
Alicorn Amulet, Corrupted Anon

Jan 15th, 2015
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  1. >"Anon, this isn't funny anymore.... just give us the Alicorn Amulet."
  2. ”Not funy…?.... NOT FUNY?!. I for one find the defeat of one of the Royal Sisters and Goddess of one of the celestial bodies at the hand of a mere human simply hilarious”
  3. >”D-darling please, it has gone too far, I beg you, remove the amulet, we want the Anonymous we care and love back… please, we are not your enemies dear, we are all your frie-
  4. YOU ARE NOTHING! And I am… I am… a God…
  5. I, Anonymous rule this land now. You should get used to the idea… peasants…
  8. >Day exploring in Equestria
  9. >You’ve been in Little Horse land for who knows how long now. You like it here, peaceful, colorful and the horses err, ponies, have been really nice to you so far.
  10. >You even managed to make friends with the local Princess and her little gang.
  11. >And Spike! Dude’s can be a total bro, when he is not kissing Rarity’s butt of course
  12. >But today you left the town early and headed directly to the forest
  13. >Twilight forbade you from entering the forest; she said it was too dangerous, even the Royal Guard think twice before going there.
  14. >fuckuidowatiwant.jpg
  15. >So, you’ve been several hours in here, exploring, looking for anything interesting
  16. >So far, nor the forest or its creatures hadn’t bothered you
  17. ”When my species found nature in the way, we punched that motherfucker and then we fuck it, in the ass!” You though to yourself.
  18. ”Anyway, there’s nothing really scary here.”
  19. ”What should I be afraid of?”
  20. ”That weird looking rabbit a passed a while ago? The serpents? There are plenty of those back on Earth… The gigantic and hungry manticore standing right behind me?
  21. “Oh shit…”
  22. >You are so scared you just stare at it like an idiot, when a guttural roar wakes you up from the shock
  23. >Fly you fool
  24. >”RUN!” you cry out loud to no one in particular as you star running as fast as your leg let you
  25. >You made good distance, but the beast is fast and will catch up any second
  26. >That’s when you see it, the castle
  27. “I can hide there until this thing gets bored, is that or being digested by that fucker!”
  28. >You cross the old bridge and look back. Surprisingly the manticore is reluctant to cross it
  29. >But to be sure, you head inside the old structure… maybe you find something interesting that could make your close encounter with death worth it.
  32. >You know what this place is… or rather used to be
  33. >The Castle of Royal Pony Sisters, before Lune went full crazy and Nightmare Moon tried to take over Equestria, but she was defeated by your friend with something called the Element of Harmony
  34. >The girls sure do love share the stories of their adventures from before you got here
  35. >That means there must be something of value here, so you stat exploring the place, its long hall, dark chambers and even the grand bibliotheca
  36. >Nothing so far
  37. “Oh well… I guess it’s time for me to lea-“
  38. >Before you can finish the sentence you see a hidden stair in one of the halls, leading, surely, to the sub levels of the castle.
  39. “For explore some catacombs” you say with a grin
  42. >The trip down the stairs leaded to an underground chamber
  43. >The place is huge!... and totally empty.
  44. >Not even any kind of furniture
  45. >”Oh come on! Not fair man…”
  46. >You start pacing back and forth I frustration, until a little noise brakes your train of thought
  47. >Click
  48. >A loose tile under your right foot.
  49. “Interesting”
  50. >You remove the tile easily and start removing the dirt with your hands (you didn’t bring any kind of shovel with you)
  51. >In a couple of minutes you touch something solid. Now you are sure there’s something buried there
  52. >It took you 25 minutes to retrieve the thing in question
  53. >It’s a little wooden chest; it’s been buried for some time, but is not as old as the rest of the castle, that’s for sure.
  54. “Well, what am I waiting for? Let’s open this thing!”
  55. >Gold, Gems, some ancient weapon or a valuable scroll? Boy I’m so excited!
  56. >…
  57. >A necklace… just a black weird necklace…
  58. “You have to be shiting me!”
  61. “Better than nothing, I guess. Who knows, maybe Rarity likes it or something”
  62. >No use in staying here any longer
  63. >Besides several hours has passed since you left Ponyville
  64. “Twilight will be mad… I almost get eaten, so with good reasons”
  65. >Won’t be the first time she scolds you for doing something stupid
  66. >One gets used to it after sometime. The purple one always has good intentions, but she can’t get really bossy
  67. >That’s when you realize your pockets aren’t big enough to carry the necklace
  68. “I will have to wear this thing all the way back to Ponyville, won’t I?”
  69. >You stare at the dark necklace with that weird horse… thing… in it
  70. “I really hope Rarity likes you, because I don't know if you are worth the trip here”
  71. >With some difficulty you put the necklace on
  72. >How the ponies do this kind of thing with hooves is beyond you
  73. “Aaaand, done!”
  74. >You're immediately struck by a wall of wind that makes you lose your balance
  75. >The entire castle seems to be shaking
  76. >You stay there, sitting in your ass, scared shitless
  77. > And then it stops, as suddenly as it began
  78. “Ok, fuck this; I’m leaving this place right now!”
  80. >You run all the way back to the main entrance
  81. >Once outside you take a minute to catch your breath
  82. “It hasn’t been my lucky day, for sure…”
  83. >Now that your heart isn’t trying to jump out of your chest you realize you feel different.
  84. >But you can’t put your finger on it
  85. >It’s just… odd
  86. “I’ll have time to duel on it when I get home”
  87. >You take the same route through the forest you used to get here
  88. >The sun is setting and it will be dark soon, so you increase your pace
  89. >The really fucked up creatures lurk at night; you don’t want to be here to meet them
  90. >But…
  91. >Everything is quiet… too quiet
  92. >It’s like in the movies, when the hero has escaped the haunted house and now is running in the wild only to turn around and find the ghost right behind him
  93. >You turn around
  94. >And of course the goddamn Manticore is right there
  96. >The fucker waited for you to leave the castle
  97. >You turn again, ready to run; but like in the movies you trip over a branch and fall face fist to the dirt
  98. >u dead now
  99. >The beast jumps at you with its claws and fangs ready to tear you apart
  100. >Instinct take control and you try to make yourself as small as you can, closing your eyes, covering your face with your arms and wishing that the Manticore stopped its attack
  101. “Please stop, stop, stop, stop!”
  102. >Several seconds pass… and you are still alive
  103. >Slowly you open your eyes
  104. >What you see leaves you speechless
  105. >The beast is just there, flouting in midair, frozen with its arms extended towards you and its mouth wide open
  106. “What the fu-“
  107. >You stop midsentence when you notes a faint red glow coming from your chest
  108. >You are not stupid, and you’ve been here enough time to know that several artifacts can have magical qualities
  109. >It’s just putting two and two together
  110. “If I hadn’t put this thing on I might be dead right now…”
  111. “Maybe I should give it to Twilight; she knows her shit pretty well after all”
  112. >Or you could keep it, just for a little while
  113. “I don’t know powerful the necklace is; or if it’s dangerous”
  114. >But it just saved your life…
  115. “And I don’t understand a single thing about magic…”
  116. >A simply thought was all it took to stop a Manticore, it’s easy!
  117. “I… don’t know”
  118. >Think of it, you could do some cool stuff with it, play a little, maybe some good pranks
  119. >Then you could give it to Twilight if that’s what you really want…
  120. “Yeah… I… I think I’m gonna keep it, just a few days”
  121. “It’s gonna be fun!”
  123. >You open the front door of the tree/castle where you have been living since you got here
  124. >The first thing you see is purple smart looking directly at you
  125. >Oh boy, she is mad
  126. >“Where in Celestia’s sake have you been?!”
  127. >Isn’t she a dear…?
  128. >”You know we could have used your help here, right?”
  129. “I went to-“
  130. >”I don’t ask you to pay rent or anything, Anon, but at least you could be here when I need you”
  131. “I’m sorry, I run into-“
  132. >”Not disappear the hole day and return this late!”
  133. “Twilight, let me ex-“
  134. >”This is so… irresponsible on your part! You can’t just wander off like that without telling anypony where are you going! And-“
  135. “Hey! Who the hell do you think you are?!”
  136. >She’s visibly taken aback by your outburst
  137. >”E-excuse me?”
  138. “You’re not my boss, and certainly not my mother! What the fuck do you care where was I?”
  139. >There’s tears forming in the corner of her eyes
  140. “You are a goddamn princess now Twilight, you have plenty of other guys to boss around”
  141. >She only stares at you in disbelieve, covering her mouth with one hoof; tears flowing freely down her cheeks
  142. “Besides… you already have a little slave of you own” you tell her with a grin
  143. >Where the fuck did that came from?
  144. >You know that hit a soft spot, and you regret it immediately, but you are too mad to apologize now
  145. >”You know that isn’t true! What’s got into you?”
  146. “Know what? Forget you! I’m going to bed; I’m not even hungry anymore…”
  147. >You leave the young mage there, crying and shocked
  148. >She says something to you but you don’t catch it before going up the stairs to your room
  149. >”I was worried about you…”
  152. >”Why do you let these creatures treat you like that, Anonymous?”
  153. “Wha..?”
  154. >”Telling what to do, when to do it. As if you belonged to them. “
  155. “Who are you?”
  156. >”I’m the voice of your conscience, of course!”
  157. “Yeah… sure”
  158. >”It doesn’t matter who I am”
  159. >”What matters is that you have been used by those animals for too long!”
  160. “I’m not being used!”
  161. >”You spend most of your days working for Twilight”
  162. “I just help her with her thing when she needs. No big deal”
  163. >”She uses a dragon as a personal maid. What’s left to you?”
  164. “Spike is not a m-“
  165. >”You said it yourself, didn’t you? A slave of her own”
  166. “That was a mistake. I don’t know why I treated Twi the way I did…”
  167. >”Why do you think they keep you around, Anonymous?”
  168. “They are my friends, I-“
  169. >”Friends?! Ha! That’s a good one. You are a just a freak, an exotic creature, fun to keep around”
  170. “That’s not true…”
  171. >”One of a kind, all alone in an estrange world…”
  172. >”A hunter living among prey. Haven’t you see how they look at you? Like you were a mere pet. A dog to play with when they are bored”
  173. “I…”
  174. >”But now you have the means to put them into place!”
  175. “What are talking about?”
  176. >”That thing you found in the old castle. The amulet. The amulet that saved your life…”
  177. “What does this thing do?”
  178. >“Oh, Anonymous, it can do whatever you want it to do”
  179. >“You just need a little practice…”
  181. >You wake up suddenly, sweeting cold
  182. “Ouh, my head hurt…”
  183. >You must have been really tired last night. You went to bed without taking your clothes off
  184. “Well, time for the usual triple S”
  185. >Naked, you note the necklace… no, the amulet, you found yesterday
  186. >For whatever reason you don’t feel like taking it for to take a shower
  187. “It’s like those Italian who do everything with their jewelry on” you joke
  188. >The hot water helps relax you, and you start remembering more details of what happened
  189. “I think we will be good friends, you and I” you say, taping the amulet with a finger
  190. >Clean and with a new set of clothes you head down stairs
  191. >You find Spike waiting for you in the main room, arms crossed
  192. >”Wake up whenever you want Anon, is not like we could need you for something down here or anything. I served breakfast hours ago!”
  193. “I’m sorry dad. Want to see if I cleaned my room too?!”
  194. >”Wow, dude. What gives?!”
  195. “I… I’m sorry, Spike. I didn’t sleep very well. Some kind of nightmare, I can’t really remember “
  196. >”Whatever, man. Listen, what happened last night? I haven’t seen Twilight so upset in a long time.”
  197. > Oh shit, Twilight!
  198. “We… have an argument. I was totally over the line”
  199. >”Well, I think she cried a lot, Anon. She was a mess this morning”
  200. “I can imagine. Where is she, Spike?”
  201. >”She left early. Don’t know where”
  202. “I understand. I will apologize as soon as I see her”
  203. >You where an asshole to her
  204. “Till then, I’m going to town, I need a walk. Maybe get something to it”
  205. >”Ok, Anon. If Twilight comes back before you, I’ll tell here you are sorry”
  206. “Thanks, dude. See you later”
  209. >You walk down the streets of Ponyville, trying to understand why you lost your cool last night
  210. >The girl can be frustrating, even annoying sometimes
  211. >But she is good to you. Hell, she even gave you a place to stay
  212. >Why mistreat a friend like that?
  213. >What on earth came over you?
  214. >It was like some kind of mindless anger. Just took control…
  215. >In no time you made it to Sugarcube Corner
  216. >Sweets aren’t a lunch, but fuck it. They know how their craft
  217. >It’s Mr. Cake shift
  218. >You make an order for one, and wait for you baked goods to be ready
  219. “I will eat in the park, the fresh air may clear my mind” you think to yourself
  220. >The image of Twilight crying can’t leave your mind
  221. >It was so not cool on you part
  222. >But she was kind of annoying, wasn’t she?
  223. >You are friends and all, but why does she has to be so bitchy sometimes?!
  224. >You are an adult, for fuck’s sake!
  225. >There’s no problem with helping her with her cores and shit
  226. >But she doesn’t own you!
  227. >Who the fuck does sh-
  228. >”Anonymous? Your order is ready”
  232. >Your thoughts are interrupted by Mr. Cake.
  233. “Thanks Mr. Cake, my mind was wondering…”
  234. >”No problem!”
  235. >You smile at him
  236. >”There you go, big boy!”
  237. >And there goes your smile
  238. “Excuse me?”
  239. >”Your order. Here it i-“
  240. “I’m a dog now?”
  241. >”What?”
  242. “Do you want me to do some tricks?”
  243. >He smiles nervously
  244. >”Anon, I d-“
  245. “Shake my tail like a mindless animal?!”
  246. >”Err…”
  247. “Who the fuck do you think you are?!”
  248. >The whole place goes silent
  249. >You look behind you and the all the costumers looking at you in shock
  250. >Some even look scared of you
  251. >Mr. Cake is certainly scared shitless
  252. >Ponies can be way stronger than you. But you are taller, and you canines can be really intimating to them
  253. >With one last look at the guy, you throw the money over the counter and leave
  254. >You know that was stupid, but you couldn’t control yourself
  255. >And their faces… maybe a dozen ponies, all scared of you…
  256. >You don’t feel right admitting it…
  257. >But it felt kind of good
  260. >Maybe eating in the park wasn’t a good idea after all
  261. >Normally, siting at the base of a tree, watching the world go by helps clear your mind
  262. >You find the sound of birds singing and ponies going thru their day, extremely relaxing
  263. >But today is different
  264. >You mood has been going downhill since you left the bed
  265. >And you can’t help but feel dozens of eyes fixed on you
  266. >Judging you
  267. >Laughing at you
  268. >You were so stupid not noticing until now…
  269. >Everything makes so much sense
  270. >Every time someone waves you hi, you feel sick. Why can't they mind their own businesses?
  271. >Do you have to make some heads explode so you can eat in peace?
  272. “Maybe I should”
  273. >”Hi, Anon”
  276. >Before you can yell “WHAT?!” you see a yellow Pegasus sitting beside you
  277. “Oh, hi, Fluttershy. How’s it going?”
  278. >”I was heading home from the market, but I heard a really loud noise coming from Sugarcube Corner. So I went to see… When I put together the courage…”
  279. “What happened?”
  280. >”I found Pinkie there; she said there was some kind of accident in the kitchen!”
  281. >You feel a rush of happiness invading you. But you keep a straight face
  282. “Did someone get injured?”
  283. “Oh, thank goodness, no. Mr. Cake suffered only some small burns”
  284. >So close…
  285. >”But the place will be closed until they can repair everything, al Mr. is fully recovered”
  286. “So sad…”
  287. >”But… uh… that wasn’t the only reason I’m here”
  288. “Huh?”
  289. >”You see, I was hoping you could help me fixing something Mr. Bear broke accidentally. I you don’t have anything else to do… that’s it”
  290. >Of course she only need’s you to do something for her. Why else would anyone talk to the freak, right?
  291. >You clench your teeth. But she doesn’t notes it while she looks at you with a little smile
  292. >At least it gives you a good reason to not apologize to Twilight, fuck the little princess…
  293. “Yeah… sure. Why not?”
  294. >”Oh, thank you, Anon! When we are finished I’ll prepare something to eat!”
  295. >If she gives you carrot, you will end her
  296. “Just give me a knife and your bunny, I’ll do the rest” you whisper to yourself
  297. >”Huh?”
  298. “Nothing. Let’s go, Flutters”
  299. >So, off you go, to her cottage
  302. >It was just some busted chair
  303. >Easy fix
  304. >But it took you a couple hours, because you couldn’t concentrate
  305. > She was humming all the time you were there, while doing her home chores
  306. >Moving her rump, right in front of you
  307. >Enough time without seeing a women and anything female stars to feel like fair game
  308. >You’ve learned to see the beauty in these horses
  309. >You eve flirt with Rarity from time to time. For fun, yes; but also to see want happens
  310. >But right now is different. You are feeling some kind of basic instinct arising
  311. >Man, you haven’t got laid once, since you got to Equestria
  312. >You cannot wait any longer
  313. >And she was clearly flirting with you there!
  314. >She comes back from the kitchen and put a couple cups of tea and some cookies in the table
  315. >”This is for your help, Anon. I hope you like the, I made them myself” she says proudly
  316. >Then she seats in one of the big couch in the living room
  317. “Say… Fluttershy. Mind if I seat next to you?”
  320. >Before she can answer, you place yourself next to her
  321. >Then you start petting her carefully
  322. >She tenses a little at first, but only for a second
  323. >You know your fingers can do wonders to their fur
  324. >After taking some sips from your tea you ask her
  325. “Where is Angel? Guy’s usually here”
  326. >”Oh, it is such a nice day I let him go outside to play with his animal friends
  327. >That douchebag has friends?
  328. “Aren’t you afraid, living out here, alone?”
  329. >”Not at all. I love it here; it’s always quiet and peaceful. Besides I’m not alone, Angel and the others keep me company” she tells you, happily
  330. >She brought you to the middle of nowhere, and danced a little for you
  331. >Yellow Quiet clearly wants some action>
  332. >You lift her head up by the chin gently and kiss her
  333. >Kiss she breaks suddenly
  334. >”A-anon. what are you doing?!”
  335. >You look at her confused
  336. “I thought you wanted me to…”
  337. >”I-I’m sorry, Anon. But I don’t know what made you think that”
  338. > You were shaking your ass in front of moments ago!
  339. >”I just wanted some help around here…”
  340. “I understand” you say flatly
  341. >”Don’t worry, Anon. I’m flattered that-“
  342. “Yes… I understand perfectly” you interrupt her. “I’m just free labor to you, aren’t I?”
  343. > The Pegasus stares at you puzzled
  344. “Or… I disgust you, right?”
  345. >She opens her eyes wide at your remark
  346. >“Oh, no, Anon. That’s not want I meant at all!”
  347. “You are all the same… making me believe you care about me… You even flirted with me today, you slut!”
  348. >”What?! Anon, listen I wasn’t-”
  349. >She tries to get up the couch but you grab her by her mane
  350. >”Eeek!”
  351. “Where do you think you are going?”
  354. >”P-please, let me go. Y-you are hurting me”
  355. >Her face shows pure terror
  356. >Always fragile, Fluttershy never expected this kind of behavior from anyone
  357. >There’s tears forming in the corner of her eyes
  358. >And all of this is making you so aroused
  359. “There’s no running away from this, Shy”
  360. >”D-don’t do this” she begs
  361. “Shut up”
  362. >”Please. I-I’m scared”
  363. “Shut. Up…”
  364. >”W-we a-are friends…”
  365. “SHUT UP!”
  366. >…
  367. “I guess I’ll have to put that pretty, little mouth of yours to a better use”
  368. >You use your free hand to unzip you pant an free your full erected dick from its prison
  369. >It’s bigger than the last time you saw it
  370. >Just a little, but enough to make a difference
  371. >And it’s leaking a generous amount of precum already
  372. “Seems like someone is happy to see you, Shy”
  373. >She gazes down, and her eyes go wide open at the image of your overhauled equipment
  374. >Slowly, you start to push her mouth closer to the tip
  375. >Fluttershy tries to offer some resistance; she is too weak to do fight what is going on
  376. “Now, open it”
  377. >She shakes her head; eyes close, still trying to push back
  378. “I said, open. Your. Mouth!”
  381. >That startles her enough to open it
  382. >You use you’re the opportunity to force her hear down
  383. >"Mmphhf!"
  384. >Without loosening your grip, you guide her head up and down
  385. > She's weeping heavily
  386. >But hear moans just increase the pleasure you are feeling
  387. >Her mouth is so soft and warm
  388. “It’s been so long since I had such a good time, Fluttershy…” you tell her, lustfully
  389. >A few minutes in, you increase the pace of her bobbing, sighing with satisfaction
  390. “That’s a good girl”
  391. >She has given up his attempts to fight by now, but you don’t let go off her mane
  392. > Maybe she is afraid of make you angrier than you are
  393. >You even feel her tongue working on your cock
  394. >You start to thrust your hips, letting out a loud moan, as you feel closer and closer to orgasm
  395. >When you are ready to cum, you push your shaft all the way inside, releasing your seed in her throat
  396. “Oh, God, yes!”
  397. >Poor thing tries to breath, cry and swallow at the same time
  398. >Some of it even came out from her nose
  399. >Once you stop trembling with ecstasies, you let her go and she fall to the floor; breathing heavy
  400. >After taking away your dick and zipping you pants, you bend over to the floor and start caressing her mane
  401. “You were great, Shy. Thank you”
  402. >The Pegasus just stares blankly into nothing, blinking only to let the tears fall from her eyes
  403. “But this will be our little secret, yes?... Fluttershy?”
  404. >”Y-yes…” she answers weakly
  405. “Good”
  406. >You give her a kiss in her forehead before leaving the place
  409. >It’s been a week since you played “hide Anon’s dick in your mouth” with Fluttershy
  410. >It appears the girl hasn't said a word
  411. >The tow of you even have crossed paths a few times in town
  412. >She was scared every time, but didn’t freak out
  413. >Now, that’s a good pony
  414. >And on top of that, you’re still in one piece
  415. >So, obviously her roommate doesn’t know a thing!
  416. >The important one, that is. You couldn’t give a shit about the bunny
  417. >But you need to think better the next time you plan on doing something… fun
  418. >You are doing too well to tempt luck
  419. >You still live in the castle with Twilight and Spike, to maintain appearances
  420. >But you spend more and more time in the forest, practicing you newfound abilities
  421. >Twilight always makes it look late the most complex thing in the world
  422. >But you are a fast learner and every day you dominate a new spell
  423. >Barriers, attacks (the Timberwolves most hate your guts), some minor forms of magical mind control and the list goes on
  424. >The problem is… you are getting bored
  425. >You even had thoughts of making little Shy as your personal cock sleeve, but it would be too risky
  426. >Besides, you are carving for something different
  427. >You can’t put your finger on what exactly you want to do, thou
  428. >It might be the lack of sleep. Haven't had a good night of sleep of sleep since you found the amulet
  429. >Anyway, it’s not important
  430. >You have so much time to make up your mind…
  433. >”You’ve made good progress, Anonymous”
  434. “Who’s there?
  435. >”Don’t worry, I’m a friend… I’m her to help you”
  436. “I don’t need help, mate”
  437. >”Of course you do, Anon! It’s fairly easy to kill some Timberwolves. But how would you manage against a trained magic user? Have you thought about it?”
  438. “I’d blow them up, no big deal”
  439. >”Tsk, tsk, Anon, Anon… have you forgotten about our benevolent rulers, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna? Right now even little Twilight could tear you to pieces”
  440. >”You need to become stronger”
  441. “It took me less than two weeks to dominate several spells, even my physical strength is better than ever. It’s only a matter of time…”
  442. >”Yes, it’s true. You will become more powerful with every passing day. But it will take decades to get in the same level as the Princesses. Don’t forget that they are natural magic users; you, on the other hand, are a guest in this party”
  443. “Damn…”
  444. >”You have been reading some of Twilight books, haven’t you?”
  445. ”Whenever I can without anyone looking, yes…”
  446. >”And, what have you learn so far?”
  447. “Just some basic stuff, telekinesis, healing spells… I’m still trying to figure out teleportation. I don’t get the mechanics, but I don’t care as long as I can make them work.”
  448. >”That’s the spirit! But maybe is time for something more… complex. Have you checked Twilight private collection yet? There must be something interesting”
  449. “I’m an idiot… that’s it!... but how-“
  450. >”Worry not, Anonymous! You will feel the urge for a good reading in the morning…”
  453. >As it’s been the norm lately, you wake up feeling like a truck run you over
  454. >Everything hurts, and you want to puke
  455. >And you have, once again, fallen asleep with your clothes on
  456. >It takes a hot shower to make you feel a little better
  457. >Once in the kitchen you find a note over the table
  458. >”Anon. I have some things to do in Canterlot. I would have liked you to come, but I didn't wanted to wake you up, you get really cranky in the mornings. I’m taking Spike with me. The fridge is full, so you don’t need to go to the market to get anything. Have a nice day. Twilight.”
  459. “I wasn’t hungry anyway”
  460. >You make a ball with the note and throw it to the garbage can
  461. “This way I can get some reading done in peace, perfect…” you say to no one, smiling
  462. >You have read must of the books down here. The useful ones at least
  463. >And this is de facto the only library is the whole town…
  464. “Well Twilight… you are practically begging me to go thru your stuff here!”
  465. >In a few hours you have browsed several books
  466. >Some tomes where too ancient, and you barely understood a thing
  467. >Others where very interesting, and you have learned some new tricks
  468. >But you were hoping for something big
  469. >Where you are about to give up you see some scrolls sitting on top of her writing desk
  470. “Fuck it… I have nothing to lose, I suppose”
  471. >You grab a bunch of them and start to check for the ones that can be useful”
  472. “This could be interesting… I’m definitely doing this one… this one sounds like fun!... and…”
  473. “Oh Twilight…”
  474. >You say out loud, your grin going wider and wider
  475. “You couldn’t stop yourself, could you? You, absolutely, have to do it!”
  476. >You can’t help but laugh like a maniac at this point
  477. “Thank you, Twily…”
  478. >In your hands is a complete report about Tirek spells and abilities. Detailing in depth every single aspect of his powers
  479. “Jackpot…”
  482. >You’ve read it over four or five times
  483. >Making sure you memorize as many spells as you can
  484. >Specially that beauty about draining magic from other beings
  485. >You know it would be hard to win a fight against the Princesses, if it comes to that
  486. >But this is a good place to start preparing
  487. >And if you can take one alicorn out of the picture now…
  488. >You hear hooves approaching. They are home.
  489. >Twilight opens the door of her room only to find you sitting in one of her couches
  490. >”¿Anon, what are you doing in my room?”
  491. “Oh, I got bored and wanted some light reading” You say, gesturing to the scrolls scattered on the floor
  492. >”Hey! Be careful with those, I’m still haven’t show them to the Princess”
  493. >You stand up and star walking toward her
  494. “I’m sure she will find your research quite interesting. So did I”
  495. >”Thank you, I guess. But you could have waited for us, you know? Its bad manners to go thru somepony else things like that!”
  496. >You stop in front of her, smiling
  497. >”Anon? What’s up with your ey-“
  498. “I’m sorry Twilight… or not”
  499. >In a second you grab her horn with one hand and immediately you start feeling energy flowing from her into you
  500. >The amulet commence to emit a bright red light
  501. >The scream she let out could break a window
  502. “Don’t worry Twi, it will be over soon!”
  503. >”Twilight, what’s wrong?!” a voice calls
  506. >You look up and see Spike standing at the door, eyes wide open
  507. >Damn, you forgot about the dragon
  508. >“Let go of her!” she yells at you as he charge at you
  509. >You are forced to let go to avoid his assault
  510. >Spike’s arms aren’t long enough to be strong, but the little lizard has claws
  511. >He doesn’t hut you, but manages to rip your shirt
  512. >Now the cat’s out of the bag. They can see the amulet
  513. >”Oh, no, Anon… where… did you find that…?” She has recovered fairly quickly, but is still too shocked to stand and fight
  514. >It’s time to bail out
  515. >But where?! Think, think, think, think!
  516. >Suddenly, everything turns white
  517. >You open your eyes
  518. >You aren’t in her room anymore
  519. >You aren’t even in Ponyville
  520. >A cold breeze caresses your hear
  521. >The first place you could think about was the old castle in the middle of the forest
  522. >And here you are, in the dilapidated throne room
  523. >It appears you have resolved the problem with teleportation
  524. >Visualize the place you want to go. How didn’t you think of that earlier?
  525. >But it doesn’t matter anymore. This will give you somewhere to hide
  526. >And some time to think of your next move
  529. >You are Twilight
  530. >And what in Equestria did just happen?
  531. >”Twilight?”
  532. >Your head is still spinning like mad
  533. >”Twilight??”
  534. >Anonymous, your friend, just attacked you out of the blue
  535. >”Twilight!”
  536. >You look up and see the baby dragon, worried and scared
  537. >You hug him letting out a sigh of relief
  538. >”I’m fine Spike, don’t worry… and thank you”
  539. >Once the both of you end the hug, Spike asks you
  540. >”What happened, Twi? What was Anon doing to you?”
  541. >”I think he found my research about Tirek… I’m pretty sure he was trying to steal my magic”
  542. >”What?! But why? And how? He’s a human, he can’t use magic!”
  543. >”I… I believe I know the answer. Did you see his chest? After you shredded his clothes?”
  544. >”I’m not sure; but something was glowing”
  545. >”He’s wearing the Alicorn Amulet, Spike! The one that Trixie was using when she challenged me to a duel”
  546. >Spike gasp in surprise at the revelation
  547. >”But it was supposed to be hidden where no pony would find it!”
  548. >”I know, but he did, and now Anon’s under its influence. Listen, Spike, this could go south really fast, we need to get to the other before we can do anything”
  549. >He nods, he’s more calmed now that you are more or less ok
  550. >”Go get Rainbow first and tell her to go for Applejack and then to go to Fluttershy’s cottage. Then go to Carrousel Boutique for Rarity and bring her to Fluttershy’s, ok?”
  551. >”You’ve got it!”
  552. >”Good. I need to pay Zecora a visit, first…”
  553. >”Alone, are you sure?”
  554. >”Yes. He took some of my magic, but not enough to leave me helpless” You tell you assistant, trying to sound confident. “I can teleport to her hut after I make a stop at Sugarcube Corner, talk to her, and then again out of there”
  555. >”Ok, but be careful!”
  556. >”I will, Spike. Now, let’s go”
  559. >The gang is waiting for you in Fluttershy’s cottage when you appear there with a flash
  560. >”Girls! I’m so glad to see you… We have a situation”
  561. >”What do you mean with a situation, dear? Spike didn’t go into details” Rarity questions
  562. >”Yeah, I could be sleeping right now, is the middle of the night, you know?” Rainbow Dash interjects
  563. >”It’s Anonymous, he’s out of control… he… attacked me…”
  564. >”WHAT?!” four of your friends say at unison
  565. >Except for Fluttershy, who remains silent
  566. >”Yes… he’s using the Alicorn Amulet, and found my noted regarding Tirek. He managed to steal some of my magic, but Spike stopped him before it was too late”
  567. >The girls gasp in disbelieve, all except a yellow Pegasus, how’s now crying silently
  568. >”I-I should have said something…”
  569. >You note the distress in your friend’s face
  570. >”What do you mean Flutters? Said what?” Rainbow ask her confused
  571. >”T-the same day Mr. Cake got injured; I found him in the park and asked him to help me with something. Once we finished he kissed me, but I tried to explain him that I didn’t like him that way… he got furious… and… and… h-he f-forced me to do… thing…” Fluttershy tries to explain in between sobs
  574. >All of you look at her in horror
  575. >Rarity looks like she is going to be sick
  576. >Rainbow Dash is the first to come back to reality, and starts to walk to the door, fury in her eyes
  577. >”He is done for…” she says in between teeth
  578. >”No, wait! Please, don’t hurt him…” Fluttershy stops Dash before she can leave
  579. >”I-I won’t be able to forget what happened… but I know he wasn’t himself… While he was… I could see his eyes… they where-“
  580. >”Glowing red.” You interrupt her
  581. >”I don’t understand. That foul thing was supposed to be hidden!” Rarity says
  582. >”It was.” You answer. “I talked to Zecora in my way here. She buried it in the ancient castle. Anon must have wondered there… even if I told him not to go into the forest”
  583. >”We just have to trick him into taking it off, easy as pie!”
  584. >”It won’t work this time Pinkie. He is not Trixie, he isn’t even a pony”
  585. >”What does that have to do with anything?” Rainbow asks exasperated
  586. >”The Amulet feeds from the worst of its user and corrupts his mind at the same time. The more corrupted the user, the more powerful the Amulet. And Anon is a human. Trixie only wanted petty revenge, but Anon knows what real evil can do… we have talked about his world many times. He is a good, err, person. But his species is capable of thing I can barely comprehend”
  587. “What should we do now, y’all?” the farm pony asks
  588. >But before you could came up with an answer all of you hear a distant scream
  589. >Going outside you see distant columns of smoke coming from Ponyville
  590. >Without losing a second the group start running towers the burning town
  593. >You are Anon
  594. >Your attempt to steal Twilight’s power got screw by her little slave
  595. “Spike, Spike… If you had half a brain you’d have left that place long ago…”
  596. >Either way, you did manage to take a good bite, you feel stronger than ever
  597. “She’s weaker now, but it’s only matter of time… sooner or later they’ll find me”
  598. >Opening your hand in front of your chest, you close your eyes and let the magic repair your destroyed shit
  599. >Once finished you look up to the night sky, enjoying the cold air
  600. “May be it’s time to go directly after the head of the snake”
  601. >You look around you around you, an idea forming in your head
  602. >You know trying to brainwash a pony is way beyond your abilities, maybe if you had all of the Princesses powers, but not right now
  603. >Simple minded forest animals are a completely different story, thou
  604. >Those beasts are nocturnal for the most part and you are in the center of the Everfree, it won’t be hard to find a good number of them
  605. “I wonder if one of the sovereigns would come out of their golden cage once I burn one of their towns to ashes”
  606. >With that you head onto the trees in search of your little, unsuspecting, army
  609. >You use the shadows and the smoke to hide, waiting for your price
  610. >It’s amazing what some Timberwolves, a few Manticores and a couple of magic fireballs can do
  611. >You even could “convince” an Ursa Minor to break havoc in the edge of the town
  612. >In panic, no one sees you creeping through the streets, keeping a vigilant eye towards the sky
  613. >It doesn’t take long for your target to appear
  614. >The creepy looking chariot carrying the Princess of the Night lands in the towns square
  615. >Two dozens of her batpony guards following her after
  616. >”Sergeant!” she yells. “Form two groups; use one to drive the monsters out of Ponyville and the second to start an emergency evacuation. Taking the citizens to safety is priority!”
  617. “Aww, how thoughtful of your part, Lulu…” you joke to yourself
  618. >The guard salutes and takes off with the rest of the troops
  619. >Once you make sure she’s alone you leave your temporary hiding place and start walking down the street toward her
  620. “Princess Luna!” You yell, to get her attention
  621. >She turns around so see how’s calling her
  622. >”Human!” she calls you, and comes closer. “What did happen here? The smoke can be seen all the way to Canterlot!”
  623. >That was the idea, you imbecile
  624. “Oh, it was horrible, Princess! The animals came out from the Everfree Forest and started to destroy everything in their way without reason. They must have broken some lanterns causing the fires!”
  625. >Now you're standing in front of each other
  626. >”Anonymous, wasn’t it? Do not worry; my guards are perfectly capable of dealing with this problem. You should find someplace safe, in the meantime”
  627. “There’s no need, your Highness”, you answer grinning. “I’m exactly where I need to be”
  628. >The dark blue alicorn try to decipher your words, but it’s too late
  631. >With both of your hand you grab her horn and star draining her magic as fast as you can
  632. >She is several times stronger than Twilight but you manage to resist
  633. >Every time she charge her horn to fire, the magic goes directly through your arms into your chest, which is glowing an intense red
  634. >With the corner of your eyes you see some of the guards coming back, alerted by their princess screams
  635. >You raise a dome shaped barrier that they try to break in vain
  636. >In a minute all is over. You let Luna fall to the ground, unconscious
  637. >Immediately afterwards, you release the barrier with a blast, sending the batponies flying, knocking them out
  638. >You can feel an overwhelming sensation of ecstasy
  639. >Such raw power at your disposal
  640. >Finally, you can show these idiots why your kind is in top of the food chain
  641. “First I’ll deal with good ol’ Twi. Then, I should be able to take care of Celestia… or should I go for that pink bitch up north first…”
  642. >You look up as you hear the sound of hooves approaching
  643. “Ah… speaking of the devil. Here comes the cavalry!”
  644. >The group stops in their tracks, a few meters away, when they realize in horror what you have done
  645. > You look at them, shrugging
  646. “Oops…”
  647. >"Anon, this isn't funny anymore.... just give us the Alicorn Amulet."
  648. ”Not funy…?.... NOT FUNY?!. I for one find the defeat of one of the Royal Sisters and Goddess of one of the celestial bodies at the hand of a mere human simply hilarious”
  649. >”D-darling please, it has gone too far, I beg you, remove the amulet, we want the Anonymous we care and love back… please, we are not your enemies dear, we are all your frie-
  650. “YOU ARE NOTHING! And I am… I am… a God…”
  651. “I, Anonymous rule this land now. You should get used to the idea… peasants…”
  652. ---
  653. >You are Twilight
  654. >And you cannot believe your eyes
  655. >Princess Luna lying on the ground, motionless, missing her cutie mark
  656. >Besides her is Anon, red energy streaming from his eyes and chest
  657. “Anon”. You call him. “The amulet is playing with your mind, please; take it off so we can put an end to this madness!”
  658. >”Madness?” Anon responds. “My mind was never clearer than now. All this time I was nothing more than slave to you. A tool to use and throw away when you don’t need me. A freak. A walking joke! But not anymore… now I’m in control!”
  659. >You are afraid you lost him for good
  660. “Spike.” You whisper to the baby dragon standing by your side. “Leave, look for anything you can use to write and hide. You are the only one how can contact Celestia, we’ll try to distract him”
  661. >He show doubts in his face, but promptly run away from the scene
  664. >”Run!” Twilight orders to the rest when she sees you getting ready to attack
  665. >And just in time
  666. >The bolt of magic leaves a shallow crater where they were standing moments before
  667. “Oh come on! Don’t make me chase you all over town… or what’s left of it, anyway”
  668. >You start walking, firing bolts at random, in the hopes of making one of them come out of hiding
  669. “I was never a fan of hide and seek, you know?”
  670. >You are getting frustrated. This is a waste of time
  671. “I could just blow the entire town to hell!”
  672. >Truth be told; you don’t know if you can. But you sure as hell can try
  673. “Would it be too cliché if tell you ta you can run, but can’t hide?!”
  674. >You see some movement in corner of your eye and then send the hay cart flying with telekinesis revealing Applejack and Pinkie Pie hiding behind it
  675. “There you are! Thought I forgot about you?”
  676. >”You certainly did forget about me” A male voice says
  677. >You turn around only to find a note in the ground
  678. >You get closer to read it
  679. >It’ reads, ”Behind you”
  680. >You turn, and Discord use his tail to hit you, throwing you away
  683. >”I have to admit I love the decoration” he says, looking around. “I do not like what you did to my friend thou”
  684. >Oh shit
  685. >”I wonder what will happen to you if I rip that little toy off your chest”
  686. “I guess we’ll have to find out” you respond, firing multiple balls of energy at him
  687. >They hit a draconequus shaped cardboard silhouette
  688. >In a second you find yourself being constricted by the serpent like creature
  689. >”Or should I crush you bones” He says in a dark tone
  690. >You teleport out of his embrace before it get too difficult to breath
  691. “That wasn’t very nice…”
  692. >”Oh, I know…”
  693. >You see him snap his fingers, and you look around not knowing what to expect
  694. >When nothing happen, you look up
  695. >You barely manage to avoid the half dozen anvils that falls from nowhere
  696. >Your sprint turns into a fast slip when the ground beneath your feet becomes a puddle of chocolate milk
  697. >You end up crashing loudly into one of the buildings
  698. >Slowly, you stand up
  699. >Time to stop playing around. You’ll burn everything that moves if it’s necessary
  700. >And Discord seems willing to cut off your head as well
  701. >You start concentrating magic in your hands
  702. >And he gets ready to snap his eagle like fingers one more time
  703. >“Enough!”
  704. >A booming voice cut off both of you
  707. >The Princes of the Sun herself impersonates in the middle of the fight
  708. >”I cannot allow this display to continue any longer!” she yells angrily
  709. >”Besides, there’s something else we can do to solve this issue”
  710. >”And, pray tell, what would it be?” Discord asks her exasperated
  711. >You seize the opportunity while they are distracted
  712. >You are not sure how to defeat the embodiment of Chaos, but with both the princesses powers under your control it should be easier
  713. >Worst case scenario, you divide Equestria between the two
  714. >He must have some of his old wickedness inside, right?
  715. >You teleport directly behind Celestia
  716. >Only to be greeted by a powerful kick in your chest
  717. >Fucking horses
  718. >” We wait for him to make a mistake” she answers with a half-smile
  719. >You land several meters away
  722. >You try to stand but the intense pain coming from some broken ribs stops you
  723. >But the worst part is your head
  724. >It’s feels like someone stabbed you repeatedly
  725. >Thinking becomes difficult, and you cough some blood
  726. >You close your eyes and try to cast a healing spell with all your strength
  727. >Nothing happens
  728. >Opening them, you see how two Threads of energy, one dark blue and one a reddish purple, flow from your chest
  729. >You feel how the magic leave your body, going to its rightful owner
  730. >Opening your shirt with one hand you take a look to the amulet
  731. >The kick was powerful enough to damage it, cracks showing in tis surface
  732. >Celestia walks toward you, Discord following her closely
  733. >You are weaker and weaker every second
  734. >”Spike explained me the situation. But is worse than I thought”
  735. >You also can see the girls coming out of their hiding
  736. >”You attacked my pupil, assaulted one of her dearest friends, burned half of Ponyville and stole my sister’s magic”
  737. >You doubt the princess has been this mad before
  738. >”What should I do with you, Anonymous”
  739. >Your mind is too fogy to try to say something
  742. >Suddenly, Fluttershy puts herself in between you and the pissed alicorn
  743. >”P-please, don’t hurt him, or banish him or throw him in a dungeon!”
  744. >They just look at her in bafflement
  745. >”But, Fluttershy, he-“ Discord tries to argue
  746. >”I know” she cuts him off. “He has done horrible things… “But I knew it wasn’t really him… I didn’t understand it until Twilight told us he was wearing the amulet. But I knew, I knew it wasn’t really Anonymous…”
  747. >”I-I… forgive him…”
  748. >The pain in your head is almost enough to make you puke
  749. >Struggling to stay conscious you slowly lift your right hand
  750. >Discord notes this
  751. >”Fluttershy!”
  752. >Before anyone else can react you reach for the amulet
  753. >And rip it off of your chest
  754. >The little strength left inside you disappears, and you feel like a train just ran over you
  755. >The piece of jewelry falls to the ground, discarded
  756. “I’m… sorry”
  757. >That’s all you manage to say
  758. >Then all goes black
  761. >A month has passed since the incident
  762. >Your friend persuaded the princesses to go easy on you
  763. >Luna wanted to reintroduce the death penalty so she could execute you
  764. >You have to admit she has a few good reasons to be a little upset with you
  765. >You are glad only the princesses, Discord and your friends know what really happened
  766. >The rest of the town was evacuated or had already flee when you attacked Luna
  767. >And the guards that saw you, received orders to not tell anyone
  768. >Mayor Mare asked for some Royal Guars to be posted in Ponyville, to prevent a similar situation with the creatures from the Everfree, petition that was granted
  769. >They are here most probably to check on you
  770. >You had to “volunteer” to help in the reconstruction of the destroyed buildings
  771. >It was your fault, after all
  772. >Your relationship will never be the same, you know it. Maybe with some time…
  773. > Even though she forgave you, she has been unable to meet your eyes the few time you two crossed paths in town
  774. >Who can blame her?
  775. >Discord, for his part, told you he will keep an eye on you
  776. >And then put one of his eyes in your front pocket…
  777. >It will take time to things to go back to normal
  778. >Or the closest to normal it can get, but you are confident
  779. >Twilight even asked for you to be allowed to stay in her castle
  780. >Everything will fine, you are sure of it
  781. >After your morning routine you stand in front of the bathroom sink
  782. >Once you finish brushing your teeth you stare at your image reflected in the mirror
  783. > An almost imperceptible red glow, flashes for a second in your eyes
  784. “Today is going to be a good day”
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