
Jan 11th, 2016
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  1. "Ms. Sweet, you got a visitor."
  2. >she turns to see you then looks back at her hand of meds
  3. "Oh, hello Anon.."
  4. >you walk to her bed and sit next to her
  5. >you want to hug her but you don't know how she will react
  6. >you don't know if she will push you, scream, cry or all three
  7. >you try and do the best gesture of comfort to her
  8. >you hold on to her hand that's holding the glass of water
  9. "C'mon Sour, you need to take your medication."
  10. "I hate taking these things. I feel so unhappy when I do.."
  11. >she looks at you and then takes the medication and drinks the water
  12. >she leans on your shoulder and nuzzles her head on it
  13. >best you hug her
  14. >and you do
  15. "I hate this. I wanna home already.."
  16. "Soon, Sour. Soon."
  17. >it's only been a week since Sour was diagnosed
  18. >other than her family, you were the only one from school you came to visit
  19. >her classmates don't even visit her anymore
  20. >though it's mostly for their safety
  21. "I didn't do anything wrong." said Sour, "I was just mad. That's all.."
  22. "I know, I know. But this is for your own safety."
  23. >you pat her head
  24. "Your family is just looking out for you."
  25. "I just don't get it. I've been acting like this ever since I was born. Why is it /now/ I get sent to a madhouse?"
  26. "Mental Insitution, Sour."
  27. "Same thing. You know, you've been really helpful for me these last few days. Where were you when I lost it?"
  28. "When you went crazy? I was there but I couldn't get near you. You were swinging around a lot. I've never seen you so mad."
  29. "It was stressful day. I just wanted to calm down but this is what I get. I don't deserve this.."
  30. "No, you don't."
  31. >Sour is really upset
  32. >though not enough to go crazy
  33. >either it's the meds or she's really regretting it
  34. >you decide to change the subject
  35. "Hey, Sunny got you a gift."
  36. >you hand her a gift box
  37. "What is it?"
  38. "Open it."
  39. >she opens and it's a framed photo of her, Sunny, Indigo, Sugar and Lemon
  40. >she looks at it for quite sometime
  41. >you see a tear fall from her face
  42. >you hug her and once again her head leans on your shoulder
  43. "You really miss them, don't you?"
  44. "...I do."
  45. >she weeps softly
  46. >you hear a knock
  47. >a man with a stethoscope comes in
  48. >you assume it's the doctor
  49. "Alright Ms. Sweet, come with me. We will do a few more tests."
  50. "But she just took her medicine."
  51. "The medicine should kick in within half an hour. While that is starting, we will begin a few more tests."
  52. "Oh, alright."
  53. >can't really question a doctor
  54. >you let go of Sour and she gets out of the bed
  55. >she walks out of the room
  56. "Be safe Sour."
  57. >she turns her head to you
  58. "I will."
  59. >she leaves the room
  60. >you wait for her return
  61. >an hour later, Sour comes back
  62. >she has a soft smile
  63. >the doctor comes in
  64. "Alright, I've already informed the parents."
  65. "About what?"
  66. "If everything goes well, she can go home by the end of the week."
  67. "Really?!"
  68. "Yes."
  69. >you turn to her
  70. "That's great Sour! You can go home soon!"
  71. "However.."
  72. >uh oh
  73. "She must take her medicine at specific times."
  74. "What if she doesn't?"
  75. "I cannot really say. Bipolar disorders are tricky sometimes you don't know. I only hope you'll find someone to monitor her so she will take her medication. If she doesn't then she will slowly go back to her old self."
  76. >that's the part you loved about her
  77. >she was so unpredictable
  78. >first she's sweet then she's sour
  79. >it was enjoyable even if you were on the reciving end a few times
  80. "I volunteer. I see her in my classes almost every day"
  81. "Are you sure you're going to make sure she takes her medicine?"
  82. "Yes."
  83. "Very well then. I shall take my leave."
  84. >a week passed and Sour was released from the facility
  85. >you kept your promise of watching over her every day
  86. >you pick her up for school and drop her off at home
  87. >her attitude has been.. lackluster
  88. >she barely talks to her friends
  89. >almost as if she's not feeling anything
  90. >it worries you and no doubt her friends as well
  91. >until one day you get a phone call
  92. >it's from Sour's mother
  93. "Anon, I'm sorry we've been putting you through this."
  94. "No, no. It's okay."
  95. "Unfortunately, we have to bring her back to the institution."
  96. >wait
  97. "Excuse me?"
  98. "We notice that she hasn't been herself lately and just today she refused to take her medication. We called the doctor and suggested we take her back for a few days but we need to settle some paperwork and we can't watch her 24/7. Could you please watch her for us while we finish?"
  99. "I'm on my way."
  100. >Sour's absent days have increased ever since she got readmitted to the facility
  101. >her friends ask you how she is but you every time it's the same answer
  102. "She's trying to recover."
  103. >you head to the facility to visit her
  104. >you were walking in the hallway to her room until you saw the doctor run and then a chair fly out of her room
  105. >oh no
  106. >you heard screaming
  107. >it sounded like Sour
  108. >you rush to her room to find her being restrained by one of the employees
  109. "Ms. Sweet! Please calm down!" asked the restrainer
  110. "Oh you want me to calm down?" asked Sour
  111. "Yes, pl-"
  112. "SHUT UP! I'm sick of taking these pills! I don't feel like myself anymore!"
  113. >you intervene
  114. "Sour!"
  115. >she notices you
  116. "Anon, help me!"
  117. >you run to her and grab her hands
  118. "Sour! Calm down! You aren't making this better!"
  119. "I hate this! I hate sleeping here! I want to go home and live like a normal person again!"
  120. "But you WILL go home if you just calm down and follow the doctor's orders!"
  121. "HIS ORDERS?! HE'S A QUACK! He doesn't know what goes on! He makes conclusions from how he sees me! He doesn't know I've acted like this since I was born! I feel like I can't be myself!"
  122. >you hug her and the restrainer backs away
  123. "Sour, please."
  124. >she tries to push you away but you kept holding on
  125. "Anon, let go!"
  126. "I won't. I won't let go of you. I want to help you but you need to calm down. I'm here for you."
  127. >her pushes became lighter
  128. "You.. You jerk."
  129. "Sour, please."
  130. >she stops pushing
  131. >she arms wrap around you
  132. "I just wanted to be myself again."
  133. >you release your hug and put you hand on her cheek
  134. "Sour, it'll be alright. I'm here for you."
  135. >she puts her head down
  136. >you hear a knock
  137. >a head pokes out
  138. >it's Sunny Flare
  139. "Did we come at a bad time?"
  140. "No, she's better now."
  141. >the whole group came in the room
  142. >Sour smiled
  143. "He-hey guys."
  144. "We didn't see anything but the way how everything was sounding, you went AWOL." said Indigo
  145. "Have you been taking your medication?" Asked Sugarcoat
  146. "No. I hate it." Said Sour
  147. "Good, cause' we hated it too." said Lemon, "You were always quiet every time we hanged out. It was seriously a downer."
  148. "Be glad this lug was there to help you." said Indigo, jabbing her elbow on your arm
  149. >ow
  150. "Excuse me, sir?" asked the doctor outside
  151. "Yes?"
  152. "Could I have a moment with you?"
  153. "Uh, sure. I'll be back."
  154. >you walk out of the room as Sour and her friends start talking
  155. "What is it, Doc?"
  156. "Ms. Sweet appears to be better the moment you got here. I thank you for helping us."
  157. "No problem."
  158. "I also must tell that I recently contacted the parents about her medication. As of tomorrow she will be no longer taking them."
  159. "Really?!"
  160. "We found the medications were not helping her. From what the parents have told me and the reports from the nurse, it's been making her worse."
  161. "No kidding. I've never seen her so empty."
  162. "That is why I decided to remove them from her treatment. However, she still needs to be monitored at all times to see how she behaves after we remove the medication from her treatment."
  163. "..I'll do it."
  164. "Are you sure? She needs a 24-hour supervision. The only way to do that is to have to live with you. Is that alright?"
  165. "No problems for me there but that's me. I wonder how her parents feel."
  166. "I will contact them about this."
  167. >you look at the room and see Sour Sweet hanging with her friends
  168. >they start laughing
  169. >and you finally see her give a genuine smile after everything that happened
  170. >you smile
  171. >you don't know what will happen
  172. >you don't know how she will act after tomorrow
  173. >you don't know if she will go on a rampage again
  174. >you don't know if she will be with you after all this
  175. >but you feel that as long as you are with her, Sour will be happy
  176. >and as long as she's happy, you're happy
  177. >...
  179. [The seasons change]
  181. >Sour was finally free of her medication
  182. >she moved in with you the same day
  183. >it took some adjusting, living with a girl and all, but you made her feel like she was at home
  184. >weeks later Sour started to become her 'normal' self again
  185. >she was active and unpredictable
  186. >her friends come over from time to time to hang out
  187. >despite the doctor saying she doesn't need 24-hour supervision anymore, she didn't want to move out of your house
  188. >she stayed with you for the duration of your high school years
  189. >eventually you decided to pursue the medical field and become a doctor
  191. [Present Day]
  193. >you look at the time
  194. "Crap, I'm gonna be late!"
  195. >you quickly put on your clothes and out on some cologne
  196. >looks like there's no time to cook breakfast
  197. >you'll have to grab something along the way
  198. >it's been years since you've been late for something
  199. >last time that happened was when you were taking care of Sour in your house and overslept as a result
  200. >you were late for school a couple of times because of that..
  201. >you were rushing out the door
  202. >suddenly you hear a voice
  204. >you freeze where you are
  205. >you turn behind you
  206. "I worked really hard for it and I even left a special treat inside~"
  207. "Heh, thanks Sour. I'll see ya tonight."
  208. >you were going to head to your car until Sour pulls on your tie
  209. >she kisses your cheek
  210. "Have a safe trip, darling~"
  211. >you pull her in for a kiss
  212. >it lasted for a few seconds
  213. >you pull away and head to your car
  214. >you wave to her as you back up
  215. >she waves back
  216. >as you drive away, you notice in your rear view mirror that Sour was rubbing her belly
  217. >you smile
  218. "Heh, only 8 more months."
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