
Drago and Bank fun

Jun 29th, 2015
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  1. 14:14 BankFairy kicked up her feet, the fairy winding down after a long and bothersome day, now settled on a couch that lay in the middle of a warehouse. Just what was in the warehouse? Boxes, bags, piles of coins and treasures, stacks of books on shelves, safes, all kinds of containment filled the old industrial storage area, strewn about seemingly carelessly.
  2. 14:15 BankFairy lived here. Ate, slept, watched TV, used her little laptop to talk crap over the internet, and did her business, and that business was keeping things of great importance safe. Not a thing could be stolen from the warehouse, nothing broken or marked without her willing it. A potent fae spell that had been issued ages ago... now used for keeping around crap
  3. 14:16 *** A-Pex joined #covenger_rp
  4. 14:23 Dragomir walks into the establishment, his body shrouded in his little dumb cloak he thinks is pretty cool. It's black with purple on the inside, but it can't be his only wardrobe for too long. He eyes the area, not looking very impressed. "деда's bag of holding contained more artifacts than this..." he murmured.
  5. 14:25 BankFairy may have at one point, in the times of her forebears, had far more stored within, great things of power to be held from the mortal world, but... the age of the fae had long since dwindled away and bit by bit the bank lost its glory, and respect.
  6. 14:25 BankFairy remained laxed on the couch, poking a hole in the bottom of a can and drinking from there instead of the top. It was faster that way, she said. Letting off a long sigh, she turned her lazy eyes over. "Oooh, hey there"
  7. 14:28 Dragomir caught his host's greeting but did not respond with his own. He felt it unnecessary. "Tell me what you know, дух. I am on a mission of great urgency." He wasn't.
  8. 14:33 BankFairy "Wow you're pretty... serious about this. Like if I delay another few minutes you might explode or somethin'. Don't want to get blueberries everywhere..." Yawning and stretching, she got up and started slouching her way to one of the book shelves
  9. 14:35 Dragomir "Indeed my power is capable of leveling this entire area. You are quite wise to recognize and fear it."
  10. 14:37 BankFairy "Well... Actually in here, not really. Its a private domain-something or other. So long as we're in here I don't think you can do a single thing, blue bird" Putting up her hand, several ancient looking scrolls lifted themselves out from the shelf, levitating down into her hands
  11. 14:41 Dragomir snaps his fingers constantly, trying to produce something, fire, electricity, anything, but fails to conjure anything. He clenches his teeth in frustration and makes a mental note to keep a distance from this women for she may be plotting to take him out then and there.
  12. 14:43 BankFairy set them down upon the table. "This is some writings from a few centuries ago, Serbia or Yugoslavia or something or other, geography. Tells you a bit about the demon folks that you happen to be related to, about the dragons and wizards that fought 'em, and from what I can tell it was his writing"
  13. 14:44 BankFairy "Doesn't say much about himself, but... I mean, should be some help, right?" Although, one of the scrolls appears to have a map attached to it with markings around certain areas, and the fairy tries to keep that under the other papers.
  14. 14:47 Dragomir disregards his previous mental note as his eyes light up in excitement. He rushes to the displayed texts, eager to read what they say. His face turns to confusion as he can not understand the displayed map. "This map feels familiar..."
  15. 14:49 BankFairy sighed, grumbling while Drago caught sight of the map. Upon it was marked several locations, either in crosses or circles. The circles seemed to just be in random areas around the globe, but the crosses, if one knew a thing or two, could be found to lay upon sites of volcanoes, mountains, deep sea trenches and ridges, islands, and there were many of them.
  16. 14:50 BankFairy "I wouldn't take a look at that. Goddamn useless if you want to find him. The only things you'll find there are things that should be left sleeping"
  17. 14:52 BankFairy The scrolls, on the other hand, were most definitely the handwriting of the man Drago once knew. It detailed his observations as he watched the blue devils and fought them back atop the backs of his own dragon, tested spells that were later marked as failures, and random scribblings about containment magics
  18. 14:53 BankFairy There was a small mention of Drago near the end, speaking of finding a male child by an ala mother and taking him in, but whatever intentions and further observations on it were missing. The texts were still incomplete after all.
  19. 14:56 Dragomir almost believed the map was referring to magic treasure or something along those lines until he actually read the scrolls. He couldn't help but feel some a twinge of sadness in his chest. "Is this...Is this all?"
  20. 14:58 BankFairy looked down. "Well... Really, I don't think there's much else I can do to help. There aren't many guardians left in the world, a lot of what we've been meant to contain has been lost as some have been killed outside of their holding. Its not looking too hot"
  21. 14:59 BankFairy "...But, I might know a thing or two. There's still another blueberry in the city, and I do know that the last time one of the guardians saw the guy was in the Americas, somewhere in the midwest. I can try to search for more, tell ya what I find"
  22. 15:07 Dragomir "I was afraid of this...My sisters truly /are/ in this city. Subtly wreaking havoc no doubt. But if I cannot find деда myself then I must carry on his legacy. And end my kind with my own hands if necessary..." He grips his staff, determined to fulfill his self given quest. "Demon kind ill need to remain on this plane of mortal existence. But the coin mage wisely suggested 'First I...
  23. 15:07 Dragomir ...need new threads.' Can you assist me on that?"
  24. 15:09 BankFairy "Aunts, actually. Maybe.... " She took another can and broke open the bottom, drinking the contents in one go. "One in this city has been for a while. Never saw her, but only heard of one death because of her and it was a guy that frankly deserved it. Probably an asshole, but manageable"
  25. 15:10 BankFairy "If there's another, like the scrying said... that one might be the problem for ya. Probably. Again, I just go on rumors and wiggly magics.... Now, about the clothes"
  26. 15:14 BankFairy admittedly didn't have much in the ways of clothing for short tiny children, tapping her chin and rummaging through her stuff
  27. 15:20 A-Pex in the meantime casually strolled by the entrance of the facility, he didn't seem too busy. He walks in standing by the entrance. "I politely request service as well.'"
  28. 15:25 BankFairy "Eurgh... I might just have to take you shopping or something, I'm afraid I don't store things in size bab- Ohhi" The young looking fairy stood up and turned around to face the newcomer. "Whatcha need?"
  29. 15:28 A-Pex "See, I am on the prowl for something rare. My sources tell me you conveniently have one in stock today."
  30. 15:29 BankFairy blinked. "Yeaaaaah..... so, whatcha need?"
  31. 15:33 A-Pex "Let me give you details. It is about...yay high?" He motions a height just as tall as his waist down. "Blue, white fur, smells faintly of, has a penchant for relieving itself in public places. Sound familiar?"
  32. 15:34 BankFairy "...Listen, I keep stuff around for people but we don't do slave trading or ratting people out. Ain't in the job description"
  33. 15:34 BankFairy "No can do"
  34. 15:40 A-Pex "That truly is unfortunate but despite your words, I have found my prey, excuse me while I handle this. He approaches the oblivious blue child, enamored by his mentor's recordings. "I wonder what you taste like...."
  35. 15:41 BankFairy put a hand on A-Pex's shoulder as he tried to walk past. The man was stopped in his place, any attempts to move forward towards the child completely halted. "Listen creep, I'm not about letting this kinda shit happen, especially not in my house"
  36. 15:42 Dragomir was too engaged in the study of Dragon Feces and magical fueling capabilities. "I was not aware of this..."
  37. 15:44 A-Pex struggled to move, getting increasingly frustrated. "Do NOT cross me little bird women! I have to teach this brat not to cross the Apex Predator. He has offended me more than anyone has in a while. I will teach him respect!"
  38. 15:47 BankFairy exerted some of the strange, unnatural strength that she showed in the shop, pulling A-Pex around and cracking her fist across his face to send him into one of the walls. Enough to make an impact into the concrete, but looking closely one could see it already mending itself
  39. 15:48 BankFairy "Listen, jackass. I know all about your rules of nature pride game bullshit, I know more than enough fae that think they got every right to do what they do, but this ain't nature in here"
  40. 15:49 BankFairy "You're in my world, and you had better get your cheap ass out"
  41. 15:49 Dragomir snapped from his great reading and came to the attention of the violence that had just broken out. He was more worried and afraid than putting on a brave face. "Should I....Should I stay...?"
  42. 15:51 BankFairy "Kid, I'll talk to you some other time, either hide here for safety or go off to wherever you live. I'll just quickly kick this shithead out of my shop"
  43. 15:53 A-Pex got to his feet, angrier than ever, "You speak foolstongue. The hunt is forever, as is my pride." He pounced after the heretic who disrespected his lifeblood.
  44. 15:54 Dragomir grabbed his staff and warily walked around the two making commotion to the exit. "Your services were appreciated, do not die." He ran off.
  45. 15:55 BankFairy turned her back from Drago to A-Pex, a hefty, metal bound book flying from the shelf and smacking into the assaulting beast like a wrecking ball hitting a building. Everything in the room was hers to control, it seemed. For now she'd beat the guy until he lost that scent and give Drago a chance to make some distance
  46. 16:00 A-Pex gets to his feet, a bit dazed, "I can tell when I am in another's domain bird woman." He had trouble keeping balanced as he slowly walked to the door. "H-Had you not cheated, and we were in the real battlefield, t-the Hunt would have decided the true winner!"
  47. 16:02 A-Pex reaches the door and tries to get himself out, ultimately losing his balance and falling unconscious within the open door frame. "T-The hunt..."
  48. 6:03 BankFairy "Shove your hunt! I hope you fall on your face asshole! Fuck you!" The fairy wasn't the greatest in the world of battle lines, replying lazily, but she made her point known. Just as A-Pex would have fallen unconscious the door slammed behind him, throwing him out into the cold concrete of the alleyway
  49. 16:09 Dragomir was several blocks away gripping his staff in fear, "Had I not been constricted by her magic I would have leveled the entire area. He dare threaten me..." He looks around the area, curious "One more in the city...My au-sister..."
  50. 16:10 Dragomir trekked home with a ton of shit on his mind. Like magic shit. And demon shit.'
  52. 16:16 A-Pex woke up several hours later, and exacted his revenge on the woman who humiliated him, urinating on her doorstep and scurrying off like an animal.
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