
ReaderxKanaya Request

Feb 17th, 2016
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  1. Today had been a very dull day. Partially due to the lack of amenities on this god-forsaken meteor, but mostly due to the extraordinary lack of dream-bubbles in the past week. At least, you think it’s been a week. It gets a little hard to tell sometimes. You can hear Karkat and Dave bickering in the distance, an event which would be entertaining if it wasn’t the third time today, but not a lot else. At this point even a visit from Gamzee would be welcome; as insane and murderous as he is, he’s at least interesting. You let out a long sigh and go for another lap around the labs in vain attempt to busy yourself, recycling old trains of thought to drown out the tedium.
  2. You almost completely miss the faint sound underneath your feet, so occupied are you in your blind boredom. You pause, and take step back to examine what caused the soft crunch; at first glance you think it’s a rose petal, but a closer look reveals it to be a carefully cut piece of pink paper. You pick the curious thing off the floor and, with a cocked eyebrow, notice another a few inches away from the first. And another beyond that. A long trail of paper petals stretches out before you, taking a sharp turn and disappearing into a seldom used nook of the vast complex. You consider for a moment; either you’ve somehow missed this oddity on your many, many laps of these dull halls… or someone put this down very recently.
  3. Never one to ignore an adventure, you follow the trail down a long, winding set of stairs into the deep bowels of the meteor. The trail grows denser the deeper you go, until a carpet of pink paper crunches pleasantly underfoot and piquing your curiosity further. Finally, after several dozen minutes of descent, the trail ends at a closed door you don’t recognise; it’s plain enough to be easily lost amongst the repetitive architecture. You can just about smell something form behind it; a light yet acrid burning, tinged with… vanilla? A tad anxious, you gently push the door open and peer inside.
  4. The room is small, but the red velvet pillows and silk draping immediately transform it into cosy. Shelves lined with flickering candles provide a dim orange light and a heavy, scented air. Much of the room is taken up by a large nest of pillows and bed spreads, all similar shades of carnal red, upon which sits a thoroughly nervous young woman. Her pale grey skin contrasts sharply with the black lace lingerie which hugs her figure, a matching set of stocking and gloves clothing her limbs. She nervously tucks a loose strand of her short-cropped hair back into place, and smiles; her fangs sparkling in the dim flickers of the candlelight. You’d recognise those gracefully tall horns anywhere, especially with the characteristic kink at the end of one. Even more, you recognise those utterly outrageous hips; you’ve only been staring at them for the past few months.
  5. “I Was Informed That Today Was A Human Celebration Of Romance” She says, somehow making a nervous mumble sound as elegant and refined as she looks. “I Was Unable To Acquire The Necessary Flowers So I Had To Improvise” She blushes a deep, dark green. “I Do Apologise”
  6. You let out a short chuckle, gently closing the door behind you, and smile in an attempt to reassure her. It seems to work, and Kanaya sighs with relief, patting the space besides her. You take your seat, lounging back into the impossibly soft mass of pillows. She lies back as well, fiddling a little with the straps of her garter and adjusting the position of the thin, black lace plumping up her modest chest. You tentatively wrap an arm around her waist, eliciting a small jump from her, before pulling the two of you into a gently cuddle. Her blush deepens, but she gently rests her head on your shoulder; her horns lightly bumping against the back of your head. You gently run a thumb along the soft skin of her waist and she wriggles a little. You feel her hand slowly drift into yours and your clench it gently, a small blush coming to your own cheek; this is the furthest you’ve ever been before. You plant a soft kiss on her forehead and she buries her face deeper into your shoulder. You give a small snort of laughter and she buries further. You both sit there for a few more moments, enjoying the warmth of each others bodies in this cosy lover’s den.
  7. Kanaya is the one to make the first move; she slowly and nervously pulls herself away from your side and straddles your hips, wrapping her silk clothed arms around your neck and looking into your eyes. The two of you stare for a few moments, your breathing synching almost perfectly, before you lean forward and kiss her delicate black lips. She shivers as your hands slide from her hips to her torso, holding the two of you together as you explore one another’s mouths with your tongues. It feels like an hour has passed before you finally break apart. “I-I Apologise” She pants, her hands trembling slightly. “I Have Never… That Is To Say…” She fumbles for words before you softly kiss her again, your arms hugging her close to you. Her hands tense at first with shock, but soon they’re sliding against the skin beneath your shirt and tugging away at the offending fabric to expose your torso to the warm, vanilla-laced air. She pushes you onto your back and sits shakily upon your legs, her gloved hands dragging down your stomach to rest at the hem of your trousers. She bites her lip nervously as she carefully unbuttons the barrier between her and you, her eyes widening as the bulge in your boxers is revealed.
  8. Slowly Kanaya pulls away your trousers, and you can just about make out the gently writhing form of her own bulge contained in the tiny scrap of lace masquerading as panties. She lies atop you once again, kissing your lips with an urgent need made ever more obvious by the way her emerald tendril slithers out and wraps itself around the portion of your cock that has pushed free from your underwear. The slick digit curls and wriggles like a thin tongue and you involuntarily buck your hips into its sensuous motions. Kanaya breaks her lips from yours and kneels above your hips, gently pulling the panties aside to reveal her sopping wet, jade-green nook. “P-Please… I…” She begs, eyeing your member hungrily.
  9. With an almost inhuman speed you remove the last of your modesty, discarding the boxers to one side, and grasp her wide hips. She smiles, gently holding your cock skyward, and slowly lowers herself onto you. She whimpers as the first inch presses itself inside, but flat out moans with pleasure as all the others follow until she’s sat atop your hips, her bulge curling around the base. You mouth a question and she nods, rolling her hips gently as she slowly bobs herself along your shaft. The pace is almost teasingly slow to begin with, but she soon finds a rhythm that has both of you gasping and groaning. She steadies herself with her hands on your chest, but you quickly take the opportunity to slip your own hands into hers, intertwining your fingers and pressing your palms together. Her pace quickens, little gasps and whimpers wracking her shivering frame as she bounces faster and faster, her bulge tightening around your shaft as it plunges in and out of her hot, wet and oh-so tight sex.
  10. Suddenly she stops, shaking and holding back a long moan. “I-I’m Sorry” she says, gasping. “I-It Is Too…” She desperately grinds herself against you, looking at you with pleading eyes. Quickly getting the message, you sit up and embrace her. She whimpers as you withdraw your shaft from her, the green tendril immediately wrapping itself around the length and pumping at it madly. Quickly, but gently, you place her onto the nest of pillows. She looks up at you, panting and begging you with her yellow eyes. Her bulge tightens around your member, pleading for you to put it back inside; to please, please, please fuck her! You slip your hands back into hers and kiss her black lips, rubbing yourself against her sopping wet nethers before plunging yourself back into her pleasant depths. She breaks the kiss with a moan, her long legs almost instinctively wrapping about your waist and pulling you further inside her. You start at the pace from before, but soon you can’t stand it and thrust yourself harder and faster into her, each thrust bringing out a louder and more carnal moan from your grey-skinned beauty. You feel her bulge slither around your balls and urgently rub and massage them, urging you faster and faster. You oblige, the lusty sounds of Kanaya’s shallow breath and urgent moans filling your ears. Her skin begins to glow faintly as she grows louder and louder, screaming and begging for more.
  11. You feel your own pressure begin to build as the hot tightness of Kanaya’s nook grips your cock lovingly, her hands tightening around your almost painfully as you thrust as quickly as you can in and out of her wonderful body. She closes her eyes and whimpers and pants and begs until you finally hear her moan “P-Please! I-I Am Almost…! I-I’m…!” You redouble your efforts and in a scarce few seconds are rewarded as she screams, her legs and nook tightening and pulling your cock as deep as she can inside her. Her skin glows its brightest and her eyes roll back as her body shudders and tenses wildly, the sensation of her orgasm pushing you over the brink into your own. Without a second thought you cry out and cum as deep inside her nook as you can, gripping her hands so tightly you almost fear you’ll break them.
  12. With a shared breath of relief you slump onto her. You both pant and moan, letting yourselves settle into the other for a few wonderful seconds. Eventually you untangle from your partner, only to re-tangle again almost immediately after as you cuddle on the now thoroughly soiled love nest. Most of the candles have burnt out, and you’re sure someone would have heard all the commotion, but you don’t care. You rest your head upon her shoulder, grip her hand and wish her a very happy Valentine’s Day, before the two off you doze off in each other’s arms.
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