
In Which Emms is a Silly Pony (Pt 2)

Jun 1st, 2013
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  1. [1:05:10 AM] Globebutt:
  2. [1:05:45 AM] Emms: those pictures helped my mood some
  3. [1:05:49 AM] Emms: so thank you
  4. [1:09:59 AM] Globebutt:
  5. [1:12:58 AM] Emms: fun in the leaaaves
  6. [1:13:52 AM] Globebutt:
  7. [1:14:11 AM] Emms: you made me make noise
  8. [1:15:33 AM] Globebutt: Then I succede.
  9. [1:15:53 AM] Emms: eeevil
  10. [1:16:14 AM] Globebutt: Globebutt starts rubbing Emms behind an ear. "Don't pretend you're not cute."
  11. [1:16:32 AM] Emms: srdfssdag
  12. [1:16:41 AM] Emms: Emms tries to not lean "noooo I'm not"
  13. [1:17:21 AM] Globebutt: Oh, yes you are.
  14. [1:17:25 AM] Globebutt: Cute little silly pony.
  15. [1:17:30 AM] Globebutt: Globebutt rubs below Emms' chin
  16. [1:17:37 AM] Emms: fddsafdsg
  17. [1:17:39 AM] Emms: must
  18. [1:17:39 AM] Emms: not
  19. [1:17:42 AM] Emms: provide proof
  20. [1:17:51 AM] Globebutt:
  21. [1:18:03 AM] Emms: safdgg
  22. [1:18:07 AM] Emms: eeeeevil
  23. [1:21:57 AM] Globebutt: Such a silly pony.
  24. [1:22:02 AM] Globebutt: Suuuch a silly pony.
  25. [1:22:07 AM | Edited 1:22:10 AM] Globebutt: Globebutt ruffles the stallion's mane
  26. [1:22:16 AM] Emms: bsfdfsdfaf
  27. [1:22:20 AM] Emms: nnnneee
  28. [1:24:41 AM] Emms: I am nooot
  29. [1:24:51 AM] Globebutt: Are too~
  30. [1:25:23 AM] Emms: noope
  31. [1:26:13 AM] Emms: I am now the serious pony
  32. [1:26:26 AM] Globebutt:
  33. <Mckinnley> oh god globe i can see night in all of those pictures
  34. [1:26:41 AM] Emms: that sounds adorable.
  35. [1:27:22 AM] Globebutt: Like you~
  36. [1:27:28 AM] Globebutt: Globebutt chinscratchies
  37. [1:28:00 AM] Emms: Emms lifts his chin a litttle "nnngngnnng whyyyy?"
  38. [1:30:03 AM] Globebutt: 'Cuz you're a silly pony who does cute things.
  39. [1:30:39 AM] Emms: name one thing.
  40. [1:30:49 AM] Globebutt: You make cute noises.
  41. [1:31:00 AM] Emms: so
  42. [1:31:05 AM] Globebutt: It's cute.
  43. [1:31:15 AM] Emms: mnneeeeh
  44. [1:35:09 AM] Emms: eeeeviiiiil
  45. [1:35:17 AM] Globebutt: Silly.
  46. [1:35:54 AM] Emms: Emms pouts
  47. [1:36:05 AM] Globebutt: Globebutt boops Emms' nose
  48. [1:36:46 AM] Emms: eep!
  49. [1:36:57 AM] Globebutt: Globebutt smiles
  50. [1:37:06 AM] Emms: Emms pouts more
  51. [1:37:08 AM] Emms: eeeevil
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