

Jun 22nd, 2015
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  1. Survivor Series 5 on 5 match
  2. If Goldust wins, his debt to Ted DiBiase is annulled
  3. [url=""]Money Inc. (Fucktrain, Bossman, Funk, Okada, Corino)[/url]
  4. vs
  5. [url=""]Goldust and the Trailblazers (Taz, Rocky, Stevie, Nishimura)[/url]
  7. Okada and Stevie Ray started the match, and after Stevie fumbled a military press slam, he tried it again, getting it right this time, getting Okada up so [b]Okada could slip behind and hit the Rainmaker for the 3.[/b] Okada tagged in Corino as Nishimura entered the ring, tying the Million Dollar Prospect into knots before [b]submitting him with the Cobra Twist.[/b] Funk went in next, and apparently Backlund taught him a few tricks, because he was able to finagle Nishimura into the [b]Crossface Chickenwing for the submission.[/b] Okada tagged himself back in just in time for Rocky Maivia to enter the ring and get whacked in the head with a chair by Steve Corino, [b]causing the ref to disqualify Okada.[/b] As Okada and DiBiase berated Corino on the outside, Fucktrain took advantage of Rocky's injury, battering him with strikes before rolling him out of the ring and Big Sweaty Bombing him into the Spanish announce table, cackling in the ring as [b]Rocky was counted out.[/b] Taz ran into the ring, irate at Fucktrain's abuse of his teammate, and picked up the 6 foot 9 inch giant for a flurry of suplexes before the Box Office Bossman tagged himself in while Fucktrain's arms were flailing during a deadlift German. Bossman didn't fare much better than Fucktrain, eventually eating a Tazzplex that transitioned into a [b]Tazmission for the submission.[/b] Fucktrain rushed in and ate a succession of suplexes from both Taz and Goldust, with [b]Goldust getting the pin off a Final Cut.[/b] Funk refused to fight Goldust, demanding to wrestle Taz, obviously still sore about their match at Summerslam. They battered each other, with Funk going for jabs and punches, and Taz going for suplexes, until [b]Taz was able to hit the Top Rope Tazzplex and transition into the Tazmission for the submission, leaving Goldust and Taz the sole survivors.[/b]
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