
Second scene with Chinook

Aug 26th, 2013
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  1. 06[01:42] * Chinook passes by the edge of his forest. He can't look at it the same now, not since he was there last time.
  2. [01:43] <Chinook> *the
  3. 06[01:46] * Lucyne exits the forest trotting in a brisk tempo, intently staring at the floor, mind boiling and mouth hinting at it only through a definite frown.
  4. 02[01:46] * Quicksilver ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  5. 03[01:46] * Quicksilver ( has joined #fourcannon-woods
  6. 04[01:47] * Chinook quickens his pace a little. Something' Then he notices Lucyne and stops dead in his tracks. That's what was eating at him. Her.
  7. 04[01:47] <Chinook> "Lu?"
  8. 06[01:47] * Lucyne catches the movement out of the corner of her eye and her head snaps in the direction. "Chinook?"
  9. [01:48] <Chinook> "Yeah...yeah, it's me. You got a spare minute?"
  10. 06[01:49] * Lucyne tries to not hesitate, but a twitch runs over her face nontheless. "I'...yes, of course."
  11. [01:50] <Chinook> "I won't keep you for long. At least, I won't try. But I've got some things to say and I can't keep them held in much longer."
  12. 06[01:51] * Lucyne hangs her head a bit as crushing guilt pelts down on her mind. "I...I think I owe you all the time in the world."
  13. 04[01:52] <Chinook> "Lu. You don't owe me much. If anything. In fact I wanted to apologise to you."
  14. [01:52] <Chinook> "First off. I wanna apologise for the way I acted last time we met. It was stupid of me and I needed to listen to you better. So I'm sorry for that."
  15. 06[01:52] * Lucyne grits her teeth "After all around myself..."
  16. 01[01:53] <Lucyne> "You acted like anyone would have, nothing to apologize for."
  17. [01:53] <Chinook> "I still feel the need to."
  18. [01:54] <Chinook> "Now here's the second one. Gettin' a lil bit....trickier here."
  19. 02[01:54] * GreenLight ( Quit (Quit: Web client closed)
  20. [01:54] <Chinook> "I'm...I'm sorry I was never there for you."
  21. 06[01:54] * Lucyne tries to contain any facial expressions her inner world would like to show, avoiding Chin's gaze.
  22. 06[01:54] * Lucyne 's ears perk up and she raises her head.
  23. 01[01:54] <Lucyne> "What?"
  24. [01:56] <Chinook> "When you "died". I wasn't there. When the town rallied together to bring you back. I wasn't there. And for every struggle that's plagued you, your friends and made my life and all its problems seem small in comparison....I wasn't there."
  25. [01:56] <Chinook> "And you still call me a friend."
  26. [01:57] <UnifySelf> [All these feels]
  27. 06[01:57] * Lucyne 's face twitches again, a slight note of frustration creeping into her tone "If anything I am glad you weren't there."
  28. 03[01:59] * GreenLight ( has joined #fourcannon-woods
  29. [01:59] <Chinook> "The concern is appreciated but...but..." He starts tearing up "I'm...not done yet..."
  30. 06[01:59] * Lucyne bits her tongue, her own emotions flaring up again as she feels the feelings of the other.
  31. 01[02:00] <Lucyne> [>feels the feelings]
  32. 01[02:00] <Lucyne> [10/10 writing]
  33. 04[02:00] <Chinook> "T-the third thing I n-need to apologise for" he slams a hoof into the floor "Goddamnit! Lu! That night!"
  34. 06[02:01] * Lucyne swallows a cynical comment.
  35. [02:02] <Chinook> "You and I....we've been here a long time. And I've seen you go from a spritely scientist this. Now, I know it wasn't you. I trust you on that. But, it almost felt like you."
  36. 06[02:03] * Chinook slumps to the floor "I don't know how to say it..."
  37. 06[02:03] * Lucyne continues to breathe in a regular pattern, not betraying the overwhelming emotions dominating her every thought process as she let's Chin finish.
  38. [02:03] <Chinook> "I...I..thought I made you happy...just at least once..."
  39. [02:04] <GreenLight> [The feels Watson]
  40. 01[02:04] <Lucyne> []
  41. [02:04] <Chinook> "But it was a lie. I was just being used..."
  42. [02:05] <Chinook> "And...and I see now, that I couldn't even do that. And risk losing the love of my life for a lie."
  43. [02:05] <UnifySelf> [Oh god why does this fit, it isn't even feelsy music]
  44. 06[02:06] * Lucyne 's brain suddenly rapidly shifts gear, anger and frustration caving in to other thoughts, depression and guilt taking over.
  45. 01[02:06] <Lucyne> [It sure is good Lucy can't cry...heh]
  46. 03[02:07] * Duskie is now known as DuskieLeague
  47. 04[02:07] * Chinook shakily picks himself up "Lucyne. I don't know how much you need to hear something like this. How many friends have worn their hearts on their sleeves and put it all on show for you?"
  48. [02:08] <Chinook> "How many times will this happen? How much longer until you find peace?"
  49. 04[02:09] * Chinook puts a hoof to his chest "'ve still got a place in here. Even if I don't have much to show for it."
  50. 06[02:09] * Lucyne 's jaw quivers, backup processes grasping for ever elusive words, thoughts and emotions crashing in tidal maelstroms of hate, love, guilt, anger, fear, memories reviving and dying in a horrible storm of confusion.
  51. 06[02:11] * Lucyne 's knees weaken under the crushing, grinding assault of a thousand memories, a million emotions.
  52. 01[02:11] <Lucyne> "I..."
  53. 01[02:11] <Lucyne> "I just want it all to stop."
  54. 06[02:11] * Lucyne collapses, head hung low in shame.
  55. 01[02:11] <Lucyne> "Too many."
  56. 06[02:11] * Chinook slowly walks over, he doesn't want to touch her.
  57. 01[02:11] <Lucyne> "Too many times."
  58. 01[02:12] <Lucyne> "No rest for the wicked."
  59. 01[02:12] <Lucyne> "I just want it all to stop."
  60. 04[02:12] <Chinook> "You're not wicked, Lu. You're just lost."
  61. 01[02:12] <Lucyne> "I can't do it."
  62. 01[02:12] <Lucyne> "I give up, Chin."
  63. 01[02:12] <Lucyne> "I can't see you, or anyone suffer anymore."
  64. [02:12] <UnifySelf> [I have no IC and i must scream]
  65. 01[02:13] <Lucyne> "I can't take it."
  66. [02:13] <Chinook> "Whatever you're thinking. Don't do it."
  67. 06[02:13] * Lucyne speaks in short, almost cough like sentences.
  68. 01[02:13] <Lucyne> "I don't know anymore."
  69. 01[02:13] <Lucyne> "Whoever is torturing me."
  70. 01[02:13] <Lucyne> "God, luck, fey."
  71. 01[02:13] <Lucyne> "You win."
  72. 06[02:13] * Lucyne lays down her head.
  73. 01[02:14] <Lucyne> "I never wanted anyone to be hurt."
  74. [02:14] <Chinook> "I...can't pretend to know or understand what it is you're going through."
  75. 01[02:14] <Lucyne> "Neither can I pretend I can relate to how you must feel."
  76. 06[02:15] * Lucyne grimaces as if in intense pain, putting her front hooves in front of her face.
  77. 01[02:15] <Lucyne> "Why? Why do I have to have all of you?"
  78. 04[02:15] * Chinook starts letting the tears flow "Lu...we all just want it to stop..."
  79. 01[02:15] <Lucyne> "Why are you all such great friends?"
  80. 01[02:15] <Lucyne> "Why can't I be alone."
  81. 01[02:15] <Lucyne> "So no one needs to suffer for me."
  82. 01[02:16] <Lucyne> "I try and try."
  83. 01[02:16] <Lucyne> "I keep getting back up."
  84. 01[02:16] <Lucyne> "I keep trying something new."
  85. 01[02:16] <Lucyne> "And everytime."
  86. 01[02:16] <Lucyne> "Everytime."
  87. 01[02:16] <Lucyne> "There is only another sucker punch waiting for me."
  88. 01[02:16] <Lucyne> "And worse, for you."
  89. 06[02:16] * Lucyne grits her teeth in pain or anger.
  90. 06[02:17] * Chinook breathes deeply, "How did it come to this..."
  91. 01[02:18] <Lucyne> "Luck? Fate? A big game?"
  92. 01[02:18] <Lucyne> [3acually is gm]
  93. [02:19] <Chinook> [Existential crisis is a go]
  94. 01[02:20] <Lucyne> [I feel I hijacked your speech hue]
  95. 01[02:20] <Lucyne> [Sorry]
  96. 06[02:20] * Chinook backs away slowly, shaking his head
  97. [02:20] <Chinook> [Ah, you can plan something, but when the chips are down, anything goes]
  98. 06[02:21] * Chinook furrows his brow and shouts at the sky "ARE YOU HAPPY?! IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED?! HAVE YOU HAD YOUR FILL?! WHOEVER YOU ARE!"
  99. 01[02:21] <Lucyne> [3No I still have some plans, actually]
  100. [02:21] <Chinook> "OR ARE WE NOT BROKEN YET?!"
  101. 01[02:21] <Lucyne> [Sorry, humor is ruining the mood]
  102. 06[02:22] * Lucyne silently lays there, face hidden, breathing steady.
  103. 04[02:22] * Chinook gets his breath back "I don't know anymore Lucy, I really don't."
  104. 01[02:23] <Lucyne> "Neither do I...neither do I..."
  105. [02:24] <Chinook> "I...I'm gonna go. I can't..."
  106. 01[02:24] <Lucyne> ["I tried so hard and got so far. But in the end it doesn't even matter"]
  107. 01[02:24] <Lucyne> [hue]
  108. [02:24] <Chinook> [Oh, fuck not THAT song]
  109. 01[02:24] <Lucyne> [huehuehue]
  110. 06[02:25] * Lucyne stays motionless, breathing ceasing as well. "Chin...I..."
  111. [02:25] <Chinook> "...Yeah?"
  112. 04[02:25] <UnifySelf> [Lucy, i'm actually feeling sorry for you and angry at whoever's torturing you IC in real life]
  113. [02:25] <UnifySelf> [This game mang]
  114. [02:26] <GreenLight> ^
  115. 04[02:26] <Chinook> "Lu?"
  116. 06[02:26] * Lucyne removes her hoofs from her face, a sight of weariness, of such tiredness, greeting you.
  117. 01[02:26] <Lucyne> "You...thank much..."
  118. 01[02:26] <Lucyne> "You don't deserve any of this."
  119. 06[02:27] * Chinook smiles "Hey...that's what friends are for, right?"
  120. 01[02:28] <Lucyne> ["No, friends are there to be tortured when the prime torture candidat is too strong to be affected by conventional torture."]
  121. [02:28] <Chinook> [Say it m8 I dare you]
  122. 01[02:28] <Lucyne> [that was more of GM talking]
  123. 04[02:29] * Chinook offers a hoof to help her up "Come on Lu, you look like shit. I'm getting you home."
  124. 01[02:29] <Lucyne> "Y-Yes...of course..."
  125. 06[02:30] * Lucyne swallows her actual feelings on that matter.
  126. 06[02:30] * Lucyne hesitantly takes the hoof, getting up and brushing herself off.
  127. 01[02:30] <Lucyne> "Just...tired, Chin."
  128. 01[02:30] <Lucyne> "I'll be fine."
  129. 04[02:31] * Chinook sighs "Lu..come on, I bet Rain misses you."
  130. 06[02:31] * Lucyne nods slowly. "Yes...yes, you are right."
  131. [02:32] <Chinook> "Hey. Need a hug?"
  132. [02:33] <Chinook> "Because it's been a while."
  133. 06[02:33] * Lucyne collects all the strength left in her weak, broken body to smile at Chin "Yea, I think I do." Completely saying the opposite of what she's thinking to make Chin feel better.
  134. [02:33] <Chinook> [....]
  135. 01[02:34] <Lucyne> [This rabbit hole goes a lot deeper]
  136. [02:34] <UnifySelf> [I really wanna do this even though it's stupid, but if we get to fight the fey torturing her, i wanna go full animu and yell. "I won't let you hurt my friends."]
  137. 04[02:35] * Chinook only gives her a brief hug "Let's get you home, Lucy."
  138. 01[02:35] <Lucyne> [>implying there is a torturer]
  139. 06[02:36] * Lucyne returns the hug clumsily as usual. "Yea, let's go."
  140. 06[02:36] * Chinook shakes his back "Need a lift?"
  141. [02:36] <UnifySelf> [Still wanna do it]
  142. 03[02:37] * Flora ( has joined #fourcannon-woods
  143. 06[02:37] * Lucyne keeps her soft smile "Thanks, but I'd like to walk."
  144. 04[02:38] * Chinook smiles back and keeps to Lucy's pace "Alright then."
  145. 06[02:40] * Lucyne slowly walks down towards the river and farm with Chin.
  146. 04[02:41] * Chinook arrives nearer the Farm, walking next to Lucy "This must be the place...sure has picked up since I was last here. You and Rain have really got this place going."
  147. 06[02:42] * Lucyne peeks into the door for a second before turning back to Chin "Yea, Rain's doing mostly."
  148. 03[02:43] * GreenLight ( has joined #FourCannon-Riverside
  149. [02:43] <Chinook> "My bad, then. But at least you helped."
  150. 06[02:43] * Lucyne sighs "Thanks for bringing me home...I wish there was something I could do or say to make this all better..."
  151. [02:44] <Chinook> "Try this"
  152. 06[02:44] * Chinook uses his hooves to paint a smile on his face, showing a cheest grin.
  153. [02:44] <Chinook> *cheesy
  154. 06[02:44] * Lucyne tries her very best to smile along. "I'll try."
  155. 06[02:45] * Chinook cocks a brow "Hmm. Could be better. But it's a start! Looks good on you. You should try it more often."
  156. 06[02:46] * Lucyne continues to hold the smile, masking the intense shame and insult she is feeling from this situation.
  157. [02:47] <Chinook> "Look...I was never the best speaker...always been more of a loner and maybe I'm screwing things up but, if you need anything you think I can help you with. Gimme a shout."
  158. 01[02:47] <Lucyne> [hue, it's funny because Chin just made it a LOT worse]
  159. [02:48] <Chinook> [I am not a good pinkie pie]
  160. 06[02:48] * Lucyne nods "I will, thank you again, it's good to know people have your back."
  161. [02:48] <GreenLight> [/me coughs]
  162. 01[02:48] <Lucyne> [The joke it that she has ALWAYS been the one to cheer up OTHER people, and she is *embarassed* that now ever her last useful trait is gone]
  163. 01[02:48] <Lucyne> [Even when bodily broken she could still cheer others up, now depression has taken even that away]
  164. [02:49] <Chinook> [must...avoid...meta..]
  165. [02:49] <GreenLight> [...Oh my. That... /me is even more hyped for his IC]
  166. 04[02:50] <UnifySelf> [Oh god, Lucy. I don't like the >implications from this]
  167. 01[02:50] <Lucyne> [Everyone trying to help her is just making her feel more and more pathetic as she sees herself as 'not strong enough' to deal with her own problems, making her see herself as nothing but a load to others]
  168. 01[02:50] <Lucyne> [A classical depression spiral]
  169. [02:50] <GreenLight> [Protip...]
  170. 04[02:50] <UnifySelf> [So we leave lucy alone then?]
  171. 04[02:50] <GreenLight> [/me isn't looking to help Lucy first]
  172. 01[02:50] <Lucyne> [There is nothing to fix]
  173. [02:50] <Chinook> [And friends feeling too guilty to leave her alone. the vicious cycle of friendship]
  174. [02:50] <GreenLight> [/me is not a friend]
  175. 01[02:50] <Lucyne> [Eeyup, a clever thing I found to break even her last reserves]
  176. 04[02:51] <UnifySelf> [Why are you trying to break your own char Lucy?]
  177. [02:51] <UnifySelf> [;_;]
  178. 04[02:51] <GreenLight> [How would Lucy react if a pony she's never talked to wants to help?]
  179. 01[02:51] <Lucyne> [Expression, mostly]
  180. 01[02:51] <Lucyne> [Find out Light]
  181. [02:51] <GreenLight> [K, GM[]
  182. 06[02:52] * GreenLight walks down the river after having a nice chat with Alerderna
  183. 04[02:52] <UnifySelf> [Oh ok Lucy. Just checking]
  184. 04[02:52] <Chinook> "G'night Lucy. Maybe I'll see you around."
  185. 01[02:52] <Lucyne> [/me has been down the same spiral]
  186. 01[02:52] <Lucyne> "Definitely, good night Chinook."
  187. 06[02:53] * Chinook nods and turns away, he decides against flying off for a cool exit.
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