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Oct 7th, 2015
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  1. Ability Scores: Array of 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8. You also have 6 points.
  2. - Increasing a score up to 13 costs 1 point each
  3. - Increasing a score 14 or 15 costs 2 points
  4. - Increasing a score to 16 or 17 costs 3 points
  6. Every class with a d4 Hit Dice now uses a d6 instead
  8. You receive a hit point bonus equal to your full Constitution score. You always take the average value of your HD for increasing max HP. A level 1 Fighter with 12 CON would have 18 HP.
  10. All classes have two Good saves and one Poor save, and you're free to choose which ones those are
  12. Every class with 2 skill points per level now gains 4 skill points per level instead
  14. 1 skill point = 1 rank, but cross-class skills don't get the free +3 rank increase.
  16. 200gp to start, but don't sweat all the little camping supplies and bits and bobs. Mostly just think about what weapons and armor you'll have. I'm not even going to track ammo.
  18. If you want to use third-party supplements, just let me know where you're taking them from. I'll allow just about anything from the official books.
  20. Action Points - you start with 5 Action Points. You can spend them to:
  21. - Add a d6 to a d20 roll
  22. - Reroll a failed saving throw
  23. - Activate a limited-use class feature/ability
  24. - Automatically negate a critical threat against you
  25. - Automatically confirm a critical threat you've made
  26. - Make an additional attack, or take an additional move action (once per turn only)
  27. They refresh back up to 5 with every level-up
  29. The 15 minute working day: I'd rather we use some form of 13th Age's mechanic where the benefit of a full heal-up and daily ability recharge is mostly based on where we are in the plot/encounters-per-day rather than an actual 8-hour time period. We can have a discussion on this if need be.
  31. Sneak Attack for anyone that has it works against anything and everything that's caught flat-footed or flanked. Similarly, anything can be critted.
  33. No magical item creation
  35. No strict tracking of alignment.
  37. Elevator pitch for the starting adventure: a ziggurat rose out of the ground just beyond the imperial borders, and you have been sent by the Emperor to investigate.
  39. (I'm deliberately keeping things light on detail so we can flesh out the world collaboratively as we go along)
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