
[Request] Pastry Panic [F/FFFFF, Oral]

Apr 20th, 2015
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  1. At the crack of dawn, the residents of Ponyville stir awake as lights flicker erratically through the windows of Sugarcube Corner. A clatter and crash lead into a large, empty cart being flung from the doors of the bakery, landing heavily onto the ground with a large plume of dust. Two older ponies, each strapped with a baby to their backs walk out from the colorful building, clearing the air as they cough. Securing the joyful infants on the passenger's seat on the cart, the motherly mare looks back to the bakery as she shouts to the open doorway.
  3. “So long Pinkie! We'll be back with supplies tomorrow!”
  5. Ms. Cake helps fasten the cart's harness on her husband as he does the same to her. Pinkie pops into view at the building's entrance, waving enthusiastically.
  7. “No worries Mr. and Mrs. Cake, Pinkie Pie's got it covered!”
  9. With a loud slap, Mr. Cake recoils at the harness strapping tightly to his body. With a disgruntled cough, he looks back to the perky worker.
  11. “Remember Pinkie, customers first. Those cupcakes and desserts are your only batch until we come back, so no eating the stock today!”
  13. “Yes sir!”
  15. Pinkie's typically cheery demeanor gave Mr. Cake some second thoughts, but a sharp pull forward from his wife forced his hoof to start the journey, cart in full motion. Seeing the couple trot in tandem, Pinkie turns to take her place behind the counter, perched perfectly to see the fresh, luscious treats awaiting hungry mouths. Eying two particular sweet breads, she slides open the glass door to reach for them.
  17. “Well, can't work on an empty tummy! Don't mind if I-”
  19. “Morning Pinkie!”
  21. Like a filly stuck with her hoof in the cookie jar, Pinkie bolts up to meet the customer's beaming expression.
  23. “Welcome! What can I do ya for, Junebug?”
  25. The pony motions with her snout the two breads that Pinkie was about to claim for herself with an eager smile. Pinkie whimpers a bit as she serves the sweets to the customer, taking her bits in exchange for the delectable pastries.
  27. “Thanks Pinkie!”
  29. Waving to the customer with a smile, Pinkie gazes at the long line that developed in the short encounter with Junebug. Just like every morning, the line curves out the front door, where more hungry ponies await a morning delight.
  31. One by one, each pie and pastry that Pinkie eyed passed from her hoof to a happy pony. Her mouth watered and stomach groaned with each passing minute, the colorful pastries dwindling quickly. Hours pass as the afternoon sun beams into the bakery, happy ponies munching away on their purchases. With a heavy heart, Pinkie grabs a sign beneath the counter, blowing away the dust and cobwebs from it. Hanging it on the table, an eager pony approaching Pinkie exclaims in surprise.
  33. “'Sold out'?! That can't be!”
  35. Pinkie winced at the words, a reminder of her own sugarless reality. With a weak smile, she consoles the mare.
  37. “Sorry! Mr. and Mrs. Cake is out today buying supplies, we'll be back in full force tomorrow!”
  39. Sounds of dejected ponies echo through the bakery as the lucky few who managed to buy the last few cupcakes and other goodies settle into their tables. The line disperses, leaving the pink pony to freely look at the satisfied ponies. The glittering sprinkles, moist bread and tangy fruit fillings taunted Pinkie as she observed each bite and gulp from every pony, every lick and nibble looking as good as the last.
  41. Pinkie's stomach gives a hollow growl as satisfied customers slowly file out, leaving behind spotless dishes. Her mouth continues to water as her eyes dart about, looking for any spot of leftover sweetness left behind. Unable to find even a crumb, Pinkie rests her head in her hooves as she mumbles quietly to herself.
  43. “Ohh... haven't had a treat since last night... I'd do anything for a sweet bite.”
  45. Seeing the last pony leave the bakery with a satisfied smile, Pinkie gives an exasperated sigh as she takes a broom to sweep up the spotless bakery. Her head droops down as she pushes dust about the room.
  47. “Not a single bite... not... one...”
  49. Her world swings and sways with her sluggish movements, the wooden floor soft beneath her hind hooves. Pinkie's eyes dull as a single string of saliva escapes her mouth, plopping onto the floor with an audible echo in her folded ears. She leans onto the broom for support as her eyelids fluttered to her shifting surroundings.
  51. “No sweets... no energy... no... fun...”
  53. With a huge yawn, Pinkie's ears perk up as she catches a whiff of something in the air. Eyes still a blur, her mouth goes into overdrive as she slurps up the excessive drool. Her nose shoots straight into the air, a radar for any treat nearby.
  55. “Sweet... no, sour... baked and...”
  57. The entrance to Sugarcube Corner swings open as a familiar, meek pegasus steps in. Lemon meringue pie in hoof, she creeps forward to greet her friend, pink nose still pointed in the air.
  59. “H-Hi Pinkie... hope I wasn't interrupting anything...”
  61. Focusing her skewed eyes on the source of the voice, Pinkie's jaw drops as a giant, talking lemon pie walks into her bakery. Hot, steamy goodness flowed from its crust as she saw its gooey center with each murmur it made. Giving her head a swift shake of disbelief, the pie continued to whisper out words as Pinkie primed herself for a pounce onto her prey.
  63. “...told me you were by yourself, so I decided to... umm... why are you looking at me like that?”
  65. Fluttershy looks at her peculiar friend, the once-brilliant blue eyes of Pinkie were glazed over with a mischievous glint. Her lower jaw is slack as she breathes heavily through her mouth, tongue twitching towards the pegasus. The meek pony nervously backed up from the starved gaze of the pastry chef, turning towards the door and stuttering as she went.
  67. “W-w-well... If now's a b-b-bad time... I can- Eep!”
  69. In one decisive sweep, Pinkie swept Fluttershy off her hind hooves, taking the buttery legs and shoving them in her salivating mouth. Losing her balance in an instant, Fluttershy accidentally cushions her fall with her dessert, spreading warm, sticky pie all over her body. Gasping in surprise, the winged pony looks back as the party pony's teeth playfully sinks into her soft rear.
  71. “P-Pinkie! It's not Satur- oh!”
  73. Amidst the wild flailing of the wild pastry in Pinkie's mouth, the sugar-deprived pony swallows hastily as she feels it struggling to escape. Not about to let such a lively meal get cold from neglect, her tongue snakes around the entirety of the talking pie, savoring patches of baked goodness as her tongue wraps up her victim in a tight coil. Feeling the large treat surrender to the length and power of her tongue, Pinkie starts to gulp, the muscles of her neck rhythmically pulsing as she draws the delicacy deep into her.
  75. “Snap out of it Pinkie! I-I can't move...”
  77. Feeling her body slowly sink deeper into the pink, wet depths, she gazes into the life-less eyes of her friend as her own head approaches the maw. The tight grip of Pinkie's tongue only loosens at the entrance of the neck, where the throat's grasp is just as tight against her bound body. Feeling the darkness of her friend's body slowly encroach upon her head, she hears the front door open among the chaotic soggy swallows.
  79. “Heya Pinkie Pie! Hope y'all don't mind if I-”
  81. The country twang gave Fluttershy a bit of hope as she gazes past the pearly whites of Pinkie, seeing her farmer friend stand before her in confusion.
  83. “What the hay is going-”
  85. “Applejack-”
  87. A reflexive gulp from the pink pony silenced Fluttershy, her head slipping into the throat as her vision goes dark. The wet cacophony of gulps and stomach churns echo around the pegasus as the heavy thunder of hooves approaches her. Applejack exclaims as she reaches past Pinkie's teeth.
  89. “Now lookie here Pinkie Pie!”
  91. Pinkie stares over her snout, seeing a large apple fritter prop her own mouth open. The sweet odor of fruit persuaded the hallucinating pony to allow the invasive treat to have its way with her. Feeling it slide over her pallet, Pinkie lets out a muffled moan of approval, the pie from earlier still journeying down her throat and partially inside her awaiting stomach.
  93. “I'll getcha out Fluttershy, just...”
  95. With half of her muscular body sticking out of the delusional pony, Applejack reaches to her friend, the shy pony unable to free herself from the constricting grip of Pinkie's powerful throat's muscles. The farmer's hooves slip and slide over Fluttershy's head, drool coating every bit of their bodies.
  97. “...yer so darn slippery!”
  99. An ominous growl shook the two ponies, Applejack pausing to question the noise. Through the padded flesh and squelching noises of the starved body, Fluttershy worriedly squeaks out to her friend, her words barely audible.
  101. “Whatcha mean 'look out'?”
  103. Applejack turns her head to see the lips of the hungry pony wrap around her middle, shutting out all evidence of light from the dark insides of the pony. Pinkie's head suddenly tilts up, sending the orange mare past the gums and onto Fluttershy's head. The pegasus squeaks in surprise as Applejack's weight forced her deeper into the digestive tract, the stomach's entrance coiled around her slippery, yellow neck. With a shudder, she calls out to her stubborn friend.
  105. “Applejack...”
  107. “Not now Fluttershy, tryin' ta figure my way out...”
  109. Pinkie lazes on the floor of the bakery, mouth shut as imprints of hooves occasionally bulge out from her cheeks. In a pleasant stupor, she hums at the imaginary flavors that danced on her tongue; a symphony of sweet, tarty goodness, coated in a salty, oily film. She weakly chewed at the flailing pony, much more entranced by the taste rather than munching on her struggling meal. Her body, eager to be filled throbbed and shifted, slowly moving her friends from her mouth to her middle, gurgles and growls aplenty as her interior muscles pin the two ponies together. The peckish pony mumbles groggily as her body distends and stretches with her live occupants.
  111. “That-a sure was-a spicey-a meat-a-ball-a...”
  113. A thunderous belch escaped her lips, her mouth empty as the bulk of the movements gathered at her belly. The shapes of hooves and heads ballooned out from her torso as the two ponies inside slowly settled inside the humid confines. Pinkie let out another vocal burp as she shuddered at the feeling of being filled to the brim.
  115. In the depths of the energetic pony, Applejack and Fluttershy were a mess of tangled limbs held tightly together by the throbbing flesh around them. The smell of half-digested lemon pie festered around them as bodily slime and digestive liquids crawl over their bodies. The stronger mare still resisted against the mucky confines while the quieter one moved around her friend's struggles. A few minutes passed as Applejack sighs in frustration, unable to escape the claustrophobic confines. Turning her head towards the pegasus, she consults her for advice.
  117. “...Any bright ideas on how ta escape Ponyville's strongest stomach?”
  119. “No... but I suggest you get comfortable Applejack...”
  121. “What'dja mean by that?”
  123. “Well... you see... every Saturday-”
  125. The stomach grumbles as its vibrations grew in intensity, throwing spittle and thick muck around the two enclosed ponies. Its churns and squeezes become more aggressive with every passing second, the splashing of liquid and the squish of muscular contractions fill their ears as the walls close in on them, packing them in tighter than before. The two mares shouted out, drowned out by the noisy, thick flesh.
  127. Pinkie pats her shivering belly bump as slowly shrinks. Once the size of two wedding cakes, the noisy bubbling and frothing within the storm of her stomach reduced it to a lumpy dome. Standing up on her four hooves, her middle hung just above the ground, swaying with her movements as she strokes it with a hoof. With eyes still cloudy, she flatly talks to her two occupants.
  129. “You two were sure tasty. If only I can find more of you...”
  131. Her head shoots up as her nose catches another scent, sucking in huge wafts of air. Pinkie's snake-like tongue slithers out, sampling her surroundings. Talking to herself, she analyzes her findings.
  133. “Two... no, three! Three familiar smells! And they're coming right for me!”
  135. Smacking her mouth noisily, Pinkie finds the distinct lack of sweetness on her tastebuds. With another whiff of the air, her mouth salivates at the approaching odor. With a goofy, almost sinister giggle, Pinkie creeps to the back of the bakery.
  137. “Well... guess I gotta welcome my guests! I'm sure even sweets like a nice surprise before going to my tummy!”
  139. With evening approaching, three ponies stride over through the marketplace, Sugarcube Corner their destination. As they make light conversation to each other, the alicorn changes the subject matter as the rainbow-maned pegasus lands next to the white-bodied unicorn.
  141. “So girls, what did you bring for Pinkie anyway? Mr. Cake said that she probably won't have anything nice all day, so I sure hope you two brought her something nice!”
  143. Rainbow Dash, with a cocky smirk pulls out a bag, heavy with goodies as she pulls out several familiar treats.
  145. “Of course! Rock candy!”
  147. Twilight raises an eyebrow to the pegasus' stash as Rarity rolls her eyes to the proud pony. With a cough, the princess addresses her friend.
  149. “Rainbow, this is the rock candy that we made for Maud's party, that was months ago!”
  151. “So? Candy doesn't go bad.”
  153. To make her point, Dash tosses a few bits of the sugary crystals in her mouth, exaggerating a “Mmmm...” to her friends. Twilight scoffs as she turns to Rarity.
  155. “So, what did you bring Rarity?”
  157. With an sweeping movement of her fore hoof, she reaches into her saddlebags, pulling out a box that glimmered in the setting sun's rays. Opening the lid, rows of chocolate bites lined the bottom of the box, all symmetrically shaped. The unicorn gives a posh laugh before she introduces her present.
  159. “Only the finest quality of fudge from Canterlot. They say that you cannot eat just one.”
  161. Twilight smiles at Rarity's contribution as Rainbow squints at the fancy sweets. With a sharp eye, the colorful mare points at the box with an unamused expression.
  163. “Is that why two rows of chocolate are missing... and why there's a brown smear on your mouth?”
  165. Twilight recoils in surprise as she quickly looks to Rarity, the guilty pony quickly licking up the evidence, but not before the alicorn saw.
  167. “Rarity!”
  169. “I'm so, so sorry! I couldn't resist! There's still plenty left, see?”
  171. Twilight huffs as Rarity puts away the box, a tinge of red on the fashionista's cheeks. Looking to Twilight, the embarrassed pony asks her friend the same question.
  173. “Well, dear. What did you bring for Pinkie?”
  175. Twilight's face lights up at the question as she pulls out her own bag of sweets.
  177. “Good question! I got these sweet mints from Hayburgers!”
  179. Rarity and Rainbow stared at each other as they simultaneously turned their heads to the proud pony. The athletic pegasus is first to speak up.
  181. “You mean the complimentary mints that they give to everypony? You've been collecting those?!”
  183. The princess' expression deflates at Rainbow's words as she stammers out a few words.
  185. “W-well... I wouldn't say collect, but whenever I crave for something sweet, I just go to Pinkie's. So... I tend to just accidentally keep them.”
  187. The two ponies sigh in unison as they look to each other, Rarity the one to start the conversation.
  189. “Well, let's now dawdle any longer, you remember last time Pinkie went without anything sweet for a day.”
  191. Dash shudders at the memory as the ponies increase their pace to the bakery. Even as the girls stood before the door of Pinkie's place, Rainbow still couldn't shake the uneasiness from her mind.
  193. “Blegh, well, let's hope Pinkie didn't make frosting from Fluttershy's pig sty... again...”
  195. Twilight pushes the door open to a seemingly empty bakery. The two other ponies follow her lead, intimidated by the eerie silence of Pinkie's workplace. Calling out to the silence, Twilight raises her voice.
  197. “Hello? Pinkie? Can we come in?”
  199. Playful giggles quietly echo around them as the three ponies look around the unoccupied building. Rarity, frozen in fear at the ominous atmosphere, stays at the entrance while Dash steps forward, slipping onto the floor in one quick motion. With a sharp yelp, the winged pony
  201. “Blegh! What the hay did I slip on?! Felt gross.”
  203. The mares focused their attention on the viscous puddle in the middle of the room. Floating inside it were bits of crumbs and what appeared to be fruit pie filling. Twilight strokes her chin as more playful laughter bounce off the wooden walls.
  205. “Something isn't right, it isn't even Saturday yet.”
  207. Dash arches an eyebrow to her friend's analysis.
  209. “...What?”
  211. Twilight points to the back of the bakery as Rainbow follows the hoof with her nose.
  213. “Dash, check the back of the bakery, I'll check Pinkie's room. And Rarity...”
  215. Looking to the petrified unicorn, Rarity's teeth chattered as Twilight figures a plan for her frightened friend.
  217. “...Just... stay here and make sure nopony leaves.”
  219. With a stiff nod, Rarity silently agrees as the ponies split up in search for their friend. Rainbow rolls her eyes as she struts over to the kitchen, keeping a lookout for anything suspicious.
  221. “I swear Pinkie, if I find one pig back here I'll-”
  223. Dash stands at alert as a shadowy figure disappears as quickly as it came behind her. Scanning the kitchen for muddy hoof prints, her eye twitches in anticipation, worried her guess was correct.
  225. “Where's that piggy pony...”
  227. As the pony fruitlessly searches at ground level, above her, stuck to the ceiling with large suction cups was Pinkie. Still as starved as before, she gazes at the pony-shaped rock candy that meandered through her kitchen, the fruity colors attractive to the pink mare. With a silent lick of her lips, a drop of saliva falls out, landing square on the head of the snack.
  229. “Wha-”
  231. Rainbow looks up just in time to see the back of her friend's throat, wide and warm. Without time to yelp in surprise, she finds her head shoved into the entrance of the stomach as the rest of her body is constricted by the powerful, slick muscles of Pinkie's throat. Wet, thick strings of saliva wrap around the blue body as Dash wiggles her hind hooves, kicking against the tongue that lapped away at her legs. With a growl in her voice, she calls out to her ravenous friend.
  233. “Grr... Let me out Pinkie!”
  235. Despite her protests, the invasive tongue continued to sample her as she felt her body lurch forward towards the sweltering depths below. The stomach's entrance yawned open as Dash's head slowly sank in, the humid air blowing in her face as she feels Pinkie's teeth close behind her hind legs. She continued to thrash about, accelerating the coating of liquids on her body as the rest of her slipped quickly into the bottom her Pinkie's needy belly. With a belch loud enough to shake the sky, Pinkie sighs in satisfaction.
  237. “What in Equestria was that noise?!”
  239. Back at the front of Sugarcube corner, Rarity stood by her lonesome, box of chocolates in hoof as she tries to eat away her nervousness.
  241. “P-probably a party cannon somewhere... yes... deary me, why does this place have to be so dark and dreary with nopony around?!”
  243. Rarity looks about, the bakery still lifeless before her. With the sun setting and lights off, Rarity starts to move her stiff legs in search of light.
  245. “Well... certainly can't see anypony if its dark out, perhaps I can just flip this switch...”
  247. Flipping the light switch, the main floor of the bakery floods with light, illuminating the darkness around the unicorn.
  249. “Phew much better, now I-”
  251. Turning around, she was greeted by the maddening smile of her pink friend. With Pinkie's face mere inches from her own, Rarity hops back in surprise.
  253. “Guh! Pinkie! Where have you been dear, we've been worried sick and I-”
  255. In the eyes of Pinkie Pie, she silently observed the talking marshmallow, gooey chocolate dripping deep inside its mouth. The distinct odor of sweets washed over her snout as she licked her chops, mouth watering at the prospect of being filled by this soft treat. With no sign of the snack pausing in conversation, Pinkie rears back, ready to spring forward.
  257. Still in the middle of her lecture with closed eyes, Rarity looks to her friend, expecting a listening ear.
  259. “...and furthermore, I-”
  261. Rarity froze as she was greeted by dangling uvula. She breathes in to scream, but Pinkie chomps down on her middle, knocking the wind out of the unicorn as she coughs into the glistening walls.
  263. “Pinkie, please! I just got my mane done perfectly today!”
  265. With a senseless look in her eyes, Pinkie slurps up the soft body, feeling the rounded head bulge out from inside her neck. A muffled scream is silenced quickly as a prolonged gulp forced Rarity to lurch deep into her belly, still jiggling with the previous occupant. Taking Rarity's hind hooves in her teeth, Pinkie playfully nibbles at them, the imaginary texture of marshmallows still fresh in her mind. Erratic laughter resonates through Pinkie's body as she continues to nip at the sensitive hooves. Once satisfied, the party pony forces a heavy gulp as the body slides deep into her digestive tract, stomach ballooning out with the new-found weight. Despite the chaos that thrashed about in her tummy, she eyes the staircase of the bakery.
  267. “Just... one more pretty little treat...”
  269. Dragging her distended belly up the stairs, the ponies inside grunt and groan in displeasure at they feel every step hit them as Pinkie's fervor to consume fueled each step. At the stop of the stairs, she stops to sniff the air as a sigh of relief comes from her belly. Picking up on the scent once more, she approaches her own room as she goes to quietly push the door in.
  271. Inside, she sees a large purple tart, striped with frosting sitting in the middle of her room. Seeing how it hasn't moved, Pinkie sneaks up to it, her sagging belly quietly skidding across the floor. Opening her mouth to consume the unsuspecting meal, Pinkie rushes forward to wrap her lips around it.
  273. “Ugh! What?!”
  275. Twilight turns around to find her lower half consumed by her pink friend, drool oozing out onto her coat as Pinkie's lips slip over her body. The ravenous pony, practiced in consuming large meals whole slurps up the alicorn's thin frame, giving her little time to react. Forcing a glow from her horn, Twilight attempts to cast a spell, but Pinkie's tongue shoots out from her mouth, wrapping around her magical instrument and encasing her head in wet muscles and slobber. The powerful grip on her horn prevented Twilight from focusing, shouting out in desparation.
  277. “Blegh! Pinkie, why are you-”
  279. Pinkie inhales the rest of her friend, sending Twilight down the muscular tube that the rest of her friends traveled down. With haste, Pinkie swallowed down the princess, assimilating her with the large fleshy globe that was many sizes too large for the pony. She rubs her enormous belly in satisfaction, finally feeling full.
  281. Bubbling inside Pinkie's belly, the girls complain as they shift and wiggle, trying to find comfort in the stew of liquids that pooled around them. Rainbow, in the darkness of the pony's guts, shouts to get her friend's attention among the chaos.
  283. “Hold up! So Applejack, just how exactly are you stuck there?”
  285. With a sigh, the farmer tries to explain her predicament.
  287. “Well, you see, Fluttershy and I got tossed and turned 'round here, but when it threw us down, Fluttershy flew from my grip while my head jus' got stuck here with you girls. I've no clue when this train'll be movin' again.”
  289. Rarity sighs in disgust as she calls out to Twilight.
  291. “Twilight, dear, do you think you can teleport us out of here? I'd like a hot shower A.S.A.P. once this is all and down with.”
  293. Hesitation in her voice, she squirms around in what little room they had.
  295. “Unfortunately, until something can stop touching my horn, the most I can do is making it glow.”
  297. To make a point, Twilight illuminates the darkness, revealing the pink, veined walls, coated in green goop and meals long passed. The alicorn's horn, bent and curves around the top of the stomach, unable to point proudly forward to cast a full spell. Rarity flounders about in a panic as the walls continue to ooze out its slime.
  299. “Ew. Gross! Turn it off, turn it off!”
  301. Darkness consumes their vision as the mares sigh in relief, their bodies tightly wound together by the tight, elastic flesh that clung to their coats. The guttural groans of the pony's body surround them as the walls pulse with each beat of Pinkie's heart. Bodily fluids crawl over their skins as they continue to move about for the slightest bit of comfort in their pink prison. With everyone struggling to find a corner of the stomach to claim as their own, a prolonged, ominous growl shakes their bodies. Applejack is the first to express worry.
  303. “Wuh oh... looks like its happening again...”
  305. With hesitation, Twilight asks the question begging to be asked.
  307. “...again?”
  309. Lying belly up on her bed, Pinkie managed to pull herself up onto the top, despite her stomach being many times her size.
  311. “Mmm... never been this full before... feels nice...”
  313. With a yawn, her belly bubbles with activity, twitching and humming with activity as it works on its oversized meal. The mess of pony-shaped bumps and bits twist and melt as the pink belly shrinks slowly, but steadily. The faint voices that played from her paunch were overtaken by the pony's overactive digestive system, a mess of bubbling whines and glottal gurgles. Pinkie lets loose another booming burp as excess air is expelled from her depths.
  315. “Oooh... that one was a doozy...”
  317. On a cloud of bliss, Pinkie Pie passes out for the night, her stomach still gleefully grinding away on its live visitors.
  319. ---
  321. The morning sun pours through Pinkie's window, the smell of baked goods wafting into the pony's nostrils. Taking a sharp inhale of the heavenly scent, Pinkie bounces up in her bed, sitting upright and ready to take on the day. She strokes her belly with a questioning glance as its size was just slightly larger than normal. Despite the hardened bumps that she felt deep inside her, she shrugged to herself as she stretches to the sunrise.
  323. “Man, what a crazy dream last night, but looks like Mr. and Mrs. Cake are back, time to-”
  325. Pinkie stops as she feels a gentle vibration between her bottom cheeks. Curious, she rolls onto her back, spreading her legs. Unable to hear anything, Pinkie calls out to the void in her rump.
  327. “Hellooo?”
  329. A gasp of relief can be heard as a gentle voice can be heard from her rear.
  331. “Pinkie! Thank goodness!”
  333. “Fluttershy, what are you doing in my Pinkie hole?”
  335. “Well... you see...”
  337. Giving Pinkie the summary of last night's antics, Fluttershy finishes with a deep breath of fresh air through Pinkie's sphincter.
  339. “...and that's what happened.”
  341. “Hum... well, is anypony else with you right now?”
  343. “No... I think they're all still...”
  345. In a single moment, Pinkie's middle vibrates a bit as hoof-shaped bulges protruded out from her body, her friends finding renewed strength in hearing their captor awake. The party pony's eyes bulge out at the scene, the writhing bumps crawling all over her skin.
  347. “Alright girls, sorry about last night, but you'll have to get out the same way like everything else that passes by these lips.”
  349. The struggling on the surface of her skin increases as Pinkie takes a deep breath in, hardening her gut to pacify her friends. Feeling their panicked movements die down, she exhales in relief as she pats her belly, feeling the hard bodies compressed inside her body. With a reassuring smile, Pinkie whispers to them.
  351. “No worries, I'm sure everypony'll come out soon enough!”
  353. Spreading her hind legs once again, she cranes her neck towards her rear.
  355. “You okay staying there for a while, Fluttershy?”
  357. “Yeah, as long as you check on the critters sometime today, its Saturday, afterall.”
  359. With a chipper voice, Pinkie leaps off her bed, planting her hooves firmly on the ground, carrying the weight of 5 other ponies inside her.
  361. “No problem! Today was practice for this pony's grumpy gut, and this is great practice!”
  363. Looking in her room's mirror, Pinkie gazes at her body, standing up on her hind hooves. Even with 5 full-sized ponies, her belly merely protruded out slightly more than usual. Twisting and turning her body, she can see the vague outlines of the horns from her magic-wielding friends and the thick legs of her friends compressed within her innards as they are embedded deep inside the maze of her intestines. Each twist of her torso revealed a new pony part, as she guesses which friend owns what part. Giggling at how the ponies' imprints look like they are etched into her flesh, she settles on her 4 hooves, eager to start the day.
  365. “Well, I sure hope everypony's hungry, because I can sure go for something sweet!”
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