smiles and waves and stirs up an applause.
  155. But it all feels so fake.
  157. Her stomach hurts. She hates this. She hates it so much. She doesn't want to be here feeling like this when she's supposed to be living her dream job…
  159. She makes it through the first four songs without a hitch, even with her senses feeling so jumbled and her chest feeling so tight. Even when she has to step close to Maya, or grab hold of her hand, or put a hand on her shoulder for the sake of the dances, she doesn't break.
  161. But it's then when the notes of "Fly Me To the Star" begin.
  163. Claudine stands back as Karen and Hikari and Mahiru sing their part, following the others in slow, flowing movements in the background. She sings her supporting harmonies and notes for Futaba and Kaoruko, and then again for Junna and Nana.
  165. But when it's finally her turn to step forward and reflect Maya, holding her outstretched hand towards her, singing those lyrics that they've sung together for so long, looking into her eyes which are concealing a mutual agony that only Claudine can comprehend…
  167. Her voice breaks - just once - but it's so small, and the others cover it up so quickly it's hardly noticeable.
  169. But what everyone does notice is when the tears begin streaming down her face.
  171. The crowd's cheering falters just for a moment, and Claudine realizes in a panic what's happening. But she can't wipe the tears away. She has to keep following the motions until the end, following the glow of her orange spotlight until it crosses paths to merge with Maya's white one.
  173. They stand back to back, hands interlocked as they sing their final notes. When it's time for them to move apart again, Claudine goes a bit too quickly.
  175. The rest of the girls come back to their spots as they finish the song together. The audience begins to cheer, and Claudine throws herself forward into a bow in an effort to hide her tears.
  177. There's only one more song after this. Just one more-
  179. "My sincerest apologies, everyone."
  181. With a gasp, Claudine snaps her head up at the sound of Maya's voice. This isn't something they'd planned for. No one is supposed to start addressing the audience until after the concert is over.
  183. Claudine can hear a surprised murmur rippling through the crowd as well as the staff backstage. The other girls blink in surprise and cover their mics as they murmur to one another in confusion.
  185. Maya waits for the chatter to die down, holding her hand up in a request for silence.
  187. "My sincerest apologies," she says again. Now, she turns and unmistakably lifts her gaze straight into Claudine's eyes. "But there is something I need to say."
  189. . . .
  191. Maya had decided last night what she would do about this whole situation. She'd been planning on waiting until the end of the concert.
  193. But the second she sees the tears running down Claudine's face in rivulets, right in the middle of their song onstage for all the world to see, she knows she has to change her plan.
  195. To the crowd, those tears may have looked like a result of the heartfelt lyrics, something to add to the performance.
  197. But Maya knows they were tears of pain. She's made Claudine suffer long enough. She'll never forgive herself if she lets it continue, even one song longer.
  199. Now, Maya holds her hand up for silence, sending an apologetic glance to the staff members as she goes. The cameras are still rolling, people are recording on their phones, and all eyes are upon her now. She bows her head.
  201. "My sincerest apologies…" Now that she has everyone's attention, Maya turns to her right - to the only person who has always been beside her. "But there is something I need to say."
  203. Claudine is more shocked than everyone else combined. Maya can tell. In spite of the faded remnants of the tear trails left behind on her cheeks, her mouth is open in disbelief, perhaps even outrage. She can see it in her eyes, too, and Maya likes to believe she can assume her thoughts as well. She's probably thinking things like, 'what on earth is she doing?!' and 'has she completely lost her mind?!'
  205. And maybe she has. Maybe this is all a huge mistake. Maybe she's only going to make things even worse with what she's about to do. But she needs the world to know how she feels.
  207. Another moment passes, but it feels like an hour. Claudine remains rooted to the spot, staring back at her with so many emotions swirling in her eyes. Her hands have started to tremble.
  209. Maya softens her gaze, and manages to smile, just a little bit. It's as if the rest of the world has vanished around them, and they are the only two.
  211. Finally, Maya speaks to the crowd, but never takes her eyes off of Claudine.
  213. "As most of you know, I have trained to be an idol my entire life. I've worked very hard to earn center, and I've loved every second of it along the way. I love my teammates. They've worked even harder than I have in order to be able to stand here today and send out their feelings so that they may reach all of you. That's why we chose to become idols. So that our emotions could reach out and touch others. To make people feel things they've never felt before.
  215. "That was my dream as well. To reach people. To make them feel. And I've been blessed in order to be able to live that dream until now... But for me, there is something that makes me feel even more joy than even being an idol does, something that brings me even more happiness than the dream I have striven to achieve my entire life…"
  217. She lifts her hand toward Claudine, and holds her breath. The audience gasps and shrieks, rippling with tension and shock.
  219. Maya's heart twists in her throat. Whether Claudine takes or leaves her, she will understand either way.
  221. She watches her partner's eyes drop down to her hand, then return to Maya's face again. Claudine shakes her head, still trying to comprehend this as reality, the fact that Maya has single-handedly brought their concert to a screeching halt on her own accord, for her own selfish reasons. She can almost see the words "you're unbelievable" on Claudine's lips as she glares up at her now.
  223. Maya swallows and closes her eyes.
  225. And then there's the slap of a hand against hers, a movement so unabashed it nearly shouts 'did you really think I wouldn't take your hand after all that, you idiot?'
  227. When she opens her eyes again, Claudine is glaring daggers at her, and her face is turning pink as she tries not to cry. Maya lip wobbles, but she keeps her voice steady as she gives that hand a good squeeze, and continues.
  229. "I would like to apologize for lying to all of you," she says to the crowd. "In our most-recent interview, I proclaimed that Saijou-san and I were not romantically-involved. And that was a lie."
  231. The crowd bursts into a din of confusion and delight and shock, as do the rest of their friends behind them. Maya can feel Claudine shaking and she pulls her a step closer.
  233. "But I did something terrible," Maya says loudly for all to hear. "Because of the stigma against us, and the belief that idols should or cannot date one another, I did the unthinkable and hurt Saijou-san in the worst way possible. All for the sake of a career. All for the sake of being an idol. Therefore…"
  235. The voices rise up louder and louder, in anticipation and fear and excitement. Maya turns to her partner once more. Claudine's eyes are shimmering, about to overflow all at once. She's brought her free hand to her mouth to cover it, and her whole body is trembling.
  237. Maya draws in a deep breath and finally says it.
  239. "Therefore… as of this moment... I am officially resigning as an idol."
  241. Silence.
  243. Absolute silence.
  245. Every single person stops everything they were saying or doing or thinking, and everything seems to go blank for a long, stunned moment.
  247. And then, the explosive response.
  249. "Eeeeehhh?!"
  251. "What?!"
  253. "What the heck is this?!"
  255. "Maya-chan?! What are you doing-?!"
  257. As the other girls behind her start shrieking, the audience yells and boos and cries out in total shock. The staff are completely floored to the point where they can't even figure out how to stop all of this madness. The crowd shouts and screams in dismay and outrage, but Maya doesn't flinch.
  259. "This is my decision," she says firmly. "Since idols cannot date one another, then I shall resign so that I may to continue seeing Saijou-san. I am well-aware this is going to upset many people, however-"
  261. "TENDO MAYA!"
  263. Again, the entire venue falls absolutely silent. Maya blinks as she's interrupted by a very familiar and very, very pissed-off shriek.
  265. She turns back to Claudine to find her nothing at all like she'd anticipated. Instead of finding her tearful and relieved, she finds her looking ready to kill.
  267. Maya tilts her head.
  269. "Claudine-?"
  271. "Don't you dare say another word!" she shouts. Claudine stomps her foot and throws Maya's hand clean out of her own, and then proceeds to viciously, verbally tear into her with everything she's got.
  273. "Mon, Dieu! Just what on earth do you think you're doing? Have you completely lost your mind? Did you seriously think that after all we've been through - after all we've endured together, after all these years knowing each other, after everything we've felt and found and lost - that I'd want to stand up here holding hands with you as you take the whole entire world by the reigns in some dramatic impromptu speech about the unfairness of the industry and the intolerance of the world when it comes to romance, only to hear you say that you're quitting being an idol?! Did you really think - of all the things you could have said to me right now - that that is the thing I wanted to hear the most?! I always knew you were an idiot, but never in a million years did I ever expect you to be quite this stupid!"
  275. Now she begins to advance, taking a threatening step closer to Maya, to which Maya's only response is to step back. She's actually scared for her life now.
  277. "C-Claudine? Please, wait-"
  279. "Don't you tell me what to do, Tendo Maya! Don't think you have any right to order me around now that you've gone and said the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard in my life!"
  281. "But Claudine!" Maya cries. "If I resign, we can be together. It may still be a bit tricky, but-"
  283. "Idiote! Tu es la femme la plus stupide que j'aie jamais rencontrée! Was there really nothing better you could think of to say? Instead of saying you're going to quit being an idol, did you ever even think to consider just telling me you loved me, and that the rest of the world and its stupid rules could go to hell?!"
  285. She's full-on shouting by now, so loudly that the mics all ring with the echo and everyone in the venue is shaken to their core by the reverberations of her voice. Maya takes another step back and stumbles, but Claudine grabs her by the collar and yanks her forward. As the audience and people all around them start bustling again, Claudine glares up at Maya with every burning emotion in her soul all at once; annoyance, outrage, exasperation, relief, affection, and everything else in between.
  287. Slowly, she releases her grip on Maya's clothes and catches her breath to speak more levelly now.
  289. "All of this happened because of miscommunications and keeping secrets. So if we want to avoid even more catastrophes in the future, we've got to say things clearly, so no one can misunderstand."
  291. Maya looks deeply into her eyes as her heart begins to backflip. Their friends are all clinging to each other in anticipation and confusion and excitement, the staff are still unsure of what's even going on anymore, and the audience is captivated and waiting for a final outcome to all of this.
  293. And Claudine - her fiery, lively, passionate, straightforward Claudine - has stolen the show from her and shown Maya an ending she'd never even considered.
  295. Maya is overwhelmed by all of it, to the point where she can already feel the tears slipping free. But she can finally bring herself to smile again.
  297. "Well then," she chuckles, wiping her eyes. "Saijou-san… may I kiss you…?"
  299. Everyone gasps.
  301. Claudine rolls her eyes. A tear drips down her cheek too now as she gives a wobbly smirk.
  303. "I thought you'd never ask."
  305. She grabs Maya by the collar again and pulls her forward, without hesitation, into a full, unmistakable, unashamed kiss.
  307. And it's like nothing anyone has ever seen before.
  309. The other girls start to cry and scream and jump up and down in delight. Karen is blubbering so hard Hikari and Mahiru are tearfully debating having to call a makeup artist out to save her. Junna's jaw is agape in utter bewilderment, while Nana is joyfully crying and hugging her in glee. Kaoruko is fanning herself and sniffling repeatedly, and Futaba keeps having to wipe her face again and again. They all cry out words of support for their teammates in turn.
  311. "G-Guys, oh my gosh!" Karen wails. "Th-That was so b-beautiful!"
  313. "It was amazing…" Hikari says. "Like a play all on its own…"
  315. "Tendo-san and Saijou-san… who knew…?" Mahiru smiles.
  317. "I don't even know if they can do that…" Junna sniffles. "But they did."
  319. "That was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!" Nana squeals.
  321. "Th-The speech is one thing-" Kaoruko stammers. "B-But are they really allowed to kiss like that?!"
  323. "Welp, there's no stoppin' em now!" Futaba laughs. "Kuro! Tendo! You've got my full support!"
  325. "Yes! Mine too!"
  327. "And me!"
  329. "You've got all of our support! We love you!"
  331. As their fellow idols begin cheering and applauding for them, the audience bursts into overwhelming roars of approval.
  333. "Yeah!"
  335. "Maya-chan! Kuro-chan!"
  337. "Screw the stupid rules! You should date each other if you want to!"
  339. "Whoever doesn't like it can shove off!"
  341. "We support you!"
  343. "You guys are the cutest!"
  345. "We love you!"
  347. And even after Maya and Claudine have parted from their kiss, the raucous applause doesn't stop. People are cheering and crying and taking videos and pictures, calling out all sorts of wonderful words of support and love.
  349. Maya slowly opens her eyes from the kiss and finds Claudine's face a deep shade of pink. She's still shaking, but her eyes are bright and alive, nothing like the dull vacant pools they'd been this time yesterday.
  351. As it's clear there is far too much going on to continue the concert right now, Maya wraps her arms around Claudine and pulls her in close, which results in more cheers and applause.
  353. "I'm sorry," Maya whispers for only her. "I never thought any of this-"
  355. "Just stop talking," Claudine huffs back, grabbing fistfuls of her clothes and squeezing her tight. "You're the biggest idiot I've ever met. The most infuriating woman to ever walk the planet. I can't believe you just-"
  357. "Kissed you in front of everyone?"
  359. "Mechante va! First of all, I kissed you, and second, I still can't believe you were trying to quit!" Claudine pulls herself back and starts chewing her out all over again. "Honestly! After working so hard all those years to become an idol, you were just going to throw your dreams away? Just like that?"
  361. "Not all of them," Maya says, and by now the audience can hear them again. "For you see, Claudine, I had my heart set on a new dream. And that is you."
  363. More squeals. More screams. More deafening enthusiasm.
  365. Claudine blushes so hard that she actually has to turn away from the crowd so they won't see her. At that point, the seven other girls come rushing up to surround them.
  367. "Don't worry, Maya-chan!" Nana says. "You won't have to give up either of those dreams!"
  369. "Yeah," Junna says. "Unless, that is, there are enough people here who could still disapprove of your relationship after all of that…?"
  371. Her suggestion receives an indisputable, unanimous negative response.
  373. "No way!"
  375. "No one disapproves of Maya-chan and Kuro-chan!"
  377. "Anyone who disapproves isn't a real fan of Starlight Girls!"
  379. "True love conquers all!"
  381. And again, the waves of support and approval surge up, so loudly and strongly it sends a rush of emotion coursing through all nine girls onstage. They surround Maya and Claudine in a big group hug, and by now all of them are crying at least a little bit - some more than others.
  383. Maya rests her hand against Claudine's cheek and kisses her again, and the crowd just keeps surging with excitement and mirth.
  385. The cheering doesn't let up. Not for a second.
  387. It's only after nearly fifteen whole minutes of this unprecedented intermission that the girls and the audience finally begin to calm down. Claudine keeps hold of Maya's hands now as she playfully chides her.
  389. "You're going to have a lot of explaining to do to our manager later, Tendo Maya."
  391. "Seriously!" Kaoruko butts in. "This concert just became a huge dramatic star-crossed confession! We still have one more song to sing!"
  393. "Right." Maya nods, glancing backstage to send a baffled Ms. Sakuragi a sheepish glance. But the manager just quickly wipes her eyes and gives the signal to continue. Maya turns back to the crowd and bows deeply. "My sincerest apologies for so selfishly taking up your time. I hope you can all understand that matter was of the utmost importance to me, above all else."
  395. The fans whoop and holler back.
  397. "Don't mind~!"
  399. "You're the best!"
  401. "That was amazing!"
  403. "A concert and a confession!"
  405. The other girls bow as well, and Claudine keeps hold of Maya's hand until the music of their final song begins.
  407. Now, they go through their routine with bursting energy, refreshed and elated and energized by the amazing scene they'd just witnessed - an unashamed proclamation of love without regard for consequence. The crowd cheers and sings along, and a good amount of them are still crying and emotional about Maya and Claudine's relationship reveal.
  409. Their final song is stupendous, absolutely radiant, and by the time they are all in-line again to take their final bow, the whole venue is charged with energy like never before. When it's time for the girls to say a little something, Junna starts them off.
  411. "Honestly… I can't really think of anything to say other than congratulations to our group's first-ever couple."
  413. "Yeah!" Nana agrees. "We're so happy for you Maya-chan, Kuro-chan!"
  415. "You guys really sold the show!" Karen says. "And you deserve it!"
  417. "You mean 'stole', Karen-chan," Mahiru sighs. "But you're right. We all support you, Tendo-san, Saijou-san."
  419. "We had no idea they were going to do this, by the way," Kaoruko explains.
  421. "Yeah," Futaba grins. "But it sure made for one hell of a show!"
  423. More cheers. More applause. The audience goes on for so long it's hard for the girls to actually take their leave. Maya and Claudine don't let go of each other's hands all the while.
  425. By the time they get backstage, Claudine is crying again. Maya gently lets go of her and leaves her in Junna and Nana's care for the moment as Maya herself goes to Ms. Sakuragi to apologize and explain herself. But her manager just holds up her hand to silence her.
  427. "Save it, Tendo," she sighs. "That was something else, I'll give you that. But there's no way anyone could blame you or ridicule you for it. That was the most gutsy, most ostentatious, most heartfelt thing I'm sure anyone's ever seen. So there's no need to think about quitting as an idol or anything like that." She lowers her voice a little. "To be honest, I'm ashamed I didn't notice anything between you two. I'm as much to blame for pushing that pandering stuff onto you. I should be the one apologizing.
  429. "But from now on, don't worry about that stuff. Like they said, anyone who doesn't support you and Saijou as a couple isn't a fan of ours. We don't need people like that. If you want to date someone, no one here is going to stop you. And that goes for all of you," she says, raising her voice now. "From now on, I'm not gonna tolerate any of that 'idols can't date' bullshit from anyone. The way I see it, you girls should be able to live your lives however you want to, industry be damned."
  431. A chorus of cheers rises up from all of them. Maya feels more tears coming on, relieved beyond words that she has the support of not only her friends and fans, but her manager as well. She bows deeply.
  433. "Thank you… very much…"
  435. "Lift your head, Tendo."
  437. Maya does as she's told and wipes her tears, then slowly makes her way back to Claudine. Nana transfers her to Maya, who wraps both arms around her. Claudine does her best to return the embrace, but her hands are shaking too much. Maya pulls her as close as possible, resting her chin on her shoulder.
  439. "Claudine… I'm-"
  441. "Stop," she grumbles. "Just be quiet."
  443. Maya smiles.
  445. "As you wish."
  447. The girls are taken out to dinner once again to a fancy, rented-out restaurant. Everyone cheers to Maya and Claudine, and they all enjoy a long, fun evening of food and games and fun.
  449. The staff enjoy themselves at their own table, amazed to see social media trending worldwide with news of tonight's concert. Support from people all over the planet pours in for two female idols most of them don't even know about. The few bitter, unhappy stans are entirely swept away by an all-encompassing wave of support and acceptance and love.
  451. Maya and Claudine are already making headlines, and the popularity of Starlight Girls in general is skyrocketing into the positives. By midnight, Maya's extravagant confession is all over the Internet, as is Claudine's tearful, feisty reaction. The comments from fans don't stop rolling in for a second.
  453. Can you believe this?! Maya-chan actually did that!
  455. They confessed! They're in love! Holy crap!
  457. This is amazing! I'm so happy for them!
  459. The way Kuro-chan grabbed her and kissed her! I almost passed out!
  461. Best day of my life!
  463. I can't wait to see more of them!
  465. Apparently they were dating in secret but they had to end things because of the fear of negative backlash… But Maya-chan would rather quit being an idol than lose Kuro-chan!
  467. That's true love! She was willing to sacrifice her dream!
  469. And Kuro-chan wouldn't let her do that! They're both so selfless!
  471. The best couple to ever exist!
  473. Before long, it's unanimous that the world overall approves of and supports the two of them, and is willing to accept other celebrity relationships like theirs. All in all, it's a day no one will ever forget.
  475. By the time they've finished their celebrations and been driven home by the staff, all of the girls are filled with giddy, joyous feelings.
  477. But none more so than Maya and Claudine.
  479. They thank Ms. Sakuragi together for driving them home, and then head up the stairs to their apartment together. Maya hasn't taken her arm away from its spot across Claudine's back for hours, probably, and she only has to finally draw it away now to find her key.
  481. As they enter their apartment, the calm, tranquil silence has them both realizing this is the first time since everything happened that they're finally alone together.
  483. They put down their bags and, without a word, come together for another long, long hug.
  485. Maya can't comprehend how she'd survived here on her own last night, without Claudine in her arms. She never wants to spend another night like that, drowning in such anguish, and knowing Claudine is twice as miserable somewhere else. She'll never let anything like that happen ever again.
  487. Just thinking about it makes her emotional all over. The tears come for the umpteenth time this week, but they aren't heavy and debilitating this time. Rather, they are soft and quiet, dripping off her cheeks and down into Claudine's hair.
  489. Claudine hears the change in her breathing and feels her begin to shake. She eases back to gaze up at her, then quietly coaxes her in for a soft kiss. Maya circles her waist and cries a little harder, hoping she can convey just how thankful she is to have her.
  491. Claudine reaches a hand behind Maya's head and gently cradles her against the side of her neck for a few moments, letting her cry. She cards through Maya's hair, but soon feels her roommate's legs are about to give. So Claudine begins leading her to the bathroom and helps her lean back against the sink.
  493. "You're a mess," she murmurs. "But you're my mess."
  495. Maya can hardly look up at her past all the tears.
  497. "Claudine-"
  499. "Hush. We can talk in a few moments. But first, brush your teeth, or you won't be getting any more kisses from me tonight."
  501. This time Claudine leaves a kiss on her cheek, just to make sure Maya doesn't take the comment too seriously. Maya chuckles a little and hugs her one more time before Claudine leaves her to get ready for bed.
  503. As soon as she steps foot into the bedroom to start changing, everything feels so surreal. But not in the way things had felt at the start of the concert. Rather than her senses being dulled by pain and confusion, now they are jumbled by a lot of much better things.
  505. Last night, she'd been thinking she'd never be able to bear staying as Tendo Maya's roommate any longer.
  507. And now, here she is, not only her roommate once again, but also her official girlfriend.
  509. And this time, it's no secret.
  511. A few minutes later, Maya emerges from the bathroom looking a little better than she had when she'd gone in, though Claudine can still tell she's ready to start crying again at the drop of a hat. She makes swift work of her own turn in the bathroom and can't retreat to join her in bed quickly enough.
  513. Maya is sitting up waiting for her, arms already partially outstretched before Claudine even reaches her.
  515. And Claudine opens her arms too, all but falling into the embrace as Maya catches her tightly.
  517. The bed creaks softly as they collapse in each other's arms, curling their legs up together and pressing themselves as closely together as physically possible.
  519. "Oh-" Maya whimpers. "I've missed you so much, Claudine…"
  521. "Idiot… It was one night…" Claudine sniffles and tries out a little chuckle of her own, but she ends up sobbing, too. "But... it's the same for me… I didn't want to be apart from you, Maya…"
  523. It's quiet for a few moments as they get their tears under control. As soon as Maya is able to speak better, she eases back, thumbing Claudine's bangs away from her eyes so she may see her clearly.
  525. "Claudine-" She already chokes up again. "I… I cannot possibly begin to express to you… just how sorry I am for all of this… It was never - never - my intention to hurt you, and yet… I ended up hurting you in the worst way possible." Her guilt starts to flow from her eyes again, stemming from the deepest part of her soul. Her voice falters into a rasping little whisper. "I broke your heart… And I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive myself…"
  527. "Please-" Claudine shakes her head, resting one hand over Maya's and brushing the other against the tears flowing down her girlfriend's cheeks. "Please… that's enough, Maya. I don't want to hear the apologies and all the things that made you feel this sorrow… I know you weren't trying to hurt me. I didn't want to hurt you, either… And I'm sorry that I ever doubted your feelings for me as being anything but completely genuine…"
  529. She now holds Maya's face in both of her hands, making sure Maya is looking into her eyes properly to see the truth in her soul.
  531. "I accept your apology. I forgive you. You didn't do anything wrong. You were only trying to protect me in the only way you could think of. It was my fault for not being able to understand just how much you cared about me… enough to throw away everything you've ever worked for…" She shakes her head, exhaling shakily. "You really are unbelievable, you know that?"
  533. Maya sniffles again and nods.
  535. "Yes…"
  537. "And you're insufferable."
  539. "Yes…"
  541. "…But you're also mine."
  543. Maya half-laughs, and half-sobs.
  545. "Yes…"
  547. Claudine kisses her, so, so softly that it causes Maya to burst into tears all over again. So Claudine holds her for a long time, threading through the long dark strands of hair and pulling the blankets up over her back to ensure she feels as safe and secure as possible.
  549. Maya weeps very quietly - such a soft contrast to Claudine's own sobbing which is a bit more vocal by nature - that it almost scares her sometimes. Maya hiccups silently, and she keeps jolting and trembling with her breath hitching over and over. Claudine can't take it any longer. Eventually, it makes her cry fully again, too.
  551. "You idiot… since when were you such a crybaby…?"
  553. Maya chuckles sloppily and tries to wipe her face off a bit.
  555. "You've made me this way, Claudine. I just… I love you so much…"
  557. Claudine's heart flutters multiple times in a row, and it makes her so happy she nearly forgets to breathe.
  559. Luckily for her, Maya is right there to share a bit of air with her, working her lips against hers and cradling her close. The kiss tastes faintly of salt, but after a few more moments they've managed to wipe each other's tears away for good. Claudine kisses her forehead and the bridge of her nose, running her hand up and down Maya's side soothingly.
  561. "I love you, too, Tendo Maya," she whispers at last.
  563. Maya smiles brightly enough to lighten the room in spite of the late hour. But then Claudine grabs her shoulders and gives her a stern, scary glare.
  565. "But don't you ever even think about breaking up with me again."
  567. "Never," Maya says instantly. She holds a kiss to Claudine's cheek, and then one to her lips to seal the vow. "I promise I will do everything within my power to never hurt you again, Claudine. And that is a promise I will never break."
  569. "I know you won't," Claudine murmurs. "And I promise you, too. From now on, there are no more secrets, no more hiding things from one another."
  571. "Agreed."
  573. Another hug, long and warm and soft. When they shift apart again, Claudine leaves kisses behind on the backs of Maya's eyelids.
  575. "I'm sorry for making you cry so much…"
  577. Maya nuzzles into her neck, then shifts a little lower. She leaves a kiss at the center of Claudine's collar, and then one a bit lower down on her chest.
  579. "And I'm sorry for breaking your heart…"
  581. "It's stronger now," Claudine assures her, petting through her hair. "Much stronger, now that you're in it."
  583. "My, that was rather romantic."
  585. "Shut up. As if your heart didn't skip a beat."
  587. "You've got me there."
  589. One more longing gaze.
  591. One more hug.
  593. One more kiss.
  595. And at last they sleep, nestled together and fitting as perfectly as if they'd quite literally been made for each other.
  597. In future weeks, the Starlight Girls will gain infinitely more supportive fans, and they will proudly pave a new path of love and acceptance that will inspire more people than they could ever know.
  599. Claudine and Maya will go on attending their practices together with their friends, having game nights together and going to the movies, meeting their fans and shaking their hands and sharing their stories.
  601. All the wonders and challenges of being idols will continue to present themselves, and together they'll continue to overcome them.
  603. So long as they have each other.
  605. And they always will.
  607. These two girls - rivals who were secretly roommates, and who are now very, very much encompassed by the passionate embrace of a deep, warm, and beautiful romance.
  609. ----------
  611. A/N: Ahhh many people were doubtful I could pull off a good ending in just one chapter, so I hope you liked it! Call it cliche, but I'll take a cliche happy ending over a bad one anytime. Of course it's unrealistic to think they alone could just be an exception/change the ways of the idol industry, but who knows? Maybe one day it could be real.
  613. I really wanted to have it be a big dramatic thing like this. Maya trying to be a martyr and Claudine is like 'screw that, kiss me you idoot!' in front of thousands of people haha. I feel it's so them.
  615. I wanna thank 0mn and everyone who read and supported all the way through! I don't have much confidence with AUs, but I was so happy every week to see everyone's reactions and theories! I hope to see you in the next fic!
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