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a guest
Apr 27th, 2015
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  1. **********************************************************************
  2. * This is the complete Log of the GregTech OreDictionary Handler *
  3. * Everything in the OreDict goes through it sometimes causing Errors *
  4. * These Errors are getting logged aswell as properly registered Ores *
  5. * If you see something fishy going on in this Log, such as improper *
  6. * Items being registered, then mention it to the corresponding Mod *
  7. * In case it mentions GregTech itself improperly registering Stuff *
  8. * then please contact me about that immediatly *
  9. * *
  10. * In case of something being 'ignored properly', that one isnt a Bug *
  11. **********************************************************************
  12. GT_API: ======================
  13. GT_API: PreLoad-Phase started!
  14. GT_API: PreLoad-Phase finished!
  15. GT_API: =======================
  16. GT_Mod: ======================
  17. GT_Mod: PreLoad-Phase started!
  18. GT_Mod: PreLoad-Phase finished!
  19. GT_Mod: =======================
  20. GT_API: ===================
  21. GT_API: Load-Phase started!
  22. GT_API: Load-Phase finished!
  23. GT_API: ====================
  24. GT_Mod: ===================
  25. GT_Mod: Load-Phase started!
  26. GT_Mod: Load-Phase finished!
  27. GT_Mod: ====================
  28. GT_API: =======================
  29. GT_API: PostLoad-Phase started!
  30. GT_API: PostLoad-Phase finished!
  31. GT_API: ========================
  32. GT_Mod: =======================
  33. GT_Mod: PostLoad-Phase started!
  34. GT_Mod: PostLoad-Phase finished!
  35. GT_Mod: ========================
  36. ============================
  37. Outputting Unknown Materials
  38. ============================
  39. ingotAwesomeite
  40. stoneRod
  41. ingotGelidEnderium
  42. stoneBrown
  43. dustInfusedTeslatite
  44. oreNaturalAluminum
  45. stoneGraniteChiseled
  46. stoneGreen
  47. crystalPureFluix
  48. stoneBowl
  49. stoneBasaltBricks
  50. stoneBasaltPolished
  51. stoneWhite
  52. stoneMagenta
  53. stoneBlue
  54. stoneLightGray
  55. stoneLightBlue
  56. stoneDioritePolished
  57. stoneBasaltChiseled
  58. oreHeeInstabilityOrb
  59. ingotPurpleAlloy
  60. ingotMangalloy
  61. dustVile
  62. dustDull
  63. oreHeeEndium
  64. stoneCyan
  65. ingotMeat
  66. stoneDioriteChiseled
  67. stoneLime
  68. gemGelid
  69. stoneYellow
  70. ingotImpureAwesomeite
  71. oreHeeStardust
  72. stoneAndesiteChiseled
  73. stoneAndesiteBricks
  74. stoneDiorite
  75. stoneDioriteBricks
  76. stoneGray
  77. stoneAndesitePolished
  78. stoneGranite
  79. nuggetSoulium
  80. stonePurple
  81. oreHeeEndPowder
  82. stoneGranitePolished
  83. stoneGraniteBricks
  84. ingotPureAwesomeite
  85. stoneOrange
  86. oreHeeIgneousRock
  87. gemDark
  88. stonePink
  89. ============================
  90. ================================
  91. Outputting Unknown OreDict Names
  92. ================================
  93. mycelium
  94. burntQuartz
  95. livingwood
  96. ice
  97. stringFluxed
  98. aquaRegia
  99. trapdoorWood
  100. flour
  101. torchRedstoneActive
  102. podzol
  103. bowlWood
  104. infusedteslatiteBundled
  105. bPlaceholder
  106. dreamwood
  107. laserMirror
  108. transdimBlock
  109. awesomeiteHammer
  110. soulSand
  111. bVial
  112. leather
  113. mobEgg
  114. bamboo
  115. laserFocus
  116. coal
  117. flint
  118. taintedSoil
  119. dreamwoodTwig
  120. universalCable
  121. diamondNugget
  122. laserReceptor
  123. bRedString
  124. honeyDrop
  125. laserEmitter
  126. resourceTaint
  127. scribingTools
  128. snowLayer
  129. bEnderAirBottle
  130. clayHardened
  131. livingrock
  132. basalt
  133. chainLink
  134. awesomeCore
  135. greggy_greg_do_please_kindly_stuff_a_sock_in_it
  136. wheat
  137. netherrack
  138. redalloyInsulated
  139. sludge
  140. lexicaBotania
  141. pestleAndMortar
  142. eternalLifeEssence
  143. bluestoneBundled
  144. redalloyBundled
  145. sulfuricAcid
  146. bacon
  147. infusedteslatiteInsulated
  148. gaiaIngot
  149. diamond
  150. trapdoorIron
  151. hardenedClay
  152. diamondShard
  153. bFlask
  154. bluestoneInsulated
  155. brDeviceCyaniteProcessor
  156. charcoal
  157. whiteStone
  158. redstoneRoot
  159. livingwoodTwig
  160. ================================
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