
Anonymous Bravo in: A Royal Pain

Apr 18th, 2012
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  1. Anonymous Bravo in: A Royal Pain
  2. >this was it
  3. >the most important meeting you were going to have in this world
  4. >and you couldn't screw it up
  5. "Uhhh, I don't know, mama, can't I just say I'm sick or something?"
  6. >Twilight Sparkle looks at you straight in the ... err...sunglasses and responds with a serious tone
  7. >"Anonymous, this meeting with the princesses is absolutely vital! You're the only one of your species, and you're lucky enough that you don't have to be the representative of your entire species!"
  8. "Yeah, what a shame."
  9. >she doesn’t respond to your sarcasm, and instead begins a long tirade as she leads you through the hallway to the throne room
  10. >remembering the important protocol, blah blah, bowing, blah blah, crowns, blah blah princesses
  11. >you move your hand open and closed as she talks
  12. >then it finally hits you
  13. “Heyy, waitaminute. Princesses are chicks, aren’t they?”
  14. >”Yes…?”
  15. >she looks confused, as though she wanted to say: you didn’t figure that out already?
  16. “Well then, what are we waiting for?”
  17. >you zip right on down to the doors of the throne room with a speed previously only reached by Pinkie Pie
  18. >nigh instantaneous
  19. >you swing open the doors as Twilight reaches you
  20. >”Wait! Anon! don’t make a-”
  21. >she stops dead in her tracks as she sees that Celestia and Luna are in attendance with some of the most influential p0nies in Equestria in attendance
  22. >and they are all
  23. >staring
  24. >at
  25. >YOU
  26. >”…scene.”
  27. >Twilight barely squeaks the last word, and retreats into herself, slowly shuffling behind you
  28. “Hey, don’t worry momma, ah got ya.”
  29. >you lift her with one arm, hoisting her like a weight a few times
  30. >monocles
  31. >monocles everywhere
  32. >they pop off like wine corks
  33. “Yeah, I make that impression on ponies—especially the mares. Rrrowrr.”
  34. >Princess Luna giggles at your antics. It seems the air was thick with tension before you came crashing in
  35. >you zip right on over to the two empty chairs, and place Twilight in the one farthest away from the princesses
  36. >she is frozen at this point, and doesn’t take any notice
  37. >you scooch your chair over, closer to the princesses very surreptitiously…not like you know the word
  38. >and it does you no good, seeing as everyp0ny’s eyes are glued to you save for Princess Celestia
  39. >not that you care
  40. >as you get closer, the p0nies inbetween you and the princesses force their gazes away, and try not to move
  41. > you stopped from advancing any further as you are lifted out of the air as you are engulfed in a purple aura
  42. >Princess Celestia clears her throat loudly as you are placed back beside momma Sparkle
  43. >”Well, that’s certainly an interesting way to make an entrance, sir… Anonymous, I believe Twilight said.”
  44. “That’s me baby-HUH!”
  45. >you pose like you’re holding a skull in Hamlet
  46. >again, Luna laughs, but seriouses the heck up from a withering glare by her elder sister
  47. >”So tell us, Anonymous, what of your homelands?”
  48. “Well, its kinda like here, except everyone’s humans instead of p0nies.”
  49. >this elicits a nervous chuckle from Twilight
  50. >”Well, I mean I have heard much about you from my dear student, Twiight, but I would like to hear more about your world as a whole?”
  51. “Now, ah don’t know about a hole, but it’s called ‘Earth’”
  52. >you use airquotes
  53. “It’s kind of the same, like ah said, except all the animals can talk.”
  54. >now this news gets a reaction from her-namely interest
  55. >“Truly? Even chickens?”
  56. “Yyyyyuh-huh.”
  57. >you mutter to yourself
  58. “…the cheeky plucks…”
  59. >”What was that?”
  60. “Nuttin.”
  61. >”Astounding, so your world is in much harmony as well?”
  62. “Nope. Sorry big momma, closest thing we’ve got is a harmonica!”
  63. >You pull one out for emphasis, and play a few bars of your theme song
  64. >“Hmm, a shame. Well I don’t believe I’ve introduced myself yet, I am Princess Celestia, co-ruler of Equestria and raiser of the sun. This is my sister Luna, who controls the moon, the other co-ruler.”
  65. >Luna sighs
  66. >“Nice to meet thou, Anon.”
  67. “Yeah, swell. Now hold on there, baby-you raise the sun?“
  68. >“Well yes, but I also-”
  69. “But enough about you, baby-HUH-I’m made of hot stuff too. You wanna try getting a raise outta me? Wink!”
  70. >all the monocles that were replaced popped out like rocket ships, pegging you in the face
  71. >Luna looks like she’s going to bust a gut with silent laughter
  72. >Celestia herself doesn’t flinch, but her mane flashes from the soft tones of dawn to a hard grey for a half a second
  73. >Twilight goes pale
  74. >”Why, you’re quite the charmer, aren’t you? I suppose in a world where all species are sentient, race would have no boundaries on you, would they?”
  75. “Not at all missy, did you know where ah come from, people kept mistaking me for The King?”
  76. >”Really? Do tell!”
  77. >Celestia is no longer feigning interest, but rather struggling and shivering every few seconds as you speak
  78. “Ah know, right? I l know ah’m handsome, but there isn’t any room on mah head for a crown!”
  79. >Luna giggles and whispers something to Celestia
  80. >”It sounds like there’s plenty of room IN IT though!”
  81. >but you don’t catch that, your attention is caught by Celestia’s flowing mane
  82. >wow, if her hair was any better looking, you’d have some serious competition
  83. >huh? It just turned grey for a second there
  84. >eyes must be playing tricks on you
  85. >Twilight speaks up as the awkward silence began to affect the room
  86. >”Well, Anonymous has been very kind and helpful down in Ponyville, and we all love to have him there, regardless of his … uh… eccentricities.”
  87. “Aww, thanks momma.”
  88. >you wrap Twilight in a big hug, and she squeaks again
  89. >Twilight had been just like your momma to you since you came to Ponyville, and you let her know when you appreciated her help each and every time, like a dutiful son
  90. >what Celestia saw, however, was a muscle-y blonde maned human with large black eyes wrapping himself all around her faithful student
  91. >her mane faded to gray for the last time and hangs solidly in the air, no longer flowing
  92. >her tongue falls out of her mouth
  93. >”And of course, a young stallion like you has his…eccentricities…his …habits…his particular…strengths?”
  94. >Luna looks at her in horror, then back to you
  95. >she teleports out of there
  96. >the other p0nies in the room follow suit, hastily re-re-collecting their monocles before excusing themselves and taking leave
  97. >”Perhaps you have a liking for…bananas?”
  98. “Mmmmmaybe. Who wants to know?”
  99. >”Well Princess Celestia does…but for tonight, I’m just a mare, and you’re just a stallion…hmmhmmhmm…how do you feel about pie?”
  101. >you unceremoniously drop Twilight to the ground
  102. >“Right this way…I believe…in my living quarters.”
  103. “Y’don’t have to tell me twice! Catch ya later momma! Ah’ve got a date with the white pony that raises the su~un!”
  104. >you are Twilight Sparkle
  105. >minutes later, you managed to retrieve your ward, Anonymous, from the clutches of your mentor who had gone temporarily insane
  106. >you are dragging him away from something that could have scandalized the princess
  107. “You’ll thank me later, Anon.”
  108. >”CALL ME!”
  109. >anonymous cries out to Celestia, who leans dreamily out of the doorframe and blows him another kiss
  110. >his face is covered in lipstick, but his clothes are still on
  111. >thank..well…Luna, you guess. Celestia isn’t quite in her right mind
  112. >a few hours later you are both back at the library: yours, Spike’s, and now Anonymous’ home
  113. >Anon gets right back to fixing his ‘do while your friends all come to ask you how it went
  114. >”So how’d it go?” Rainbow Dash asks, worried, “Did anyp0ny ask him out?”
  115. “…I don’t wanna talk about it.”
  116. END
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