
Irue's Memoirs

Jun 4th, 2016
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  1. To skip to a specific section, find the article you're interested in on the index below, then CTRL+F it's -##, including the "-".
  3. INDEX:
  4. -01 The Seven Mana.
  5. -02 Affinity.
  6. -03 Adepts.
  7. -04 Aeon: The line between Man and Mana.
  8. -05 Classification of Mana.
  9. -06 Crown and Country.
  10. -07 Factions and Organizations.
  11. -08 Character Biographies
  13. MANA -01
  15. The term Mana can refer to either 'an existence created from Mana', or 'The Mana themselves'. The distinction is important to understand, as while you may encounter an apparition of Salamander, and call it a Salamander Mana, it is not 'The Mana, Salamander'.
  17. Gnome - The Mana of Earth. Ancient and steady, with a calm endurance that surpassed all others. Gnome is sedentary and stubborn, one of the most patient and inactive Mana. Gnome endures through change and maintains a placid equilibrium, taking great lengths of time to offer its input or judgement on things. Above any else, Gnome offers neither its allegiance or enmity lightly - Carrying both of them through generations, with little regard for traditional lifespan or time.
  18. ASPECTS: Gnome commands Earth, and is often invoked or referenced in the swearing of promises and pacts.
  21. Undine - The Mana of Water. Adaptable and fluid, an unknowable demeanour that kept its thoughts well disconnected from its surface. Undine is often considered the keeper of secrets, and due to the many things lost to the depths, is thought to be the sole confidant of Luna; One who is given knowledge best left forgotten, to hide away from the world.
  22. ASPECTS: Undine commands Water, and has a complicated relationship with Luna - As seen through their Adept's interactions.
  25. Jinn - The Mana of Air. Whimsical and flippant, a flighty existence that gave its favour as easily as its wrath; forgetting both in equal measure. Jinn is considered an embodiment of change, and rather than say that it is never satisfied with a status quo, it is more accurate to describe it as a complete disregard to one existing at all. Adepts of Jinn are traditionally prone to wanderlust and adaptation, becoming stir crazy when left to wait.
  26. ASPECTS: Jinn commands Air, and has respects paid to it often by travellers hoping for good fortune and easy riding.
  29. Salamander - The Mana of Fire. Aggressive and straight forward, a jealous and vicious entity that warmed its favoured, even as it burned the world to cinders. Salamander has little sense of moderation and is prone to drastic measures of passion. While all Mana are known to share the trait of Jealousy, it is only Salamander which bears the privilege of being identified by its possessiveness.
  30. ASPECTS: Salamander commands Fire, and is considered to be the Hearth and the Home; Representing both the familiar warmth of the fireplace which nurtures one's family, and the flames of war.
  33. Wisp - The Mana of Light. Though placid and ever honest, its standards were forever impossibly high. It knew only disappointment, but encouraged the persistence to try. Wisp is a nurturing pillar, highly conscientious of perceived responsibility and duty. Because of these values, Wisp and its Adepts are often considered to be centers within the community; It is this same kind face which masks the high standards and disappointment which lurk behind their supportive efforts.
  34. ASPECTS: Wisp commands Light and Physical Capacity. This includes personal capabilities and healing. Wisp's unappeasable nature is a secret kept in negligence, often discovered only by its Adepts upon attempting to grow closer to it.
  37. Shade - The Mana of Dark. Prone to trickery and word games, it made its home in the nightmares that people feared to tread; Ever thrilled by the few who brave its domain, seeking even more to overcome. Shade is considered the most violent Mana; Killing both its own Adepts, and even unrelated people, with seemingly careless abandon. Even its Adepts are ill looked upon, ranking as daredevil-esque thrill seekers at best, and thugs or criminals at worst.
  38. ASPECTS: Shade commands Dark and Emotional Capacity. This includes empathy, bonding and desire. Shade believes in the potential of people more than anything else, and while it practices a lethal form of "sink or swim" mentality, in truth it is always hopeful for every one who stumbles into its domain.
  41. Luna - The Celestial Mana. Shy, secretive, and furtive, its love of knowledge surpassed only by the vast depths of information it already has. It is thought that all of humanity is favoured in some measure by Luna, as it looks upon the world from on high with tentative delight and adoration.
  42. ASPECTS: Luna commands Knowledge and Mind. This includes memories and communication. Luna Adepts have peculiar abilities, often granting them dominion over prophecy and revelation. The most gifted of them are said to see the world through a revealing lens, and it is not uncommon for one to go rogue or be driven mad upon stumbling upon a revelation they weren't prepared to handle. Because of this, there exists two primary communities of Luna Adepts: Those of the Shrine, whom are kept under close watch and afforded high measures of social import, and those of the organization Artemis.
  44. ---
  46. AFFINITY -02
  48. Adepts in this world are divided into the Mana of Salamander, Gnome, Undine, Jinn, Luna, Wisp and Shade. Each of these classifications referred to the aggregate sentience of that particular Mana; In short, they were both the source of the Mana, and the Mana itself. Each of them had their own documented personality, often reflecting their elements in some manner, but one trait that was expressly shared between them was Jealousy.
  50. Your strength as an Adept could be easily measured by your affinity with one of those mana, however you could just as easily consider "affinity" to literally be their opinion of, or interest in, you. All mana is sentient, and thus you could completely by whim be born as someone greatly adored by Salamander - Thus, flames themselves would bend and dance around you even without your consent. If you never received training, then it's likely they would do so often without your consent.
  52. To be succinct, you did not control Mana; Mana simply liked you. It would try to be near, to please you, to protect and play with you. The study of Mana was less learning arcane arts, so much as learning how to coerce and commune with Mana more clearly. It was not mortal, its morals and values were alien and unique unto themselves, and if you were incapable of making your intent and desires clear then it very commonly could bring ruin in your life as - in particularly terrible cases - full blown natural disasters erupted into existence around you.
  54. Sure, you would be okay. Everything, and everyone else? Not so much. It became more troublesome If you happened to have multiple affinities, or attempted to dabble in a variety of them... Mana were jealously possessive of those it took a shine to. Sharing is not in its nature, and when it isn't in Nature's nature to share, Very Bad Things happen. If you happened to outright offend your Mana....
  56. ---
  58. ADEPT -03
  60. People who actively call on the favour of Mana are known as Adepts. Most Adepts will be devoted to a single Mana, and will immerse themselves constantly to try and understand the nature of that Mana in order to better communicate and control its gifts. The Shrine teaches methods of meditation which serve as a conduit to try and train yourself to think in a way which the Mana will understand and reciprocate. While these meditations are not the only way to achieve such results, they are the most commonly taught, and often used as a starting point for those not naturally born with a certain disposition.
  62. Adepts typically take on the personality characteristics of their given Mana in some form. In truth, it can be said that their personality shifting like this is the result of them learning to better understand the Mana by changing ones view point to match. Because of this, Salamander adepts are often very straight forward and aggressive, while Undine adepts become more disconnected from whimsy and methodical. Thanks to this, the Shrine has been able to theorize 'relations' between the Mana by observing how their respective Adepts interact.
  64. Because Adepts typically take on their Mana's characteristics, it is another reason why it is so extremely rare for one person to be an Adept capable of wielding two or more Mana's favour. There is a very real risk of their core existence becoming corrupted by outside influence.
  66. The most famous Adept in history is Mint, who was said to have managed the favour of five different Mana simultaneously at the height of her prime. Ostensibly the most iconic of Saints within the Shrine.
  68. ---
  70. AEON -04
  72. Those who have attuned themselves so thoroughly to Mana, or gained the favour of so many Mana, that their core becomes disconnected from the concept of 'human' are known as Aeons. Existing somewhere between mortality and the Mana, they are a transcended existence whose nature and mind has become so twisted and distorted from human understanding that they now relate more easily to Mana than man. To become an Aeon is to begin to see the world as the foundations of the world see it; An unfathomable knowledge. Communication with an Aeon is difficult, potentially even more so than with Mana itself. While they have become more attuned to the Mana which favoured them, their lingering human nature perverts the purity of a Mana's mindset. It changes them into something else entirely.
  74. Most, but not all, Aeons eventually seek to seclude themselves within sanctuaries - Ateliers - to pursue their own goals. These Ateliers are typically a reflection of the Aeon who created it, and often contain priceless revelations or artifacts left behind after the disappearance of its creator; The remnants of their legacy.
  76. The Shrine's relationship with Aeons is complicated. While their Atelier and legacies are highly valued, and the state of ascension to become one is considered a point of reverence, they are not typically on friendly terms. An Aeon has stepped foot into a world not meant to be walked into, but are too powerful to be spoken ill of. To the public at large however, Aeons are near mythical beings representing hope and human potential.
  79. ---
  84. Ambient Mana exists without proper sapience. It is unable to move, act, or even think on its own beyond the most basic of reactions. Unless sensitive to a particular Mana, or favoured to a high degree, it is generally impossible for one to perceive ambient Mana around them. It is possible to make educated guesses as to the abundance of said ambient Mana, however, by searching out the health of its corresponding dominion in an area. For example, it is common for places of great rainfall or bodies of water to be teeming in the ambient Mana of Undine, while places abundant in Wisp's Mana will aid in the recovery and healing process.
  86. It is easier to conjure an apparition from a place abundant in corresponding ambient Mana. Conversely, the innate jealousy of Mana means that any place favoured greatly by a Mana is apt to be scarcely populated in other types of ambient Mana, as they become territorial over what they believe to be theirs.
  88. In severe cases, the conflicts over such places can lead to natural disasters as they strive to stake their claim against each other.
  94. Apparitions are extremely low level Mana, requiring physical mediums to stay rooted in the world. They can be nurtured and developed in various ways, until they "mature" into full fledged Mana, giving them the ability to remain manifested in the world under their own power. While their designation is 'low level', this is more a reflection of their method of survival than their actual capabilities. Power and threat levels of apparitions may vary wildly.
  96. The core of an apparition's manifestation is often highly charged with its respective type of Mana. This core serves as its anchor in the world, allowing it to remain manifested. These cores can be quite valuable and have a variety of uses, depending on how potent they are and what manner of Mana left it. Many novice Adepts are encouraged to coerce immature apparitions into the world in order to both nurture them into maturity, and use that experience to better understand the Mana itself, as well as forge connections and goodwill between them.
  98. The core of an apparition who has fully matured is at the height of its potency, as it has been used so long that the apparition no longer needs the physical medium to remain manifested at all.
  100. Whilst most apparitions are referred to simply by their Mana, there are those which are in possession of specific names or titles. These are considered to be, as their designation may imply, to be on a different level of power and influence entirely from their unnamed kin.
  106. Aspirations are mana who have matured beyond the requirement of a physical core to allow them to manifest. They are self-sufficient and capable of moving, acting, and thinking, of their own accord. Like apparitions, this classification is more relevant to their method of existence as opposed to their actual power. Similarly, not all Aspirations are created equal.
  108. Apparitions who have been conjured and subsequently nurtured by an Adept may one day mature into an Aspiration, retaining their feelings from the experiences they had with the Adept.
  110. This is not always a positive thing, and many consider Aspirations born from Adept meddling to be 'artificial'. Their nature is often contaminated by the experiences gained from the Adept; While rendering them more communicable with humanity, this also negatively effects their own existence as Mana.
  112. Aspirations live as they please, and can continue to grow in influence and power over time, if they so desire. Named apparitions take much longer to mature into this state, but whether it is merely a factor of time or simply impossible for some of them is unknown. The few named Apparitions that are publicly known, however, are horrifyingly powerful; Capable even of absorbing lesser apparitions into their own sentience, and consuming sufficiently weakened Aspirations to expand their dominion.
  118. Simulacra Fragments are direct facets of The Mana. As their name implies, they are lesser emulations - fragments - of the original. Rather than an apparition born of, or something reflecting the world, it is a direct aspect of the Mana itself. This could be said to be an existence only just below having the actual Mana in your presence... Though, in the end, the gap between a 'fragment' and the real deal is still extraordinary.
  122. WORLD FOUNDATION / ????
  124. The Mana.
  126. ---
  130. There exists four major nations on this continent. In order of descending size, they are...
  136. East Heaven Kingdom is both the most imposing, and the longest standing, nation. Theirs is a lineage of prestigious, powerful Adepts who trace their history back to the days when only Teranford stood as their neighbour. Over time, East Heaven has slowly drifted out of contact with the rest of its neighbours; Sealed away behind closed borders, which were further hidden from the world beyond dense forests of frighteningly dangerous beasts. It is a veritable natural fortress, seemingly built from the ground up by nature itself to be impregnable to outside forces.
  138. In the modern years, before its borders slammed shut, East Heaven held peaceful relations with both Teranford and La'Fiel... However, the past twenty years have not been kind. Without dedicated lines being held open by East Heaven's forces, it is not inaccurate to describe attempts to pierce their beast ridden forests as a suicidal task for many would-be messengers. All correspondence with them has remained an unsuccessful venture, including the final requests for aid from Teranford's royal family during their twilight hours. Whether this has been a purposeful rejection of contact, or a complete failure to penetrate their border, is anyone's guess.
  140. The East Heaven royal family is traditionally identified by their brilliant red hair and prodigious affinity with Mana.
  146. The desert country of Teranford at one time argued for the right to have been the first and longest standing faction on the continent, citing reasons which have been lost to most in the present day and age. For some time, the natives of Teranford laid claim to the title of being the most technologically advanced - A title only broken later by the founding of Ephlesia. It was within their expansive deserts and mountainous wastelands that the secrets to using Salamander and Gnome Mana for forgework was unearthed from within an Atelier, jump starting their production capabilities well and far beyond any of their neighbours.
  148. Known for a land without natural resources, the kingdom of Teranford pulled its living from the land itself by learning to become proficient at hunting and navigating through the sands. It is said that even their famed affinity with the jealous Salamander was not something they were born with, but acquired through great trials; The stories of which are rumoured to be passed down the Teranford royal family's line.
  150. Though known for their fierce mastery of the spear, and seemingly inseparable tie to Salamander, the nation of Teranford now stands as ruins amongst the desert sands; Destroyed by an unknown nomadic army. Supposedly what remnants of their people that escaped being sold into slavery have made their way north west - Towards the City of Scholars, Ephlesia.
  152. While Teranford has historically been one of the most beloved basins for Salamander, rumours are spreading that the Mana has come to abandon the land in its entirety.
  156. LA'FIEL
  158. Situated in the center of the continent, La'Fiel is a temperate country characterized by grassy plains and forested foothills. La'Fiel owes its existence to one of its resident houses of Nobility, whose presence in the country actually long predates the crown itself.
  160. Boasting fertile ground that is vastly considered to be the richest upon the continent, La'Fiel was a gift of land given freely twice over; Bequeathed first from East Heaven to the noble whom would later go on to found House Valen, and then once more from the Valens to the fledgling royalty who built the nation into what it is. It is by far the most easily cultivated and farmland rich environment, and has historically provided a great deal of fresh produce and vegetable exports to its surrounding neighbours.
  162. Unfortunately, one could say the bounty ends there. Unlike its cardinal neighbours, La'Fiel's verdant land provides no natural defences to rely upon in case of hostile invasion. It finds itself in a position where any form of offensive actions taken upon its fellow countries would struggle to leave the ground, and be easily punished in return; Truthfully, many believe that the nation only managed to leave its fledgling state thanks to the watchful eye of East Heaven. Perhaps to further compound this military inadequacy, adepts born to La'Fiel are rarely of any impressive potency. This is theorized to be due to the near universally low levels of ambient Mana within its borders, resulting in weaker manifestations of Mana - Both from potential adepts, and from apparitions themselves.
  164. Because of these things, modern La'Fiel has made many trade agreements with its surrounding neighbours; Eager to share its bounty through trade, in exchange for friendly relations and the services of stronger, more specialized adepts beyond its Mana scarce borders.
  166. The recent actions of the La'Fielan royalty have caused tensions among its nobility, further exacerbated by the catastrophic state of foreign affairs, and displaced many of the working class from their homes. Whispers of civil war are abundant through the land now, with many factions looking towards House Valen for a sign of what's to come.
  172. Commonly referred to as the "City of Scholars", Ephlesia is little more than a single city which is nestled within a tall mountain range. Despite its relative size, the singular city of Ephlesia maintains its status as a sovereign nation; Due in part to the density of Aeons which have made their demesne within its rocky slopes.
  174. Initially no more than a research expedition by the Shrine, continued unearthing of long abandoned Ateliers arose the interest of the outside world in the previously barren mountain tops. It quickly became a hotspot for adepts seeking to make Pilgrimage, as well as petty thieves and ambitious military powers seeking to stake claim over one of the many hidden Relics and Revelations left behind, and thus became a region of great contest for some time.
  176. Seeking to maintain the sanctity of the Ateliers and their creators, the Shrine set forth a precedent to construct Ephlesia as a central hub, from which it could monitor and regulate the foreign actions being taken in regards to potentially vengeful Aeons and Mana. It would later gain the nickname 'City of Scholars', after becoming the primary base of the Artemis organization.
  178. Trade, travel, and all manner of interaction with Ephlesia is heavily restricted, and generally must first be certified by the Shrine, or Artemis, before goods or people can be moved across the border. Having little to no natural bounty of its own, Ephlesia relies heavily upon the bountiful trade of La'Fiel for a great many things.
  182. THE NORTH
  184. While it is not a country, the snowy lands which make up the north of the continent are as inhospitable as any place one could find.
  186. Inhabited almost entirely by innumerable amounts of small, wandering tribes, much of the north is considered a dead land. These tribes are mostly shamanistic in nature, preferring to court the wild Mana for guidance in their movements. They are greatly distrustful of Adepts, viewing their interaction with Mana to be blasphemous imposition upon the reigning Pillars. Ironically, they rely upon their shamans - People with great natural potential to become Adepts - to interact and communicate with the wild Mana.
  188. While their reliance on wild Mana for their survival is less than reliable, the fact that these tribes have not all died seems to imply some measure of success exists in their measures.
  190. It experienced a very brief period of activity when it was believed that Jinn itself had made its home in the north, due to a misunderstanding regarding the nature of a Mana which was found residing among its extremities. Many lives were lost in Pilgrimage amongst the Jinn Adepts as they travelled north, only to be slaughtered by the increasingly violent and xenophobic tribes in a combined effort to prevent the pilgrims from disturbing what they referred to as the 'Howling Tyrant'.
  192. An investigation by the Shrine would later clarify this to be an Aspiration class manifestation of previously unheard of scale, eventually gaining the official designation 'Mistral'.
  196. ---
  203. An organization not inaccurately described as a religious sect, the Shrine of Mana is a neutral 'third party' which holds a strong presence that transcends national borders. As their primary concern is that of paying respects to, and the pursuit of, Mana, they are often extremely careful to keep themselves as disassociated as possible with the politics of the various nations. It is precisely because of this, as well as the amount of Adepts naturally drawn to their cause, that they have come to be called upon and respected as arbiters in matters of international concern.
  205. The Shrine of Mana was initially founded as an order containing only Adepts, with the intent to provide their kind a community of support and safe haven against possible exploitation. It was only with the advent of the first Luna Adept did their goals broaden into the understanding of Mana, and from there, begin to extend its arms outwards to accept non-Adepts into their ranks. As knowledge of Mana began to spread, so too did the influence of the Shrine start to expand; These days, the Shrine's doors are open to anyone who wishes to seek solace in pursuit of understanding and meditation.
  207. While content to maintain their status quo, the discovery of the Atelier laden mountains of Ephlesia forced them to take a firm stance towards the other nations at the insistent urgings of the Luna Adepts - An action rumoured to have been a result of a direct missive from the Celestial Mana. This course of action put great pressure on the Shrine's multinational presence, which eventually forced a compromise to be made which allowed trade and closely verified travel to and from Ephlesia.
  209. It is because of this that the singular city came to be known as a sovereign country, despite its relatively diminutive size.
  211. Much of the Shrine's earliest history has been forgotten, supposedly passed down only through the arcane methods known to the information hungry Luna Adepts.
  215. ARTEMIS
  217. Artemis is an order founded, and run primarily by, Adepts of the Celestial Mana. Initially one and the same as the Shrine, gradually increasing disputes as to how to handle the management of Ephlesia eventually led to a cessation which would be felt through out the continent as the City of Scholars was usurped into the hands of the newly formed organization almost overnight.
  219. While Ephlesia currently serves as their home base, Artemis spread its wings through out every line previously held by the Shrine itself. From an official stand point, Artemis is considered to be under the jurisdiction of Luna's Dominion within the Shrine... However, these ties are commonly understood to be a simple formality. In reality, the relations between those of the Shrine and Artemis have remained strained since the conception of the Luna-centric organization, with many of the Adepts of Luna who chose to remain loyal to the Shrine being placed under extreme scrutiny by the rest of their peers.
  221. Having achieved a sphere of influence which transcended borders, it should come as no surprise that an organization populated by devotees and beloved of the Celestial Mana would immediately turn their newly found agency towards both the protection the protection of knowledge's sanctity, and the nurturing of its spread. While in this course of action has had mostly benign results, with a great deal of positive reputation having been generated for their efforts in providing an altruistic education, there are also reports of information that certain parties would prefer private eventually coming to light.
  223. Needless to say, Artemis has gathered its own fair share of enemies since its official founding - Chief among them: The La'Fielan Crown.
  227. VALEN
  229. A house of self-made nobility whose fame and reputation transcend national borders. Originally the name of a single roaming adventurer, their exploits alongside East Heaven's Lavender Sage paved the way for the bestowal of an unprecedentedly large grant of land. While the gift was initially meant to provide a home for the adventurer to return to, it would instead later be shared amongst a communion of nobles and merchants who would go on to found La'Fiel.
  231. It is not inaccurate to say that without House Valen, there would not be a La'Fiel at all; A fact which has all but cemented their incredible seat of power within the country. House Valen has historically acted in a laissez-faire manner towards the country it makes its home within, taking up the neutral role of arbitration between the Crown's politics and the desires of the La'Fiel merchantry and nobility - A course of action which pays its due respects to the Founder's wish to be left out of petty politic. In recent times, this neutrality has led to being strained relations on both fronts.
  233. While word of House Valen's presence being likened to a sleeping behemoth in the budding conflicts isn't uncommon, whose side they may wake for is still a matter of much contest.
  239. In the past, a collection of nobles and merchants gathered together under the banner of a single notable person, who in turn beseeched House Valen's Founder to aid them in the establishment of a country of their own. From that meeting would eventually spring forth the country of La'Fiel, built by their hands upon the lands once granted to House Valen. They split responsibility of the country in twain; Foreign politic and domestic policy were to be handled by the Crown, while trade and cultivation was left to the assorted merchantry and nobility.
  241. In the process of this, House Valen was granted a position of respect equal to the Crown itself. At the time, it was an act of gratitude and friendship... Which would, over time, become more and more of a formality as new generations were born into a world they held no part in making.
  243. Recently, the Crown has been more and more strict in their enforcement of domestic policy, and have even gone so far as to use their considerable influence to affect the management of certain trade practices. As more limits are pushed, the situation between the nobility and royals in La'Fiel will undoubtedly continue to worsen.
  245. Though it is not recorded as such in history, the discoveries within the Ice Queen's Atelier implied that the current royal family of La'Fiel is no longer the same bloodline which founded the country. Their bloodline ended in bitterness, with at least one of the royal children leaving her memories left behind within a crystal ball. The remaining child's whereabouts were lost to the pages of history, with only the echoed promise to meet his sibling in Carona to mark his disappearance.
  249. SLAVERS
  251. A facet of the criminal 'underground' of La'Fiel, slavery was a practice which was practiced freely among markets for quite some time.
  253. There were three types of slavery during this time:
  255. Those forced into it as a result of conflict. Prisoners of war, or notable houses which participated in blood feuds and came out the loser were often taken as slaves and sold by the victors as a way to both recoup a portion of the resources spent upon the conflict, as well as provide monetary incentive to attract supporters to your cause. This mercantile practice played a large part in establishing a formal etiquette to previously bloody affairs, with the business structure encouraging people being taken alive, as well as contributing to the establishment of formal guidelines regarding the handling of surrender.
  257. Those sold into it to accrue a profit. Just as victors could sell their enemies for monetary gain, so too could families establish contracts of temporary slavery in order to withdraw a loan. Until such time as the loan was repaid under the conditions agreed upon, slavers would legally hold onto the 'sold' individual and set them to all manner of work.
  259. Finally, those who willingly consigned themselves to it. For people without a grounding, nor practised skills or trade, the option of selling oneself into slavery promised a better alternative to simply starving. These types of slaves were often held for a probationary period, and worked as any other would until the length of their given contract expired. A portion of the profit gained from their labour was rationed back to them during this period, in the hopes that upon the termination of their slavery period they would have gained both funds to sustain themselves as well as useful skills to ply themselves.
  261. This system in its entirety was eventually driven from the public eye, as the current royal family of La'Fiel decreed the practice of slavery to be barbaric. Much of the slave trade was eventually dissolved under the scrutinizing hand of the Crown, leaving innumerable slaves and slavers alike to have the very pillars of their life and trade ripped out from under them.
  263. Since that time, the remnants of this structure have evidently reconvened outside of legal bounds. However, without the watchful eye of the public to hold the institution accountable for its trade, it was inevitable that the proprietors and customers of such a business would eventually find themselves drifting towards a much crueller, and altogether different, sort of practice than it had once been.
  269. A nomadic army that conquered Teranford. Their origin is a matter of mystery, with many believing that they are merely the puppet of another nation or organization. There are, however, theories that they truly are foreigners - Invaders from off the continent. Whatever the truth is, the fact of the matter is that their hostile invasion of Teranford brought the once proud country to its knees.
  271. Currently they occupy the territory formerly known as Teranford, having sold its citizens into slavery not long after their conquest was complete. Since East Heaven and La'Fiel both have their southern borders closed tightly, it is unknown what their next move may be. Perhaps of more concern, however, is the widely spread rumour that they had managed to teraform parts of Teranford's wasteland into a verdant bounty.
  275. FAE
  277. Friendly sprites that stand outside of time, looking into the mortal world through a distorted lens. Friendship with the Fae is easily won, and can span generations.
  279. Unfortunately, their twisted perspectives make this a far less appetizing thing than one might initially believe. A Fae values its friendships highly, and would by all rights prefer their mortal friends to be completely dependent upon them - Even if such dependence must be deliberately engineered. They will think nothing of orchestrating mishap, tragedy, or outright disaster if it means helping their beloved friends realize how much better off they would be if they just stopped having other friends.
  281. As read from the records of House Valen's Founder, it appears that the jealous nature of Fae may be more than a simple personality quirk. As there does not seem to be individual Fae, so much as a communion of them, their shared jealousy is capable of riling them into frenzies of desperation that has been observed to send their entire society into a flurry.
  283. House Valen is said to have a compact with the Fae, though the details and terms of this agreement are unknown. It seems that whatever it may be, Clara Valen believed it safe to entrust Irue's safety to their watch.
  285. ---
  291. IRUE(Valen)
  293. You!
  295. You are the 18 year old blood heir to House Valen, a title that used to mean so much more to you. You take great pride in your hair, a brilliant golden blonde which has grown exceedingly long over the years and, as far as you're concerned, goes exquisitely with the crimson eyes that the Valen family is known for.
  297. During your childhood you idolized your twin sister, often becoming swept up in her pace as she led the way forward - Even if that meant following her into mischief. Nearly ten years ago, the sibling you looked up to died alongside your parents in an incident along the La'Fiel-Teranford border - An event which led you to living alongside a friend of your late sister's, in a tucked away estate deep within House Valen's territory.
  299. There you spent much of your time studying Mana, and gaining a rather thorough understanding of the Shrine and what it represented. It is something of a sore point to you that despite years of dedication, you have maintained absolute nil favour from any of the Mana.
  301. When you finally broke out into the world, a result of your own hotheaded actions and efforts to avoid an arranged marriage, you discovered that the world was hardly as simple as you had believed. Since then you have walked more than you feel strictly necessary, felt the weight of responsibility that comes with your family name, and nearly fell apart under the pressure of being expected to lead people in a world where no direction seems to be the right one.
  303. You had barrelled forward on pure stubborn drive and swiftly found yourself broken. Tested yourself against the mettle of your peers and found yourself wanting. Denied that you would ever be so weak as to run away, and learned all to late what it meant to regret something.
  305. But in the end, the words you said never changed.
  307. You can't give up.
  311. ASCHE
  313. Your maid. Your aid. Your confidant. Your left hand. If you were being honest with yourself, your pillar.
  315. Perpetually laconic, with a face that barely seemed to have expressions, Asche had been taken in by your late sister when the two of you were very young. She had been there for as long as you could remember, but only after the tragedy of your family did she seem to finally come alive. When it had been only the two of you living in the mansion, she had stepped up without a word to become your everything; Single handedly taking on the duties of the house as if it were a simple matter.
  317. ...Which wasn't to say that it was a painless transition. Far from being naturally gifted, you still remembered nearly dying from how terrible Asche's cooking had been in the beginning. Her touch at cleaning had initially consisted entirely of purgery by cleansing flame, and any attempt to handle more delicate affairs had been... Disasterous.
  319. Persistence would eventually prove to be key, however, and no amount of failures seemed to deter Asche from trying again. As the years had passed, her competence had increased time and time again until it came to the point where you had legitimately thought of nothing of entrusting her with whatever errant thought crossed your mind. Be it house work or as your herald, Asche had grown indispensably at your side. More so than your cousin, Asche was someone you struggled to imagine your life without. In the time you spent growing up, you had in turn found yourself growing closer, and you prided the fact that you had eventually learned to divine her thoughts and concerns through the short exchanges and minute shifts on her otherwise emotionless visage.
  321. After you had taken up an interest in building a library in your study with Mana, you had encouraged Asche to acquire books of her own in an effort to keep her included - An inclusion that you would freely admit, if only to yourself, was merely a justification you made in order to not feel so nervous about starting such an undertaking on your own.
  323. Unfortunately, Asche's preferred books turned out to be trashy romance novels.
  327. KARA
  335. ARI
  339. DULLEM
  341. Captain of your knights and a man whose shoulders are so broad he could pass as a bear in a pinch. The man himself never had any interest in leading, and would be more than happy to spend the rest of his days toiling sweat onto his brow under the sun in a field somewhere. Life dealt him a different hand though, and one way or another he and many others found themselves evicted from their home and land as the Crown judged the land and villages to be unsatisfactorily managed. As the numbers of homeless began to grow, unrest turned to violence, and the dispossessed were compelled to take up arms in the burgeoning outrage.
  343. Caught in a Catch-22 without the ear of the Crown which had ruined them, nor the aid of the nobles who had seemingly abandoned them, they turned to brigandry... And in time, information drifted to them that the heir to House Valen itself lived alone and obscured in the westernmost woods of La'Fiel. Whispers led their journey across country, and Dullem eventually found himself thrust into the role of a leader simply because of his imposing stature and cautious nature.
  345. It was this sequence of events which would eventually lead to your meeting, and the self-same meeting where you had offered him a chance at salvation. Though, while the offer of knighthood was far more than any of them had believed they would receive, it came with a hefty blood price.
  347. It also officially nominated Dullem to be a nobility recognized leader of an auspicious corp of knights dedicated to one of the most important people in La'Fiel. A knight corp which, as Dullem was painfully aware, consisted of little more than villagers who had relied on naught but numbers and intimidation simply to get by in the past.
  349. Though he will never let it be said that he is ungrateful for the aid, Dullem will be the first to admit that he'd really rather be doing anything else.
  351. In a morbid way, the destruction of Carona allowed him just such an opportunity. Faced with the uncomfortable mantle of authority - both over the knights he led, and the people you now technically were responsible for - Dullem practically leaped at the chance to start repaying the debt he felt owed you, and all of House Valen, by throwing his all into the reconstruction effort of Carona.
  355. DOPPLERUE(Shade)
  357. An apparition of Shade formally known as a Doppleganger. It was born from the inadvertent use of the bracelet, and pulled to manifest unwillingly into this world.
  359. Naive and stubborn, your command over the bracelet's capabilities at the time were little more than passion driven reactions - Ones which led to the violent binding of the Doppleganger, forcing it to take your place in resolving the events which had been weighing heavily on their mind. This choice resulted in the formation of an apparition whose entire sense of self was cobbled together from the growing fragments of its summoner's insecurities, and one whose sole desire as a manifestation of those things was simply to run away.
  361. Despite its protestations, the Doppleganger did eventually come to find a way to muddle through the trials set before it; Repeated experiences serving to shed its sole identity as an apparition of Shade. As its own personal thoughts and desires grew stronger, its mentality gradually matured from that of a child thrust into a new world, to one not unlike a rebellious teenager attempting to find their place in life.
  363. Disillusioned and bitter towards Irue for its creation, and the manner in which your life and values had been forced upon it, the Doppleganger struggled to find its own reasons to exist - Ones devoid of the life it had been forced into living. It was this desperate desire to form an identity of its own which would eventually lead it to find its self-value in the reflections of others, and thus the seeds of humanity finally took root in its troubled psyche.
  365. This moment of stability was all too short, as it very quickly came face to face with the self-same trials of uncertainty and indecisiveness that had led to its own creation. The Doppleganger eventually found itself making choices similar to that of its summoner, and in time - Even if only within the privacy of its own thoughts - began to empathize with the words and actions of the figure it had loathed more than any other since its birth.
  367. Its relatively short life would end not long there after, as an encounter with Asche forced its developing identity to confront the concrete truth that it was merely a fragment of yourself; One piece of a whole. While it had struggled to make an identity and purpose for itself, the world it had begun to find meaning in still only looked to it as 'Irue', and in truth, it had no other name to give. Even if it were to continue living as someone else, the prospect of being forced to look into the place it had made for itself from the outside shook the Doppleganger to its core.
  369. The child's dying wish was that its parent never extend the thorned gift of life to anyone else, in the hopes that no one else would be forced to experience what it had.
  373. OAKENRUE(???)
  375. Wooden golems that resemble you. They have a habit of picking up words you use around them and warbling them back, but how much they actually understand language is highly debatable. In the past they've shown an inclination to go berserk around things too heavily aligned with Luna, and it seemes as if they shared a bizarre taste for flesh and blood along with Oakenbears.
  377. Thanks to the bracelet, you've been able to generally interact with them... But their existence remains an unsettling and somewhat mysterious topic. While on their own, they seem to range the gamut between curious and hostile, they seemed to become almost starved for attention and affection once befriended.
  379. They're probably affilitated with the Fae, and if recent realizations hold true, may be connected to a Mana as well.
  383. CAYLEN(Valen / ???)
  385. Your dear cousin, and your closest friend since childhood. Caylen was something of an unfortunate child, who had taken traits in equal measure from his parents, only to find that he was wholly unsuited for the life he had been born into.
  387. You fondly recall how pitiful he had been as a child, and how easy it had been for your sister to bully him into following her lead. Rarely confident enough to speak up for himself, Caylen could only get dragged into mess after adventurous mess as he tried to keep up with the whirlwind that was Ariel... And of course, you had followed. Even as a child though, he had protected you; From the times you would trip, to when your grip slipped. From disgruntled maids, and occasionally even from Alouette's own scoldings, Caylen had always been there to step forward and shield you - Even when your sister hadn't been there to shirk the consequences of her actions onto him.
  389. After the loss of your parents and sister, you had withdrawn into yourself. At that time, it was only the persistent presence of Asche and Caylen which refused to leave you alone, and it was to those two which you had clung as you recovered... Even though Caylen himself had been all but useless in helping console you.
  391. You had since grown very possessive of him. He had inherited his father's ability to worm his way into the hearts of those around him, but lacked any such awareness of his own position - A fact which would repeatedly result in him accidentally slipping into dangerous crowds... And perhaps more concerningly, it attracted harpies. As the two of you grew older, your time with him had become sparser and sparser each year, and it became a fulltime committment to keep him out of the claws of whatever swooning trash he had picked up since the last time you saw him.
  393. It was only recently that you had learned that his continued residence near you had been a result of his self-imposed role of being your guardian; A role which, after you had butted heads with him over a variety of things, he had been forcibly relieved of at the end of your Rite.
  395. Perhaps most frustrating was that he had inherited his mother's sense of justice... And none of her martial prowess. Having been aware of the state of the country for much longer than you, Caylen's desire to take action and make a difference had burned into him far deeper than you had first realized - Undoubtedly helped along by the whispered lures of the bitch who had most recently shown up on his arm.
  397. Whatever role he was supposed to serve as some Goddess' Champion, you weren't having any of it.
  401. ALOUETTE(Valen)
  403. The captain of your cousin's guards, as well as a caretaker whom you remember watching over your cousin, sister and yourself when you were much younger. To this day your spine snaps straight in response to her voice, as it had typically heralded being discovered doing something you weren't meant to be doing. Now that you've grown older, you view the woman with a certain nostalgic fondness. The stern discipline she had consistently instilled in you as a child felt warmer now, and it was only after you yourself had begun to mature did you finally start to notice the little exceptions she made for you.
  405. Apart from being your caretaker however, Alouette's affinity with Wisp is of a potency that many of the Shrine's Adepts would be dead pressed to comprehend. While never being particularly interested in meditations, it was Alouette's own uncompromising personality which led the swordswoman to refining her affinity with the healing Mana through strict and constant endeavours to improve herself. It was this near single minded focus on her training which eventually led her to your aunt's notice, and would in turn result in her current station.
  407. Despite her affinity with Wisp, Alouette's ability to interact and call upon the Mana is close to nil; A fact attributed to the overwhelmingly one-sided affections of the Mana, for Alouette herself holds no interest in.
  411. MARAN JENSEITS(???)
  413. This maneating whore.
  414. (Note to self: Finish entry later)
  415. (Note to self: Entry finished)
  419. CLARA(Valen)
  421. Your aunt, and one of the acting stewards of House Valen. While much of your recent life feels as if you had been dancing in the palm of her hand, your childhood memories of the woman weren't unkind. She was dignified, and for as long as you can remember, she had stood as the epitome of everything you had strove to be.
  423. Uncompromising. Relentless. A woman whose very presence was a weapon in and of itself. 'Clara Valen' was a name that carried spine buckling weight comparable to an errant force of nature... But to you, her poise had been nothing but an inspiration. There had been a time when you honestly believed the woman to be magic; That by her will alone, she could have made the world itself bend-knee.
  425. Beyond the mantle was a mother who doted on her child, and an aunt that had never once suffered you to want for anything. While your memories of your parents have long grown hazy over the years, she had always been a close confidant of your father and mother... Even if it was inevitable that she would start quarreling with the latter. According to Alouette, it was a rivalry formed on sight - And one that the two women were loathe to part with.
  427. You have never seen this woman's back bend; An indomitable blade forged of human flesh, parting the world itself in her wake.
  431. BYRN(Valen)
  433. Your uncle, and one of the acting stewards of House Valen. Far less imposing than his wife, Byrn could easily be described as a jolly man who was far too energetic for someone of his girth. A smile was never far from him his face, and it seemed he would always have something to say no matter the topic; Where your aunt brought the world to its knees, your uncle would (and has) been the glue which bound various walks of life.
  435. He had never been impressive in your eyes, perhaps overshadowed at every step by the stride of the titan he called a wife, but his was a subtle talent. Through guile and friendship alone, Byrn's skill at mediation was a testament to his amiability. From the stuffiest royals, secured upon satin sheets with silver spoon affixed firmly in place, to peasants who woke and slept through grime and soot, the fact that Byrn himself seemed to have no presence to speak of simply allowed him to slip into people's hearts that much easier.
  437. Jovial, agreeable, and a smoother way with words than any you had ever known, Byrn was probably the only man in the world who had the brilliant idea to cajole Clara Valen into bed. The fact it had WORKED was an accomplishment that left scholars and historians baffled.
  439. However, it wasn't inaccurate to describe the man as a shadow to his wife. Where she stood facing the light, Byrn Valen's depths were an ocean of darkness. He never once forgot his friends, nor the things they dreamed of, or the people they knew. A 'favour' from him could single handedly stretch across country, reaching nearly every walk of life imaginable. Disarming and unassuming, the change between a genuine smile and knife to be held at your throat was indiscernable upon his face. Before the man had a single title to his name, he had been powerful... With the addition of the Valen name, that power was enough to give the most trecherous of courts pause.
  441. Infuriating love of puns aside, Byrn was someone with whom you never truly grew to trust. You could never get the man to take you - or anything! - seriously, and you still hadn't forgiven him for that time he gave you a candy made of peppers.
  443. And then, after laughing at your reaction, apologized by giving you another candy. Also made of peppers.
  447. RCotFP(Crown)
  449. The Royal Cousin of the First Prince. He was one of the arbiters of your Rite, and seemed to be a book enthusiast... But other than his persistent friendliness and offers to exchange favours with you, you don't really know the man.
  451. His position in the royal family makes you understandably wary of trusting him at any rate, though it is currently your only link towards learning what may be going on within the Crown's halls.
  455. MIM(Shrine - Luna)
  457. Representative of Luna at the Shrine of Carona. Mim is a young girl, barely into her teens, whose precocious nature and preternaturally high affinity with Luna resulted in her gaining a position meant for someone far more mature. Her family is unknown, and at this point likely to be long gone, as she has been in the care of the Shrine as an orphan for as long as she could remember. Whether it was this particular childhood, or the influence of Luna, Mim grew to consider stories to be the most valuable thing one could have.
  459. She's shown an uncanny interest in you from the moment you met, and has gone out of her way several times to contact you with suspicious offers of favours and aid. Given her position as Representative, and the particular Mana which has become so taken with her, you've remained understandably wary of any such attempts and thus duly rejected them at every turn. If you didn't know better, you might have mistaken her stubborn attempts as some kind of effort to be friends.
  461. Despite her repeated protests of being unable to read minds, conversations with her often leave you feeling cheated somehow... And, in some cases, moderately violated.
  467. PRIAT(Shrine - Salamander)
  469. Former Representative of Salamander at the Shrine of Carona. Priat is a man ill-resembling the Mana he represents, and was perhaps the meekest of the various Representatives; More prone to apologizing and bowing his head, or simply choosing to avoid getting involved, than any display of heated passion. Though you've learned that he hails from the now conquered nation of Teranford, it seems that only having your flame haired Testament in close proximity has served to light a proverbial flame under his ass to skip town and do his part in trying to locate the people from his home who had been long sold into slavery.
  471. While he occasionally shows signs of having well deserved the title of Salamander's Representative, you personally have never actually seen the man do more than take up space. It is, as he has personally admitted, a bad habit of his to deliberately shirk his responsibilities if it seems as if the matter has been handled already by someone else. While some may argue this is the trait of a man who knows when his presence is and isn't required, you're of the opinion it just makes him useless.
  473. Unfortunately, he has become your pledged ally. While you're doubtful of what you'll actually get out of this arrangement, he's taken the oath quite seriously.
  475. Of the Representatives of Carona's Shrine, Priat alone is truly an outsider. Perhaps it is because of this that he had stepped past the usual distrust and tension regarding Luna Adepts in order to befriend Mim.
  481. KYLO(Shrine - Undine)
  483. Representative of Undine at the Shrine of Carona. A cool headed man who dislikes the habit of placing a price on knowledge that so many nobles have adopted from the Luna dominion, he remained composed and reserved even when faced with the proposition of an unconquered Atelier aligned with his Mana. Kylo is a man who much prefers to keep his thoughts to himself, and silently encourages the circulation of thoughts and bonds in those around him.
  485. However his silence is as intimidating as it is comforting, and many who have come seeking succor or advice from the man have found themselves leaving unsatisfied and disquieted with his vague wisdom and unresponsive demeanor.
  487. Aside from Priat, he is perhaps the only person who willingly tolerates Mim's idiosyncracies for any length of time. It became a habit of hers for many years to try and elicit a reaction from him, and to this day she has failed to achieve more than an awkward headpat.
  489. Maybe he's just shy?
  493. PENELOPE(Shrine - Gnome)
  495. Representative of Gnome at the Shrine of Carona. A stalwart woman(?) whose name ill suits her mountainous frame. When you first met her, the muscle bound Gnome Adept had proven herself to be just as stubbornly committed to tradition and the defense of her allies as Roderick had been, and pretty much cemented the feeling that you would probably never get along with people favoured by Gnome.
  497. Despite barely knowing you, she had immediately taken up opposition to your cause due to your previous indignant dealings with an attendant of Gnome in Carona. While she has since maintained that future dealins with you should be avoided, Penelope has taken the construction of Carona on as a personal penance for her own perceived failings in supporting the now departed Roderick. She, as well as many others of the Gnome dominion in Carona, have taken it upon themselves to assist the citizens in excavation and reconstruction.
  499. Despite, or perhaps because of, their opposing natures, Penelope seems to have a strenuous relationship with Hraes and considers his morose mood unacceptable. She has publicly derided the reactions of Jinn's dominion as selfish sulking, and in doing so, served only to foster more ill will towards the relatively inactive dominion.
  505. HRAES(Shrine - Jinn)
  507. Representative of Jinn at the Shrine of Carona. A windblown man with an easy going personality. You had very little interaction with him, but he seemed the type who could get along amiably with just about anyone. Although his attention was apt to stray, wanderlust was something you had come to expect from someone beloved the wind itself.
  509. He took his responsibilities quite seriously however, and no matter how far afield he would wander, Carona's well being would always be a beacon for him to rush back to. In the wake of its destruction at the hands of the Banshee - An apparition of Jinn - Hraes took it harder than any else, and has hardly been seen moving from his place within the Shrine. There, he waited to help the victims grieve... And when the distrust and malcontent with Jinn began to show, he instead turned his attention towards offering what little relief he could provide in the form of a cooling breeze.
  511. The skies above Carona have remained clear since that day, as he and his adepts have taken very strict steps towards preventing the reconstruction from being hindered by bad weather.
  515. MARCHOVIC(Shrine - Shade)
  517. Representative of Shade at the Shrine of Carona. A daredevil-esque man who seems only all to willing to throw himself into dangerous situations simply because it seems interesting. Your brief time with him left a favorable impression between the two of you, as he held little but approval and encouragement for the way you had resolved to save your Testament. While he hadn't been able to personally assist you at the time, he had certainly wasted no time in martialing the rest of his Shade Adepts in the aftermath to help handle the fall out of Carona's destruction.
  519. Despite his sharktoothed smile and devil-may-care demeanor, Marchovic is perhaps the most empathetic of the Shrine Representatives, and prides his judge of character and merit to be second to none. Though he should be officially considered the one responsible for helping the citizens of Carona cope with, and move on from, their grief... That role has fallen to Lium, as the public image of Shade is less than comforting to most.
  521. He sent you a hand written letter asking for formal permission to engage in Shrine Sanctioned Ass Kicking, and has since kept the letter on his person to flash at people who objected to him going on Oakenbear hunts or tracking down mercenaries yet to flee the town. Or generally whatever else he feels like doing, really.
  525. LIUM(Shrine - Wisp)
  527. Representative of Wisp at the Shrine of Carona. You know very little about the man himself, other than the fact that he is blind. In the sparse amount of time you spent around the man, he never once rose to the more hotblooded taunting from the Shade Representative, even though he showed an obvious and blatant disdain for the man's affiliation, and the man himself.
  529. Even so, his council was soft spoken and measured.
  533. RODERICK (Shrine - Gnome - Dead)
  535. An attendant of Gnome at the Carona Shrine. He was an older man, built just as solidly and unyielding as his sense of morals had been. Infuriated by your lack of respect in entering the Shrine, and further outraged by the presence of a demihuman in its halls, he had done everything in his power to both scold and remove you from the premises. Unfortunately, his best had simply not been good enough, and he only served to become a frustrating thorn in your side.
  537. When push came to shove, and he got the authorities involved, you had personally bitten off a chunk of the man's hand in the ensuing squabble. Multiple months later, this wound was left deliberately unhealed despite ready access to healers, as proof of his validity when claiming offenses at your hand. This particular incident single handedly led to a long series of events in your life, which would eventually lead you back to the gates of Carona with a small corp of knights at your back in an attempt to reclaim your maid and Testament.
  539. In the end, the charges he filed against you were dropped. Not by any lenience on his part, but because the man himself perished in the defense and evacuation of Carona... Even after you had taken every step and measure to implicate him as a criminal in order to discredit him.
  543. MARO (Demihuman)
  545. The previous leader of Kara's demihuman pack. When you met him he was a confient man who practically exuded the power and self-assurance of a man in control.
  547. Unfortunately, his attempt to throw his weight around while your nerves and temper were still perilously frayed after the death of Dopplerue proved to be a mistake he would come to deeply Regret. Since that time, he has spent his time searching desperately for solace at the bottom of whatever bottle he may have on hand, and was deposed of his previous position as Leader by none other than the mutt he had treated a pariah.
  551. RAID (Demihuman)
  553. Your demihuman Testament's little brother, whom she dotes on unreservedly. Raid has shown the most promising recovery of his surviving pack, having successfully made it through the month's threshold without committing suicide to escape the crushing emotional stress. While part of you can't help but wonder how much of that recovery was due to his own integrity, as opposed to the fretful care of his older sister, you've taken it upon yourself to establish an amiable relationship with the family that Kara values so highly.
  555. And in turn, he seems to have taken an interest in you.
  559. MAYOR (Carona - Dead)
  561. The Mayor of Carona. If he had a name, you never asked. Truthfully, you never cared.
  563. While you don't know the full details behind his failed grass roots attempt to become independent, it was ultimately your direct intervention which put an end to his patriotic ambitions. Perhaps the man could have been talked out of it if you had encountered him earlier, but it was his own mistake of involving your Testament in his schemes that proved the last straw to you.
  565. Of everyone who fell in the Banshee's rampage through Carona, it was the Mayor's blood which personally coated your hands. You followed him to the very end, broke his spirit, and then denied the man even the instant release of suicide as you left him to die in the darkness beneath Carona.
  569. JACK (Carona - Dead?)
  571. Son of a pub owner in Carona, and Jill's older brother. He seemed friendly enough for what little time you spent with him, and realized quickly how much he cared about his sister.
  573. While he didn't stick around for long, you did glimpse the beginnings of a roguish skill set that was ill expected of a simple waiter... However, regardless of his comfort and ease in picking locks and whatever else he may have been hiding, he was ultimately a civillian that you didn't want involved in your problems.
  575. With the pub repurposed as a command center after the Banshee's rampage, you have no idea what Jack is doing now - Or if he even survived.
  579. JILL (Carona - Dead?)
  581. Daughter of a pub owner in Carona, and a girl whose dreams called her to something more than her quiet country life. She was the first to volunteer her aid to help you find your Testament during your infiltration of Carona, and despite your continued attempts to keep her at arm's length, the stubborn girl had dug in her heels and continued to find ways to involve herself in your business.
  583. In the end her desperation to escape a life she viewed as a prison drove her to begging you to make her a part of your operation... A plea you awkwardly attempted to sidestep out of concern for her well being. In the end, had you honestly been one to talk of whether someone deserved the chance to break out of their cage and see the world...?
  585. You parted on bitter terms, and in the wake of Banshee's rampage, you've little idea what's become of her.
  589. YURI (???)
  591. A travelling merchant you encountered on the way to your aunt and uncle's. While amiable and of generally good cheer, you doubt he'll be making any kind of profit trying to sell pet trees in a country covered in forests.
  593. None the less, having only recently made his way across the La'Fiel-Teranford border, you directed him towards Rinnier in hopes of delivering her some useful information regarding the state of her fallen country.
  597. SLAVEMASTER (???)
  599. If he had a proper name, you never cared to ask at the time. In retrospect, your encounter with this ginger haired business man was the introduction to the rest of your life - And the Testaments you would eventually come to build a rapport with.
  601. Though you never spent much time thinking of him, he had provided unusually high quality 'goods'. Having a struck a deal with him that net the man a particularly hefty sum at the end of the day, you recall the man having a good impression of you as a potential customer in the future... Even if that approval was not necessarily mutual.
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