
Kid Anon Twilight 1

Feb 7th, 2014
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  1. >Be Anon, walking home from school.
  2. >Most kids' parents picked them up, but you didn't mind walking.
  3. >It gave you time to yourself.
  4. >You think about how you are kind of glad school has started again.
  5. >The teacher this year is old. She reminds you of the school building itself,
  6. >weathered, crumbling, shakey, and completely useless at what it did.
  7. >Could be worse.
  8. >At least you got to see your friends again.
  9. >Your parents didn't let you see them much, because
  10. "Anon"!
  11. >Speak of the devil. You hadn't noticed you just crossed the last street.
  12. >Your mother was waiting for you by the front door.
  13. "Anon, where have you been"?
  14. "School. I was walking home".
  15. "Don't be a smartass with me.
  16. You know I expect you to be home at exactly 3:30.
  17. As long as you live in my house, you are going to pull your own weight".
  18. >Heh, like that tub of lard knows anything about pulling weight.
  19. "What did you say"?
  20. "Nothing, Mom".
  21. "That's right. Chores, Now"!
  23. >After you were done scrubbing the bathroom with a toothbrush, you look at the clock.
  24. >It's 9:00. That means you missed supper, again.
  25. >You quietly sneak into the living room.
  26. >That bottle sitting on the coffee table meant mom was gone for the night.
  27. >You look through the kitchen. Mom had macaroni and cheese tonight.
  28. >Dad was out late again. You only ever saw him once a week.
  29. >The cheese was congealed and cool,
  30. >but the noodles stuck to the bottom of the pot still counted as food.
  31. >Dinner of champions.
  32. >You grab a spoon you had washed earlier that day and scraped the pot.
  33. >Well, nothing to do but go to your room.
  34. >Your room was comforting. You could lock the door, and that made it safe.
  35. >After digging around in you tattered backpack, you found it.
  36. >At least there was one way to ignore the situation you were in.
  37. >You turn the bent, discolored page.
  38. "In a hole in the ground, there lived a hobbit..."
  39. >Book in hand, you read on into the night
  40. >until drowsiness forces you to drift off to sleep
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